Shadow Underground: A Romantic Urban Fantasy Murder Mystery (The Shadow Series Book 3)

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Shadow Underground: A Romantic Urban Fantasy Murder Mystery (The Shadow Series Book 3) Page 26

by Candice Bundy

  “I am, thank you, Elowen,” Lydia replied, taking a sip of her wine. “I’m already filling my dance card back up, especially now that I don’t have to babysit everyone anymore.”

  “Babysit?” Becka exclaimed. “Since when?”

  “Since I needed to make sure the lot of you were fed and sleeping regularly, is when. But enough of that, I have paintings to pose for, yoga retreats to attend, and a wine tasting at the top of the Manitou Incline to prepare for.”

  “I don’t see how that last one could go wrong,” Caeda murmured.

  “The bureau thanks you for your service, Lydia Alder,” Elowen replied. “I also wanted to invite you all to the Governor's Mansion this weekend to receive medals of honor for your efforts protecting this city. It will be a private ceremony. I hope you can all attend.”

  “Will there be cake?” Saige asked.

  Elowen raised a brow, as if trying to determine if it was a genuine question. “There… can be cake.”

  “Y’all shifters take food pretty seriously,” Caeda said under her breath.

  Saige grinned while ignoring Caeda’s comment. “Excellent. I’ll be there.”

  “Glad to hear it. Hamish, your request for an extended leave has been approved, effective immediately, if you’d like?” Elowen asked.

  “I would, thank you, Chief.”

  Becka didn’t miss how the mirth drained out of Saige’s features, quickly replaced by a forced neutral expression. Could she be upset that Hamish was leaving town?

  “If there’s any need for an extension, please let me know,” Elowen added, to which Hamish nodded.

  “Where are you going?” Saige asked him.

  Hamish glanced around the room, and Becka had the distinct impression he would have preferred a more private venue.

  “I’m headed back to my pack for a few months, up in the Sawatch Enclave.”

  “Oh.” Saige looked taken aback, but recovered so quickly Becka almost thought she’d imagined it.

  There was definitely a thing between them.

  “I’d like you to consider joining me,” he said. “Some time away with the pack, running wild in the mountains, could be a good reset before you head back to work at House Rowan.”

  Saige shot Hamish a sour look. “I’m not sure Brent would allow it. I’ve been away for a while already.”

  “I bet if you asked Brent, he’d be open to it. Some time away from the city and work could really renew your spirit.”

  Saige’s brows rose, like she was tempted by the idea. “But, they aren’t even my pack.”

  “All the better,” Hamish replied. “This way you’ll have the benefits of a pack and none of the social expectations or potentially dramatic family history to deal with. It’s the best of both worlds.”

  “Huh. Yeah, that sounds nice. Let me think about it?”

  “Take a few days,” he suggested. “Well, take two. I’ll be leaving then.”

  She nodded, the wolf shifter looking strangely vulnerable in this moment. Becka couldn’t help but wonder where things were headed for those two.

  “Becka,” Elowen said, turning to her.


  “I spoke with Duchess Rowan today. We discussed how your enforcer internship has gone so far.”

  Here it comes. Becka steeled herself.

  Quinn’s hand gripped her shoulder, reminding Becka he was there for her.

  “The duchess was impressed by the impact you’ve had with the enforcers to date. Despite some concerns, she’s eager to see what additional accolades you can add to your reputation while in civil service with us.”

  “She was?” Becka’s jaw dropped, and then she forced it closed. “Did I hear you right? Maura is allowing me to stay?”

  Elowen smiled. “Yes, assuming you want to continue your work with us.”

  “Yes. Yes, of course.” Becka felt her smile break through.

  “Fantastic. I expect you to take the rest of the week to recuperate before returning next week. We’ve had major successes in our efforts with the Shadow-Dwellers, but we didn’t get them all. If we’re to get this city truly cleaned up, we’ll need all hands on deck.”

  “Yes, Chief!” Becka replied. “It will be my pleasure to help hunt the rest of the Shadow-Dwellers in our city down with you.”

  “I’m heartened to hear it. Now, thank you, Lydia, for your patience. I take my leave and let you return to your rituals.”

  They bid her farewell, and Caeda saw her out before returning to her spot on the couch. Saige raised the remote. “Do you think we’re safe now?”

  “Hit it,” Lydia replied.

