The Trials of Blackbriar Academy

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The Trials of Blackbriar Academy Page 25

by Olivia Ash

  “Wren Blackwood. Report to Deacon Lawrence’s office immediately.”

  The message repeats, emphasizing my name, and a chill freezes me in place.

  “Uh oh, trouble maker, what did you do?” Savannah asks.

  I half laugh and look to the four men who demand to protect me. They heard it too. “I don’t know,” I mumble.

  Soren barely shakes his head. I nod. Going to the professor would be like walking into a pit of vipers. That is the last thing I want to add to my day.

  Gideon announces, “Soren, escort Miss Blackwood to Professor Lawrence’s office.”

  Soren nods, bows slightly at the waist, and takes off toward me.

  I stand as he takes the stairs two at a time toward me. The look in his eyes is dark and serious, full of deadly focus. And as they switch to me, they soften a little, and I try not to react outwardly.

  I’m not a giddy schoolgirl, after all.

  A schoolgirl, yes. Now. But I have better control over myself than that.

  I face Savannah and say, “Thanks for hanging out with me and for the cookies. See you later.”

  “Damn right you will. And I want a full report on my desk by morning.” She smiles and winks at me. As soon as Soren’s back is to her, she bobs her eyebrows.

  I chuckle and shake my head.

  As soon as Soren and I are at the top of the stairs, we share a look. One that says we know exactly what this meeting means, and neither of us is going to like it.

  And now, the fun begins.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Professor Lawrence is flipping through papers on his desk as we make it to his office door that’s propped open. I stand there, waiting a moment before I lightly rap my knuckles at the door.

  He looks up over the rim of his reading glasses, slips them off, and smiles. “Wren, perfect timing. Come in, come in.”

  I smile in return, trying to keep my nerves in control and step in. Soren follows me. The professor’s gaze snaps to him, and his eyes are cold and full of daggers. I gulp.

  “This is merely a new student check, nothing to concern yourself over. She’ll be out in a few. You can wait out in the hall if you would like.”

  I cast my gaze over my shoulder at Soren. He seems unfazed by the professor, continuing to follow me in.

  “Then,” Soren retorts, “make it quick. I have training to continue.”

  The professor chuckles under his breath and says, “This is a private matter between apprentice and professor. It will be boring and uneventful, I assure you. I’m quite sure there are other, better things you would rather do.”

  Soren doesn’t budge. He joins my side and stays just far enough away that I can feel the heat radiate from his body. “Headmaster’s orders.”

  The professor’s demeanor begins to crack. His eyes burn with rage and his hands clench into fists on top of his desk. “How many times do I have to go over this with him. She is my initiate. Headmaster Storm has no right to interfere with my dealings with my initiates.”

  Soren shrugs.

  I force back the desire to smile because Soren isn’t moving and it’s pissing off the professor all the more.

  He slams his fists onto his desk. I wonder if there is going to be a battle in the office. Before there is, I need to do something to break the tension. The last thing I want is to be caught in a war between two mages contained in a small room.

  I raise my hand.

  When they turn their attention toward me, I say, “I don’t mind if Soren stays. What do you need, Professor?”

  He huffs and leans back in his chair and gestures for me to take a seat. I do, and he asks, “Now that the trials are over, I thought I would visit with you and see how you are doing. Are you taking time to enjoy yourself?”

  Ugh. Small talk. And fake too. This guy is stalling. He’s acting too pleasant, too fake, even for him. He’s buttering me up for something and I have a sickening feeling that I’m not going to like it.

  I smile my best faux smile and say, “I’ve had some down time. Not much though. Busy training.”

  “What do you do on your downtime? Have you been exploring the castle and island?”

  I shrug. “Eh, a little.”

  But my cheeks warm at the thought of me and Soren. I quickly shove that thought down. Now isn’t the time for those kinds of thoughts.

  “What do I owe the pleasure of this little visit for? Surely you didn’t call me from training just for small talk?”

  He tents his fingers on his desk and says, “I simply like to check on my initiates from time to time as I do have a lot riding on their success. Honestly, you have nothing to fear from me.” He plants his plastic smile on again.


  “If I didn’t know better, it seems Soren is acting as your personal bodyguard. I’m curious as to know why?”

  I shift my gaze to Soren then back to the professor. “It’s as he said. We were in the middle of training when I was called here. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

  There’s something that passes through his cold eyes, but he nods. “I’m relieved to hear that. I hate to bring this up, but I feel the need to remind you I did help you gain your freedom from the trolls. I asked of you nothing in return.” He levels his gaze on me.

  I sigh, forcing back the urge to roll my eyes. I’m becoming irritated with this charade and I’m ready for it to end. “I’m fine, but I do have a lot on my mind. I would prefer to return to my training so I can get to bed and get some rest.”

  “Of course, I won’t be much longer. Have you considered what courses you want to take?” He reaches into his desk and hands me a list of courses.

  I take it, glance over it quickly, and hand it back. “Headmaster Storm has already selected my courses. But thank you.”

  There’s the cold-hearted stony eyes he was just flashing at Soren. This guy is possessive. He needs to get a grip because I’m no longer property, and I certainly was never his.

