Heartbreak Summer

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Heartbreak Summer Page 5

by Starling, Isabella

  The day passes in a flash, and I end up eating dinner alone with Valerie, because Daddy is running some business in the city. I wish he wouldn't work so much.

  Finally, I decide to get ready. I want to look good, so I put on a leather mini skirt and a white crop top, finishing the look with some high-heeled black sandals. I add some red lipstick and a heavy dose of bronzer to cover up my poor skin. However, Valerie's potion seems to be doing the job – my sunburn is already fading into a tan, and my skin doesn't burn as much any longer.

  At 8 p.m. I hear someone honking outside. A look through the window shows me Dom leaning against a rusty old bike, glaring at me with contempt.

  I roll my eyes and head downstairs, already dreading what's to come, my mind full of the events of last night. I'm kind of angry about our lack of communication today, and to be honest, I'd been checking my phone for texts from him up to this point.

  Downstairs, I give him a onceover, fighting the fast beat of my heart. He's wearing a leather jacket over a white V-neck and jeans and he looks... No, Cassidy! He looks like my goddamned stepbrother, and abso-freaking-lutely nothing else.

  "Nice ride," I comment, crossing my arms in front of my body. "Where's the car?"

  "I don't have one," Dom shrugs, giving me a onceover with his eyebrows raised. "You can't ride a bike in that skirt. Everyone will see your ass."

  "Whatever, doofus, it's pleated," I explain, and he shrugs. Dom puts on his helmet and gets on the bike, revving up the engine. It doesn't take me long to realize he'll be leaving with or without me, so I stomp to the bike and give him a glare full of contempt as he hands me a helmet.

  "I hate you," I murmur in his shoulder as I awkwardly position myself, thanking God my skirt isn't skintight.

  "Feeling's mutual, sis," Dom retorts, and we're off.

  Secretly, I relish the long ride to Newport, even though I do my best not to let it show. I've ridden a bike before, but I'm trying hard not to hold on to Dom too hard, knowing it would break my resolve. To have my tits pressed into his back, my legs open and pressed against his thighs, the breeze blowing up my skirt, is bad enough. I’m sure I could come again without too much effort.

  It takes about an hour, but we end up at the concert. I get off the bike, passing Dom the helmet then ignoring him as I dial Susie's number. A quick conversation lets me know she's somewhere in the parking lot, and I turn around towards Dom to let him know where we need to go. Instead, I come face-to-face with his leather-clad back.

  "Hey, where are you going?" I ask in confusion.

  He looks at me over his shoulder, his eyebrows raised. "I'm gonna hang out with my friends. You go have fun."

  "But you can't just leave me," I blurt out.

  "Thought that's what you wanted," he smirks at me. "Seriously, I'm not babysitting you. Go have fun, I'll text you when we're leaving."

  He waves and leaves, just like that. I end up staring at his back, secretly regretting the fact that he left. But at the same time, I'm angry with myself for letting him get to me.

  Chapter 7


  I leave Cassidy behind in the parking lot, her accusing look following me right to the main square where a warm-up band is already playing. I text Adrian, and he tells me where everyone is, so I head in that direction.

  Adrian's becoming a good friend, and we've spent loads of time together since my arrival at the beach house. If only it weren't for that goddamned bet.

  I've come to regret betting on my little sis, which isn't to say I haven't been working on getting her in my bed. And I'd say I'm making some pretty nice progress.

  I'm reminded of the previous day and what I heard through the walls, picturing Cassidy playing with her toy. Fuck, it gets me all kinds of hard in a minute.

  Quickly vanquishing those thoughts, I reach Adrian. He slaps me on the back and tries to push a red cup into my hand, but I refuse, since I have to drive home tonight.

  "So, where's your sister at?" he asks me after a while, his eyes calculating my response. "She coming tonight, yeah?"

  I give him a hard look, knowing this is a thorn in my side, and the thing that might break our friendship. "She's around." I make a non-committal hand motion, hoping we're done with the topic.

