Galactic Wars

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Galactic Wars Page 27

by G. P. Hudson

  Premier Reese continued to impress Reynolds. “Go on.”

  “Defeating those ships will cost you many of your own. Even then, the Avar homeworld is a fortress, and conquering it will be no simple matter. The price will be high. In the meantime, you risk intervention by the other Frontier Alliance systems.”

  “Do you think I haven’t accounted for all this?” Reynolds said.

  “I’m sure you have. You might even prevail in the face of it. But is it worth it?”

  That struck a nerve, reminding him of Tavian’s accusation that he had paid too high a price to conquer the Pallian and Allimanian systems.

  She did have a point, though. If he had to fight for every inch of this system, the losses would be high. He would also end up leaving the Avar system in complete ruin. How would the Empire benefit from something like that? The nobility would come after him like a pack of rabid dogs.

  “I can see from your expression that you understand my point. Why don’t we do away with all the threats and discuss terms?”

  Reynolds hadn’t anticipated this turn of events, nor his own reaction to the argument. This woman made a lot of sense. If he could take this system without any losses, he would gain immense political capital back on Earth. What would Tavian say then? He would prove himself more than just the Butcher of Allimania. “What terms are you asking for, Madam Premier?”

  Reese smiled. “There will be no reprisals. This system’s leadership will remain in place, and no persecutions will take place.”

  “Are you joking? Your government is guilty of rebellion. Do you expect the Emperor to simply let that go?”

  “In return,” Reese added. “The Empire will take control of this system’s warships, and the government will pay all back taxes that would’ve been paid since this system left the Empire.”

  “Not good enough,” said Reynolds. “There need to be reparations. Your rebellion has caused significant economic harm to the Empire. Your actions have instigated rebellions in other systems, which have had their own costs.”

  “You want me to pay a penalty because other systems have rebelled?”

  “I want you to pay more than just back taxes. There needs to be a cost to your actions. Normally, that cost would be paid in blood. But, you are a surprisingly persuasive woman, which is why I am willing to substitute a financial cost instead.”

  “I see.” Reese’s expression changed, and she fixed him with a melting gaze. “Perhaps this is something we need to discuss in person.”

  Reynolds swallowed hard. “For that to happen,” he said in a commanding tone he almost doubted. “You would need to come aboard my ship. Is that something you are willing to do?”

  Reese leaned in. “Cease your attack on Trianda. Call a truce and guarantee my safety.”

  “I warn you, Madam Premier. If this is a trick. If you’re trying to buy time so that help can arrive, I will lay waste to this system, and send you back to Earth in irons.”

  “No trick, Admiral. I am willing to negotiate in good faith, so long as you are prepared to do the same.”

  “I am.”

  “Good. Do we have a truce?”

  “We do.”

  “I will depart shortly.”

  “I look forward to your arrival, Madam Premier.”

  Chapter 18

  Do we kill them? Gerry said as they approached the entrance to their ship.

  What? No. We can’t kill them, Danny replied through his implant.

  Why not? Can’t you cover it up through your access to the station’s computer?

  Maybe. I don’t know. The point is we can’t just kill them.

  More of your ideas? Would you prefer that they take us into custody, little brother?

  No, of course not.

  Don’t forget that we were genetically engineered to be perfect killers. Despite our freedom, we were built for war.

  I know, but we can be more. There’s a time for battle, and a time for talk.

  Whatever you say, little brother. I know what I am. How did they find us, anyway? Didn’t you alter the logs?

  I did. I-

  “You two,” yelled one of the security team. “This is your ship, is it not?”

  “It belongs to Mr. Erbakan,” Danny replied. Let me do the talking, he said to Gerry through his implant.

  “But you pilot it for him?”

  “Yes, that’s right. We deliver cargo for Mr. Erbakan.”

  “What type of cargo?”

  “Whatever Mr. Erbakan wants.”

  “And you’re about to go on another delivery. Isn’t that right?”

  Danny didn’t like where the conversation was going. “That’s right.”

  “Well, we have a problem. Mr. Erbakan’s dead.”

  “You’re kidding,” Danny said feigning alarm.

  “No. He’s dead alright. Pretty gruesome too from what I hear.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “Yeah, it’s really fucking horrible. You know why?”

  “No, but I bet you’re going to tell me.”

  “Erbakan paid us to look the other way when it came to your deliveries.”

  “That was Mr. Erbakan’s business. Not ours,” Danny said.

  “Well, it’s your business now. I understand you’re getting some cargo loaded for shipment. As far as I see it, nothing has changed, Erbakan, or no Erbakan.”

  “I don’t get your meaning.”

  “You’re kind of stupid, aren’t you? How about you?” the man said to Gerry. “Do you get my meaning?”

  “Yeah,” Gerry said. “You still want to get paid.” I told you we should’ve killed them, she said to Danny through her implant. The troll at the storage area must’ve tipped these morons off. They’re probably paying him to keep them informed about any shipments.

