
Home > Romance > Cursed > Page 27
Cursed Page 27

by Evangeline Anderson

  “They don’t cover much, do they?” Stavros remarked, looking up at her with half-lidded eyes.

  “I…no, I guess they don’t.” She shifted uncomfortably and the white triangle pulled even lower, revealing the hot pink bud of her clit, peaking from between her swollen pussy lips.

  “I guess this answers the question about your pussy getting wet,” Stavros murmured.

  “It does?” Charlie felt her cheeks go hot with embarrassment.

  “Just look.” He traced the outline of her panties again, letting his fingers linger casually at the top. She could feel his fingertips just barely brushing her spread slit and her exposed clit for a moment before he slid one long finger down the center of the white lace triangle, along her open pussy lips. “Look,” he murmured again. “This little garment is soaked with your juices. Your pussy is so wet that if it was made of the same material as the night dress you were wearing last night, it might start squeezing you, as it did in your dream.”

  As if on cue, the panties she had found in the cabinet, actually did begin to shrink and squeeze—just as they had in her dream.

  “Oh!” Charlie reached for the little white strings which were cutting into her hips. The white triangle was growing smaller and smaller, shrinking from the side of a silver dollar, to a quarter, to a penny in a few heartbeats.

  “Gods!” Stavros looked at her uncertainly. “Are they actually…”

  “Yes, yes they are!” Charlie squeaked, tugging uselessly at the shrinking, squeezing fabric. “Please, Stav…you have to—”

  But he was already doing it. Sliding to his knees before her, he took care of the panties with two quick bites of his razor sharp fangs. As they fluttered to the floor, he looked up at her, his face filled with concern.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I am now.” She exhaled in a shaky rush. “Thank you—that’s the second time you’ve saved me from weird shrinking clothes and that was a little too close for comfort!”

  “You’re welcome.” She expected him to get back on the couch but instead, he stayed there on his knees before her. “Charlie,” he murmured. “Tell me what comes next. In the dream.”

  “I…you…” She bit her lip, embarrassed all over again. Embarrassed but incredibly hot. “You said…” She cleared her throat. “You said you’d see…see how hot and…how wet my pussy was. And then…then you did.”

  “I didn’t ask?” He frowned slightly as he stroked lightly over the curls on her mound, tracing her pussy as he had been tracing her panties earlier. “Didn’t even ask if it was all right with you for me to touch you so intimately…to penetrate you with my fingers?” As he spoke, he gently spread her legs, widening her stance until her pussy was open for him.

  “God…” Somehow Charlie found the strength to keep standing but she didn’t know how. “No…you didn’t ask,” she whispered. “You just…said you were going to see how hot and wet I was.”

  “Well, I’m asking now.” He traced her pussy slit, letting his fingertips slide lightly over her wet petals and around her throbbing clit. Charlie bit back a moan as he looked up at her. “Charlotte,” he murmured softly. “Will you let me test your heat and see how wet your pussy is? Will you let me penetrate you with my fingers and thrust deep in your core?”

  In answer, she spread her legs a little wider.

  “Please,” she moaned breathlessly. “Please just…do it.”

  Two long, thick fingers slid slowly down between her pussy lips. Then, with a low growl of need, Stavos found her entrance and pressed deep inside her, filling her channel completely with one long, slow thrust.

  “Ahh!” Charlie’s legs seemed to be suddenly made of rubber and her spine was melted butter. She grabbed for his broad shoulders and would have fallen if he hadn’t wrapped his other arm around her waist to keep her upright.

  “Is this the way I did it in your dream, falinda?” he murmured, giving her the sweet nickname again. “Is this the way I fingerfucked your hot, wet little pussy?”

  “Y…yes,” she moaned, holding on to him for dear life. “Oh God, Stav, yes.”

  “Gods, you’re tight!” he murmured, still pumping into her. “So tight and hot and so deliciously fucking wet. And your scent…” He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh and inhaled deeply. “So sweet…I could come just breathing you in.”

