Heartbreak Summer

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Heartbreak Summer Page 15

by Starling, Isabella

  Unfortunately, the door opens and a woman I don't know ushers me in.

  "Okay, he's here," she says in a panicked voice. "I'll go deal with the flowers, and you two can have a nice little talk."

  She's so nervous, the nice little talk sounds more like forceful torture to me. The woman rushes outside, and I'm left alone with just one more person in the spacious white room.

  "Hello, Dom," a soft voice greets me and I see my mother sitting in front of a vanity table. She's in her wedding dress already, a baby pink gown that looks great on her. She looks beautiful.

  I stride over to her, leaning down and giving her a kiss on the cheek as we both look at our reflections in the mirror. "Happy wedding day, Mom," I say sincerely, giving her a big smile.

  She returns a sad smile, and it is then that I notice the tears in her eyes. I kneel, the concern in my eyes palpable. "Is something the matter?" I worry.

  Mother shakes her head, like every motion is an effort. Her hand flutters to her cheek, wiping a stray tear that has escaped from her eye. "I just… I don't think I ever expected to be getting married for the third time."

  She gives a shaky laugh and I smile to calm her down. It's just a case of pre-wedding jitters.

  "Listen," I say, my voice calming. "I hold no grudges against you, Mom. I never expected you to stay with my… dad. Not after what he did."

  "I'm not talking about your dad. We left that chapter behind long ago, and we're better for it," she admits. As soon as the words are out of her mouth, I realize what this is all about.

  "Tony?" I inquire and she nods with a soft sob, more tears falling from her eyes.

  I take the handkerchief from my breast pocket, offering it to my mother. "It will ruin the way your suit looks," she protests weakly, and I grin.

  "You think I give a shit?" I ask her, a smile plastered to my face.

  She wipes her eyes. "He was so proud of you, Dominic, and you weren't even his son. He loved you so much…"

  "I know he did, Mom," I tell her, stroking her hand. For the first time, I'm noticing how prominent her veins and freckles are, like she's aged twenty years. It hurts me to see it, knowing I should have been more present all these years. "I loved him too, and I hope he'd be proud of me today."

  "He would," Mom nods passionately, and she's about to go on when I interrupt her.

  "He'd be proud of you too," I say firmly, and she looks at me with the surprise evident in her gaze. "It's true, and I can prove it," I say, grinning again. That gets her attention.

  "How on earth could you prove that?" she asks curiously.

  "You'll have to get married first to see," I say cheekily, and she shakes her head, laughing at me.

  "I guess I will, then," she says, getting to her feet. I look her in the eyes, getting ready to walk her down the aisle.

  "Tell me the truth," I say as a final thought lodges itself in my mind. "Is this guy a good one? Or will I have to beat him with a stick one of these days?"

  "Dom," she protests, but she's smiling. "He's great. You'll see soon, I hope."

  I kiss her on the cheek. "Let's go, then."

  And I take my mother's hand, leading her towards a happy new future. Now if only life had one in store for me as well… We'll just have to wait and see.

  The ceremony is over quickly, and I'm thankful to my mother for skipping the Church rites this time around. She thinks it inappropriate; I believe love doesn't need God's blessing. Either way, she looks happy for the first time since Tony passed.

  Bert turns out to be a nice man with a cheerful smile and a hilarious snorting laugh. Apparently, he's loaded, too, but to be honest, I don't give a shit about any of that. The way he and Mom look at each other makes me think she might be happy again with him.

  I didn’t get to talk to Cassidy, but when I walked my mother down the aisle; my eyes were glued to her in her pretty lilac bridesmaid’s dress. It clashed spectacularly with her hair, but that made my heart swell with feelings I never knew I had. She glanced at me a few times, but her eyes were on the star of the day – my mom.

  After the ceremony, we all sit down for lunch and to my annoyance, Cassidy and I are on opposite sides of the main table with my mother. I eat my food and smile politely, but my heart is beating insanely fast, getting ready for my big plan.

  It's time for speeches.

