Cinnamon and a Corpse

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Cinnamon and a Corpse Page 10

by Cindy Bell

  Jasmine suddenly stood up and drew the attention of everyone in the room.

  “Is that what this community really wants?” She glared at the people around her. “My husband came back to this nothing town and offered to put it on the map. He would have created a stunning state-of-the-art entertainment facility. Now, he can never do that. Do you want to know why?” She crossed her arms as she looked straight across the hall and into Harriet’s eyes. “Because someone from this community murdered him. They took away his chance to create anything. They took away his future, his very right to exist, all because they thought they were too good for a casino.” She shook her head with disgust. “Have your little meeting, and plan your uprising, if that’s what you want to do. But I came here tonight to make sure that you know, this casino is going to be built. It was my husband’s final wish, and I will make sure that it is fulfilled.” She pulled a tissue out of her purse and pressed it against her lips for a moment, then continued. “Honestly, I’m glad he is dead.”

  This comment drew a few gasps from the crowd. Ally and Charlotte exchanged a long look.

  “I’m glad he’s dead because if he were alive to see this, it would kill him. He told me once that the people of this town never accepted him, they always wanted to change him. Now, I see what he meant. But no amount of bullying is going to stop me from doing what he wanted to do.”

  Jasmine spun on her heel and headed right back through the door that she’d walked through moments before.

  The mayor took the microphone again, as Harriet stepped to the side.

  “Of course, our main focus right now should be on finding out what happened to Gary. I, for one, do not believe that anyone in this community could be responsible for a crime like that. But if you do think you have information about it, remember to contact the police right away. That’s all for tonight, thank you. We will make an announcement in the next few days of the plan of action we have in mind. Until then, please, be kind to your neighbor, and keep our community strong.” The mayor seemed eager to finish the meeting, probably due to the tension in the room.

  As the crowd clapped, Charlotte stared at the woman on the stage.

  Ally looked over at her grandmother and noticed the intense way she watched Harriet.

  “Mee-Maw, are you okay?” She placed her hand on her grandmother’s wrist, just as someone walked over to talk to Jeff.

  “We need to talk.” Charlotte took Ally’s hand and led her away from the crowd. Once she had Ally outside alone on the front steps, she turned to face her.

  “I think Harriet was at Rick’s motel room.”

  “What?” Ally stared at her. “Why do you think that?”

  “I watched her apply and blot lipstick that looks as if it’s the same shade as the lipstick I found on a tissue in Rick’s bathroom.” Charlotte tightened her grasp on her granddaughter’s hand. “Ally, why would she be there?”

  “I don’t know.” Ally’s heartbeat quickened. “But there has to be an explanation.”

  “I want to know what it is.” Charlotte shuddered. “The thought of Harriet standing up there as the mayor asks for help solving a murder that Harriet herself might have committed is horrible.”

  “Yes, I know it is.” Ally frowned. “But we can’t jump to conclusions. Even if she was there, that doesn’t mean that she committed the murder.”

  “Just how many people do you think wanted the poor man dead?” Charlotte cut her question short as she saw Eric walk towards them.

  “Ally, Charlotte.” He offered a brief smile to each of them. “I just wanted to apologize again, for getting so upset.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, Eric.” Ally met his eyes. “I understand why you were upset. Honestly, I’m upset for you. Seeing your bakery empty, it was heartbreaking.”

  “I’m doing my best to move on from it.” Eric took a deep breath. “At first, I thought I was ruined, but then I realized it’s just a place. It’s just a difficult time in my life. It will pass.”

  “Ally and I are hosting a private tasting tomorrow. Would you like to join us for it? It’s at ten.” Charlotte smiled. “We’re going to be trying out some new flavors.”

  “That sounds delicious.” He winked at them. “I’ll see you then.”

  As Eric walked away, Ally turned to face her grandmother. “Mee-Maw, do you think that’s a good idea? I was going to invite Jasmine.”

  “Invite her.” Charlotte’s smile tightened. “Let’s stir the pot.”

