The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 1

by Tori Leigh Vella


  The pain was unbearable. It burned right down to my core. I thought that my bones were about to snap and that my head was going to explode. Every inch I moved, the more my body felt like it was on fire. This was not normal.

  What the fuck had happened last night?

  I remember being at a party and then the rest of the night had been a blur. Actually after the moon had come up everything seemed strange.

  Had I been drugged?

  Was I Drunk?


  Fuck did I have sex with someone?

  Nate was going to kill me. He told me it wasn’t a good idea to go out last night and of course I didn’t listen.

  Stupid fucking full moon.

  Stupid body.

  Stupid me for being so head strong and stubborn.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  Dick move Kaylie, you have really done it this time.

  I really wish my head would stop answering back.

  Fuck, I must be really wrecked.

  Slowly the events of last night were coming back to me but they were still pretty hazy.

  I was lying naked on the grass covered in mud and I had no idea where I was.

  Why was I naked in the first place? I never took my clothes off.

  Memories of running through the forest ran through my head as well as me chasing and attacking many animals. I padded over to the lake and saw that blood coated my skin where I would have had fur.

  Wait, Fur?


  I was a werewolf?

  There was a full moon last night and all the other kids had changed with me.

  How the hell does that work? I didn’t have the werewolf gene. They told me it had skipped me, that I was a freak when I didn’t shift on my sixteenth birthday. I had turned seventeen two weeks ago and this was the first full moon since.

  I guess Nate had been right and going to that party was a bad idea.

  Words flashed through my head of names I has been called for the last year.


  Freak of nature


  Waste of space

  I was an Alpha’s daughter and damn shame to my family

  I was an outcast as such. I liked being different or so I thought.

  So much for skipping me you bastards. Payback really is a bitch.

  I smiled to myself evilly as the memory of hunting with the rest of the pack came back to me in pieces. Running through the woods, someone showing me how to kill.

  That poor bunny, but where was the rest of the pack?

  What was the time?

  All I knew was that someone had alot of explaining to do and I would not be happy about what i was about to hear.

  I knew this would be the beginning of hell for me. There better be a damn good reason why I hadn't changed with all the other wolves on be sixteenth birthday.

  I guess I got what I wanted after all; I really was different I thought before passing out.

  I woke up to the events of last night starting to come back to me. My body was covered in blood and mud, especially my legs. I was still naked and I was probably miles from home.

  It was close to dawn and I knew that I needed to get back home and in my bed, before anyone had realised that I never came home last night. Well the only one who would probably realise would be my brother Nate or my mother and I seriously doubted the second of the two.

  I was a strange creature. My only “friend” was my cousin Imogen and I didn’t have a great bond with my parents. Everybody in the town or “pack” thought I was strange and abnormal because I hadn’t shifted and now they probably thought I was a loony who ate bunnies in my spare time.

  My thoughts kept me company as I made my way home. I noticed that the forest was different. I wasn’t sure if that was because I was now a werewolf, or I had just never viewed the forest as it truly was in its natural state.

  I spotted a willow tree and paused. I had never realised the beauty of nature before and I never had appreciated it but I sat the tree in a different light. There was just something about the tree that captivated me.

  Fireflies were surrounding the tree and it was giving off a strange blue glow. I suddenly felt at peace and knew that I would be fine and would make more sense after I had a decent sleep that didn’t involve mud or the forest floor. I could breathe for what felt like the first time.

  The tree had a weird calming vibe and i knew I had found my spot. The place where I could be alone with my thoughts and truly think.

  I forced myself to bookmark where the tree was so I would remember when I needed to get away to think. With one final glance, I continued to walk home. I could not wait to take a hot shower and fall into my bed.

  Someone had a lot of explaining to do when I got home. I guess the stories they tell you at bedtime are real after all.

  Chapter 1

  The sun was too bright as I opened my eyes. Someone had disturbed me from my sleep. I opened one eye and saw that my curtains had been opened.

  'You really need to get up' said my older brother.

  'Not for another hour Nate, why are you even waking me up for?'

  'I needed to talk to you about last night'. I shifted uncomfortably. I knew where this was going.

  Did everyone know I had changed?

  I finally made it home last night right before the sun had come up. I made sure I was quiet as I had a shower and got into bed. I could sense that no one had been awake. I had even sneaked in through my window just to be safe, so how the hell did he know?

  ‘I have no idea what you are talking about' I answered rolling over.

  'Stop pretending Kaylie and admit it, I know you shifted for the first time last night. I saw that your bed was empty when I got home from the party and you know everyone there shifted’.

  'So now you're a class A stalker, wow, never knew you had it in you bro"

  "I'm trying to help you; look you need to be able to control it. I bet you are having urges right now and your anger is rising'.

  Damn him for being right.

  'Why didn't you tell me that I may have the stupid gene?' I sulked as I sat upright.

  'I wasn't allowed to, Dad thought it may have skipped you but he wasn’t willing to put a bet on it so he’s just been sitting and waiting until it happened, I mean you are an alpha descendant'.

