The Trials of Blackbriar Academy

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The Trials of Blackbriar Academy Page 19

by Olivia Ash

  Then again, not everyone is going to play nice with magic. Perhaps this was the point. Some mages, and that includes shadow mages, will try to trick me.

  Smart play, Blackbriar. Well played too.

  As the room shifts, revealing a door out of this nightmare, I realize that from now on, I will have to keep my guard up and be clever and smart about my methods. Each step is going to need careful consideration to the consequences, and I need to be able to account for anything. What I do from this day forward is going to be carefully thought out.

  I step through the door and I’m in the hallway across from my room. Taking that as a sign, I walk through the door. The room is empty, and resting on my bed are some bandages, pain killer, and a bottle of healing elixir. A note that holds instructions sits tented next to everything. Before reading any of it though, I sit on my bed and reflect on the last part of the trial.

  I know my father is out there somewhere. I feel it deep within me. And I refuse to believe otherwise. Now that I have passed my final trial, I’m going to devote every last second of free time I have to finding him. I will discover what really happened, and if there was foul play involved, I will make those responsible pay for their actions.

  Come hell or high water, they will wish they never messed with me and my family.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Of the ten initiates invited to attend the trials for acceptance into the academy, only six made it through.

  Jesse, Milo, and Savannah all made it through. We stand together silent, lost in thought, with the final trial darkening our expressions. None of us want to speak, and I’m not particularly fond of celebrating either. In fact, were it not required to make an appearance at this celebration, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. There’s also the plan I have with Milo, which I refuse to miss. I’m finally going to get answers about the mystery surrounding Deacon Lawrence.

  My injuries are gone, leaving my skin without a trace of what happened to me during the trial. Though I attribute my improved physical appearance to the vial of elixir that was left on my bed, I’m still left with the haunting memory of the things I faced.

  However, we now stand as proud students of Blackbriar Academy, officially. And we’re bombarded with endless congratulatory handshakes and smiles from all members of the staff.

  Every student in the academy is in the arena which was transformed in honor of those of us who have passed the trials. Our images are plastered onto large banners, lining the far wall of the room, while the other side has a long table full of goodies. Practically every finger-food imaginable lay spread on the table. The wall to the right of the room holds a mural of a fountain with colorful lights and trees standing in front of a backdrop of the castle with the amazing view of the universe that only works to remind me of the last trial.

  A small table, big enough to accommodate the six of us remaining initiates, sits in front of that. And between us and that, are smaller round tables situated with centerpieces and reserved seats for everyone else.

  It’s truly a beautiful sight, and I do enjoy the view, but I can’t shake the horror from the last trial just yet.

  As soon as the greetings are over with, we are escorted to our table, where we sit and wait for Headmaster Storm to give his official speech welcoming us as students to the academy.

  It bothers me that Savannah is not her usual bubbly self, and as soon as this night is over, I plan to talk with her about the trials until we are blue in the face. She had to have seen something as horrible as I have to make her seemingly permanent smile fade. I hope, in time, this will become a distant memory and we can all return to our normal demeanors.

  Even Jesse is less of a jokester. Though my magic still reacts the same.

  As we wait for the opening speech, I search for Milo. I feel him near me, especially with the way my magic reacts. Between him and Jesse, it’s a pleasant sensation that reminds me of fall. He’s two seats to my right. Jesse is in the seat next to me, and Savannah is on my left, with the other two on her other side.

  “You okay?” I ask, overcome with worry that my friend is in such a somber mood.

  She meets my gaze and smiles. It reaches her eyes, but there is still a sad light within them. “Oh, yeah. I’m good. Just still trying to recover.”

  “I hear you on that one. It was awful,” I say.

  Jesse says, “Let’s hope that is the worst of what we have to face here.”

  I reach over and grip his hand resting on the table and give it a soft, reassuring squeeze. His eyes meet mine and there is a glint to them that makes me smile.

  There’s my Jesse.

  “Milo,” I say, leaning forward.

  He snaps his attention to me, half-smiles and says, “Oh, hey Wren. Glad to see you made it.”

  I nod. “You okay over there?”

  He nods. “Yeah. I’m okay. You?”

  “I’m in one piece at least.”

  An announcement echoes through the room. “Students and faculty, please take your seats.”

  Good. We’re about to get started. Because the sooner we start, the sooner I can meet with Milo and get that spell I need to snoop around Professor Lawrence’s office again, and the sooner this night can be over with.

  Before long, Gideon Storm stands next to us, causing my magic to create a flux between the three of the four men it reacts to. It’s electric, the way it buzzes through me.

  He says, “For hundreds of years, our academy has held the tradition of the trials for acceptance into this academy. In my time as Headmaster, I have seen many initiates pass the trials, graduate, and become outstanding members of the mage community. This year, I’m astounded by the talent, the passion, and the strength these initiates have shown during their trials, and I have to say these individuals,” he gestures to us, “are the most promising group of young mages that have been accepted into the academy under my lead.”

  A round of applause rushes through the room with a mix of hoots and hollers.