  Adrian puts it to rest, but it doesn't mean we aren't both scouring the crowd for a glimpse of Cassidy. I'm realizing he's all in the game, and I need to make my move quick.

  Furrowing my brow, I look at the stage, where the band is setting up while the audience bustles in excitement. Then I feel a tug on my jacket and turn around.

  There's a gorgeous brunette in front of me, but before I see her face, I see her tits pressed up right against my chest. My eyes travel upwards, smiling mischievously as I take in that pretty face.

  "Why, hello," I say over the sound of the music, and she beams at me, those perky breasts jumping up as she moves in for a hug.

  She pulls me in close, and I feel the glory of her boobs pressed up against me – fake, no doubt – as she whispers in my ear. "I'm Susie. Can you get me a drink? I'm not legal yet."

  She moves away and gives me an innocent look that reminds me of Cassidy. I shake my head to get the thought out. For fuck's sake, here’s a hotter than hell girl whose boobs are all up in my face, and I'm still stuck on my stepsister.

  "How old are you?” I narrow my eyes at her.


  “Sure, darlin'," I say with a grin. "Come on, let's get you a drink."

  We walk over to the drinks stand. I order a beer for me and a Coke for her while she stands off to the side. The guy at the counter gives me a weird look, but I just flash him a smile and walk back over to Susie.

  “I wanted a beer,” she pouts as I hand her the drink.

  “Sorry, you’re too young,” I shrug. “But you get to hang out with me. How’s that?”

  She beams. Susie chatters to me, and I split my time between staring at her tits and scouring the crowd for a sight of my stepsister. All I see is Adrian's back and a couple of the other guys waiting for the show to start. After a while Adrian moves, and I see him laughing with a girl.

  And that girl is none other than Cassidy.

  I almost crush the cup in my hand, and Susie gives me a confused look. "You okay, Dom?" she purrs in a syrupy sweet voice, and I give her a grin.

  "Sure, let me just take care of something, and I'll be right back with you, darlin'," I say, leaning in closer just in time for Cassidy to see. I tuck a strand of Susie's hair behind her ear and grin at her. "Don't you go anywhere. I've got plans for you."

  She stares at me with a delicious smile, and I'm pretty sure little step-sis saw it go down. I wink at Susie and walk over to Adrian, slapping him on the back. It may seem like a friendly gesture, but we both know it's a warning.

  "Cozying up with my little sister, Adrian?" I ask coldly, trying to finish with a grin.

  Cassidy rolls her eyes and juts a hip out. She looks like a walking felony in that skirt and top, her pouty lips covered in red lipstick.

  "Did you leave your outfit at home, sis?" I ask, feigning innocence. "Looks like you came in your underwear."

  "Fuck off," she says unoriginally, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Both Adrian's and my eyes wander to her now exposed belly. Her skin's smooth and tanned and – fuck. No. Not yet.

  "We were just talking about the band," Adrian pipes up. "Seems like we're both fans."

  They exchange smiles, and I fucking hate it. Hate that there's already something blooming between them.

  "Oh yeah?" I ask with a smirk. "Didn't know you were a thirteen-year-old girl like my stepsister, Adrian."

  "Shut up, dude," he laughs with me while Cassidy just glares at me, hard.

  "Do you mind, Dom?" she asks coldly. "We were kind of talking."

  "Oh, sure," I smirk. "Playtime's not over for the kindergartners. I'll be right over there." I lean closer to her, just like I did before with Susie. "I have a tasty treat waiting for me."

  I d
on't look back as I walk over to the brunette, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. Susie gives me a surprised but delighted look, but her eyes are fluttering to the side for some reason, and she looks worried.

  "Dom, I'll be back," she tells me, and to my utter confusion, she rips herself out of my embrace and rushes away.

  I shrug and get back to Adrian, who is alone now. I shoot him a warning look, and he shrugs with an apologetic smile. I leave things as they are for the time being and focus on the concert, which is just starting.

  The music, I have to admit, is not so bad. I end up enjoying it, which may be helped by the fact we're surrounded by girls in skimpy clothing.

