Gage's Obsession

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Gage's Obsession Page 6

by C. J. Snyder

  He looks defeated, his eyes have a sadness to them that I’ve never seen before. “Yah, I’m sorry, Red. Were you sleeping?” his hands are in his pockets and he was slightly rocking on the balls of his feet like he was nervous.

  Opening the door wide and letting him come in, I was suddenly nervous being alone with him, “No, I was just getting ready to head to bed though.” I lead him over to the couch, “Looks like you have something on your mind though, need to talk?”

  He looks relieved that I was going to allow him to stay and sits down on the couch. “Red, I have been forbidden to see you by my parents.” His leg is bouncing up and down from agitation, “There’s a part of my life that I haven’t shared with a whole lot of people and that part likes to dictate what I do and don’t do.”

  Disbelief runs through my entire body, “I don’t understand,” reaching over and putting my hand on his still bouncing leg, “how could they do that? You’re 18.” He shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders like he just doesn’t know.

  “I don’t care what they say, I can’t stay away from you. Not now.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls me closer to him, “If you will have me, I’m yours.” Looking at me in a desperate way waiting for my approval. Even though I was still hurt from earlier tonight at his party, the look on his beautiful face melts my very soul.

  “Gage, I’m also not supposed to be dating or even entertaining the thoughts of dating guys or girls for that matter.” Sighing and rolling my eyes, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel this thing between us.” I squeeze his hand and watch as his eyes go from a brown to a Halloween orange. He let’s out a relieved sigh and leans down to touch his forehead to mine.

  “We are going to have to sneak around, Red. Are you prepared to do that?” leaning back just little to have a good look at his face, “If that’s what we have to do, Gage. Then that’s what we will do.” Deciding now is the time to make a move, I push him back against the couch and straddle his lap.

  Gage lets out a low groan, “Red, what are you doing?” his hands are going back and forth from my hips to my butt. Wrapping my arms around his strong shoulders and neck, I lean in and kiss him lightly on his full lips. “I think it would be obvious.”

  He grabs my ass and pulls me as close as he can and roughly takes my mouth in a kiss. It’s not light and casual this time, it’s desperate, like a man in the desert and I am his bottle of water. I move a little on his lap to reposition and he moves my ass against his groin. His nibbling on my lower lip is sending a tingle throughout my entire body. Breaking away from his lips, I start pressing my mouth to his chin, his jawline, down his neck to his collarbone and give it a nibble. His head tilts back against the couch and he is vibrating.

  “God, Red. I have never wanted a woman as bad as I want you.” His hand reaches up into my hair and wraps around it, tugging on it lightly to bring my head back up from nibbling on his collarbones to meet his lips. He is a phenomenal kisser, seasoned probably.

  His hands travel up my back, under my shirt and deftly unsnaps my bra. I sigh as his positions his hands at the front of my torso, running them from my navel to under my breasts. Shivering as he runs my bra straps down my arms and then he quickly removes my shirt to finish the process. My breasts are completely exposed, he sits back and holds me by my ribs, his eyes are big and glossy in awe. “Ah hell, Red, you are just gorgeous.”

  He is caressing my breasts; his hands are so warm. He pinches my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, I tilt my head back and quietly moan. His mouth is on my left nipple, nipping at it and swirling his tongue around it’s peak. I start to grind on his groin, feeling how hard he already has become. “Oh god, Gage.”

  He’s panting and has a low rumbling growl coming from his chest, “We have to stop, Red, or I’m not going to be able to.” He lifts me by my ass off his lap and lightly tosses me onto the couch next to him. Reaches over the side of the couch and grabs my shirt and tosses it to me, “Here, put that on so I’m not tempted to continue.” And gives me that side way grin of his.

  Tossing my shirt on without my bra, my nipples are still hard and stimulated. I scoot back over closer to him and run my hand from his knee to the top of his pelvis, he hisses in a breath and gently removes my hand, “I’m serious, Red. We have to stop.”

