The Trials of Blackbriar Academy

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The Trials of Blackbriar Academy Page 8

by Olivia Ash

  “Charmed,” Jesse says, holding out his hand.

  Savannah giggles, takes his hand, and says, “Likewise.”

  “We need to figure out a way he can’t feed off initiates like that,” I say. “It’s wrong.”

  “I’ve always wondered what healthy competition would look like,” Jesse says, sounding like he’s back to himself with his carefree attitude, but there is a serious look in his eyes, and I have a feeling he’s formulating a plan. One that could get him hurt if he’s not careful. I wonder if he’s had his own personal run-in with them before. From the moment he uttered “zacar” his body language shifted.

  “Don’t worry, I would choose you over him any day,” I say and pat him on the shoulder.

  He smiles at me. And it’s a charming bright smile that I can’t help but return.

  “You need to let Professor Lawrence know,” Savannah says. “I highly doubt he would look kindly on your little run-in.”

  I open my mouth to answer, but a bell rings through the room.

  Everyone quiets and turns their attention to a sexy, dark blond-haired man dressed in a burgundy button up stretched over his muscular arms and torso, black pants and tie. His expression is hard, serious. But by god if that doesn’t make him even more lip biting hot, I don’t know what does. I have to know who he is.

  He glances my way, and my heart skips a beat.

  Whoever this man is, he has my full attention now.

  Chapter Ten

  Gideon Storm.

  The young-looking and handsome as hell headmaster, has me on the edge of my seat. My mind goes to places one shouldn’t go when surrounded by people. I think of the number of ways I could get him alone, and I think the thing that turns me on the most is he’s completely untouchable.

  Regular schools frown upon student-teacher relationships. This one has yet to give me a different impression.

  As the temperature seems to rise around me, I wiggle a little in my seat and fan myself with the fabric napkin sitting next to my plate.

  Savannah looks down at my napkin, meets my gaze, and she smiles knowingly too.

  I can’t deny it. I’m hot for headmaster.

  But that’s not going to keep me from trying.

  The places my mind goes shocks even me. I had no idea I was capable of such thoughts, but I imagine that his strong capable hands could put me in positions I’ve never even heard of. Send me to new heights that…

  I shake my head and fan myself more.

  Glancing at Jesse, who has a knowing little smirk on his face, I sit back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest.

  Gideon’s eyes glance toward me as he’s talking to the whole room about traditions–that I’m too distracted to listen to—almost as if he knows. A small smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth and I force myself to look away as my cheeks burn with fire. Even my cooling magic, the effect from Jesse, rushing through my body is doing little to quench the disastrous heat.

  He moves closer, stopping at the first initiate and introduces him. The guy stands up and shakes his hand, waves to the students, and then takes his seat.

  This process repeats until he gets to Jesse, and my magic flares again. This time I feel strength and renewed energy. My magic feels recharged, and I wonder what the hell is going on with me.

  He stands next to me, touches the back of my shoulder, and says, “Wren Blackwood.”

  I stand on wobbly legs as he introduces me. All eyes in the room drift to me, and the attention makes me slightly uncomfortable. I just pray my legs don’t give out on me. But I know they won’t because they feel rooted, but I am weak in the knees.

  His eyes meet mine and I’m caught in a sea of blue-green. He shakes my hand, smiles, and I… I can’t breathe. The touch of his hand is rough from years of whatever it is that he does, and warm. And the feel of his skin on just my hand sends my mind crashing through other scenarios of us. Naked. Grinding against each other.

  He pulls his hand away, and I snap back to the room, taking my seat as I learn to breathe again.

  As Gideon Storm stands next to Savannah, his hand slides across the top of my back and stays there as he speaks. And I’m flushed with heat and sexual desires. I’m wrought with a mix of wanting him to remove his hand and me taking him right here and now.

  This man knows exactly what he is doing to me, and he’s enjoying it.

  The sexy bastard.

