Breaking Her Bully: The High School Bully Romance Box Set

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Breaking Her Bully: The High School Bully Romance Box Set Page 24

by Bella King

  Jacob parted my legs, slapping his cock against my entrance. “This is all mine,” Jacob said as he stretched my pussy with his first thrust, and he was abso-fucking-lutely right.

  I gripped the side of the desk with my long black nails as Jacob built up speed, ramming his cock in my wet vagina with unparalleled speed and force. I couldn’t keep myself from sliding around as he pounded between my legs, burrowing his cock to the hilt inside of me.

  Fuck, I could see the outside of his huge cock in my stomach, moving rapidly beneath the skin. He was gifted, not only in size, but also technique.

  “You’re mine, Elise. You’re all mine,” He growled as he pushed in faster and faster.

  I gazed up at him lovingly, my face no doubt contorted into an expression of sheer pleasure. I admired the concentration on his face, the fire in his eyes, and the way he looked down at my breasts moving like waves. He was able to let loose in a way that I had never seen from anyone before. I guess that’s what happens when you fuck a man with so little to lose, and so much anger inside of him. He just pops loose.

  “I’m yours. This pussy is yours,” I moaned, bringing a hand up and running my nails down his abs. I left red marks on his skin, so I did it again, then again, until his stomach was redder than a beet farm.

  Jacob seemed to enjoy the pain scratches, moving his hips at a furious rhythm as I did my damage. We were just two broken people, enjoying our brokenness together. Nothing could stop us now.

  “I’m going to cum, fuck,” I yelped as Jacob’s body moved so fast that he was just a blur.

  He looked down at me and slapped one breast as I began to erupt in pleasure. All the stress, all the pain, all the worry, all of everything exploded out of my body, ripping through me in the most spectacular explosion of energy since the invention of the nuclear bomb.

  My face went numb and my toes curled in my shoes as I pure sexual bliss coursed through my body, flooding every cell, electrifying every nerve ending, and ruining me for anyone else but Jacob. I would never be fucked by a man the same way that Jacob fucked me now. It simply wasn’t possible to experience this level of ecstasy from a sane man. Jacob was unhinged, but in the most sexually gratifying way possible.

  I accepted the loss. I buckled, and I pulled him in as he too began to unleash everything inside of me. I felt his semen squirt deep in my body, filling me up and bonding us for life. Jacob shuddered as he released his seed into me. This action couldn’t be taken back, and both of us knew what it meant for a man to cum inside of a woman in this way. We couldn’t help ourselves though. We were so enamored by each other that the tension had to break at some point, and when it did, it was a monsoon.

  Jacob collapsed onto me, holding my breasts in his large hands as he lay his head close to mine, panting into my ear. I soaked up the moment, never wanting to forget this. It would be impossible to forget. I needed to savor it.

  I wasn’t allowed to, though. There was a knock on the door, and Jacob sprung up into action. We had been caught!

  Chapter 28

  Everyone kneels to the king in the end.

  Jacob sprung up, walking to the door completely naked. I raised a hand, trying to get him to stop before he flung the door open, but before the words could leave my mouth, he was standing with his cock still slick with my fluids in the doorway, the door wide open.

  “Get in here,” Jacob growled, pulling in a young man and woman.

  I scrambled off the desk, grabbing for my dress on the floor. I lifted my head and recognized the two people as Sarah and Jonathan.

  “You’re fucking dead you little punk,” Jacob said, raising Jonathan by the collar of his shirt.

  Jonathan looked terrified, and Sarah was understandably confused. I stood with my dress held in front of me, trying to cover my naked body while Jacob pushed Jonathan up against the wall completely naked.

  “What did I do?! I’m sorry for interrupting. I didn’t think this room was occupied,” Jonathan squealed in an uncharacteristically high-pitched voice.

  “Get off him,” Sarah shouted, banging a fist on Jacob’s back. “Tell your boyfriend to let him go,” Sarah said, turning to me.