  A disappointed sigh escapes my lips and I sit back roughly on the couch, crossing my arms over my chest and sticking out my bottom lip and pouting like a child who was just told that they couldn’t have a cookie before dinner. “I’m usually not like this, but I can’t seem to help it with you.”

  He smiles over and nods as if he understands. “Hey, we already did the ‘chill’ part, want to stream a movie? “

  Jumping up and sprinting to the kitchen, “Sure! Pick something out, I’ll grab some popcorn and drinks.” When I get to the kitchen doorway, I turn around to face him, “Gage.” When he looks over my way, I quickly flash him, and he laughs right from his gut. It was an honest and sincere laugh, something I don’t think he does very often.

  Throwing a bag of microwave popcorn in the microwave and grabbing two cans of soda, I also get two glasses with ice and take those into the living room, placing them on the coffee table while I wait on the popcorn to finish.

  He picked out an Action / Comic book movie that I haven’t seen yet. He sits on the end of the couch with his arm up waiting for me to curl into him. We only make it about three quarters the way through before we both pass out in a state of exhaustion.

  Chapter 9


  I wake up and immediately think about how stiff I am. My arm hurts, there’s a weight on it. My neck is at a crooked angle that now feels like it has a crick in it. What is going on? Opening my eyes, one by one like I am afraid to see where I passed out at, I lift my head to see that Presley is the weight on my arm and she is still passed out sleeping. Moving ever so slightly, I tilt my head to one side to try and release the crick by giving it a good crack. Sounds like someone shuffled a deck of cards with that release.

  Can’t believe I fell asleep over here. What time is it? Reaching down to the coffee table for my phone, I swipe the screen so it would light up and show me the time. 9:00 am, Oh hell. Gently shaking Presley’s shoulder, “Hey Red, I gotta go.” She snuggles in closer to my side, shit. Deciding to try and move off the couch without waking her, I gently lift her upper body up a couple of inches, just enough for me to pull my legs out from her.

  Placing a rolled-up blanket under her head and then a throw quilt across her legs, she snuggled in and smiled contently. Kissing her on top of her forehead, I walk into her kitchen to grab a glass of cold water to help wake up. Noticing the white board, I scribble a short message to let her know that I didn’t ditch but had somewhere I had to be in forty-five minutes.

  Quietly walking out the front door and making sure it was locked and shut tight, I make my way towards home. It’s a cool, breezy and quiet Sunday morning. Birds are chirping overhead; people are walking along downtown. It’s very peaceful.

  Flap flap flap, whoosh. Massive eye roll as I knew that was Kangee behind me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the dude, but his constant state of happy gets on my very last nerve.

  Louder than necessary, “Yo! Gage, man,” mock punching me on my shoulder, “Where you been, dog?” Oh, how he loves to make puns. Falling in step with me, he swings his arm around my shoulders and looks at me with I know what you did eyes. Wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way, he’s begging to be hit, and he knows it.

  Controlling the urge to shrug off his arm, “I fell asleep at Presley’s last night and I’m just now leaving.” His mouth forms a little O and he whistles. “Nothing happened, much.” Kangee roars in laughter and stops walking for a second, which makes me also stop and turn around to see what he was doing.

  Irritation laced my voice, “What?” placing my arms over my chest in the most basic defensive move known to man.

  Kangee laughs and punches me in my shoulder, “Oh, you dirty dog. Hookin
g up with the innocent human girl.” He skips around in circles making kissing and moaning sounds, enough that the people passing by shoot him looks.

  I think I’m going to kill him, “Kangee, stop man. You are drawing attention,” I grab his arm to stop the skipping and then we continue walking towards my house. “We fooled around, but I stopped it before it went too far.”

  He makes a clicking of his tongue like in disbelief. “Well, I had a great time last night and I didn’t stop before things went too far. I actually enjoy when things go far.” And yet, he calls me the dog.

  Shaking my head at him, “Be careful with Claire, she has claws and has no problem digging them in.” just then my phone pinged to alert me of an incoming text. Reaching into my pocket and pulling out the smartphone, I see that it’s from Presley.


