Phoenix Child

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Phoenix Child Page 11

by Alica Mckenna Johnson

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  Today I planned ahead, so when I arrived at camp with soaking wet pants, I pulled an extra pair out of my backpack. Despite the rain, I managed to get to the Circus Center early enough that no one had come downstairs yet. After tucking my things into a cubby, I went into the bathroom to change.

  I was about to leave the bathroom, happy to be warm and dry, when I heard voices outside the door.

  "Tony called me this morning. He's the most experienced Dreamer in America, and he said that there was only one Child of Fire that came into power in the past six months in California. This means Sara has to be Sapphire!"

  "Gavin, I hope Sara is Sapphire, I want you to find your niece. You know I do. However, we need to take it slow. We can't hurt this girl. You coming into her life is like a fairy tale, and if it's not true, it could hurt her beyond measure." Philip's voice sounded calm and firm.

  "But the Dreamer said..."

  "I know, but sometimes there are confusing signs in dreams. You sent off her blood to get tested right?"

  What were they talking about? How did he get my blood?

  "Yes, I sent it to Nathan," Gavin answered.

  "He's your lawyer, right?"

  "Yes, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet."

  Something thudded against the bathroom door.

  "You're going to give yourself a headache if you do that. And you know Nathan isn't going to call you until he knows exactly what is going on and what the next step is," Philip soothed.

  "I just wish I knew for sure; we don't even know if she has had any other physical changes," Gavin cried out, his frustration clear.

  Crap, now I felt bad. I looked in the mirror; my hair pulled back in a tight bun with all of the red carefully hidden under my bandanna.

  The door thudded again.

  "We don't even know for sure that your niece is the Jewel. I know Keagan dreamed about it, and your sister choose the name Sapphire because they felt she was going to be the Jewel, but dreams can be very hard to interrupt."


  "We do know she has the eye color of the first children, that alone shows how powerful and connected she is to Shamash and Aya. Most Children of Fire have no physical changes any more, and Anali said Sara feels empathic to her." I could almost see Philip counting off the different things on his fingers.


  "If only I saw her before her birthday, then I would know if her skin color changed. If she would let her hair down, we would know what color it is," Gavin said.


  "Gavin, if she isn't your niece, will Nathan still be willing to help one of us get her? We need to train her to use her powers, and I don't see how we can do that while she's still in the foster-care system."

  "Yes, of course. But, Philip, she is the Jewel. I know in my heart Sara is Sapphire! Why did Gabriella hide her with Child Protective Services and change her name? Why not send her to me instead of to CPS? I have to tell her. I can't let her keep thinking she has no family."

  "No! Gavin, no. You have to calm down and let your lawyer do his job. I agree it sounds like Sara is most likely Sapphire, but we will have to work within the system. Nathan will call you when he has the next step ready and in place. He knows you have no patience." Philip's voice filled with power. It felt strong and soothing, and my own anxiety receded against my will.

  "Okay, I'll calm down, no need to go all Jedi Voice on me," Gavin said.

  "Come on, let's go, classes will start soon," Philip said. Gavin's muttering got softer as they walked away.

  I took a deep breath. Okay, this was intense. Gavin took my blood, I assume from when I had the bloody nose, and sent it to get tested. Who does stuff like that? Would Gavin be able to keep the secret a while longer? What would I say if he told me? I know he's my uncle, but I still hadn't figured out what to do about that. Now I didn't have a choice. When Gavin finds out for sure, he'll go to my caseworker. Once again, where I live and who I live with will be in chaos and beyond my control.

  I held my head in my hands, breathing slowly, willing my body to stop shaking and forcing the tears away. Change doesn't have to be bad. And for most people being part of a family is a good thing, right? At least I wouldn't have to share a room with three other girls. Maybe I should go to him first? Or at least let my hair down. What was I going to do?

  As soon as I opened the bathroom door, I ran into Anali. "Crap, oh crap, you scared me!"

  "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Are you all right?" Anali reached out to steady me.

  I plastered a quick smile on my face. "Of course I'm fine."

  "Sara, I'm also a Child of Fire, and my gift is empathy. Your emotions are intense. Normally I don't invade people's privacy, but I could feel how upset you were from upstairs." Anali freed a lock of brown hair from her gold hoop earring.

  "I'm not hurt; I'm not thinking of hurting myself or others; and I'm not running away," I rattled off the list of things that staff always needed to make sure weren't an issue.

  Anali's brow wrinkled around her bindi. "Well, that is good to know, but that doesn't mean you're all right. It's okay if you don't want to talk. I'm here when you do want to talk. Did you overhear Gavin and Philip?"

  I looked away, and my cheeks heated up. It always sucked getting caught eavesdropping, but how else was I supposed to find out what the adults were planning to do to my life?

  "I don't sense surprise from you. Did you already know Gavin is your uncle?" Anali leaned towards me so she could whisper.

  I breathed in her sweet jasmine perfume. I didn't know what to say. "Please."

  "Hush, it's okay. I won't tell anyone." Anali rubbed her hands over my arms.

  "Okay." I didn't believe her.

  "Sara, know you can talk to me. I'll listen, without judging and without telling anyone else." Anali meant what she was saying, her honesty clear and light against my skin.

  "Thank you, that's nice of you. I know Gavin's your husband . . ." I trailed off, unsure of what else to say.

  "Yes, Gavin is my husband, which makes you my niece, too. I want you to feel safe with me. Now classes are about to begin. Are you okay to join everyone?" Anali's light brown eyes held concern even as her lips softened into a smile.

  "Sure, of course," I said automatically. Would I ever feel okay again?

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