The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 7

by Tori Leigh Vella

  “See you later Tyler, if she gets boring you know where to find me”, she said as she walked away swinging her hips.

  I felt the anger boiling in me. Call me jealous, but I always protect what is mine. Once she had left I turned to the gang.

  “Well I’m glad I don't have to deal with her at school”.

  I had completed my schooling in between my training when I was still living with daddy dearest. Yes, I had daddy issues.

  Both Tyler and I had decided that running a pack was more important than going to college and I didn't feel like dealing with humans. I had nothing against them, but it was emotionally and physically draining trying to hide what I am.

  Around the pack and with close proximity to the woods I could feel at ease and be myself. Tyler felt the same and since he was destined for great things as the next in line for Alpha, he wanted to prepare for everything he could before he stepped up.

  He would work alongside his father while I helped his mum. It was exciting but scary too. Soon we both would be powerful it all depended on when Tyler wanted to step up.

  “Babe I’m sorry she treated you like that but Alisha means well. For the last few years, she has hung around me. She is like a little sister. I have no romantic interest in her at all”.

  I couldn't believe what he just said.

  “You did not just say that. Could you not see the way she looked at you? She had hunger in her eyes and I swear she sent me mental images of you in her bed. Please do not play the little sister card with me. I could hear her thoughts and you could have given me the heads up that you slept with her”.

  “Wait what did you just say? I have never slept with her and did you say you could hear her thoughts?"

  “Yeah another ability or benefit I guess”.

  “How'd you do it?” asked Matt.

  “Well when I saw her hitch her skirt up I got angry and then she had that stupid mental image of her and Tyler sleeping together which reminds me, did you sleep with her?”


  I sent the visual to Tyler and waited for his reaction. He ran to a bush and spilled his guts up. Well glad to know he is as disgusted as I am. I was very thankful I could do that through the bond.

  “I understand that you're upset but I swear I’ve never touched her like that, like I said she’s like a sister”.

  “Right well if you want her she's all yours but I’m not going to stand by and watch her think she can get what she wants. You did not even say anything to her. If I wanted to be a second option I would have stayed with dad and spend my days by Nate's body, I knew you were too good to be true and you would be acting the same if this was Sam,” I said as I walked towards the pack house.

  “Good night all” I said as I collected my things.

  “Wait, Kaylie please”.

  I did not stay and listen and I did not want to. I was not a second option. I was a priority.

  If Tyler could not keep his friends in line then there was a serious issue. Friends do not think about friends like that. I never felt like that with Sam.

  Sometimes I wished I was a normal teenager with no mind reading powers or enhanced abilities.

  Being a werewolf sucked ass and having a mate who could feel your pain and still sides with her. I was close to done. I slammed the door and walked up to my room that I had to share with Tyler when I heard the call through the mind link I shared with Tyler.

  Since moving here, my old link had been severed making me a part of Tyler’s pack now.


  Shit, did this have to happen right fucking now.

  Life could not get more complicated.

  Chapter 21

  Fuck, I thought as I raced down the stairs trying to locate where exactly my mate was. A few children and woman ran past me.

  Trying to hide the kids most probably. I knew normally females don't fight but I couldn't just sit back.

  I was a white wolf and even though it was a royal pain in the ass, I had my abilities for a reason. I wasn't that sort of girl. I could get down and dirty. My pack was at stake and I wouldn't just stand back.

  I spotted Tyler on the other side of the clearing where the bon fire was just moments before. People were running and scattered everywhere almost like sitting ducks. I tried to forget what was happening and zone in on my senses. I could hear the leader of the rouges telling them the plan

  “Wipe out as many wolves as possible and then we'll attempt to take over”.

  Yeah right, over my dead body.

  I sent what I had heard to Tyler and he took action immediately ordering the rogues deaths.

  “Kaylie go back to the pack house, I can't risk you getting hurt”.

  “No way Tyler, I have these abilities for a reason. I will not back down from a fight. This is my pack too. Besides, you can use me. I have fought before, I am stronger and faster than most of the wolves here and I can hear what the enemies are thinking or have you forgotten” I smirked, though still angry.

  “Fine but stay close to me”.

  I didn't answer. I got into the battle and took out as many as I could still sending information to Tyler so that he had the best possible opportunity. Rouges were emerging from everywhere.

  I cornered one before I bit into his leg before hearing him howl. I knew he was of high rank from his sheer size. He shifted back into human form due to his injuries. I grabbed a silver stake that I had found and jammed it into his leg. He screamed even more but I knew I had hit his target. Silver stopped us from healing and I needed him weak.