  Hey, thanks for the note. Was disappointed to see you not here this morning.

  My heart leap in my chest, she misses me. Mind made up that she was the ‘one’ and I was going to do anything it took to make my family understand. Huge smile was plastered on my face at the text.

  Kangee grabs my phone in his normal annoying way, “Awww. She misses you already.” He juggles the phone from hand to hand as I attempt to grab it back from him. “What, you want this back so you can tell her that you looovveeee herrrrrr?” Yep, I’m going to kill him.

  Fully irritated with Kangee, “Give. Me. The. Phone. Before I take that hand right off your wrist.” He lets out a loud laugh and tosses it back to me. “Oh dude, you got it bad for this girl.”

  Unlocking the cell and typing out a quick reply.

  I miss you too ��

  Putting the phone back in my pocket, Kangee is giggling like a schoolboy, “What is so funny, man?” I look at him with questioning eyes.

  Still giggling and showing me his phone, “She sent me nudes.” Flashes me the text he just received from Claire and although she is the perfect female specimen, body wise, I feel awkward and guilty by looking at her naked upper torso.

  Making a face of disgust, I close my eyes and shake my head at him, “I don’t want to see that, man,” pushing his phone back towards him, “have fun while you can with her, before she opens up her psycho on you.” He shoots me a disappointed look, like I just crushed his every dream, “Yah man, I’ve heard the horror stories.”

  Kangee pops his phone back into his back pocket and nods, “ok man, I got shit to do. I’ll catch up with you later.” He walks around the corner of a building and I hear wings flapping indicating that he changed into his raven form.

  Taking the last turn to get back home, I am confronted by the thought of telling my family who I have chosen as a mate. They are not going to be thrilled and then there’s the issue of explaining what I am to Presley, as she will need to know that the world she has only heard about in books and movies exists and I’m part of it.

  But first, my family must know, and I must convince them to get on board. No one has gone outside the clan for mates, ever. Approaching it is going to have to be delicate, maybe if I go to Mom first, then she can break the news to Dad. I’m not quite as scare of her as I am him.

  Walking into the house, I was relieved to see that no one was here except my mother, who was in the living room watching one of her favorite shows. Some show where people look and buy their dream homes.

  Sitting down across from her on one of the chairs, “Hey mom. Can we talk about something?” she looks at me curiously and pauses the show, “Of course, Honey. What’s up?”

  Nervous because I’m not sure how she is going to react, I wipe my palms on my jeans, “I know Dad said that I am not allowed to see Presley anymore due to her being human, “ taking a deep breath and watching her face for a reaction, “but do you remember how you said when you and Dad first met, that you just knew that you were meant for him?” gaging her face again for any type of reaction and seeing none, I felt my chances slipping.

  Mom’s face softens up in understanding, “Sweetheart, I understand what and how you are feeling right now, and I don’t fully approve of going outside the Clan for a mate, “ I start to say something but she puts her hand up to stop me, “But, if you are positive that she is the one, then I’m not going to stand in your way. She’s sweet and I like her.” I almost jumped for joy.

  The only other obstacle was Dad. “Can you talk to Dad on my behalf?” I look at her with hands clasped together like I am begging her. Mom sighs and rolls her eyes at me, “Is that why you came to me first?” taking a sip of her water that is sitting next to her on the end table.

  Laughing just a little since she knows my motives, “I knew you’d be more understanding and levelheaded about this than he would.” Which was true. Had I gone to Dad first, he would have exploded in anger.

  Mom nods in agreement, “absolutely, I just want you to be happy and if Presley is what makes you happy, then I say go for it and I’ll deal with your Father.” She ends the conversation by starting her show back up and giving me a warm smile.

  Now, it’s just telling the rest of the Clan and making sure my father doesn’t go nuclear. Of course, also letting Presley know. Taking my cell out of my pocket, I shoot her a text:

  Hey, all clear on this end to date, mostly anyhow.