  Becka leaned back against Quinn’s chest, loving having his arms around her. As they lazed away the afternoon, she fed him cookies and popcorn so he’d keep his hands on her. They all took turns fetching things for Lydia until her eyelids drooped.

  Saige turned off the television at the end of the episode after Lydia had fallen asleep. Wordlessly, they gathered themselves and picked up.

  Caeda approached Becka, pulling her into a tight hug so she could whisper in her ear. “I’m so excited that you’re staying. We’re going to kick mondo Shadow-Dweller butts together.”

  “We will,” Becka replied, bouncing on her toes as they hugged.

  “Okay, I am out of here,” Caeda whispered. “You let me know if I can bring anything over to help tomorrow.”

  “Will do.”

  Quinn walked over to Becka, dipping his head so he could whisper in her ear, his lips brushing against her earlobe as he spoke. “I think it’s time for bed. You?”

  Becka felt heat warm her cheeks as she looked up into his eyes. “Definitely.”

  Becka looked to Saige. “We’re going upstairs.”

  Saige nodded, the corner of her lip curling. “I’ll stay out here on the couch in case Lydia wakes up.”

  Hamish had been listening, and he shook his head. “No. I’ll stay on the couch. You can sleep in your own bed.”

  Saige put a hand on her hip. “You have your own house to get back to. I’m quite comfortable sleeping out here.”

  Uh oh, did she need to intervene?

  Hamish ran a hand over his stubble, a heated look in his eyes. “I’m comfortable with it too, and my house can wait. You should take advantage of your bed.”

  “I trust you’ll work this out like grown wolves,” Quinn said, grabbing Becka by the hand and pulling her along after him up the stairs.

  “Shouldn’t we…” Becka asked.

  He arched a brow at her as they reached the top of the landing. “No. We definitely should stay out of that.”

  “I can’t tell if they’re going throw down and fight, or throw down and… you know what I mean?”

  “Which is why we’re up here and not down there.” Quinn pulled her close. “I’m going to get ready for bed. I’ll be there in a moment.”

  Becka nodded and then headed to her room. She threw on a tank top and a pair of pj shorts as she got ready for the evening. She used the attached bathroom and brushed her teeth, thinking about Elowen’s eagerness to have her stay on as an enforcer. When she crawled into bed and lay back against her pillows, Becka took a moment to breathe a sigh of relief.

  She couldn’t believe her luck that Maura had actually let her stay in the city. Becka hadn’t wanted to make firm plans, not knowing if her mother would dig in her heels and make her return to House Rowan. Now that Becka knew she could stay, she had to think about what that meant.

  She wasn’t the person she used to be.

  There was a knock at her door. “Come in.”

  Quinn entered, clad only in his underwear, which left little to the imagination. “Now that it’s clear you’re able to stay, I think it’s time we talked,” he said, locking the door behind him.

  “That’s not how you’re dressed.”

  He chuckled. “I respectfully disagree. I’m dressed for motivation.”

  Quinn joined her on the bed, sidling up next to Becka. She turned towar
d him and reached up, grabbed him by the neck, and pulled him down into a slow, languorous kiss. When he pulled away, Becka was breathless.

  “More,” she demanded.

  “Yes, more, but after we talk.”

  “Let’s talk tomorrow?” Becka asked, running her fingers down his chest. “I can think of better things we could be doing.”

  Quinn shook his head, captured her fingers in his, and brought her hand up over her head, semi-pinning her down. “That’s what you said two days ago, Becka.”


  “No, no distraction sex today.”

  “You think I’ve been…?” Becka started, but then his words hit home. She had been avoiding talking about what happened with Mimir, even with Quinn. She’d promised twice so far to “talk about it tomorrow.” Quinn appeared to have reached his limit on being put off. “Oh.”

  He shifted his weight, rolling over on top of her while pinning her other hand above her head too. Quinn left a line of kisses down her neck and then stopped short of taking things any further.

  “Here’s what I know, Becka. I’ve put together most of what happened that night, but I know I’m missing a few elements. I saw you drink Mimir’s blood and I know you got at least some of her powers. I saw you later conjure a baby fireball which you fought Mimir with. I watched you heal me and then Hanna. But before that, after we were together, you must have picked up some of my ability to read the truth in others' voices. I know this, because when Mimir lied, you heard it the same as I did.”