  Charlie bit her lip. “I didn’t know you’d like my…”

  “Your scent? I told you, it’s delicious.” His eyes flashed with hunger. “And look at how your honey is already coating your thighs.” He thrust up again, pressing against the end of her channel until she moaned and fresh wetness came from her throbbing pussy. “Can’t wait to taste you and lap up all those sweet juices,” he growled.

  “I…you…” Suddenly Charlie felt frozen again as all her earlier tension returned. She went rigid in his arms and tried to pull away from him.

  “Charlotte?” Plainly Stavros felt the tightness in her body because he withdrew his fingers and looked up at her with concern. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I just…” She took a step back from him and sat on the couch, legs crossed tightly. “I don’t know if I want to act out that part of the dream.”

  “We have to,” Stavros said patiently. “We have to act out all of it. There can be no exceptions.”

  “I know we’re supposed to…” She looked away, crossing her arms over her chest protectively. “I just…don’t want to.”

  “What’s wrong?” He sat on the couch beside her. “Look at you—your soft little body is practically tied in a knot. Why is letting me taste you more difficult than any of the other things you so willingly let me do?”

  “I…” She couldn’t meet his eyes.

  “Does it have to do with something that happened to you?” he murmured. “A bad experience?”

  Miserably, she nodded. “It was…the first guy I ever dated seriously after Missy…after she died. The first guy I ever let…well, you know.”

  “The first one who ever made love to you?” he asked.

  Charlie nodded. “Well, if you call getting on top of me and pumping a couple of times ‘making love’ then yeah, I guess so.”

  “And did he taste you as well?”

  Reluctantly, she nodded again. “Well…he started to anyway. But we were both inexperienced and he had never done that and I’d never let anyone do that and we just…”

  “What happened?” The question was so soft, so gentle she could almost believe it had come from her own mind.

  Charlie closed her eyes, trying not to remember the look of uncertainty and disgust on Clay’s face the first and last time he’d tried going down on her.

  “It didn’t…appeal to him,” she said dryly.

  Now that’s an understatement! whispered the little voice in her head. Didn’t appeal to him? Tell the truth—he made you feel like a fucking freak, Charlie.

  She tried unsuccessfully to push the memory away. It had been a terrible experience—one she had never cared to repeat with any other man.

  “Why not?” Stavros asked patiently. “How could tasting such a beautiful woman not appeal to him?”

  Charlie looked up at him uncertainly.

  “Please tell me, Charlotte,” he murmured. “I need to know in order to make this good for you. And Gods…” He looked at her earnestly. “I do want to make this good for you. I want your pleasure far more than my own.”

  The sincerity in his eyes finally convinced her to talk.

  “All right,” she whispered. “He…he didn’t like how wet I got. He said it was…disgusting and it grossed him out.” She nearly choked on the humiliating confession but she forced herself to go on. “I was…I felt…it was awful. I, uh, promised I wouldn’t put myself through that ever again. Since then I’ve been with a couple of guys who wanted to…to do that. But I always said no.”

  “Because of that first bad experience with a male who clearly didn’t know what he was doing?” Stavros growled.

; “Because I don’t need it.” She looked up at him, frowning defiantly. “Why should I care about something like that? It’s just one little thing—what’s the big deal?”

  “The ‘big deal’ is that you want it.” He took her hand in his and entwined their fingers. “If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have dreamed of it.”

  “I don’t believe that—dreams don’t mean crap.” Charlie withdrew her hand and wrapped her arms around herself again. “It’s just stupid…”

  “It’s not stupid to ask for what you want, especially when there is one so willing to give it to you,” he rumbled.

  Charlie shook her head stubbornly. “No.”

  “What if I told you I like your wetness—that we even have a special name for a female whose pussy gets extremely wet like yours does?” Stavros asked softly.

  “You do?”

  “We do.” He nodded. “We call such a female a numalla. It literally means, ‘liquid pussy.’ And a numalla is highly prized among my kind.”