  “That’s right. We still want to get paid,” the security officer said. “Now before you start asking stupid questions, I’m going to explain things to you. You’re going to take your cargo, just like you normally would, and you’re going to deliver it to the buyer. When you do, you’re going to tell the buyer that the payment procedure has changed. You’ll then give the buyer new payment information.”

  “Information that will send payment to you instead,” Gerry said.

  “See, I knew your ugly friend here had all the brains.”

  “And if we don’t do as you say?” Gerry said.

  “Then you two become the prime suspects in Erbakan’s murder. We’ll issue warrants to every frontier alliance world for your arrest. We’ll even make you highly dangerous, with instructions to shoot on sight. You know, wanted dead or alive, and all that.”

  I hope you’re paying, attention little brother, Gerry said. Maybe you’ll rethink your ideas next time.

  They’re not all like this, sister, Danny said.

  Maybe not, but enough of them are.

  “What the hell is wrong with you two?” the security officer said. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Yes, we heard you,” Danny said. “We’ll do as you ask.”

  The security officer grinned. “Good, but that’s not enough. You two might leave here and change your minds. In fact, I’m sure you will. To make sure you don’t, my colleagues here are going to accompany you.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Danny said.

  “Oh, I think it is. Now give me your weapons.”

  Can we kill them now? Gerry said through her implant.

  No. We need to get out of this system. If we kill them, we might be blocked from leaving. Let’s do as they say, for now, Danny said.

  Fine, Gerry said, handing her sidearms to the security officer.

  “Here you go,” Danny said, relinquishing his own weapons.

  “There,” the security officer said. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now if you do happen to get any ideas, you should remember that my people are armed. So, don’t try anything stupid. Just make the delivery, and everyone will be happy.”

  “Sure. No problem,�
�� Danny said, wondering how much longer it would take for them to leave.

  “When the time is right, my people will give you further instructions, including where the money should be sent.”

  Eight members of the security team stepped past Danny and Gerry to board the starship.

  “Is there anything else?” Danny said, becoming increasingly tired of this little man’s power play.

  “No, that’s all. Safe travels,” the security officer said.

  Danny nodded and followed the security team on board the waiting starship. The two clones wasted no time, and proceeded straight to the cockpit, ignoring the security team accompanying them.

  In the cockpit, they lowered themselves into the pilots’ chairs, and the instrument panel lit up. Danny checked on the status of their cargo. Upon confirming that it had been delivered, he proceeded to release the starship’s moorings. Once free, he fired thrusters and maneuvered the starship away from Aurora station. When they were far enough away from the station, the main engines came to life, and the ship took off toward the jump gate.

  The time passed quietly, with Danny spending much of it monitoring the security team, and the women through the ship’s cameras. At first, the security team split up and inspected the starship’s interior. When they were done doing that, they all settled in one area and seemed content enough to remain there.

  As they approached the gate, one of the security team came into the cockpit to check on their progress.

  “Just take her through, nice and easy,” said the man. “Security clearance has already been arranged, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

  “Whatever you say,” Danny said, steadily nearing the jump gate. You see, he said to Gerry. We’ll get out of this system without any problems.

  Can we kill them once we are in metaspace? Gerry pleaded.

  You’ve got some real anger issues. Danny said. You know that? Why not just take them prisoner?

  “Let me know if you run into any problems. I’ll be down in the cargo hold.”

  “The cargo hold?” Danny said with alarm.

  “Yeah, my men and I are going to sample the shipment.” The man slapped Danny’s back. “Quality control, if you know what I mean.” The sound of his laughter grated on Danny’s nerves, but he controlled himself and waited for the man to leave.

  When the man finally exited the cockpit, Danny could not contain his anger any longer. He turned to look at Gerry. You’re right. We should kill them.

  Chapter 19

  The smugglers’ ship passed through the jump gate, into metaspace without incident. The military vessels stationed at the portal merely watched as the vessel sailed by. Were they paid off as well?

  Danny’s muscles flexed as they entered metaspace and traveled away from the jump gate and the Volsung system. He thought back to the first time he met Catherine and her two little girls. He remembered the UHSF soldiers who had shown up looking for him, and how they tried to rape Catherine. She had been strong enough to kill the two men before they could assault her, but the women in the hold? What chance did they have?

  “Ready?” Gerry said, rising from her pilot’s chair.

  “Yes,” Danny said.

  The two clones left the cockpit, their holo-disguises still active. They moved with inhuman speed and soon reached the cargo hold where the women were kept. Weaponless, they opened the hatch and entered to see the women cowering before the armed men, while one shouted at them.

  Hearing the hatch, they all turned to face Danny and Gerry. The one who had entered the cockpit earlier smiled. “Shouldn’t you two be flying the ship? Don’t worry, everything is under control here. We won’t harm the goods.”

  The two clones looked back in silence.

  The security officer waited for a response, and his smile slowly faded. “You two really are stupid, aren’t you? Get the fuck out of here before you get hurt.”

  Gerry’s hand reached up and switched off her holo-disguise, revealing her true self.