  Cassidy is one of the first ones to speak. She rises, tucking her beautiful hair behind her ear and grinning at the crowd. "Hello," she says, her voice sweet. "Things are about to get pretty weird. Are you ready?"

  A murmur goes through the crowd and I look at her with interest. "My name is Cassidy Lynn," she goes on, smirking at someone who gasps next to her. "That's right, I'm Valerie's second husband's daughter. Inappropriate? Maybe."

  The murmurs continue but I just stare at her, waiting for her to go on. She looks so strong, confident – beautiful. Fuck me, I'm whipped.

  "Valerie loved my dad very much. But what none of us expected was that she would love me," Cassidy continues, her eyes finding my mother as they smile at one another. "I was a sullen teenager, angry and angsty. And despite all that, Valerie was like a mother to me. She stayed when my dad got sick. She took care of me when my own mother preferred to stay away. I can say I have two mothers, and I'm so glad Valerie is one of them."

  Now, the crowd is sighing as she goes on, already moved by her speech.

  "I have no doubt my dad and Valerie would have lived happily ever after. But the thing is, we write our own fairytales. And I believe Valerie's started writing the best one yet." Cassidy raises a glass in the air, toasting my mother who returns the motion with tears in her eyes.

  "To Valerie and Bert," she says, and a wicked grin comes over her face. "Make the wedding night one to remember." She winks and Bert nearly chokes on his champagne which makes me laugh as quietly as possible.

  I have a quick second to wonder what the hell is going on. Cassidy is a completely different person today – much more like the girl I met that first summer.

  And I want her more than ever.

  My eyes are glued to her as the speeches go on, and then, the microphone makes its way to me. I'm not big on public speaking, but I'll make an exception tonight. I get up, clearing my throat and smiling at my mother.

  "I've always been shit with words," I begin and the crowd murmurs again at my profanity. I don't care, though, because my mother's eyes are shining with pride, and that's all that matters. "And Cassidy put everything pretty perfectly. So, instead of feeding you some crap, I think we should hear from someone else. Someone who was an inspiration, a father and a friend. And today, he would rejoice to see us smiling. So," I raise my glass, "Let's smile."

  Everyone follows obediently and glasses clink as I turn on the projector. The screen twitches and everyone looks at it in confusion as a figure appears on it.

  The man in the clip looks terrible. Sallow, thin, bald. Sick.

  But he is smiling.

  "Hello, Valerie," he says with a tired voice as the crowd looks around in confusion. I check to see my mother's and Cassidy's eyes glued to the screen, just like I needed them to be. Then, I lean back in my chair and wait for the clip to finish.

  Tony clears his throat painfully. "I'm sorry, I'm a little bit under the weather," he jokes. "I wanted to come here and haunt you from the past…" He cackles and it pleases me when I hear my mother join in.

  "No, Valerie. I am here to tell you I am proud of you. I am happy for you, because you learned how to live again. There's no use in sitting back while life passes you by. You need to be happy, for me, and for Cassidy, and for your son, Dom."

  My mother dabs her eyes with a handkerchief as her new husband kisses her gently. I look at Cassidy next, knowing the next part is just as important.

  "And Cassidy," he continues as she blinks back heavy tears. "Please know…" His eyes are filled with tears as he looks into the camera, like he's here speaking to his daughter himself.

  "Please know that I'll alway
s love you. Even when I can't hold your hand anymore, I'll always be your dad."

  The clip fizzes out to nothing, the image disappearing from the screen. Everyone is quiet for a long second, my heart beating wildly.

  Then a clap erupts, cheering and happy smiles. Just like Tony would have wanted.

  I get patted on the back, thanked, and kissed by my affectionate mother. As she looks at me, I know there's still a chance for us to rebuild our relationship, and that makes me grateful to Tony.

  But my mind is preoccupied with a certain redhead, and as soon as they let me go, I look at her place at the table to find it empty.

  I scan the room for her.

  But Cassidy Lynn is gone.

