Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1) Page 19

by Michelle Hercules

  “I think you’re right,” I say.

  “How about you, Daisy? Did you leave any poor bastard with a broken heart when you enrolled at Gifted Academy?”

  I snort. “No. I didn’t have time to date. Between school and waitressing—”

  “And stripping,” Bryce adds with a cheeky smile.

  His comment should make me mad as hell, but funnily enough, I don’t care. “Shut up. That was only one time, and only because I was desperate.”

  “What did you need the money for?” he asks.

  I stare at him through slits. “What’s up with the police interrogation?”

  “Sorry.” He furrows his brow and pinches his lips. “Was that impolite to ask? I’ve been told before that I have the social grace of a teaspoon.”

  “And who was the brave soul who said that to your face?” I ask mockingly. But honestly, I want to know.

  “My mother,” he replies with a deep sigh.

  “Is she not nice?”

  “That’s a way to put it.”

  “What about your father?”

  Bryce raises an eyebrow as his lips curl into a smirk. “Now who’s playing cop?”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

  Someone bumps into me from behind, pushing me against Bryce. Now there’s absolutely zero gap between our bodies. I attempt to step back, but he holds me firmly in place. To be honest, I didn’t try that hard. Like the idiot I am, I lift my chin, locking eyes with him. The entire world seems to slow down around us, the music and the sound of people’s laughter fading into the background.

  “Daisy?” He says my name so low, it feels like a caress.


  “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  I stop moving, breathing, everything. My tongue feels thick in my mouth. This is crazy and reckless, but I want it so bad. I should say hell no, push him away. Instead, I simply stare at Bryce like a deer caught in headlights.

  He lets go of my waist to cup my cheeks with both hands. I close my eyes, dizziness hitting me so hard that I would sway on the spot if it weren’t for Bryce holding me still. When his lips softly brush against mine, it tingles. But when his tongue darts out and probes my lips open a little more, I’m hit by a category five hurricane. My fingers press against his wide back as I rise onto my tiptoes, deepening the kiss myself.

  Holy fuck. I’m kissing an Idol. I must have lost my mind, and I don’t care. I’ve never kissed someone who tasted like a thunderstorm, who makes me feel alive in every possible way. Well, I don’t know what a thunderstorm tastes like. Does it even have any taste?

  Ugh, shut up, brain.

  Bryce’s lips move away from mine to pepper my jaw and then my neck with mind-numbing kisses. My toes curl inside my cowboy boots, and the need to get closer to him, to remove all barriers between our bodies, is overwhelming. He traces my shoulders, then my sides with the tips of his fingers, scorching my skin through my shirt. When he brushes the underside of my breasts, I let out a moan so filled with raw need that it would’ve mortified me if I wasn’t already lost in the moment.

  “Bryce,” I whisper.

  “Yes, Daisy?” He fuses his lips with mine again.

  I don’t reply for a moment, too wrapped up in the feel of his tongue against mine, in the touch of his hands on my body. He pulls back slightly and waits for me to continue, watching me with eyes that are brighter than before, the color akin to molten gold.

  “I don’t know what I was going to say.”

  He smiles lazily. “Good. I think I’d rather you use your mouth for something else.” He leans down again but freezes a breath away from my mouth.

  A second later, he pulls back completely, as if he’d been yanked by an elastic band.

  “Bryce? What’s wrong?”

  Gone is the easygoing, lust-infused expression of a second ago. “I sense my brother. He’s nearby. He must be looking for me.”

  “You can sense your brother?” I ask in a high-pitched voice. “Can you all do that?”

  Bryce doesn’t answer my question. “He can’t find me here with you. I have to go.”

  He turns around and walks away. Like an idiot, I follow him. “Bryce, wait.”

  He veers straight for the table where Toby and Rosie are.

  “Dude, we gotta go. Like right now.” Bryce tells Toby.

  Toby’s eyes widen right before he shoots out of his seat. “What happened?”

  “I don’t have time to explain. Come on.”

  Toby switches his attention to me. “What about Daisy?”