  Too soon, before I could make up my own damn mind, his hand is gone, and he’s off to the last few initiates left to be introduced.

  Good. Freaking. God.

  My eyes switch to Soren. I practically screwed his best friend in my thoughts, and he stares at me with what I can only assume is malice. I glance to Anderson, and he’s all grins and with adoration filling his eyes.

  Or… is that hunger?

  “Nice ass,” Jesse says in a whisper. His hot breath not helping my raging hormones. I close my eyes and try not to groan. Of course, I have to contend with Jesse.

  These men are going to kill me.

  Gideon returns to his seat and I feel my magic slowly return to the level I need it to be for a clear mind. And thankfully, it happens. Mostly. I still feel some of the effects that blend deliciously with Jesse’s effects, and I’m loving it.

  Three men make my magic react in different ways.

  Lord help me if there are any more.

  Ice water appears at the table and I take a nice, long pull of the cooling liquid before clearing my throat and refocusing on what’s being said.

  “Now that the introductions are out of the way,” Gideon says, voice dark, even, and sexy. “Let’s lay down the rules for initiates to abide by as guests of Blackbriar Academy.”

  Oh good. These are probably important to listen to.

  “During the time of the trials,” Gideon says, “all students and initiates are to be in their rooms by eleven. That is when curfew begins. Lights out at eleven-thirty. Rise and shine at six AM. Initiates must spend their days with their mentor to better prepare for the trials. When not with a mentor, we ask that you remain in your room or in the main common areas. Nowhere else.”

  “Lame,” Jesse mutters.

  I elbow him, and he laughs under his breath.

  “I wonder what they consider common areas,” Savannah says.

  I shrug. It had better include the library or I’m going to be breaking that rule.

  Gideon continues, “No one is allowed to perform unsanctioned magic. No exceptions. All violators will be removed from the premises and barred from readmittance. Unsanctioned magic is any magic performed outside controlled settings or under the direct care and supervision of either a mentor or professor.”

  That one resonates with me. Being removed would also mean having memories erased. It’s implied, but I know better than to think otherwise. Not after Lady Alene’s explanation. I refuse to let something like that happen to me. The ramifications of having my memory erased could be deeper than anyone is willing to say. Especially with how much weight they put on that consequence.

  I almost shudder at the thought of having my mind messed with. My memories have been what has kept me going for the better part of six years. On cold nights, shivering on the ground in the troll village, I relived my childhood with my dad. Sometimes, I would fantasize about breaking free for good, running so far away that not even the trolls would catch me. Ever.

  To have someone invade my mind and wipe my memories would be catastrophic, and who’s to say the right memories would be taken and not the ones that I hold so dear?

  Nope. I’m good.

  “Meal times,” he says and pauses to make sure everyone’s attention is still on him, “are posted outside of the cafeteria. No excuses will be accepted for not making it to meal times promptly. Nor will special arrangements be made. Our cooks are busy and don’t have time to prep a separate meal for anyone. Student or staff.”

  “Guess I better have my stash ready,” Jesse says. “Don’t worry, Wren. I’ll sha

  I switch my eyes to him and the way his eyes level on me I have to wonder what, exactly, is he going to share. Because it implied much more than just food.

  “Everyone,” Gideon says, “is expected to perform weekly chores. On that same note, student hygiene will be expected out of respect to yourself and your fellow students. This also leads me into sex and relationships…”

  Jesse sits forward, seemingly eager to hear this one.

  “No initiate may be involved with any student or faculty member during their time here. I don’t want to go into details, but having already learned of the trials, I feel it’s self-explanatory.”

  Savannah snorts. “Not likely.”

  I look at her, shocked that she would be one to break a rule such as that. She smiles and shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  “Are you…” I ask.

  She smiles and says, “Never kiss and tell.”

  I shake my head.

  Jesse says, “When there is a will, there is most definitely a way. How ‘bout it, Wren? Up for the challenge?”