  I honestly didn’t know what to do. I was frozen in shock at what I was witnessing. On the one hand, I felt sorry for Sarah for having to witness this, but on the other, I knew that Jonathan was dead meat now that Jacob had him in the room without any teachers around.

  “You stole twenty thousand fucking dollars from me,” Jacob yelled, slamming Jonathan into the wall repeatedly as he spoke.

  Jonathan covered his head, trying to keep his head from being cracked against the cold white concrete.

  “Stop it!” Sarah yelled, still pounding on Jacob’s back.

  I watched everything go down without a word. I wasn’t going to get involved in this. Sarah would soon understand that her new boyfriend was a rat, and Jacob didn’t like that one bit.

  “I’ll return it. I promise,” Jonathan whimpered.

  “Not before I fucking kill you,” Jacob said, raising a balled fist into the air behind him, readying a swing so heavy that he could very well punch a hole straight through the sniveling mess of a man pinned against the wall.

  It was then that I sprung into action, running over to Jacob and dropping the dress. I didn’t care that I was naked. I needed to keep him from killing someone and getting his sexy ass thrown in prison. How was he supposed to fuck me like that again if he was locked up?

  “Stop it Jacob,” I barked, and that was all it took.

  Jacob lowered his hand, trembling in rage. “I want to kill him,” Jacob muttered.

  “You’re not going to,” I said.

  Jacob listened to me, but I could tell he wasn’t happy about it.

  Sarah rushed between Jonathan and Jacob. She held Jonathan defensively, shooting me a bitter look. “Control your man, Elise! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Jonathan stole twenty thousand dollars from Jacob, you dolt. Your boyfriend is a lying thief,” I warned. “Find a better man.”

  Jonathan was quivering, a pathetic sloppy mess after his life was threatened by Jacob.

  “Where is the fucking money?” Jacob asked.

  “In my locker,” Jonathan said.

  I shook my head. “Terrible hiding place.”

  Jacob stomped over to his pants, pulling them on aggressively before disappearing out the door to investigate Jonathan’s claim. I shook my head and sighed.

  By this time, it had sunk in for Sarah what was really going on. She backed away from Jonathan, looking disgusted. “You betrayed me,” she said.

  I waved at her to come to stand beside me.

  “No, I’m staying right here until Jacob comes back with the money. Jonathan isn’t going anywhere,” Sarah snapped. She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”

  She turned on that man quicker than I’ve ever seen. Sarah really didn’t take shit from anyone. I was proud to have her as my roommate. Jonathan looked pathetic, positioned defensively in anticipation of Jacob’s return.

  I figured it was time to put my clothes back on. If any of the school administration arrived to see what the fuss was about, I didn’t want to be caught naked. My body was not for strangers’ eyes to see. It was for me and for Jacob. Enough people had copped a peek already.

  I parted my disheveled black hair down the middle once I had put my dress back on. I’m sure I still looked like a hot mess, but I was a tad more presentable now. I could already hear Jacob’s thunderous footsteps coming back down the hall toward the classroom, causing Jacob to shrink against the wall.

  The door flew open again, and Jacob stood at the entrance, waving a stack of bills in the air. “I counted Nineteen thousand, five hundred, and seventy-five. Where’s the rest of it?”

  Jonathan’s voice was weak and barely audible when he spoke. “I spent it.”

  Jacob took a deep breath in, trying to calm himself. “You’re going
to pay me back, or I’m going to murder you in broad daylight.”

  I came over to him and placed a hand on his bulging forearm, soothing his temper.

  “I will. I’ll work for you,” Jonathan blurted, eager to lift the black cloud of doom that hung over his head.

  “You’ll be working for me the rest of your time at Lakeshaw,” Jacob said, his voice growing calm.

  Jonathan nodded eagerly.

  Jacob shook his head. “Disgusting worm. Come on, Elise. Let’s get back to the dance.”