  “Well, as you may have noticed, we Blood Kindred are rather…well endowed.” He shifted a little and her gaze was drawn briefly to his lap where his cock was still at attention. It really was on the porn star side of large, Charlie had to admit. “It helps if a female makes extra lubrication to accommodate us,” he continued. “Do you see?”

  “Okay, yes, I see,” she said, tearing her eyes away from his hardness. “I see how it would help while you’re having sex. But that doesn’t mean you’d like it more when you were…you know, going down.”

  “Didn’t I tell you before that a Kindred warrior needs to pleasure his female with his tongue. Needs to taste her?” he asked softly. It’s not just a desire—it is a biological imperative for us. And if a male’s face isn’t as wet with the juices of his female afterwards, he isn’t doing it right.”

  Charlie wondered briefly if he was making this all up to make her feel better but the look on his face was sincere. Still, it seemed hard to believe that any man would want to get wet and messy going down—especially after Clay had been so disgusted by her excessive wetness.

  “Yes but still…” She shook her head. “I just don’t…I’m not really comfortable with this.”

  “All right.” Stavros took a deep breath. “Think of it this way then—you don’t have to endure it for long.”

  “I don’t?” She looked at him hopefully.

  “Not if you don’t want to. Remember our deal—we are keeping things professional. So you don’t have to spread your pussy open and let me taste you in a long, leisurely manner—although the Gods know I would welcome the opportunity.” He made a hungry, growling sound in his throat. “You only have to let me kiss you once or twice before I move back to your inner thigh and bite you.”

  Charlie sat up a little. “That’s all?”

  “That’s all,” he rumbled. “Just a few kisses so that we can truthfully say we acted as we did in your dream. Then this whole scenario can be over.”

  “Well…” Charlie could feel herself wavering. She had been extremely nervous about the idea of letting the big Kindred go down on her but as he pointed out, this didn’t have to be like that. He could just give her a few light pecks on the top of her mound, bite her thigh, and they would be done. That didn’t seem so awful.

  Stavros said nothing, waiting patiently for her to decide. The very fact that he didn’t pressure her helped Charlie make up her mind.

  “Well…all right, I guess,” she said at last. “But just a kiss and a bite. That’s it.”

  “That’s it,” Stavros promised. He was already sliding off the couch to kneel before her on the soft, thick blue carpet. He lifted his eyes to look at her and though his face was calm, there was a fire burning far back in those indigo depths. A fire that Charlie had never seen there before.

  “How should I—” She started to change positions but he stilled her with a hand on her knee.

  “Just lie back and relax, Charlotte. Relax and let me kiss you.”

  Slowly, still feeling incredibly self conscious, Charlie half reclined against the arm of the couch and let her knees drift apart. She couldn’t help being embarrassed by what was revealed.

  Her pussy was still wet and swollen with need—her outer lips parting to reveal her slick inner petals and the little pink pearl of her clit. Her thighs, as Stavros had commented earlier, were wet with her juices and more was welling from her every moment. Liquid pussy indeed. Charlie bit her lip. It was hard to believe the big Kindred would find this appealing—it was exactly what had put her first real boyfriend off.

  She saw Stavros studying her as well and she waited, tense and nervous, for his face to change into a sneer of disgust, just as Clay’s had all those years ago. And sure enough, the big Kindred’s expression did change—but not in the way she had feared.

  Instead of revulsion, his strong features showed reverence. Instead of antipathy he looked at her with anticipation.

  “Gods, your little pussy is so beautiful,” he muttered hoarsely, framing the area in question with his long fingers. “I could look at you all night.”

  “Looking won’t get us to the Circle of Oneness,” Charlie reminded him. She was trying for sarcastic but her voice came out slightly breathy instead. Damn it, why couldn’t she sound normal? “You…you’re just going to kiss me once?” she asked, trying to make sure everything would be okay.

  “Once in every way I did in your dream,” he specified gently. “For instance, I’m sure I probably kissed your outside first—correct?”