  I sigh, half-heartedly. I’m attracted to Jesse. No doubt about it. With his bad boy looks, piercing steel blue eyes, and killer smile—not to mention his equally sexy body—it’s hard to ignore the way he teases. He narrows his eyes, with his lips parted again, and I’m ignited in desire once more.

  Snap out of it, woman!

  I clear my throat and say, “I would, but… no.”

  He smiles and says, “It’s my personal goal to make you squirm.”

  I try to shrug him off, but it doesn’t work.

  “Challenge accepted,” he whispers, and I put my focus on the untouchable headmaster, Gideon Storm.

  “The use of magic without a conduit is a serious offense at this school and will be considered a willful act of insubordination which will be dealt with accordingly. Please don’t do it. You really don’t want to know what will happen.”

  “Worse than a mind wipe?” I hear myself ask.

  But the question goes unanswered as the final rule is delivered.

  “Lastly,” Gideon says. “Thievery will be punished in accordance to school law, following a thorough investigation. Should you be found guilty, you will be expelled.”

  Ugh. His voice makes all these horrible things sound like paradise.

  I’m hopeless.

  “I just have one last announcement before we eat,” Gideon says, turning toward us initiates. His eyes rest on mine and my cheeks warm. Pressure pools beneath my thighs, and before I can fall back into my dark desires, I pull my gaze away. “Initiates, you will, at sunrise, report to the main courtyard for training preparation for your trials. Each of you will be given an elite mentor. They will help you through your trials and make sure that you are at your best for when they begin. They are your lifeline of sorts. Use them well. Absorb what you can.”

  He pauses for a brief moment and asks, “Any questions? No? Good. Let’s eat.”

  Our meals appear on our plates and the smell is simply mouthwatering. The chicken is covered with buttery herbs and crispy skin. Next to those is a helping of red potatoes, a dinner roll, and asparagus.

  “Talk about service,” Jesse says and digs in with his fingers.

  I decide to use my utensils and spear a potato wedge on my fork, blow off a little of the steam, and shove the bite into my mouth. The flavors burst along my tongue and I’m quite sure magic is the reason for this food tasting as amazing as it does.

  Savannah gently elbows me to get my attention. I look to her expectantly and she nods in the direction of the headmaster. “Wanna know what I found out about him?” She smiles as she cuts a piece of chicken and places it into her mouth.

  I hate to admit it, but I do. I want to know everything I can about him. “Sure,” I say, trying to keep it casual.

  “He first came to the school as a self-defense professor and is now the head of the school. He’s mysterious, good looking for a slightly older man, and very respected in the mage community. He also happens to be the youngest headmaster in the history of Blackbriar.”

  Jesse leans back into his chair and looks toward the headmaster. “He’s not that good looking.”

  “And your opinion counts, why?” I ask.

  “Because I’m sizing up the competition. Best to fully understand what I’m up against, right?” he says as if it’s just normal to be this damn competitive.

  “He’s a teacher, and more than that, the academy’s headmaster, nothing is going to happen between him and his students,” I say.

  Jesse shakes his head and laughs under his breath as he toys with the asparagus on his plate. “You really don’t get what you do to men, do you?”


  I stare at him blankly. What am I doing? Honestly. Far as I’m concerned, it’s them. Not me. I shake my head and return my attention to Savannah.

  “How do you know so much about him?” I ask. “Where do you get the time to fish for the information. I mean, you’re right here and you suddenly know things about him like it was just placed in front of you.”

  She shrugs. “It sort of was. I’m sort of a telepathic empath. But it’s more involved than that.”

  “So, you are psychic?” I ask.

  “Not really. I don’t have much control over it. I just get glimpses.” She shoves a spear of asparagus into her mouth and moans. “So good.”

  That could either be really good. Or really, really bad for me. “What did you see about me?”

  “Nothing yet. At least, nothing bad, if that’s what you’re after,” she winks as she takes a bite of potato.