  Chapter twenty


  I run out of there, unable to take any more. As soon as I see my father's face on that projection screen, all the memories start rushing back and it just hurts too much to handle. I use the moment when everyone claps Dom on the back to rush out of the stuffy, crowded room.

  I walk aimlessly along the shore, my heart pounding, the tears not quite falling. I hate them for that, knowing they would relieve the tension. But it seems like I'm frozen in this strange state.

  My legs carry me over to the beach, which is deserted. It's misty again, with plenty of silver-lined gray clouds. So ironic.

  "Cassidy!" a voice calls out to me. I'd recognize the sound of Dom calling my name anytime, anywhere, but I don't want to turn around. Don't want to give him another chance to hurt me as badly as he did before. I keep on walking.

  I hear his footsteps after me, trying to catch up and try to quicken my pace even though I know he'll catch up eventually. And so he does, grabbing my elbow, his breathing heavy.

  "Where are you going, darlin’?" he asks, the concern plain to hear in his pained voice.

  "Away," I answer him shortly, the words more of a murmur than anything else.

  "Away from what?" he insists, and I rip my elbow from his touch, turning towards him with angry eyes that could turn him to stone had they the power to do so.

  "From you, from Valerie, from my dad," I say, my voice shaking with the heavy words, knowing I'm about to hurt him. "Can't you see, Dom? I'm too weak. I can't handle all this. I can't take any more pain, because I'm already in pieces."

  He steps in front of me, his body imposing and huge against my small frame. "No, I can't see," he growls, tipping my chin upwards like he's done so many times before. "You know what I do see?"

  I just stare at him as he goes on, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

  "I see a little girl who's still afraid. A girl who's been running all her life. Your dad's gone, Cassidy, and that's never going to change," he says harshly, the words rough and painful. I want to spit in his face, but I’m so helpless, all I can do is swallow back a reply and stare at him through tear-filled eyes.

  "But other things could change," Dom continues more gently. "You've been running from me, darlin', and I'm the one who can make this better. It's been four years, four goddamned long years, and I'm not going to waste any more time."

  "I broke up with Adrian," I blurt out and Dom's eyes widen in shock at my admission. Before he can say a thing, I start talking again, admitting the truth I've been holding back from yesterday.

  "He's been cheating on me… ever since you came to the house. With your cousin, no less," I snort, giving Dom an evil glare like all of this is his fault.

  "Brielle?" he asks incredulously, and I give a solemn nod. To my surprise, Dom dissolves in laughter as I glare at him.

  "What the fuck? Is that funny to you, jackass?" I demand. "You're such a prick, Dom!"

  "It's not that," he shakes his head, still laughing. "But I can't believe he tried to replace you with goddamned Bri." He looks at me seriously now and I gulp loudly, waiting for his next words.

  "He's a goddamn prick, Cassidy," he says with his teeth clenched. "And I was one, too, for making that bet with him." I turn away, but he takes my chin between his fingers, making me look back at him. I struggle but give up in the end, even though the subject still makes me feel vulnerable.

  "You have to listen," he says insistently. "It was never about that car. It was about you, Cassidy, it's always been about you. I hated the way they all looked at you, but I knew I could never have you myself… It wouldn't be right, with our parents married. The bet was the perfect way to keep Adrian away from you, and maybe have you for myself."

  I look at him hard, and I realize he's telling the truth, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. "Trust me," he growls low in his throat. "If I'd known there was a chance of something real, I would have told Adrian exactly where he could stick his bet."

  He takes a deep breath. "I never expected to fall in love with you, Cassidy Lynn."

  And my heart soars.

  He leans in close until our lips are almost touching and I tremble under his touch, so gentle yet firm. "I'm going to kiss you now," he promises me. "And if you tell me you feel nothing, absolutely nothing for me after I do it, I'll walk away."

  Dom doesn't wait for me to answer, instead lowering his lips to mine. My body responds, and I’m unable to hold myself back. Melting into his embrace, my body fits the contours of his perfectly. I've been craving those lips for years, needing his touch like the air I breathe.