  The other issue at hand, is how am I going to explain to her about what I am? How would she respond to the news that we exist? Concerning questions that I was going to have to figure out eventually when my phone dings as a text arrives:


  One obstacle gone; I still need to get this past my Dad.

  Sighing in frustration, this is such a sticky situation. We have a long road ahead of us and it seems to be only beginning.

  Quickly deciding that I am going to court her, yes my ass said court, I start forming a plan.

  What are you doing for dinner tonight?

  Changing my clothes while I wait on an answer, I feel like a younger teen waiting on a phone call from their crush. Ten minutes later, still haven’t heard anything and I’m trying to not pick the phone back up and text her again. Sitting down at my laptop, I look up restaurants in the general area, deciding on a local eatery and checking their menu online. Thirty minutes later, the text finally pings through.


  Nothing. Dad is out of town. Why don’t you come over and we can order takeout and watch a movie?

  Alone, with Presley, unsupervised. What could possibly happen?

  Chapter 10


  Getting ready for dinner with Gage consists of taking a shower and shaving, because who knows how far we are going to go and I want that man to take me to new heights every time I see him, distraction be damned. I have homemade meatballs in the oven baking for subs, a tossed salad and brownies already made cooling off on the counter.

  I know I told him that we’d order out, but I wanted to surprise him with my knowledge in the kitchen. The way to a man’s heart is directly through his stomach, or so my Mom used to say. Besides, if I at least had it almost ready by the time he got here, we could pop on a movie and enjoy dinner together before anything else distracts us.

  Dad was supposed to be gone for another two or so days, according to his note. No way to contact him when he’s out working on lighthouses. Gotta love the Coast Guard for last minute work details. Just glad I am old enough to be left to my own devices while he’s gone.

  Lost in my own thoughts, the knocking on the door startles me and I drop one of the plates that I had in my hand straight to the floor with a crash. Damn it! Walking over to the door and opening it to find Gage. He looks like he’s going to be my dessert tonight, he just doesn’t know it yet. He’s wearing faded jeans that hug his thighs, a red and black flannel collared shirt that makes his chest and arms look huge and muscular. A faded ballcap on his head, just like a normal country boy to make a woman’s heart flutter.

  Smiling at him and reaching out for a hug, “Hey there hot stuff, what’s cooking?” stepping away from him after the hug,
he follows me into the house. “I should be asking you what’s cooking, that smells amazing!”

  He makes his way into the kitchen and pops open the lid on the pot that I have on the stove that’s holding the meatballs. Wide eyed with excitement, “Are those homemade meatballs?” He looks around frantically for a fork, finally finding one, he stabs a meatball with it and eats the thing whole, “mmmm. My god they are delicious, you make these?”

  Laughing as I snatch the fork from him so he wouldn’t take anymore out of the simmering pot, “Yes, I did. Family recipe.” I toss it into the sink and spin around to face him, “I have meatballs and mozzy cheese, salad and homemade brownies.” He walks closer to me and places his hands on my hips, “Are you trying to seduce me with food, Red?”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smile slyly up at him, “Is it working?” he smiles with amusement, “absolutely.” He leans down and kisses me passionately while pushing me against the sink cabinet. His hands travel from my hips to my waist and then back down to my ass to lift me up and sits me on the counter. Running my hands down his toned chest and lifted his shirt to be able to feel his smooth hard pecs. He groans into my mouth and pulls me tighter against him, restricting my access to his flesh.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, I lean my head back to give him the ability to run his mouth down my neck to my collarbone and back up again. His breathing has picked up and he has a low rumbling coming from his lungs, reaching down to pull my shirt over my head, I break the kiss before it gets any further, “Gage, dinner is ready. Let’s eat and continue this after.”

  Taking me down from the counter and helping me adjust my clothing, he smiles that damn half smile that melts my soul every time, “I’m starving, for food – and you.” With a wink he grabs a plate and starts to help himself with dinner.


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