  “Well…” Charlie shifted, wishing she could close her legs. “Yes, I guess…”

  “Good, then let me do that now.” Leaning forward, he pressed a soft, chaste kiss to the springy curls on her mound.

  Charlie bit her lip and gave a small squeak when she felt his hot breath against such a sensitive place. But though she was nervous, Stavros clearly was not. He kissed her gently and firmly and then drew back to look at her.

  “See—that wasn’t so bad.”

  “No…” she admitted.

  “But I’m sure I didn’t just kiss the top of your mound in your dream. May I kiss lower now?”

  “Still…still on the outside?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I will kiss you gently—as I would kiss your mouth. Will you allow it?”

  “I…yes, okay,” she whispered.

  “Relax.” He gave her a small smile. “I won’t bite—not yet, anyway.”

  Charlie shivered when she thought of those long, sharp fangs sinking into her. God, all the vampire novels she’d ever read…all the erotic dreams she’d ever had…they could come true tonight. But she had to get through this first.

  “All right,” she whispered, letting herself settle back against the arm of the couch again.

  “Good,” Stavros rumbled. His broad shoulders split her wide as he leaned forward again. His big, warm hands rested lightly on her inner thighs as he pressed his mouth to her pussy slit and gave her a long, lingering kiss that took Charlie’s breath away.

  “Oh…” she whispered as she felt his lips move against her. True to his promise, he was treating her as tenderly as if it was her mouth he was kissing and not her pussy. And though he made no move to spread her open, she could feel her outer pussy lips parting anyway, almost as if her body was welcoming him in. She could feel his hot breath on her inner folds and then, just a tiny flicker of his tongue as it darted out to taste the throbbing bud of her clit.

  She jumped and moaned when he did that—an action which involuntarily pushed her hips forward and opened her pussy even wider.

  Stavros didn’t pull away from the increased contact. Instead his hands tightened on her thighs and he followed her when she settled back, clearly determined not to lose the ground he’d gained. She felt his tongue flicker against her clit again—was he trying to drive her insane? With a moan, she felt herself open even wider.

  The big Kindred deepened his kiss and it was all Charlie could d
o to keep from threading her fingers through his hair and dragging him even closer. Somehow she keep her hands clenched by her sides until finally, reluctantly, he pulled back and looked up at her.

  “Well?” he growled softly. “Was that all right?”

  It had been a hell of a lot better than all right but Charlie was still wary of admitting it.

  “It…wasn’t too bad,” she said cautiously.

  “So you won’t be afraid to let me kiss you inside now?” His eyes glinted with that hungry fire again.

  “Inside how?” Charlie asked quickly. “You mean up inside me? Because I don’t really want—”

  “I just want to spread your pussy lips and kiss your inner folds for a moment,” Stavros rumbled reassuringly. “Believe me, Charlotte, if you don’t like it I can stop.”

  “All…all right. But…you’re sure you want to?” she couldn’t help asking.

  “Falinda…” He rested his hands on her thighs and looked into her eyes again. “Please believe me—I want to kiss you—to spread you open and kiss your sweet, wet little inner pussy. I want to more than I want to draw my next breath.”

  “Well…” Charlie bit her lip. “It did happen in the dream so I suppose we should.”

  “We have to,” Stavros said seriously. “But also, I want to. Please, Charlotte.”

  “All right.” With a little sigh that was pure submission, she leaned back against the couch arm again. It’s going to be all right, she told herself, trying to believe it. He wants to do this. And it won’t take long—it’s just one kiss…

  And the Stavros spread her outer pussy lips with his thumbs, revealing her slippery pink interior and the wet well of her inner pussy.

  Charlie bit her lip, seeing how wet she was. God, letting him kiss her outer pussy had really had an effect on her! Even now fresh moisture was welling from her entrance. She looked at Stavros anxiously but there was no disgust on his face—just that feral hunger she’d seen in his eyes earlier. A look that said he couldn’t wait to do this.

  His head dipped toward her, his long hair spread over his broad shoulders as he pressed his open mouth gently to her exposed inner folds.


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