  On the way back to the cottage, Ally placed a call to Jasmine. She invited her to the tasting. As she hung up the phone, Charlotte glanced over at her.

  “Did she agree to come?”

  “Not exactly. She said she would think about it.” Ally tucked her phone into her purse. “No news from Luke, yet.”

  “I’m sure he’s just busy.” Charlotte turned into the driveway of the cottage. “I think I’ll stay here tonight so we can get an early start tomorrow. I want to make sure that we have plenty of time to actually come up with new flavors before they arrive for the tasting. We also have other baking to do.”

  “So, I should set my alarm for four?” Ally grinned as she stepped out of the car.

  “Maybe three-thirty, so we can have a little time to wake up before we head out.” Charlotte followed her up to the front door.

  “Now, that’s early.” Ally winced. “Straight to bed for us.”

  A short time later, Ally sprawled out in her bed with Peaches nestled beside her. She stroked her hand through the cat’s fur and whispered to her.

  “Now Harriet is a suspect, Peaches. I know, I like her too.” Ally frowned. “But I also like Eric, and Phil. It’s hard to believe that any of them would have anything to do with Gary’s murder. But someone did it.” Ally closed her eyes as Peaches rubbed her cheek along hers. “Yes, I know. I need to sleep.” She yawned, then reached for her phone. “Nothing from Luke still.” She set it back down on her bedside table and curled around Peaches. “I sure hope he finds something.”

  When Ally’s alarm went off before the sun came up, her stomach lurched. Her mind spun with confusion. Then she remembered. She and her grandmother had to come up with a few new chocolate flavors to turn their ploy into a reality.

  “Ally, are you awake?” Charlotte knocked lightly on her door.

  “Be right there, Mee-Maw.” Ally had a quick shower, stumbled into some fresh clothes, gathered enough awareness to feed the pets, then followed her grandmother out to her car. As she started the engine, she peered through the windshield. “It is way too early, Mee-Maw.”

  “I know, I know. But soon we’ll be surrounded by the smells of coffee and chocolate, what could be better than that?” Charlotte buckled her seat belt and smiled.

  “I hope one day I can be as chipper as you at this hour.” Ally laughed as she backed out of the driveway.

  The town was quiet as they drove through it.

  “Look, there’s Cinnamon.” Ally smiled and pointed to the cat as he walked down the sidewalk. After they arrived at the shop, Ally began melting chocolate while her grandmother started a pot of coffee.

  “I think I’ve got it, Ally!” Charlotte joined her in the kitchen. “Cinnamon flavored chocolates!”

  “Cinnamon flavored?” Ally raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, some of the new chocolate ideas I have been practicing have cinnamon in them. They just need a few tweaks. We can have cinnamon truffles, and apple and cinnamon milk chocolates, we can make them taste like apple pie. We can serve it with our cinnamon hot chocolate and coffee. Oh, I can also make some of my cinnamon chocolate chip cookies. What do you think?” Charlotte smiled. “I know it’s not too different, but we have everything here that we need.”

  “Actually, I think it’s a wonderful idea. If someone doesn’t like cinnamon, we have other chocolates they can have.” Ally peered into the melting chocolate. “This will be ready soon. What do you want to start with?”

  “Let’s start with the apple
and cinnamon.” Charlotte got to work concocting a filling for the chocolates.

  Chapter 15

  The morning hours slipped by quickly as Ally worked with her grandmother to create a brand-new collection of chocolates. Two pots of coffee later, all of the chocolates were cooling.

  “Wow, that was quite a task.” Charlotte sipped her cup of coffee and closed her eyes. Then she blinked. “What is that sound?”

  “Oh! It’s my cell phone. I left it out front. It could be Luke.” Ally rushed out to the front of the shop and dug through her purse for her phone. She managed to catch the call just before it went to voicemail.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning, beautiful.” Luke cleared his throat. “Ally, we need to talk.”