  Becka opened her mouth to speak, but he kissed her, stealing her momentum. When he pulled away, Quinn picked right up where he’d left off.

  “You didn’t share any of those details when you were debriefed by the team, and, although I disliked it, I let you get away with it. I know who you are. I also know that I love you and I’m here for you, by your side. I’m not going anywhere, Becka. But, and I hope this isn’t a deal-breaker for us, I need you to swear to be completely forthright with me now and in the future.”

  Becka didn’t want to think about any of that, much less talk about it. Talking about it would make it all too real.

  It would mean admitting the Ancient was real.

  “Do you ever let go of being a detective?”

  “Not so far.”

  Becka took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. If she couldn’t trust Quinn, who could she trust? She needed to trust someone or all that she was holding inside right now would drive her crazy.

  “I swear, Quinn. I mean, I promise to be completely honest with you, now and in the future.”

  The tension rolled off him as he softened against her. He released her wrists and propped himself up on an elbow, splaying his other hand out on her stomach. “So tell me. Tell me everything that happened that night.”

  Tears welled up in Becka’s eyes as she recounted the evening. When she got to her cairn shard-enabled conversation with the Ancient, Quinn’s expression turned at first shocked, and then grave.

  “So your Null isn't exactly just a Null? You can push magic out, but you can also pull it in?”

  “That’s how it seems. Please, Quinn, you can’t tell anyone I can siphon magic. They’ll fear me. Maybe even lock me away.”

  “I don’t know if that’s true, but I understand why you’d want to keep it a secret. I won’t tell anyone, at least not for now.”

  “Thank you.” Becka curled up against him, breathing his soothing, cedar-laced scent. “I’m afraid if they learn what I can do that I’ll be labeled a menace. A threat. Not to mention, what does this Ancient want with me?”

  “I agree. He’s not going away until he gets what he wants, just like his minion Mimir. But we can figure it out and find a way through this. Together.”

  “Together,” she nodded, nuzzling against his chest. “Now can there be distraction sex?”

  “Yes, Becka, there certainly will be.” His hand ran down her body, slipping under the fabric of her shorts, cupping her backside in his hand. “We also need to discuss our elopement destination.”

  She squirmed against him. “You’re still interested, even knowing what I’ve done? The new magic I have? And the interest the Ancient has taken in me?”

  “Especially now. I want to be by your side, more than ever before, fighting back the darkness. Together.”

  Becka smiled, and then moved in for a slow, languorous kiss. “Together,” she replied, breathless.


  Lady Becka of House Rowan,

  I trust this finds you well.

  I processed your submitted paperwork last month, frankly expecting little to come from the exercise.

  To my surprise, all of your requests for document viewing have been approved. You may reach out and schedule viewing times with myself or my assistant, Chloe Morewell, at your leisure.

  You must have friends in high places, Lady Rowan. Perhaps you could share the wealth a little and introduce me to some of them?


  Matilda Leith

  Senior Archivist at The Institute of World Politics


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  Thanks to Zippy Wizard Redaction and 5280editing for their editing services.

  Special thanks to Jen for her support, critiques, and insight.

  And to my friends and family who've been a source of unending strength, laughter, and wine over the years: thank you for the inspiration.

  And lastly, to my partner, Lee. Thank you for running alongside me in this journey. Your enduring support and candor mean the world to me.

  About the Author

  Candice lives in Denver, Colorado with her son and their cat Newt. A professional hedonist, rabble-rouser, winemaker, and goat-herder, she adores archeology and mythology. Candice focuses on habit hacking to meet minimalist, health, productivity, and positive mojo goals, and sometimes even blogs about it. An unrepentant epicurean, she grows heirloom tomatoes and ferments a variety of sauerkraut, sourdough, kombucha, pickles, and water kefir.

  If you would like to know when she has new books out, please sign up for her newsletter here. Email her if the mood strikes you.

  For more information:

  [email protected]

  Also by Candice Bundy

  The Shadow Series

  Shadow in the City, Prequel Short

  Download here

  Twinned Shadow

  Buy h

  Poisoned Shadow

  Buy here

  Shadow Underground

  Buy here

  The Depths of Memory Series

  The Dream Sifter

  Buy here

  Dreams Manifest

  Buy here

  The Liminals Series

  The Daemon Whisperer

  Buy here

  Ripples, A novella

  Buy here

  For a list of my full catalog of available titles, visit my Amazon Author Central page.




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