  'Great so I’m a loser in the real world and now I’m abnormal in the werewolf world?'

  I had made the change on the first full moon after my seventeenth birthday.


  I was just a regular girl once upon a time and now that had all changed along with everything I had once thought I knew.

  I was seventeen years old and the youngest out of my family. I was stubborn and I took many risks. My father was the Mayor, or should I say Alpha of our little town called 'wood shire creek' located in north America just off the coast. He ran the local werewolf pack around here. I had two older brothers named Nate and Daniel. Nate was 19 and Daniel was 21.

  My mother worked as an assistant to my father, yet I was never popular. Only the stoners, Goths and musicians wanted to know me. The only person I was really close to was my cousin Imogen and I am sure she does not even count as a friend. We were a month apart, her being older.

  It really sucked being the young one all the time. I was apparently 'special' in everyone's eyes. None of the other cubs who were not part of the stoners, Goths or musicians would talk to me or give me the time of day because I hadn't shifted at sixteen like all wolves should.

  Both my brothers and Imogen had made the change.

  Apparently once you shift you get better looking, what a joke.

  Nate screaming woke me up from my daydream.

  'Kaylie, you're rides here' yelled Nate from the balcony doing god knows what.

  Imogen was out the front waiting for me and she was smirking.


  'So I heard you made the change last night' she said as I got into her silver Audi.

  'Yeah thanks, I guess that means the whole school knows right Immy?'.

  ‘I am sorry Kay, Uncle Ren always knew you would make the change, he just couldn’t admit it when you didn’t make the change, but you have now and that’s what matters. Everyone is talking about you though'.

  She meant my father Ren James. The Alpha and no one could deny him. Imogen's Dad, my uncle ky was my Dad's Beta and second in command of the pack. It only made sense that Imogen knew everything.

  'I hope no one is going to baby sit me now and try to be my friend because I changed, why am I so abnormal Jesus. There really should be a handbook on this stuff and it should be titled how to be a big furry werewolf who eats bunnies for dinner’ I huffed as we pulled into the parking lot of school.

  Imogen burst into laughter, so I threw her my best dirty look I only saved for one person I particular.

  'Immy you can hang with your other friends if you want, I can be a loner for a day it won't kill me, I’m sure the stoners or the Goths will let me chill'

  'No I’m not going to leave you Kaylie you're my cousin, besides I have a feeling that you'll be getting noticed today' she smirked.

  'Please do not tell me it's my scent, I seriously can't deal with anything else right now' and as soon as the words left my mouth little miss perfect just had to waltz over.

  Speak of the devil and she herself will appear.

  'Well looks like someone finally made the change, late bloomer much' Audrey smirked, the school's bitch and head cheerleader.

  'Man, I am so pleased I didn't change earlier your scent is rank' I said holding my nose just to piss her off. Big words and punctuation confused the shit out of her. She had never heard of a dictionary either.

  'Haha Kaylie, Just because your daddy is alpha doesn't mean you get special treatment from me'

  'I don't want your treatment, just don't forget I’m in line for the title of Alpha sweetheart' I said walking away.

  I heard her snarl but payed no attention to her.

  'Good job kay' laughed Imogen.

  'Thanks cuz' I smiled walking to class.

  'Meet you at lunch?' I asked

  'You bet' she said heading in the opposite direction to me.

  I was going to make things interesting in this town, I said smirking as I walked to my first class.

  Chapter 2

  I entered my class and found my seat next to one of the cubs from the pack. He was on the football team and he was a pretty decent guy. He actually treated me like I was normal so that got him extra points with me.

  'Hey Kaylie' smiled the cub. I think his name was Sam.

  'Hi' I replied, brushing him off'. I wasn’t in the mood to really talk like he wanted.

  'News on the street is that you made the change' he said grinning. He was actually happy about it!

  'Might want to keep it down' I said considering we go to school with a few non-werewolves.

  'Sorry, do you and Imogen want to hang out?' he asked with the same lop sided smile. He seemed genuine.

  'So because I’ve finally become accepted after so many years you actually want to have something to do with me? Ghee thanks bud, I’ll pass' I said returning my eyes to my book I had opened in front of me on some boring page about maths.

  School was also not my thing. I could add school to my list on not things as well as people and werewolves. In case no one realized I was great at sarcasm. That was totally my thing.

  For the rest of the class Sam was silent thank god. My pack's mind connection was leaving me alone and for once, I was truly alone and man it felt good. My teacher was going on about some maths equation.

  All I could think about was why I had shifted so late; I would definitely be speaking to dad or Nate about this.

  'Kaylie be nice Sam just informed me of what you said. He is making an effort and offered for us all to hang out' Imogen said through our mind link emphasizing on the all.

  'Oh leave me alone Midge, he asked for it and you know it, he probably only wants to get in my pants'

  'Right, we'll talk soon'

  'Laters' and the mind link was gone. I could go back to silence, just the way I liked it until Sam started to say stuff to me through the link again.