  “Should we?” I asked, glancing at my panties that were still on the floor.

  A sly grin spread across Jacob’s face. “On second thought, how about we head back to my place?”

  A smile to match his involuntarily curled my lips upward. “Sounds like a plan.”


  Not all good things have to come to an end. Some last a lifetime.

  Jacob graduated Lakeshaw Academy a full year before I did, but that didn’t keep him away from me. He got a welding job in a nearby city, using his business savvy to work his way up the line quickly. He didn’t need to resort to criminal behavior to stay on top. He was a boss no matter where he was.

  I waited for him every evening outside of Lakeshaw Academy so that he could pick me up and make love to me in the bed of his pickup. Sometimes we would go out into the woods to do the dirty deed, or I would lift up my skirt and have him take me in the parking lot when nobody was around. We kept things exciting, living for the thrill.

  Jonathan got transferred out of Lakeshaw straight into prison for stealing money from a teacher, hoping to pay off his debt to Jacob quicker. Some people never learn.

  I felt bad for Sarah through all this, but she recovered quickly. Jacob had a lot of other bad-boy friends who were single. She had her hands full by the end of her second year.

  Once Jacob left Lakeshaw, there was a power void to fill. I settled in as the head of the pack. It gave me more freedom than I ever thought I could have at a place like this. I tasted power, and I basked in the glory of it while I could. Not all good things last forever, but some do.

  Jacob, for example. He and I stayed together once I graduated from Lakeshaw, intending on putting the past aside and getting married someday. That was a dream come true from the most unlikely of places. I never saw myself with a man like him, but once I was, I couldn’t see myself with anyone else in the world.

  The sun was low in the sky, shining a deep orange when Jacob pulled up in his new black truck, nearly identical to the last one, save for if being all wheel drive. I didn’t understand why that was important to have in the south. We had almost no snow, but Jacob liked power. That hadn’t changed.

  One tattooed arm hung from the open window as he pulled up in the Lakeshaw parking lot to pick me up for the last time. I was free to go, my records wiped clean of all the wrongdoings of my past. There were butterflies in my stomach when Jacob arrived, as was always the case. Two years didn’t change that.

  “You have everything?” Jacob asked as I climbed up the silver step into the passenger’s side of his truck.

  “I have a few things at the housing unit but fuck it. I’m done with this place,” I said, wishing nothing more than to get the hell out of here and start my new life with Jacob.

  “You sure?” Jacob asked, placing a hand on my thigh right below the hem of my black pleated skirt.

  The sun shone into Jacob’s eyes, lighting them up like pure amber. I gazed into them and answered, “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

  A grin spread across his handsome face. “Then let’s go. You’re going to love my new place.”

  “You got a new place?” I asked, surprised.

  “Oh shit, that was supposed to be a surprise,” Jacob said, laughing. “You’re going to love it anyway.”

  “I’m sure I will,” I responded, smiling like I had never heard anything better.

  Jacob put his truck into drive and peeled out of the parking lot of Lakeshaw Academy for the last time. I guess you could already assume this, but we lived happily ever after.

  The End.

  Tempting Hatred

  A Dark Bully Romance

  Chapter 1

  I jumped down from the shaky fence onto the fresh wet grass of the soccer field. It was three in the morning, and I was running for my life through my college campus, trying to get away from the police. You would think that a girl like me couldn’t possibly get herself into trouble with the police, but I continued to defy expectations. It was a special talent, I guess.

  My first step slid through the grass, almost causing me to fall, but I steadied myself and bolted down the field away from the science building. I had tried to sneak in, but that obviously hadn’t worked out well for me.

  I gulped in the heavy night air as I sprinted across the field toward the parking lot. Even though it was cooler outside at night, the summer humidity still clung to my body, causing sweat to form on my skin with little effort.