  I don't see Cassidy for the rest of the night, not until hours later, when I text her to meet me in the parking lot. She doesn't reply.

  Chapter 8


  I'm so fucking upset, and I know I shouldn't be. But that prick just single-handedly ruined what could've been the best night of my life with his goddamned antics.

  I end up listening to my favorite band from the beach, stomping around the sand as I try to cool off. I see Susie searching for me in the crowds, and she's texting me the whole time, but I ignore her.

  She's such a fake. I can't believe she went after Dom.

  But then again, why on earth shouldn't she? She has no idea I have… Fuck, no! There's nothing between us. He should be able to do anything he wants.

  My mind is swimming with opposing thoughts for hours, until my phone beeps with a text from Dom.

  Parking lot. Going home.

  I hate his goddamned tone, the way he orders me around. I have half a mind to just stay here and let him take my dad’s wrath for not bringing me back. But I soon realize I don't want to be stuck here all night, so I grudgingly walk to the parking lot.

  He's already there, but the parking lot's pretty much deserted. It’s late.

  "Took your time, darlin’," he shouts in my direction when he sees me approaching, and I ignore him. He seems a little surprised as I practically rip the helmet from his hands and get on the bike without another word.

  But then he goes with it, and that hurts even more. We ride back in utter silence.

  The ride is long and arduous, and I'm glad we're almost there.

  Instead of pulling into our driveway, Dom stops in the parking lot for the beach. I give him a confused look.

  "I didn't want to wake them up," he shrugs.

  And for some reason, that makes me melt inside, to know he's considerate like that. Except I then remember his hands all over my one friend in this town, so I purse my lips in annoyance.

  "Whatever," I murmur.

  "What the hell is up with you?" Dom asks as we get off the bike and I hand him my helmet, making sure I don't touch him in the process. "You're acting like a little bitch."

  "Why do you care?" I ask with a pout. "Don't you like bitches?"

  He just gives me a confused look as he puts away the helmets. "You're weird," he informs me, and I roll my eyes but am still glued to the spot. Somehow, I'm unable to walk away from him.

  "Why do you care what I like, anyway?" he asks with a confused look. "You're like a hissing cat around me."

  I give him an annoyed look. "Am I not allowed to get along with my stepbrother?"

  He steps closer to me, his intimidating biceps right in my face, stretching the fabric of his leather jacket. "I don't think you like that I'm your stepbrother," he murmurs, so fucking close to my lips.

  "Why not?" I protest.

  "Because," his fingers start traveling up my arm, and I almost fall backwards. I'm getting goosebumps as his hand moves to my face, tipping my chin backwards so I'm forced to look at him. "I think you want me," he says with a grin that drives me crazy.

  "You sure think highly of yourself," I grit out, but I'm having trouble breathing when he's this close. "What makes you think I'd touch you with a ten-foot pole?"

  He smirks at me, and his finger slowly travels downward. He goes over my neck and reaches the line between by breasts as I gasp, unable to move away.

  "Oh, I don't know," he breathes down my neck, his fingers traveling over the exposed skin of my tummy. He stops inches away from my pussy. I can already feel it throbbing, the wetness soaking my panties in an instant.

  "Are you saying you're not wet right now?" Dom whispers in my ear, and I quickly shake my head no.

  "Really, darlin’?" His fingers are dipping under the hem of my skirt. "So, if I push a finger inside your pussy right now, you won't be soaking wet?"

  I move away in an instant, letting my hair fall over my face like a curtain to hide my blush. I don't dare look at Dom, but I can hear him laughing.

  "You're so scared, Cassidy," he groans. "Such a kid."

  "I'm not a kid," I retort, glaring at him and hoping my blush isn't too obvious in the nighttime.

  He smirks at me, driving me insane with that perfect smile of his. I want to erase the smugness off his expression, but I'm not sure if anyone can do that.

  "Do the most forbidden thing you can think of, then," he dares me. His eyes latch on to mine, and my heart almost bursts out of my chest as he stares me down.

  "Kiss me," he orders.

