The First Victory

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The First Victory Page 39

by Andrew Stewart

  Alec Bishop and (i)

  asks for modern equipment (i)

  character and background (i)

  Kenya Regiment and (i)

  pre-war organisation by (i)

  transfer and replacement (i)

  Gimma (i), (ii)

  Gladiator aircraft (i)

  Glasgow, HMS (i)

  Glenday, Vincent (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Gloucester, HMS (i)

  Gocti (i)

  Godwin-Austen, Major-General Reade

  background (i)

  his advice accepted (i)

  loss of British Somaliland (i)

  obituary (i) n101

  Tug Argan (i)

  Gojjam plateau

  clearing operations (i), (ii)

  controlling insurgency (i)

  focus for British resources (i), (ii)

  irregular forces control (i)

  Robert Cheeseman (i)

  Wingate advances across (i), (ii)

  Wingate’s hazardous flight (i)

  Gold Coast Regiment (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Golis mountains (i)


  artillery from (i)

  Bentinck heads for (i)

  described (i)

  El Alamein and (i)

  Fowkes charged with capture of (i)

  Italian battalions advance from (i)

  Italian garrison (i), (ii)

  Italian manpower at (i)

  Italians’ finest hour (i)

  Ringrose near (i)

  surrender of (i)

  Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo (i), (ii), (iii)

  Great Lakes (i)


  Badoglio resigns over (i)

  defeat of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  forces diverted to (i)

  Germans invade (i)

  in need of equipment (i)

  Italians attack (i)

  Guala goldmine (i)

  Guillet, Amadeo (i) n36

  Gulf of Aden (i), (ii), (iii) see also Aden

  Hagadera (i), (ii)

  Haifa (i)

  Haile Selassie, Emperor see Selassie, Emperor Haile

  Haining, General Sir Robert (i)

  Halifax, Lord (i)

  Hamilton, Jean (i) n30

  Hamilton’s Mission (i)

  Happy Valley (i)

  Hargeisa (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Harrar (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Harrar Division (i)

  Hassan, Mohammed Abdullah (i)

  Haw-Haw, Lord (William Joyce) (i)

  Hay, Josslyn, 22nd Earl of Errol (i)

  Heath, Major-General Lewis (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Herero revolt (i)

  Highland Light Infantry (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hitler, Adolf (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hobart, HMAS (i), (ii), (iii)

  Holland (i)

  Horn of Africa (i)

  Hotchkiss guns (i), (ii)

  House of Commons (i), (ii), (iii)

  House of Lords (i), (ii), (iii)

  Howden, Captain H.L. (i)

  Hurricane aircraft (i)

  ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) (i) n88

  Illaloes, the (i)

  Imperial Defence College (i)

  Indian Ocean (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Indians see also individual regiments (at head of index)

  builders fixing defences (i)

  cavalry units (i)

  commander of division (i)

  Egypt and (i)

  engineers (i)

  first Victoria Cross (i)

  forces arrive (i)

  General Headquarters (i), (ii)

  high morale of (i)

  mountain battery from (i)

  trading ships from (i)

  Triangle attack (i)

  troops landing reverse (i)

  two divisions (i)

  Wavell makes divisions available (i)

  Wavell posted to (i)

  Inspector Generals (i)

  Iran (i)

  Iraq (i), (ii)

  Ironside, General Sir Edmund (i)

  Isiolo (i)

  Islam (i), (ii)

  Ismay, General Hastings ‘Pug’ (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Italian Somaliland

  advance into (i), (ii)

  Brocklehurst Mission (i)

  importance of Kismayu (i)

  Kenya border (i)

  map (i)

  protectorate, a (i)

  rainfall (i)

  Italians (i), (ii)

  Addis Ababa population of (i)

  airpower (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Anglo-Italian agreement, 1938 (i)

  Aosta (i) see also Aosta, Duke of

  army formations and units see head of index

  attacks Greece (i)

  brigades and divisions (i)

  ciphers broken (i), (ii)

  civilian population (i)