  I looked back, seeing flashing blue lights that couldn’t follow me across the field. I was safe for the moment, but the police would probably be doing their rounds in search of me. I figured they were too lazy to follow me on foot. It wasn’t like I had killed someone.

  I sighed in relief, pushing away moist strands of glossy auburn hair from my face. My heart rate was through the roof, but it slowed as I traded my desperate sprint for a quick walk through the parking lot.

  I only had to make it to the woods. Then I could slow down and relax. I hadn’t completed my mission, but I could still retrieve my books in the morning.

  I was a good student, although if you looked at me now, you wouldn’t expect it. What would a good student be doing trying to break into the science building at three in the morning?

  Well, surprisingly enough, I was trying to break in because I was a good student. So good, in fact, that I would do anything to make sure I had what I needed to prepare for my first exam of the year. My notes for the exam were locked away in that building, courtesy of Mr. Asshole.

  I laughed to myself as I pushed a branch aside to enter the tight cluster of trees that would eventually lead me back to my apartment. It was safer to take this way, even though I was at risk of tics and night animals eating me alive. The police wouldn’t be patrolling the woods. They would stick to the roads.

  I was laughing because I thought it funny that some dickhead named Oliver would have the guts to steal my notes for the exam and lock them in the science building. When he had done that, I was too much of a wimp to attempt to break the cabinet’s fragile lock open. It would mean getting through him first, but going in at night would be much easier, or so I thought.

  I hadn’t expected a silent alarm. I was almost to the cabinet when I saw the flashing police lights. Thankfully, there was a window on the first floor that I could jump out of. After that, it was only a matter of outrunning the police. I had little issue with that.

  I had the sense to wear a hoodie pulled tight over my head to hide my face from security cameras. I’d probably have to ditch it now, but that was no issue. It was a cheap black one that I had picked up from the store before I started this semester. It had no real value to me.

  None of this would have happened if it weren’t for that bastard Oliver. Handsome as he was, with his messy brown hair and powerful features, he was more trouble than he was worth. I had a sweet spot for men like him. Tall, muscular, with more than a hint of rebellion fizzling inside of them. Yeah, that was Oliver, but he was worse than any other man I had encountered in the 20 years I’d been on this godforsaken hellscape of a planet.

  Me? Bitter? No way. I considered myself a realist, and if people translated that to mean a pessimist, then that was their problem. The only things I worried about was my health, my grades, and now, Oliver.

  I trudged through the soggy leaves and moss-covered logs that littered the forest floor. I suppose I should have been upset by all this, but I felt alive in this instance.
I’m sure when I had to wake up in five hours, I wouldn’t feel so great, but for now, I was cheerful.

  I would need to go to the science building early tomorrow to smash the lock on the cabinet there and retrieve my notes. I knew that Oliver wasn’t going to give me the key, and none of the professors who worked in the building had a spare. The only reason Oliver had access to it was that he was a part-time teacher’s assistant.

  I’m sure he got paid for that role, but the main benefit was higher grades in your classes because the teachers would favor you. I knew that Oliver sucked up to them heavily, and that was the only reason he got A’s instead of flunking out. I often wondered how he managed to land a position like that.

  Being rich probably helped. Oliver’s family was from a wealthy background, unlike my own. I actually had to work to pay for school, but most of that work came in the form of grants. What Oliver didn’t realize when he stole my notes that he was threatening my ability to even attend college in the first place. I wouldn’t get far with the various grants I got for outstanding academic work.

  It was always possible that he did realize the gravity of his actions and wanted me kicked from the school. That would make him more of an asshole than I had first assumed, but anything was possible, as I would soon discover.

  After a good half-hour of walking through the old forest trees, I arrived at a clearing not far from my apartment. My shoes slapped against worn pavement, hard and solid as I walked confidently to my unit. I was safe now.

  Chapter 2

  Metal clanged loudly down the hall with the first swing. A dent. The second swing was brought down with more fury. I was sure someone heard me.


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