  Bryce finally glances at me. His eyes are turbulent and cold, and I feel like a bucket of icy water has been dumped over my head. Feeling small and stupid, I hug my middle as my shoulders hunch forward.

  “Daisy has to stay.” His reply is hard and final.

  “But—” Toby starts.

  “Toby, go with Bryce,” I tell him. “I’ll be okay. I’ll crash in my old room with Rosie.”

  The Idol I just kissed is already on the move toward the exit. He didn’t even say goodbye. I’m hurt, and that’s all the more tragic. What else did I expect from the likes of him?

  “All right. If my car gets fixed quickly, I can pick you up tomorrow,” Toby says apologetically.

  “Don’t worry about me. Go. Bryce will leave you here if you don’t catch up.”

  Toby turns to my sister. “Bye, Rosie. It was nice to meet you.”

  “Same. Text me.”

  Toby’s face is as bright as a tomato. He nods and then runs toward the exit. Bryce has already disappeared through the door.

  I drop on the chair Toby just vacated and take in the room. Felicity’s party is a success and that lessens the sting of Bryce’s attitude.

  “I can’t believe you kissed an Idol,” Rosie says.

  I whip around to face her. “You saw that?”

  “Hello? You were sucking face in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone saw it. You’re going to get a tongue-lashing from Felicity in about two seconds.” Rosie’s gaze focuses straight ahead. Sure as shit, Felicity is marching toward our table.

  “Oh man. Rosie, you gotta save me.” I grab her arm.

  Felicity stops in front of us with her hands on her hips. She wobbles a bit on her feet, and her eyes aren’t that sharp, but she still manages a stern glare. “Daisy, what did I tell you?”

  “Not to fall for pretty Idol boys?” I shrug.

  “Precisely. Was it worth it, at least?”

  “Fuck. It was.” A fit of giggles catches me by surprise. What’s wrong with me?

  “Why are you laughing now? The guy kissed and dashed. He was a jerk,” Rosie argues.

  “I know, and I don’t know why I’m laughing.” The giggles continue. Hell, I don’t remember being this amused in a very long time. “Fefe, what was in those brownies?”

  “Well, I thought they were just regular brownies.” She sways on the spot, and her speech is slurred. She’s toast. “But Angel just told me they were special brownies.”

  I cover my mouth with my hand, but I can’t contain my laughter. “Oh my God. I ate magical brownies. That’s hilarious.” I hug my middle and lean forward, laughing so hard that I start to cry.

  “I can’t believe this. You’re high out of your mind. No wonder you were acting so blasé about Bryce ditching you,” Rose says.

  “Screw, Bryce.” I jump off my chair and force Rosie to do the same. “Come on, sis. Let’s dance.”

  “Uh, maybe we should go home,” she replies.

  “No, you can’t leave yet. Now that those stuffy Gifted Academy boys are gone, we can really let our hair down.” Felicity lifts her hands up in the air and sways with the music.

  “Exactly. Come on, Rosie. Don’t be a party pooper.” I pout.

  “Fine. I suppose dancing to one song won’t kill anybody.”

  I punch the air and yell, “Hell yeah.”

  I’m definitely going to regret this tomorrow, but tonight I just don’t care.

p; 32


  Bryce is inside the second-rate Norm sports bar in front of me. I sensed him half an hour ago, but I had to get rid of Phoenix's tail first. The jackass followed me, though I finally lost him when I ran a red light at a busy intersection. I almost couldn't make it myself.

  I reach for the door handle when Bryce exits the bar in a hurry. A minute later, Toby, the Fringe kid who was practically attached to Daisy's hip this past week, comes running out. I wait for Daisy to come out next, but she doesn't. The backup lights on Bryce's car turn on before Toby can even get in. The Fringe manages to slide in before Bryce backs up, though, and a second later, his SUV peels out of the parking lot.

  Damn it. I was counting on seeing that stupid Norm with him. I'm drowning in my irritation when I’m struck by an idea. Rufio, you’re a moron. Bryce must have sensed me and took off before I could get here, before I could find Daisy.