  Colonial Cavalry (i)

  Colonial Office attitude (i)

  Daily Express on defeat of (i)

  De Simone’s retreat (i)

  deterioration of morale (i)

  dividing up the Middle East (i)

  Eritreans and (i)

  Ethiopian evacuation announced (i)

  evacuation and repatriation (i)

  first significant attack by (i)

  focusing on Africa (i)

  friendly relations with (i)

  Germans and (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  High Command (i), (ii), (iii)

  humiliation of Adowa (i)

  indiscriminate killing of Ethiopians (i), (ii), (iii)

  insurgent atrocities against (i)

  intelligence services’ incompetence (i)

  interrogation of their prisoners (i)

  invasion of British Somaliland (i)

  Kassala (i)

  Keren in retrospect (i)

  lack of control of sea (i)

  land in Sudan ceded to (i)

  main advance (i)

  manpower in the field (i), (ii), (iii)

  Moorehead on (i)

  mules, use of (i)

  Northern Frontier District and (i)

  reasons for failure (i)

  Red Sea Flotilla (i), (ii), (iii)

  resources available to counter (i)

  shifta units (i)

  Smuts on Italy in Africa (i)

  state of war (i)

  strategy of avoidance (i)

  surrender (i), (ii), (iii)

  The Times on (i)

  travel ban (i)

  tribal objections to (i)

  Tug Argan (i)

  Wavell disrupts (i)

  weaponry (i)


  1931 Manchurian invasion (i)

  report of German–Italian disagreement (i)

  Singapore (i)

  supplies for Italians (i)

  threat posed by (i), (ii)

  Jews (i)


  Aosta wishes to attack (i)

  British withdrawal plans (i)

  Chater and the French (i)

  collapse of France and (i)

  focus for action (i)

  Free French plan to capture (i)

  French hold position (i)

  French Somaliland, as (i)

  Hamilton’s Mission (i)

  possibility of combined Italian attack on (i)

  refugees in (i)

  vital railway link (i)

  Jijiga (i), (ii)

  Jinja (i)

  Jirreh (i), (ii)

  Joint Planning Staff (i), (ii)

  Joyce, William (i)

  Juba River

  Aosta’s resistance (i)

  De Simone’s command (i)

  early demonstration of Cunningham’s ability (i)

  importance of crossing (i)

  natural defensive barrier of (i)

  South Africans cross (i)

  Tana River and water problems (i), (ii)

  Jubaland (i)

  Junkers 5
2 aircraft (i)

  Kalam (i)

  Kampala (i)

  Kandahar, HMS (i)

  KAR (King’s African Rifles)

  1st Battalion (i)

  3rd Battalion (i), (ii)

  5th Battalion (i)

  6th Battalion (i)

  Awash crossing (i)

  Giffard serves with (i)

  infantry units (i)

  initial deployment (i)

  Inspector General for (i)

  main pre-war role (i)

  martial law (i)

  Northern Brigade (i)

  popularity with Africans (i)

  pre-war activity (i)

  reserves (i)

  troops advance (i)

  Wavell requests (i)

  Karora (i), (ii)

  Kassala (i)

  intelligence network (i)

  one of two planned operations (i)

  Platt’s key target (i)

  rail link (i)

  recaptured (i)

  Kavirondo people (i)

  Kennedy, Sir Donald Mackenzie (i)

  Kenton College (i)

  Kenya (i)

  Axis forces plan attack (i)

  Dickinson in (i)

  fragility of tenure (i)

  Happy Valley (i)

  Italian East Africa and (i)

  map (i)

  Mussolini and (i)

  priorities (i)

  produce proposed for Britain (i)

  Smuts offers brigade (i)

  Wavell’s African troops (i)

  Kenya Defence Force (i)

  Kenya highlands (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Kenya Regiment (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Keren (i)

  a battle of world importance (i)

  an arduous battle (i)

  decisive blow to Italians (i)

  desert sores (i)

  first two phases (i)

  future planning for (i)