  But I can tell there is more he wants to say. That much is evident by how he keeps looking toward Soren as he is wording his questions. It’s almost like he wants to ask a burning question that he can’t voice while Soren is around.

  And that makes me even more wary.

  Eventually, he clears his throat and hunches over his desk. “I want you to know, Wren, that I stand by my promise. If you need anything, come to me.”

  His gaze switches between me and Soren.

  The energy in the room feels tense. There’s a heavy, electrical weight to the air. Chaotic.

  I stand to leave.

  Professor Lawrence stands. “Be sure to let Headmaster Storm know to be expecting a visit from me regarding the matter of interfering with my initiate.”

  Soren nods and places a hand on the base of my back to escort me out of the office.

  And as soon as we are out of range, he keeps his voice low as he says, “The whole meeting was off.”

  “Oh, you felt that too, huh?”

  He gives a curt nod.

  “Do you think he knows about the letter or about me?”

  “I don’t know, but Deacon has always been hard to read. We need to let Gideon know of our interaction. That man is up to something. I can sense it. There may be more Gideon can do, but our options are few since we are stuck on an island.”

  “Fine, then Jesse and Milo should be there too.”

  “The fewer involved, the better.”

  “Nope. You either come with me, or I’m going on my own. They have been a big part of keeping me safe and helping me when I need it. To exclude them now would be an asshole move.”

  I stop in the middle of the hall and level my gaze on him, almost challenging him to make the wrong choice.

  “Wren, please, don’t do this now.”

  I shrug. “Fine. See you there.”

  I don’t wait for a response before walking off. He made his choice. But I refuse to exclude Milo and Jesse because it doesn’t suit Soren’s principles.

  As I wa
lk away, I hear him growl and mutter something under his breath as his steps follow me.

  I can’t help the smile that stretches my lips. I knew he would see it my way.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  If I have learned anything about these men, it’s how protective they are.

  I stare out the window of Gideon Storm’s office, leaning against the sill with my arms crossed over my chest, chewing on my lower lip while the men bicker about a plan to keep me safe. For the most part, I’m not listening. But, every once in a while, I catch bits and pieces of the conversation. Because it never takes long before the testosterone overwhelms the room and the energy becomes static and chaotic.

  “We need to come up with a plan to keep Wren safe.” Soren mutters, anger brewing within his words, and judging by the crackling electricity in the room, I imagine flames covering his body again.

  “Not many options, considering we’re all stuck on an island,” Jesse says.

  “True,” Gideon says. “It will be challenging but not impossible.”

  I remove myself from the conversation, watching the sunlight dance upon the tree tops while the wind rustles the leaves, making them sway a little. The side of the castle glows in a sandy color that seems rather perfect for a summery day on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific. Yet, despite the beauty that holds my attention, keeping me from losing my temper while the men all debate options for me, I’m just not feeling it.

  My magic continues to pulsate, buzz, and rush through me with a pleasant mix of temperature and flow. A combination of being around all four men at once. And even though they are annoying me today, they are the only men my magic reacts to. The only men I want my magic to react to.

  Despite their misguided need to protect me like I’m a freaking helpless damsel.

  “Hold on,” I say.

  But they don’t listen. Again. They don’t so much as even acknowledge the fact that I have spoken. And it’s starting to annoy me. They didn’t simply ignore me at first. However, when I offered something that would help…

  “No,” they say.

  “That’s too dangerous,” they say.

  “Don’t know enough yet about your powers,” they say.

  “Too much at stake,” they say.

  At least they could all agree on those things.

  The bickering increases, and I can’t take it much longer. Heat blisters through my veins and I’m starting to feel like I’m about to combust where I stand.

  Finally, I groan. “I’m not some goddamn damsel! I—no, we—may not fully understand my powers, but I know how to protect myself. Hell, I survived living with trolls!” My voice finally breaks through to them. Perhaps because I practically screamed at the top of my lungs. But at least I got somewhere this time.

  Their bickering simmers down as they take turns shifting their attention toward me.

  Hiding behind men, albeit well intentioned men, is not my style.

  “Besides,” I add. “I don’t want anyone risking their life for me. Especially, any of you.”

  They are starting to stare at me like I’ve grown a second head. Maybe I have.

  “Wren,” Gideon starts, “we all want what’s best for you.”

  “But what about what I want?” I point to my chest. “Have you stopped to think that maybe I should have a say in this?”

  Soren steps forward. “You need to calm down.” His eyes drift along the length of my body and I curiously follow his gaze.

  I’m covered in a thin layer of flames.

  That explains the heat and strange looks. Interesting.

  But I can’t marvel at it for long. As I do, my focus changes to the way the little layer of fire dances along my skin. Not quite as potent as Soren’s but close enough that I’m taken aback. Too soon, the flames simmer and fade away.

  “You take smokin’ hot to a whole new level,” Jesse says, holding his hand flat above his head, smiling like he’s impressed.

  Milo just stares at me wide-eyed, and I can see the gears of thought moving through his gaze.