  He deepens our kiss, making it rough and demanding as he plunges his tongue in my mouth. His hands are wrapping possessively around my waist. I'm losing myself in his touch, his kiss, his scent, and I know with dead certainty I will never be able to go back… Not this time.

  "Nothing?" he groans against my lips, moving back for just one second. And I already miss him, already need another goddamn taste. But I don't answer, licking my bottom lip instead as my body trembles like it's recovering from the loss of his touch.

  "What do you feel, Cassidy?" he insists, grasping my throat between his fingers. It feels so goddamn good, that motion which should be rough, but feels loving when he does it. Possessive, but so… amazing.

  "I feel…" I begin, my voice breaking as I struggle to get the words out of my throat. "I feel loved," I admit, and it's as if a dam has broken as more words spill from my lips. "I feel like I can't go on without you. Can't go on without being me. And," I bite my lower lip, "the only way I can be me, is with you."

  He stares at me hard, like he's trying to discern if I'm telling the truth. A small smirk begins to play on the edge of his mouth as I stare at him incredulously. "Knew it," he groans and tries to kiss me again, but I slap him away.

  "You prick! So self-absorbed, I cannot believe it," I exclaim, my brows furrowing as he laughs out loud.

  "Oh, how I missed that firecracker," he says, taking me firmly around the waist and pulling me into his embrace. And once again, I’m helpless as he smirks in my face, that teasing expression already back in his eyes. "No going back now, darlin’," he promises me, claiming me with another delicious kiss.

  Chapter 31


  I could kiss this woman all day, but we have to spring apart sooner or later, since she apparently has something else to tell me.

  "I found my dad's notebook," she says, her voice trembling. "Did you know he knew about us?"

  Her eyes implore me for answers, and I wonder how I should reply. "I had an idea," I finally say, kissing her to take her mind off everything. Because I still have another ace up my sleeve.

  There's one person left that needs to give us her blessing, and Cassidy and I both agree we won't be able to do anything if we don't talk to her.

  So, we go back to the wedding reception, which is now in full swing. Champagne is flowing and the guests are all happy and cheerful. We exchange worried glances, and then try to find my mother.

  Cassidy is the first to spot her, and I'm shocked by the sight that awaits us. My mother is on the dance floor, laughing hysterically as her new husband whirls her around.

  It should weird me out, but the sight makes me happy. After all, my mothe
r went through some terrible things, first with my father, then with Cassidy's. And it's time for her to have some fun.

  My heart beats wildly as we approach her, and Cassidy calls my mother's name.


  Mom turns around and immediately beams when she sees Cassidy. "Honey! Where did you go? I've been looking all over for you."

  She spots me next and her brows furrow in confusion. "Is everything all right?"

  "We need to talk to you," I say with finality in my voice, clearing my throat a bit awkwardly. I can't say I'm looking forward to this conversation, but it has to be done so both Cassidy and I can have peace of mind.

  "Can it wait?" Mom asks, and when she sees our worried expressions, she excuses herself from her husband, who is grinning widely.

  Mom leads us into the back of the venue, to the exact room where I had my conversation with her before the wedding. The room is pleasantly cool, but it does nothing to calm my nerves. The scent of lilies is so heavy in the air, it feels suffocating.

  "What is this about?" Mom asks worriedly, sitting down in the chair next to the vanity table. She dabs at her forehead with a handkerchief as Cassidy and I exchange guilty glances.

  "We wanted to speak to you about something," I speak up, my words heavy with what I'm about to say. "I don't even know where to start…"

  "I'll help," Cassidy cuts in, the confident woman I remember her to be. She steps right up to my mother, her expression a mix of defiance and worry as she kneels in front of her.

  "Valerie," she begins with a serious voice. "Your son and I are in love. We have been since that first summer at the beach, and we were too afraid of what you might think… we never told you for that reason."

  My mother's eyes become as wide as saucers as Cassidy takes her hand in her own trembling one, soothing her skin. "I'm sorry if this is a shock to you, but we wanted to have your blessing before we took this further."


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