  Chapter seven


  I'm staring, and I'm aware of that fact. Will she accept my dare or just run back home like a good little girl?

  I don't understand Cassidy. She's this little firecracker, feisty and angry all the time. But it's like she has a shell made of explosives, and once you make a crack in it, you expose the sweet center.

  And I want to break through to that center.

  She's staring right back, the words that just came out of my mouth still sinking in. I see the expressions changing in her eyes; I'm reading her like an open book. She's scared, but she wants to prove that she can do it.

  She bites her bottom lip subconsciously, and I almost lose it right there. Her full lip curves under the bite of her perfect teeth, her eyes dancing over my face, looking for affirmation.

  Then she moves a little closer, inch by inch. Her eyes never leave mine until she's a breath away from my face.

  She sighs, and her soft moan might just be my undoing, and then she leans in, like she doesn't want to chicken out at the last moment.

  Her lips crush mine, but her act of defiance is full of fear.

  I part my lips under hers, and she almost pulls away, but something keeps her glued close. She gives me a soft kiss, her lips puckering against mine. I think she'll move away any second, giving me a triumphant look, and I'm pretty sure that's her plan, as well.

  But then she changes her mind, grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer. I keep my hands behind my back, afraid of what will happen if I touch her. I know there's a big chance I won't be able to let go once I feel her skin again.

  Her tongue sneaks into my mouth, and she deepens our kiss. She whimpers against my mouth, and my hands form fists. I'm still in charge here, I tell myself, my resolve weakening by the second.

  Cassidy's lips are scorching hot against mine, the tender skin of her mouth trembling under my touch. I can't help myself – I bite down on her bottom lip and she moans against my lips.

  She's not cursing now. In fact, I can feel her trembling.

  "More," she moans against my mouth, moving away just enough to beg.

  I can't hold back any longer. I pull her in, her body cool against my scorched skin. I wish I'd taken my jacket off so I could feel her skin against mine.

  But just a second later, she reels back, refusing to meet my eye.

  She's shaking, and I want to reach for her more than I've ever wanted anything in my life, but before I can make a move, she stumbles back.

  The night air hits me, cooling off my scorched skin, but my eyes are glued to Cassidy's figure. She backs away in the direction of the house, refusing to look at me. She's still shaking, and it fucking hurts to know I've brought her to that point.

  She stands on the
corner of the street for a second, looking at the ground, and I desperately want to rush towards her. Before I can do that, she turns around and disappears around the curb.

  It's like I'm on autopilot as I check whether I've locked the bike and start heading back to the house myself. I realize I'm shaking when I try to open the front door which Cassidy left unlocked.

  I remember the stupid bet I made with Adrian as I come to a stop in front of the door that leads to Cassidy's bedroom.

  There's not a sound coming out through the wall separating us.

  I touch the white wood of the door and curse my stupidity. I just made a stupid bet with a guy I like, and it has taken me up until now to realize Cassidy is more than a bet to me. And worst of all, much more than a stepsister.

  That goddamned kiss, the way she looked at me with hate mixed with lust. Those are things I'm going to want again... over and over again, in fact.

  Chapter eight


  Days later, I haven't seen Dom since the concert. I have no idea where he is, which I hate – but what I hate even more is the fact I care about his whereabouts.

  He doesn't even shoot me one of his naughty texts. I'm pretty sure our kiss was a one-off, something he's forgotten about already.

  Too bad I'm still stuck on the way he tastes.

  But I refuse to think about it, forcing my mind to switch thoughts as soon as Dom enters them. I can't afford to get hurt right now, and so I decide to focus on spending time with the new family.

  I think I was wrong about Valerie, that's for sure. I've been cooped up in the house for days because of the sunburn, and also because I don't want to see Susie. Surprisingly, I've been spending my time with Valerie instead.

  Dad disappears for work every day, and Valerie and I hang out, make food and just talk.

  She's different from my mom.

  Back in LA, my mom is all about work. She works long hours at a lawyers' office, pretty much leaving me by myself, which is fine by me. But sometimes, I just miss having someone at home I can talk to.


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