  I'd bet an arm that the broken-down purple beauty I saw abandoned on the highway belongs to the Fringe kid. It's just like my stupid brother to play the Good Samaritan and offer Daisy and her friend a ride. But why hang out with her this whole time?

  There's only one way to find out.

  I get out of my car and head for the bar's entrance. The stench of cheap beer and cigarettes reaches my nose and makes me nauseated. There's no bouncer at the door, which tells me the owner doesn't deem their patrons important enough to offer security.

  When I enter the dive, the smell doesn't improve, sweat now mingling with the other two odors. There's a large crowd tonight, mostly Norms with the occasional low-level Fringe here and there.

  It doesn't take long for me to locate Daisy. She's dancing on top of a table, wearing a microskirt and red cowboy boots. Her hair is unbound and wild. Motherfucker. She looks sexier now than she did in her stripper underwear. Shakes run through my body, the result of me trying to control the impulse to stride across the room and throw Daisy over my shoulder. If I don't touch her tonight, I'll combust.

  Why does she have to look like she does? It would be so much easier to destroy her if my body didn't crave her like she's the last piece of ass on the face of the Earth.

  A few patrons look in my direction and immediately know I'm not like them. They trade glances with one another, throw money on the bar counter, and scurry away, keeping a wide berth from me.

  Idiots. Like I would waste my time razing this place to the ground. I'm only bad when provoked.

  I take a few quick breaths before moving toward Daisy, knowing I have to get my head in the game. I'm here to gain her trust, not give her a reason to run away from me like a scared mouse. It’s what I wanted her to do not too long ago, make her cower in fear in my presence, but not anymore. She's like a wild horse, savage and untamable until the right trainer comes along. By the time I'm done with her, she’ll be ridden hard and put away wet. Not what a good trainer would do, but I always thought the expression had more of a sexual connotation than anything else.

  She doesn't notice me until I'm right under her. I didn't have to do much to see what kind of underwear she's wearing. It’s black and lacy, my favorite. But I'm not playing myself tonight, so I keep my eyes glued to her face.

  She drops her gaze, meeting mine, and stops dancing. I expect to see fear and apprehension in her expression, but instead she offers me her hand to hold as she jumps off the table.

  "Rufio! Oh my God. What are you doing here?" she asks me with a wide smile.

  "I was in the area."

  "You just missed your brother."

  Something isn’t right here. The Daisy I observed this past week is serious and always on edge. The girl in front of me is lively and free, and worst of all, she doesn't fear me.

  What the hell?

  I grab her by the arms and look her straight in the eyes. "Are you on drugs?"

  She starts to laugh. "Felicity gave us brownies, but she forgot to tell us they were magic brownies. Bryce ate three! Good thing you guys are immune to Norm narcotics."

  I let go of her and rub my face. I had every intention of playing my wicked games with Daisy tonight, but in her current intoxicated condition, it wouldn't be fun at all. I want to sense her hesitation when I kiss her, see the fear behind the desire when I touch her body.

  "Come on. Let's get you something to drink." She grabs my hand and steers me toward the bar.

  But she only manages to take a few steps before she loses her footing and falls backward. I catch her in my arms, which is akin to pouring gasoline over fire, turning the small flame in the pit of my stomach into an uncontrollable blaze.

  Blast this evening to hell. Nothing’s gone as planned. Not only did I manage to piss off my parents royally tonight, but now I’m losing control of the situation with Daisy.

  I bring her body vertical once more and take a step back.

  "Thanks. Phew, it's hot in here." She fans herself, bringing my attention to her cleavage. She's wearing a simple T-shirt, but any rag would look good on her with that pair of tits.

  "Let's go outside. You need fresh air." I curl my hand around hers and try to drag the girl to the exit, but she offers resistance. Of course she has to be difficult even when she's as high as a kite.

  "Wait, I have to tell Rosie where I'm going."

  "Who’s Rosie?"

  Daisy scrunches her nose, then shakes her head. "Never mind."

  Great. She doesn't even remember who her friend is. I'd assume Daisy was also drunk, but I didn't smell any alcohol on her breath.