  That makes me feel a little better. But only a little. I don’t want to know what she would do if she had the knowledge of me doing magic without a conduit. Especially now that the rules covered that, and it’s apparently worse than murder here. At least, that’s what it seems.

  Chapter Eleven

  I finish my plate, and dessert appears shortly after. Red velvet cake. I devour it while Gideon announces a demonstration has been prepared from each house.

  “First up is House of Phoenix.” His voice booms as the lights in the room dim until we sit in darkness. Music echoes through the room, soft at first, gaining in crescendo as drumbeats pick up their pace until a loud bang of a cymbal slowly fades, leaving the room bathed in silence.

  In the center of the arena, now void of all the tables and students, a small light appears, shining from somewhere above in the vast darkness of the unseen ceiling.

  “Oh, I’m going to love this,” Savannah says. I laugh under my breath as she leans back in her chair and intently watches the show.

  “Should be fun,” I say and look to Jesse who seems on edge compared to his normal carefree self. “What’s up?”

  He shakes his head and says, “Shh… I’m trying to take a nap.” A smile pulls on his lips as he sets his gaze on the show in front of us.

  I shake my head. Such an enigma this one is. I wonder if, once the trials are over, he will still want to hang out. I’m sort of becoming fond of this guy.

  A pillar of flame shoots up from the floor and takes the shape of a bird made of fire. It slowly flaps its wings as it hovers. Yellow eyes move over the audience before looking up to the sky and the creature dissolves into ash, collecting in a smoldering pile along the floor.

  “Wow,” I say and keep watching for something more to happen.

  “And you know who belongs to that house?” Savannah asks, pointing her finger at the demonstration. It really wasn’t a question.

  I settle my attention on her. She winks, grinning from ear to ear. I shake my head. “He’s got a long way to go for any of that.”

  “Besides,” Jesse says, “Hard to give anyone else attention when I’m so fun to be around.”

  I playfully smack him on the arm.

  “Don’t damage the goods, woman.” Jesse straightens his shirt sleeve and smooths his hand over his arm. “Precious cargo, you know.”

  A voice speaks, sou
nding like it comes from a speaker nearby, it’s a deep, rich baritone. Part of me sighs in relief. I didn’t want it to be Soren’s voice, yet I kind of wish it was.

  “The phoenix, born of fire, represents strength and courage. For only with strength and courage can one find a means to become what they are meant to be. That is what the House of Phoenix stands for. Do you have what it takes to be reborn from the very fires that claim you?”

  Chanting, deep and melodic, echoes from around the room, coming from all directions, soft as a whisper. “Fire, death, rebirth, life.”

  I hold my breath and watch as a new phoenix is birthed from the ashes of the last one. The ashes start to ignite and burn. A small phoenix slowly emerges and flaps its wings, growing in size, until it hovers in one spot.

  The demonstration tugs at me. I can see myself being part of the House of Phoenix. Their symbolism of death and rebirth resonates with me. I too have experienced a rebirth in a sense. From the death of my old life and being born into my new, fresh start with this opportunity.

  All at once, the light is doused with the phoenix. Applause erupts, and I join in. It’s hard not to with a demonstration like that.

  Gideon’s voice echoes through the room as he says, “Next, the House of Drakon.”

  I have to admit the first demonstration is going to be hard to follow. But I’m excited to see what is in store.

  The light returns to the center of the arena and I hear the beat of giant wings and feel the wind pushing off of them before a large dragon comes into view. He lands and lets out a roar that reverberates throughout the room. His skin is the color of raw blue celestite, and he has four limbs, with his two front limbs connected to his wings. A row of spikes crown his head and stretches down his back, slowly shrinking across his tail which has a tip spiked like a flail.

  He’s gorgeous and fearsome, especially as he rises up on his hind legs and flaps his wings. As his mouth opens toward the sky, a torrent of fire blasts into the darkness of the ceiling. Anxiously, I peer at the dragon. I lean toward Jesse to get a better view of this magnificent creature, but goofy Jesse wraps an arm around my shoulders.


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