  “Tonight,” Gideon’s voice booms, “we celebrate not only their passing of the trials, but welcome additions to our family of mages. I give to you, our new apprentice mages.”

  Waves of people stand and applaud. Soon, everyone in the room is giving us a standing ovation.

  “Celebrate your victory, apprentices,” Gideon says. “You have earned it.”

  Gideon walks away, and most of the night flies by quickly. Dinner went by in a blur. The apprentices mingled with some of the others, talking to heads of houses that they most want to be a part of. Except me. I stand off to the side, relatively alone, watching everyone enjoy themselves.

  I’m not used to so many people, and I prefer to avoid all unnecessary banter.

  Professor Lawrence approaches my side with two drinks in his hand. He offers me one and says, “Well, what did you think about the trials?”

  At first, I’m at a loss for words. I take the drink from him, fully not intending to drink it, and say the first thing that comes to mind. “Definitely different than what I expected.”

  He chuckles. “Yes, they most certainly always surprise initiates. How does it feel to be accepted?”

  “It feels good.” I pretend to take a sip of the drink. “Hard won.”

  He raises his drink. “And hard earned. To a rewarding education.”

  I lift my drink and gently clink it to his, repeating “to a rewarding education.” I take another fake sip.

  “If I may,” the professor says, all charm and suave, like he has no care in the world, “what would you say was the best part of the trial?”

  I shrug as I keep my eyes on the crowd, searching for Milo. “Learning what my limits are and how to push those limits further, I suppose.”

  “And,” he begins, but pauses a short moment before adding, “the worst part?”

  “The final trial. Hands down.” I pretend to take another sip, and I know he will catch on soon if he doesn’t leave me be. But I smile, determined to fake it till I make it.

  The professor angles himself toward me and he cocks his head slightly to the side. “Somehow, I’m always surprised to hear that. Care to talk about it? I’m curious to know what yours was like.”

  I meet his gaze and there is a dangerous glint to them. Almost like he already knows what happened, and he wants me to confirm it. Instead, I swallow my suspicions for the moment and say, “I would rather not.”

  Though I’m desperate to ask him about my father.

  “How disappointing,” he says, but it doesn’t seem like he is particularly upset, just curious.

  I add, “Everything is still fresh and raw. I would prefer to wait until after things settle a bit.”

  He smiles. As always, never reaching his eyes. “Of course. Mine was particularly brutal. But it’s different for each student.”

  I snap my gaze to him. “It is?”

  “Oh yes, dear. All of the trials are different for every initiate. That’s why you can’t discuss them. Well, part of the reason.”

  I nod slowly. That makes perfect sense, actually. “Good to know.”

  “Well,” he says, cupping my upper arm and giving it a squeeze, “I best be off to enjoy the celebrations. You enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  “Thank you,” I say and fake another sip.

  “Don’t forget, I’m here if you need anything.”

  “I won’t forget.” I smile my best plastic smile and try not to outwardly roll my eyes. I swallow my suspicions and wait to reveal them when the moment is right, and I have evidence to back them with. “If I need anything at all, you will be the first to know.”

  “Perfect,” he says with a bigger smile that almost reaches his eyes. Close, but not quite.

  As he walks away, I watch him move like he has not a care in the world. A couple of apprentices approach him and they both look my way. At the same time. He’s talking about me, and the funny weight in my stomach makes me feel like I won’t like what is being said. But that’s not the worst of it. Their eyes remind me of that golem. They were lifeless, almost like they have no real consciousness.

  With that thought comes a curiosity of just how far and how deep his influence goes.

  Depending on what I find tonight, I may have to play my cards extremely carefully from now on.

  One thing has been made abundantly clear to me since first meeting Deacon Lawrence and accepting the invitation to attend the trials, and that is there is no denying he is up to something and I am somehow part of that plan.

  In case he hasn’t figured it out yet, I’m going to have to show him I’m not a pawn in anyone’s game. It didn’t work for the trolls, and it most certainly will not work for him.

  I’m done waiting around. I’ll give it a little longer, after the professor and his two goons disappear from sight before I go grab Milo to get this show on the road. I don’t want to wait any longer. I need to find out what the professor is up to and I need to know now.

  I turn to find the nearest trashcan for this drink that could be spiked with who knows what, and nearly bump into Anderson Stone. I narrow my eyes at his smile and my nerves are filled with such a sickening sensation I consider running to the trashcan to vomit.

  “Go away,” I say as rude as I possibly can. But it does no good. I can’t seem to shake him off. If anything, just acknowledging Anderson has given him encouragement. He simply smiles and holds out another drink to me. I glance at it in disgust and side-step around him to throw the current cup I have in the trash.

  I turn to go look for Milo, stopping short yet again to avoid bumping into Anderson.

  “I brought you a drink, aren’t you going to take it?” he asks with a smile.

  That thing could be filled with any number of drugs or an enchantment, or even a combination. I don’t trust this guy, and the last thing I would do is accept a drink from him I didn’t watch get poured.

  “Nope. Bye.” I go to move around him, but he steps in front of me to stop me.

  “Where’s the rush?”