  “Did you check the trunk? I know it was Rick, Luke. Now we think Phil might be involved as well and we’re not sure if someone else might have also been involved, but Rick had to be part of it, too.” Ally slowed down as she realized perhaps she’d had a little too much coffee.

  “Ally, listen to me please.” Luke’s voice cut through her words and silenced her. “I had the rug tested, I had everything tested. The only chemicals in that trunk are the chemicals that were used to clean it before it was rented out. There were no other cleaning products found. Which means that the trunk hasn’t been cleaned since it was rented. Which means that Gary’s body was never in it.”

  Ally’s breath caught in her throat as she held tightly to the phone. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, Ally. I’m sorry, I know that you thought you had all of this figured out, but it isn’t panning out. It’s easy to assume things and run with them, but if the evidence isn’t there to support them, then it’s just not there.” Luke sighed. “Listen, I am very busy. I’m running out of time on this case, so if I don’t contact you immediately it’s because I’m busy and focused on the investigation.”

  “Luke, I’m so sorry.” Ally’s heart dropped as she realized how embarrassing it must have been for him to get a warrant to search the trunk, and have it lead to nothing. “I won’t bother you again.”

  “You’re never a bother, Ally. But you know how I am when I’m working a case.” Luke paused, then took a breath. “It was a good lead, I thought it was right, too. I never would have got a warrant if I didn’t think that Rick might be involved. Gary owed Rick and Phil a lot of money. I also just verified Rick’s alibi, so it couldn’t have been him.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, a waitress confirmed that Rick and Jasmine were having a meeting at the diner in Mainbry at the time of the murder. There is no way they got back to Blue River in time to commit the murder. If they had anything to do with his death, they weren’t the ones to actually do the deed. As of now they are not a focus of the investigation.”

  “Jasmine and Rick had a meeting?”


  “Why would she have a meeting with Rick, though?” Ally narrowed her eyes. “She didn’t seem interested in the business side of things. I saw her arguing with Rick. Was Phil at the diner?”

  “No, he doesn’t have an alibi. He was home alone. I’m not sure what the meeting was about between Jasmine and Rick, but the waitress confirmed their presence.”

  “I was so sure Rick was involved.”

  “I know you were.” Luke sighed. “I am going to have to dig into this a little deeper.”

  “A little deeper.” Ally nodded, though he couldn’t see her, then spoke up again. “Good luck with the case, Luke. I know that you’ll figure it out soon.”

  “Thanks Ally.” Luke hung up the phone.

  As Ally stood in the middle of the shop, her heart pounded. Each beat seemed to echo through her entire body. What had she done? How had she gotten things so mixed up? Was it possible that the alibi Jasmine and Rick had given was solid?

  “Ally, was that Luke on the phone?” Charlotte stepped out of the kitchen. “Did he check the trunk?”

  “I was wrong, Mee-Maw. Gary’s body was never in Rick’s trunk.” Ally tucked her phone back into her pocket, as she explained to her grandmother what Luke had said. “Maybe Harriet really did have something to do with all of this.”

  “Maybe she did. Proving that she did will be no easy feat, however.” Charlotte pursed her lips.

  “It’ll be interesting to see them all in one room together.” Ally glanced towards the front door, then took a sharp breath at the sight of Rick and Phil as they headed up the sidewalk. “Mee-Maw, maybe we should cancel it?” She frowned. “What if Rick knows it was me that suggested Luke check out his trunk?”

  “Luke would never let him know that. Besides, Rick and Phil had to know they would be suspects. They came here looking for Gary because they invested in his other businesses and he owed them both money. It seems as if they wanted the money and the opportunity to invest in the casino. I’m sure they expected that they would be investigated further.” Charlotte gave her shoulder a light pat. “Stay confident, darling, we’ve got this. Someone is going to slip up as they indulge in these sweets, I guarantee it.”

  “I hope so.” Ally glanced over at her grandmother who was stepping into the back to get some chocolates. She wished she could have half the confidence that she did. Instead, she felt nervous as she greeted Phil and Rick. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Sure, that would be great, thanks.” Rick winked at her then settled on one of the barstools at the counter.