  Once outside, she lets go of my hand and does a pirouette in front of me. "Have I told you how much I love to dance?"

  "I certainly remember you have the skills." I'm referring to the evening at Unearthly Desires, but my comment flies right over her head.

  She reaches for my hand. "Come on, Rufio. Dance with me."

  "No, no, no. I don't dance." I dig my heels into the ground, but Daisy doesn't relent.

  When I don't budge, she throws her arms around my shoulders, closes her eyes, and sways by herself. I place my hands on her hips, my fingers sprawling across them. There's no trace of makeup on her face, but her skin is so flawless, it would be a shame if she covered it up with junk.

  Daisy begins to sing softly, a song I don't recognize. She's acting like a lunatic, and I'm sure she’ll be mortified tomorrow if she remembers any of this. I should take advantage of the situation. I have the Norm vulnerable and exactly where I want her, but something holds me back. It's not morality. I don't suffer from that weakness like Bryce does.

  Maybe it's the fact that there will be hell to pay tomorrow for ditching dinner with my parents, and I just want to have one moment where I can appreciate something beautiful. And that's what Daisy is—breathtaking.

  The streetlight is weak, and the only other source of illumination is coming from the red neon bar sign. There's no one around to witness me admire a Norm. I touch her temple with the tips of my fingers and trace her hairline. Daisy's eyes flutter open, and she gazes into mine. Her pupils are dilated, so I'm pretty sure she can't see me that well right now. Despite that, she smiles.

  "There you are.” She smiles lazily, content.

  "I didn't go anywhere." My voice is hoarse and low.

  "I like dancing with you."

  My pulse quickens, and my throat becomes tight. I dig my fingers into her hips, bringing her even closer to me. Her pelvis rubs against my erection, sending waves of desire throughout my entire body.

  "I didn't realize I was dancing, but okay."

  "You're funny." She laughs softly, unware of how much I want to taste her.

  "Daisy, I think I should get you back to the dorm—"

  She closes her eyes and becomes dead weight in my arms. She just passed out.


  I make sure I disable all the security cameras as I carry Daisy's inert form down our floor’s hallway. I'm in enough trouble as it is; I don't want to get on the bad side of the school's administration either. I didn't think twice befor
e I put Daisy in my car and drove back to campus. She had her purse on her, and I don't owe her friends any explanation. She can ease their minds tomorrow on her own.

  I adjust her body so I can hold her with only one arm and use my free hand to find her room key. She left the blinds open when she left earlier, so the room is partially illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window. Daisy's accommodations are much smaller than ours. We have an apartment with a small kitchen and living room while Daisy has less than a quarter of the space we do. But she doesn't have a roommate, and being a Norm, that was no doubt a preventive maneuver by the school. Plus, I doubt any Idol chick would agree to share a room with a Norm.

  I place Daisy on her bed with every intention of leaving immediately, but then she wakes up.


  "Go back to sleep."

  I walk backward and she sits up. She looks around and frowns. "Am I in my dorm room?"

  "Yes. You passed out on me."

  Why am I giving her an explanation?

  She stands up awkwardly and moves in my direction. "Where are you going?"

  "To my apartment. It's been a long and frustrating day."

  "You know what would be super fun?" she asks, a little too excited for my liking.

  Why is she not sleeping like the dead right now?

  "Me going to sleep and you doing the same thing," I reply.

  "No, silly. I was thinking I should give you the show you paid for."

  "What now?"

  She reaches for my hand and forces me to take a seat on her bed. Well, I let her steer me, but whatever.

  "The striptease."

  She pulls her T-shirt off, standing in front of me wearing her lacy bra and microskirt. Let's not forget those damn cowboy boots. I curl my hands around her bedspread while I fight the surge of desire the sight provokes.

  "Daisy, you'd better stop," I say with difficulty.

  I'm not saying this to be nice. I'm doing it to regain the control she stole from me. I'm the one who’s supposed to dictate the rules, not her. But right now, I'm totally at her mercy.


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