  And Gideon? He seems the most concerned out of all of them.

  As I take in their gazes, I crack a smile. “That was so cool! How did I do that?”

  “The answer to that goes back to needing to know more about your magic,” Gideon says. “However, perhaps we should hear you out. You have proven your point. I’m sure we are all willing to listen.”

  I nod. “Thank you.”

  Soren nods as I meet his gaze, and there is a bit of hesitation and worry in his amber eyes that I don’t like. What I did just now, probably challenges every single thing he has ever known.

  I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and walk closer to the rest of the group. Checking to make sure I have their attention, I notice Soren joining us with caution.

  “I don’t want protection.”

  I’m inundated with an onslaught of rebuttals and all of the men are talking at once. I press my lips together as I take in as calm of a breath as I can take and hold up my hand to silence them.

  “I appreciate your need to protect me, but that is not what I want. I just want help.”

  “That’s what we are trying to do,” Soren says, and there’s a tone in his voice I can’t place. It’s calm, gentle… hesitant.

  I narrow my eyes on him, trying to figure out what the hell is going on with him. But I will just have to worry about that later. Right now, I have a point to make, and I need all of them to hear me out.

  “I get that is what you think you are doing, but really, I’m feeling trapped and babysat. I need just a little more credit than that. Yes, this magic is new to you. It’s not to me. I may not fully understand it yet, but I know what I’m doing.” As I take in the questionable gazes each man gives me, I add, “Mostly.”

  “We all want to be here for you, every step of the way,” Milo says. “But we also don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Agreed.” Soren nods.

  “Then let’s start acting like a team.” My voice raises an octave. I take a deep breath to release the tension in my neck and shoulders as well as the anger still brewing within me.

  Gideon nods and removes himself from his desk as he steps toward me. He rests his hands on my shoulders, and I’m filled with that ache that settles between my thighs and undeniable need to kiss him again. His blue-greens settle on my browns and I let out a shaky breath. This man can undo me like none other. “We all mean well, and we are willing to back down a little, but you aren’t accustomed to this world as much as Soren and I are. We have seen things we don’t wish our worst enemies to see. We know what could come to you, and no one in this room wants to see that happen.”

  As much as his words feel nice to my fluttering heart and hormones, I’m angry. Because I feel like this is his gentle way of saying, “Hush, child. I know better than you.”

  I glare at him. “I got everyone into this mess. Everyone here knows the truth about me. That puts you all at risk. I need to help get you out of it.”

  Gideon sighs and removes his hands. With a nod, he steps back.

  Jesse waves his hand in front of himself. “Uh, it’s a bit late for turning back now. Sort of married the idea here.”

  “Me too,” Milo says. He smiles in that bashful way of his and gives a short nod.

  “I think you already know my position on this matter.” Soren plants his feet shoulder-width apart and crosses his arms over his chest.

  I look at him, eyebrows knitted together. Does this man really not know how confusing he can be? Seriously?

  He rolls his eyes, dropping his arms to his sides. “C’mon now woman. Think.”

  Instantly my mind rushes with the images of he and I entangled with one another. My cheeks burn, and I look away.


  Okay then.

  Jesse makes a “mm-hmm” sound. I try my best to ignore him, but my cheeks damn near ignite.

  Gideon sighs. “I’m not technically allowed to form any intimate relationshi
ps with students at this school. But you are very different from just any student, Wren. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, as your headmaster, for now.”

  “You guys mean a lot to me too,” I say. “But, I refuse to let you fight alone. And I refuse to let you win this argument. The only solution I see here is we need a compromise.”

  Gideon chuckles. “You are something else.”

  No kidding.

  “Very well,” he adds. “What would you like out of this arrangement?”

  Oh, that is a tall order, indeed. My mind starts to carry me off to places involving sheets, and no clothing, but I can’t allow my desires to cloud my judgement. Not when I’m so close to getting what I want. Clearing my throat and shaking my head a little, I say, “Some semblance of privacy.”

  “And?” Gideon asks.

  “I want to help fight, research, hunt, whatever it is you guys do… I want in.”

  “Next?” Soren asks, arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the side of a chair, a look of amusement softening his features.

  I raise an eyebrow. “I want to learn to control my magic, stretch its limits, and use it to help do good in the world.”

  “That’s it?” Gideon asks.

  I turn my gaze to him and nod. “It’s not an exhaustive list. I’ll add to it when I see fit.”

  “I’m not budging on being your shadow,” Soren says. “Day and night. I’ll stop Deacon if he comes after you.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter! Have you been paying attention this whole time?” I glare at him and his sexy stubbornness.

  “Fine.” He looks to the other three. “Anyone else want to vote?”

  I wave my arms in front of me. “No vote. I need privacy.”

  In unison, the other three guys raise their hands.

  I gawk at each of them.

  Gideon adds, “Bathroom time is the only time you will get alone for the foreseeable future, I’m afraid. Your safety means too much.”

  “Unbelievable! Where is the compromise?”

  “That is the compromise,” Soren says.

  I look at Jesse and Milo who are chuckling under their breaths and trying their damnedest to hide it.


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