  House of Lords debate (i), (ii)

  Italians’ many military mistakes (i)

  maps (i), (ii)

  peak defences (i)

  pivotal campaign point (i)

  Platt the victor of (i)

  precautions taken against Patriots (i)

  Regia Aeronautica destroyed (i)

  soldiers’ battle, a (i)

  strategic importance of (i)

  temperatures (i)

  Wavell’s title (i)

  withdrawal to (i)

  Keru (i)

  Kharif (i)

  Khartoum (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Kikuyu people (i)

  King’s African Rifles see KAR

  Kingston, HMS (i)

  Kirkuk (i)

  Kismayu (i)

  Afmadu and (i)

  approval for attack on (i)

  capture of (i), (ii)

  importance of (i)

  Italian assessments (i)

  Mogadishu and (i)

  one of two planned operations (i)

  Smuts’s emphasis on (i)

  Wavell’s initial intentions (i)

  Knobbly Hill (i), (ii)

  Kut (i)

  La Croce del Sud (i)

  Lakes (i)

  Lakes, Battle of the (i)

  Lawrence, Sir Arthur (i)

  Lawrence, T.E. (i), (ii), (iii)

  League of Nations (i), (ii)

  Legentilhomme, Brigadier-General Paul (i), (ii), (iii)

  Lettow-Vorbeck, Lieutenant-Colonel Paul von (i), (ii)

  Libya (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)

  Life magazine (i)

  Listener, The (i), (ii)

  ‘Little Ghebbi’ (i)

  Lloyd, Lord (i)

  Lokitaung (i)

  Lone Tree Ridge (i)

  Longmore, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur (i), (ii)

  Lorenzini, Brigadier-General Orlando (i)

  Lorraine Squadron (i)

  Mabungo (i)

  Maclean, ‘Billy’ (i)

  Madagascar (i)

  Magrin-Vernerey, Raoul (i) n61

  Mahdi, the (i), (ii)

  Mahratta Ridge (i)

  Maidenhead (i)

  Maldiba (i)

  Mambrini, General Renzo (i)

  Manchester Guardian (i)

  Manchuria (i)

  Mandera (i)

  Maraventano, Colonel Saverio (i)

  Marda Pass (i), (ii)

  Maria Theresa of Austria (i)

  Marsa Taclai (i)

  Marsabit (i), (ii), (iii)

  Marshall, Lieutenant-Colonel H. (i)

  Masai people (i)


  Briggs Force advance (i)

  geography of (i)

  Italian Red Sea flotilla (i)

  key Red Sea port (i)

  Platt’s losses (i)

  pressing on towards (i)

  rail links to (i)

  road to (i), (ii)

  strategic possibility, a (i)

  surrender (i)

  Wavell wants to bomb (i)

  Matilda tanks (i), (ii), (iii)

  Maychew, Battle of (i)

  Mayne, Major-General Mosley (i)

  media coverage (i)

  Mediterranean (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Mega (i), (ii)

  Menelik II, Emperor (i), (ii)

  Mescelit Pass (i)

  Messervy, Colonel Frank (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) n75

  Metemma (i), (ii), (iii)

  MI6 (i)

  Middle East Command (i)

  Military Administration (i)

  Military Cross (i), (ii)

  Military Intelligence, Cairo (i)

  Mill Hill (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ministry of Defence (i)

  Ministry of Information (i)

  ‘Mission 101’ (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) n32

  Mitchell, Major-General Philip (i), (ii)

  Modun (i)

  Mogadishu (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi)


  evacuations to (i)

  German focus on (i)

  HMS Barracouta visits (i)

  Indian troops sail for (i)

  likely enemy advance (i)

  petrol storage (i)

  railway links (i)

  reinforcements arrive (i)

  spared bombing (i)

  troops from West Africa (i)

  Monclar, Colonel Ralph (i), (ii)

  Monte Cassino (i)

  Montgomery, Field Marshal (i)

  Moore, Sir Henry Monck-Mason (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Moorehead, Alan (i)