  “Easy now, Rick, she’s dating that detective.” Phil mounted the barstool beside his friend. “Isn’t that right, Ally?” He followed her with his gaze as she stepped around the counter.

  “Luke?” Ally glanced over her shoulder as casually as she could. “Yes, actually.”

  “See? Told you.” Phil smirked as he looked at Rick.

  “Ah, forgive me.” Rick cleared his throat. “I didn’t realize.”

  “It’s all right.” Ally turned around with their cups of coffee. “He’s not the jealous type.”

  “No?” Rick stared hard at her as she set his cup of coffee down in front of him. “Just the type that searches people’s cars for no reason?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ally narrowed her eyes. “Is something wrong?”

  “It’s all right, don’t mind him. He’s just feeling a little sensitive.” Phil rolled his eyes and clapped Rick on the back. “Ease off, buddy. He didn’t find anything, did he? I guess we’re not murderers after all.”

  “I guess not.” Rick gritted his teeth, his eyes still locked to Ally.

  The bell over the door caused Ally to jump. She’d heard it so many times, and yet in that moment any jarring sound was enough to set off her senses.

  “Morning Ally.” Harriet smiled as she stepped farther inside the shop. “It smells amazing in here!”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Ally smiled at her. Was she wearing the same shade of lipstick as she had on the night before? She thought it was, but she hadn’t seen it as closely as her grandmother had, and she hadn’t been concentrating on it. As she poured Harriet a cup of coffee, she watched the three patrons with interest. Would they indicate they knew each other?

  “A visit from the local town planner?” Rick glanced over at her. “I didn’t know there would be royalty here.”

  “Royalty.” Harriet rolled her eyes. “That’s a silly thing to say.”

  “You sure acted like royalty the last time we met.” Phil stood up, his shoulders tense as he stared at Harriet. “I didn’t realize that you would be here.”

  “Relax Phil.” Harriet shook her head. “We’re all here for one reason, candy, it doesn’t need to get political.”

  “Political? Is that what you call strong-arming someone into submission?” Phil crossed his arms.

  “Phil, enough.” Rick sighed. “I’ve already got the detective breathing down my neck, you want to make things worse?”

  “I’m just saying that anyone in a position of power should be careful not to abuse it.” Phil contin
ued to stare at Harriet.

  “What’s this all about?” Charlotte stepped out from the back of the shop. “This is supposed to be a fun event.”

  “I’m sorry, apparently my attempt to protect Blue River caused some tension between these two gentlemen and myself.” Harriet shrugged as she glanced between them. “Listen, I was just doing my job. My job is to protect this town, and you two came in here rather aggressively. I thought that you were here to make sure that the casino was built, clearly that was my mistake.”

  “Here you go.” Ally handed Harriet a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks Ally.” Harriet smiled at her.

  “It’s funny that you thought it was okay to show up at my motel room, and con Phil into letting you in, and then come at us with threats.” Rick rolled his eyes. “That’s professional behavior, I guess.”

  “Yes, I agree, I was a little out of hand. I apologize.” Harriet took a sip of her coffee, then continued. “I was a bit frazzled at that moment. I had just found out that Gary had conned me into getting enough property for the casino, and I couldn’t find a way out. When Jasmine let slip that you two were trying to make a business deal with Gary, I thought I had to head things off before they got even more out of control. However, I wouldn’t consider listing the reasons why it would be a bad idea to do business in Blue River, a threatening act. If you perceived it that way, I do apologize, it was never my intention.”

  “Perceived it that way.” Phil waved his hand through the air. “All you politicians are the same way, you think you can pretty yourselves up with words. Like your speech last night. You made a mistake, you got taken by Gary, no one put a gun to your head.”

  “You’re right, no one did.” Harriet took another sip of her coffee, then set the cup down. “Maybe it’s best if I leave.”

  “No need. We’re leaving.” Phil headed straight for the door.

  “Thanks for the candy.” Rick plucked a chocolate from the sample tray, then followed after Phil.


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