  “What the-”

  Danny struck first. He leaped forward, covering an impossible distance in one fluid motion. Even as the man reached for his weapon, it was too late.

  Danny fell on the man like a rabid wolf, striking with unimaginable speed and force. A flurry of fists pulverized the man’s skull. Bones cracked. Cartilage snapped. Blood gushed from the man’s nose and mouth as he fell, dead from the blunt force trauma before he hit the floor.

  Danny took the man’s sidearm and bolted, barely registering the symphony of screams. He fired the weapon. Plasma bolts bore into a cluster of security officers. The nauseating stench of burning flesh filled the room.

  He saw Gerry snap a hapless man’s neck. She hadn’t bothered to arm herself with her victim’s weapon like he had. Instead, she chose a more personal approach and used her hands, especially her fingers, to pass judgment. She ripped through the room, and men shrieked in agony as their blood sprayed the walls.

  Danny watched Gerry’s ferocity with awe. He let her deal with the remaining security team in her own way, firing a couple of times only to disarm. She was inquisitor and executioner all rolled into one.

  When the last man fell, Gerry turned to face him. To Danny, she seemed like some great warrior from the past. Perhaps a Viking, or a samurai. Blood dripped from her face and hair, as she smiled back at Danny. Justice has been served, little brother, she said through her implant.

  Well done, sister, Danny replied.

  They both turned to face the women, who now screamed with heightened intensity.

  “No, it’s okay,” Danny said. “We’re not going to hurt you. We are rescuing you.”

  “Your disguise,” Gerry said.

  “Right,” Danny said, and deactivated the holo-disguise, revealing his true form. That prompted a fresh round of cries from the women.

  Gerry raised her hands, palms facing the women. “I know this seems scary, but we really are here to help you. Those men were going to rape you and intended to sell you into slavery. That’s why we did what we did.”

  The women settled down a little after that but were still frightened. They huddled together at the other end of the room, unsure of what to believe.

  One of the women finally spoke out. “I know what you are,” she said, pointing a trembling finger. “You two are Zeta clones. What does Zeta want from us?”

  “We were Zeta clones,” Danny said. “But not anymore. We are free now, and so are you.”

  “Zeta soldiers laid waste to my home. Killed my friends and family. Left me destitute. You’re the reason I am here.”

  “Zeta has done a lot of terrible things,” Danny said. “I know that. But we are no longer part of Zeta. We were freed, and we are freeing you.”

  “But why?” the woman continued. “Why would you care about what happens to us?”

  “We were on Aurora station on other business,” Danny said. “That was when we learned of your plight. The criminals who abducted you were going to sell you into slavery. We couldn’t stand by and let that happen.”

  “But why?” said the woman, raising her voice this time.

  “Because we were slaves once,” Danny said but added nothing more.

  The woman who asked the question still seemed confused, but some of the others nodded, showing that they understood.

  Gerry walked back to the cargo hold hatch and opened it. “You are no longer captives,” she said. “You can move freely on board this vessel. I will show you where the bathrooms and shower facilities are. I suggest you all get yourselves cleaned up, and then we can all have something to eat and discuss what happens next.”

  The women still seemed apprehensive but were eager to leave the confines of the cargo hold. They followed Gerry out, and to the bathrooms.

  You might want to wash up yourself, Danny said as they left. A blood-soaked face probably isn’t the best way to instill trust.

  Great idea, Gerry replied. In the meantime, why don’t you do something about this mess I ma

  Chapter 20

  “Where are we going now?” Korinna said. She was the woman who had spoken after the security men were killed. After they were freed, they had washed up, eaten, and were now free to do as they wished. Many chose to sleep, others to sit quietly and contemplate their return to their homes. Korinna sat in the cockpit with Danny and Gerry.

  “We are heading to the Avar system,” Danny said.

  “What’s in the Avar system?” Korinna said.

  “We have to meet some people there and conclude our business with them.”

  “The business you had at Aurora station?”


  “What were you doing there?”

  “I’d rather not say,” Danny said, exchanging glances with Gerry.

  “It’s okay. I understand. You don’t want to tell me.”

  “What about you?” Danny said. “Where will you go now?”

  “I don’t know,” Korinna said. “I don’t have anywhere to go.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “A small planet called Thiva.”

  “I see,” Danny said somberly, remembering the Thivan campaign. The tiny world had rebelled, and Zeta had been paid to put down the uprising. The system’s governor had demanded that they make an example of Thiva, to discourage other worlds from following the Thivan lead.

  “There’s nothing left there for me.”

  “Is that where you were abducted?” Gerry said.

  “No. I left Thiva with hopes of making a life somewhere else. After leaving, I was offered a job on a starship. I didn’t have much money and thought it an opportunity to earn while traveling. The job didn’t exist. It was a trick to get me on board. Once there, I was imprisoned and brought to Aurora station.”

  “I’m sorry about everything that’s happened to you,” Danny said.

  “Thank you. Where will you two go once you are finished your business in the Avar system?”

  “We will return to the rest of our people. Our home.”

  “Where is that?”

  “In metaspace.”


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