  Moroto, River (i)

  mountains (i)


  East African infantry (i)

  evacuations (i)

  first significant Italian attack (i)

  Fowkes tries to relieve (i)

  garrison enlarged (i)

  garrison reduced (i)

  harassing the Italians from (i)

  Italian reinforcements (i)

  old camel tracks (i)

  recovered (i)

  subsidiary operations (i)

  Mulberry harbours (i)

  mules (i), (ii)

  Munich agreement (i)

  Mussolini, Benito

  ambitions (i)

  Aosta and (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  consequences of defeat (i)

  declares East African Empire (i)

  focus on Egypt (i)

  German aims and (i), (ii)

  giving up without a struggle (i)

  invests in settlements for surplus population (i)

  lack of military strategy (i)

  Nazis’ view of (i)

  potential frailties of empire (i)

  revises strategy (i)


  3rd Battalion KAR in (i)

  doubt over Giffard’s proposals (i)

  in 1903 (i)

  Monck-Mason Moore in (i)

  officer in charge (i), (ii)

  planning campaigns (i)

  railway workshops (i)
  shooting in (i)

  Nanyuki (i), (ii), (iii)

  Napoleon Bonaparte (i)

  Nasi, General Guglielmo (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Natale, Colonel Leopoldo (i), (ii)

  naval ships (i) see also Royal Navy

  Nazis (i), (ii), (iii) see also Germans

  Negelli (i)

  Nepau (i)

  New Zealand (i)

  Nigerian Regiment (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)


  approaching Mogadishu (i)

  boarding troopships (i)

  British-led forces (i)

  defence of Tana (i)

  occupying key positions (i)

  reaching Mombasa (i)

  vacating (i)

  well suited for fighting Italians (i)

  Nile, River (i)

  No. 1 Operations Centre (i)

  Normandy (i)

  North Africa

  balancing the units (i)

  defeats (i)

  East Africa alleged to be distraction from (i)

  multinational forces involved (i)

  South Africans and (i)

  troops moved from (i)

  Wavell’s view as prerequisite to victory (i), (ii)

  North-West Frontier (i)

  Northern Brigade, KAR (i) see also KAR (King’s African Rifles)

  Northern Frontier District (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Northern Rhodesia (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) n6

  Northern Rhodesia Regiment (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Nosworthy, General Francis (i), (ii) n53

  Nyasaland (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) n6

  Observation Hill (i), (ii)

  Odweina (i)

  Offensive Propaganda (i)

  oil (i), (ii)

  Omdurman, Battle of (i)

  Omo River (i)

  Operational Centres (i)


  ‘Appearance’ (i)

  ‘Battleaxe’ (i)

  ‘Camilla’ (i)

  ‘Canvas’ (i), (ii)

  ‘Compass’ (i), (ii), (iii)

  ‘Crusader’ (i), (ii)

  ‘Marie’ (i)

  ‘Torch’ (i)

  Oran (i)

  Ottomans (i)


  British battalions withdrawn from (i)

  Giffard moved to (i)

  reinforcements from (i)

  Wavell’s command area (i)

  Wavell’s troop numbers in (i)

  Wavell’s unorthodox tactics in (i)

  Palestine–Trans-Jordan (i)

  Patriots (i)

  captured Italians and (i)

  control territory around Italians (i), (ii)

  doubts re reliability (i)

  Italian precaution against (i)

  looter warning (i)

  main role of (i)

  map of advance (i)

  Nasi tries to cut off (i)

  Platt’s opinion of (i), (ii)

  various fighters with (i)

  vengefulness of (i)

  weaponry of (i)

  Wingate on (i)

  Pemba (i)

  Percival, Arthur (i)

  Perham, Margery (i)

  petrol supplies (i), (ii)

  Philips’ School Atlases (i)

  Pienaar, Brigadier Dan (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Platt, Major-General William (i)

  a positive outcome (i)

  Aosta’s death (i)

  capturing Massawa (i)

  Cheeseman’s appointment (i)


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