  Kaylie? Kaylie anyone home, I just want to talk.

  Thank god the bell rang blocking him out.

  My next class was a free so I wondered out onto the field that was close to the woods. I needed to work out what made me shift without anyone seeing.

  If I was caught, I knew Dad would kill me. After a wolf shifts for the first time on a full moon that wolf can then shift at will if they knew how to. That was what I was trying to do, I think it was time I ditched this place.

  'What are you doing here’? It was Sam.

  'None of your business, what can a cub do to get some privacy around here'.

  'You're not entitled to it considering you're Alpha's daughter'

  'Please don't tell me Dad's made you my protector'. Sam's father was part of my dad's soldiers, so to speak. He was head of the military and in charge of fights when the pack needed to defend territory.

  'Afraid so sweet heart, so why don’t you tell me what it is that you’re trying to do' he smirked.

  'I wanted to see what makes me shift' I confessed.

  'Why would you want to do that?'

  'Well I shifted later than everyone there's obviously a reason'


  'Are you holding out on me?' I asked

  'Possibly, there might be one reason for it' he said

  'And that would be?' I summoned Imogen using my mind link. She appeared through the woods in a matter of seconds. Sam could sense her.

  'Ok well there's an ancient legend about the White Wolves'.

  'Yeah the white wolf right'

  'Let him finish' Imogen snapped.

  'Fine' I said grumpily.

  'Ok so the white wolf with blue eyes, they say they don't shift till later in life, but when they do they have untold powers so to speak'

  'Right so it's some sort of myth because I’m certain they all died out?'

  'Yeah but only a few wolves ever have the gene and I’ve heard stories that a few escaped after the battle, they carried on the gene through the offspring'

  'Aren't there alot of white wolves around though?' I asked confused.

  'Yeah there are but white wolves are pure white not with spots of brown or anything'

  I slowly was beginning to understand.

  'So you think I’m a white wolf?'

  'It's a possibility'.

  'I see, so what do these powers include?'

  'I've heard of regeneration, healing, increased senses, they are incredible fighters and they can run faster than any wolf'

  'So just a whole bunch of bonuses?'

  'Some are known to be able to read minds and see the future' he smirked

  'I see, well guess there's only one way to find out' I said as I stepped further into the forest.

  All I could think was that Dad was going to kill me.

  Chapter 3

  As I stepped into the forest, I surveyed my surroundings.

  I closed my eyes and breathed in.

  Pine needles and the smell of leaves filled my nose.

  I was truly in my element.

  I broke out into a run as the wind whipped through hair. I tried to control by breathing while trying to trigger the change. I heard Imogen and Sam behind me catching up.

  Slowly I felt my muscles begin to move to accommodate for my body. I felt the familiar burn and hoped I would be in wolf form. I looked down
and saw my four legs. It had worked. I was grinning on the inside. I could change at will; I just had to clear my mind.

  I heard a gasp behind me. I stopped running and turned around. My ears were up and I looked straight at Imogen and Sam

  'Oh my god’.

  Imogen looked like she had seen a ghost. I moved to the lake and looked down. What I saw was astounding. Is that really me?

  I quickly changed back and looked at Sam and Imogen waiting for them to say something.

  'Well?' I encouraged.

  'It's true' Imogen whispered.

  'What is?'

  Sam swiftly filled me in. 'When you changed there was a blue orb that surrounded you, it was magical. Your fur was pure white and you had the brightest blue eyes, like sapphires. You really are a white wolf. You have to tell you father immediately and your guard will have to be increased'.

  'Wait, I am not being followed like some fucking royal stuck up bitch. Besides more guards around me means the more other wolves will become suspicious of me meaning the more likely it is of an attack. No we keep this quiet and I’ll tell my dad when I’m ready, understand?'

  The two nodded at me and I felt their promise in the mind link. If they defied me, I would know.

  'Right I think you should head back to class, I need to ditch and I really am not in the mood for educational bullshit. Why do they even send us here? In reality we don't even use this shit. When the fuck is algebra going to help me when I'm a goddamn werewolf'.

  'You still need an education Kaylie' Imogen stated like she was high and mighty.

  she could tell I was annoyed at her for that comment.

  Sam just smirked and headed off in the direction of the office. He handed me the keys.

  'Imogen you drive on your own, Kaylie you go start my truck and I’ll be there in a minute'.

  ‘I meant I’ll ditch by myself, I don’t need a god damn babysitter’.

  ‘yes, you do’ they both said.

  Imogen whispered that she'd meet me in my room after we returned to the pack's headquarters. I walked over to Sam's Ute and started it. It was kinda funny how he called it his truck. It was a bright red colour that reminded me off blood. My stomach growled. Thank god, I didn't attack a bunny while in wolf form.

  My mind started to wonder to me waking up with feathers all in my hair after my first change. I found myself in a chicken farm. Now that was embarrassing.


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