  “I’m looking for someone.” As his eyes light up, I add, “No, it’s not you, and I’m busy. Leave me alone.”

  The longer this takes, the shorter of a window of opportunity I have for sneaking through Professor Lawrence’s office. And I refuse to let the chance pass me by.

  I side-step around him only to have him block me again. I groan. This guy is freaking annoying. “What will it take for you to leave me the hell alone?”

  “One dance,” he says with a devious smile.


  He shrugs. “Suit yourself. You’ll come around eventually.”

  “Good luck with that.” I finally make it around him and beeline for any area not near him. I don’t like how I feel when he is around, and I certainly haven’t forgotten what he did the first time we met.

  That man is dangerous.

  But there is only so much avoiding I can do. We are both stuck on an island and it’s only so big. I know we were bound to bump into each other every once in a while. But not anywhere near as often as it has been lately. From now on, I will have to be extremely careful around him. He seems to know how to corner me when no one else is around, and that is all kinds of bad.

  I start to feel drained again. As I look over my shoulder, Anderson is directly behind me, evil glint in his eye and a hungry smile that tells me he knows I know what he is doing, but he doesn’t care because he can get away with it.

  Just as I’m about to lay into his ass, Anderson’s gaze moves to over my right shoulder.

  My magic rushes through me and I know who is behind me. I turn and smile as my eyes settle on his deep browns. “Milo!”

  “Hey, I’ve been looking for you.” He looks over my shoulder at Anderson. “Are you ready?”

  This man is my freaking hero. I’m so grateful that he came at just the right time, I lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek. Milo blushes a little and runs a hand through his hair. I return my attention to Anderson and say a curt, “Goodbye.”

  If looks could kill, Anderson would have murdered both me and Milo right where we stand. It takes everything inside me not to chuckle. Instead, I slip my arm through Milo’s and walk off.

  Once we pass the brooding Anderson, I lean in and whisper, “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Are you okay?”

  I nod.


  We leave the arena and head straight for my room. But I keep my arm right where it is, because I want to. And I like how it makes Milo blush a little.

  As soon as we walk through the door, I freeze.

  Jesse is standing there, looking at us with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

  At first, I think he’s going to run off, but then he saunters to me, really hamming up his smoldering looks, he pulls me into him and lifts my chin for me to meet his gaze. “Whatever mischief you are up to, my darling, you’ll have to include me. I refuse to let you do anything otherwise.”

  Well things just got a little more complicated.

  “Um, Milo this is Jesse,” I say gesturing between the two with a hand. “Jesse, this is Milo.”

  Jesse doesn’t look at him but quickly nods. “I’m certainly not leaving you alone with this chap.”

  I pull away and turn my attention to Milo who shifts uncomfortably as his gaze roams around the room, resting everywhere but on me and Jesse.

  I sigh and rub my temples. “I don’t have time for this.”

  My magic churns and quakes, and I’m at a loss of what to do. I wouldn’t put it past Jesse to stop me for not allowing him to come, and my window of opportunity is now. I can’t wait. I don’t see what other choice I have but to let him help. But my plan only accounted for one extra. Not two.

  Damn it all to hell.

  Milo says, “I have enough to cast on two. It will help if you have someone with you. I’ll stay here and wait for you to get back.”

  Jesse stands straighter and faces Milo. “And if someone shows up asking about our whereabouts?”
  He shrugs. “I’ll tell them that you are at the celebration. I was invited here to find something Wren needed.”

  “You think someone is going to buy that as an excuse?” Jesse asks and turns to me. “What do you see in this guy?”

  “Look, cast the spell on the both of us, we went to the kitchens for some drinks and snacks, we were going to play a board game as soon as Savannah got here. Good?” I look to both of them.

  They nod.

  “Good. Now, let’s get this thing over with.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  With the spell cast on both Jesse and I, we make our way through the halls to Professor Lawrence’s office.

  As soon as we get there though, the professor is stepping in.

  Crap. I didn’t account for him being here during the festivities. I look to Jesse who is serious until his eyes meet mine. He shrugs with a smile, a dark, curly strand of hair falls into his face and he winks and nods toward the door.

  He seems to think even with Professor Lawrence being in the room, it’s worth the risk. While the spell is able to conceal us, keep us hidden, it can be broken. And in less than two hours, it will dwindle on its own. We must be quick, and careful.

  I let out a deep breath and we move forward, stopping in front of the door. I lift a finger and press my ear against the door. It’s quiet. No shuffling of papers, no footsteps, no whispered breathing. Everything is quiet. But I just saw him walk in.

  That locked door has to be where he took off to. I wonder what’s behind there.

  “Can you pick a lock?” I ask Jesse.

  He smiles. “Does your ass shake in the most hypnotic way when you walk?”

  I stare at him. How the hell am I supposed to know?

  He chuckles under his breath. “Of course, I can.”

  Well, there’s two answers I have now. Apparently, I shake my butt when I walk, and Jesse can pick locks.

  We walk to the door and I gesture for him to do his thing. He bows lavishly and I force back a chuckle. We can’t be too loud, or it will disrupt the spell. And I can’t have that. Not now.


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