  Images of Nate flashed through my mind as he was shot with a silver bullet. Him on the floor as the life drained out of him, his last words to me.

  “Listen to me Kaylie, you win this fight, you take out all of these hunters and you'll be happy. Leave here after this is over, go, and start your new life. You deserve to be happy. I'll always be in your heart sis. I'll always love and protect you. Remember me...”

  I could not let that affect me. I could not let me weakness take over.

  I had also shifted back into my human form so I could interrogate him. I kneeled down so I was level with him. He had his back against the tree and I called Tyler over along with a few of the members from our troops who protected and fought for the pack.

  “What is it that you were ordered to do exactly?” I asked.

  He looked at me with wide eyes as if he was hesitating before he finally answered.

  “We were ordered to come and wipe out this pack. Word on the street is that a little she wolfs left her daddy's pack to come to this one. Her father wanted us to kill the pack and bring back his daughter. He wants the pack for himself and to punish his daughter for abandoning her pack and her family”.

  That was when I lost it. I ripped out his throat and shifted. I ran into the woods letting my feet hit the ground.

  What a fucking asshole.

  I was so angry.

  My own father could plan this, possibly killing my family, my mate and all he cares about. He had no right to do what he did. He wanted to kill all those innocent people because he is too selfish and wants everything for himself.

  I sat down on my hind legs and howled at the sky. I could not believe he was my father. He fucking disgusted me. That fucking pig.

  I did not notice that Tyler had come and sat beside me.

  “Kaylie it’s going to be alright”. I knew he could hear everything that I was thinking just like I could hear and see his.

  We both shifted back into human form.

  I started crying and put my head in my hands. Tyler pulled me into his arms so that I was sitting with my back against his chest. I knew I was safe with him.

  “Everyone is going to hate me once they know” I said between sobs so it came out “everyone's eh gonna ha-hate -meh once they know”.

  “They won't hate you. They all know about your father. You could not stand him and he did not treat you well, he forced you into something that did not concern you. He made yo
u fight the hunters resulting in your brother's death. A hunter may have killed him but it was your father's fault for causing that fight to start. He is power hungry. He wants to control everyone around him. He is a greedy son of a bitch and he does not deserve you as his daughter. I am so sorry babe”.

  I could not reply to him. The tears just kept streaming down my face and I could not stop it. I felt utterly powerless. The world seemed so fucked up.

  “Let me take you somewhere”.

  I just nodded.

  I followed him close behind. He turned around and grabbed my hand. Further, ahead there was a clearing. Once we reached the clearing, I spotted a lake. The clear water sparkled under the moonlight.

  It was as if a thousand blue fairy lights were in the water. It was truly magical. At that moment, I felt peaceful.

  “Do you really think that they won't hate me?”

  “Of course they won't. You are such a beautiful girl. You are so strong and courageous. You put everyone before yourself and you are so caring. You are going to make a great Luna. You could be selfish and want to keep your abilities for yourself but you use your abilities to help others. You are such an amazing person and the love of my life”.

  I just could not help but smile. He was right, I was nothing like my dad and I had proved that to the pack. I stood by them through the rogue attack and I did not turn my back on them. They all knew whom my loyalty was with.

  “I'll be okay,” I said to him.

  “Then let me take you home”.


  After a quick meeting with the pack about the attack, we decided that tomorrow we would be meeting again to discuss our plan of action.

  I voted that I wanted to take revenge on my father. I wanted him to suffer for what he wanted to do to my new pack.

  To kill off packs just to claim land and a pack was one of our greatest laws. Death is the penalty for breaking such laws. I did not want to be the one to kill my father, but he was found guilty.

  Tyler led me back to the pack house and ran me a hot shower. I sat on the floor and let the water pour over me. When I was bothered enough I got up and dried myself off before climbing into bed with Tyler. He wrapped his arms around me protectively and I laid my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too,” I said as I felt the weight finally take over and my eyelids closed. I drifted off to sleep with his words echoing in my head.

  I love you.

  Chapter 22

  I think it was safe to say that I didn’t get a very good sleep last night.

  Too many thoughts had plagued me and distracted me from closing my eyes. I was certain that Tyler could feel all my uneasiness through our bond. At that moment, his back was facing me.

  I could feel him stir next to me.

  “Are you awake Ty?”

  “Yeah I am, not that I got that much sleep to begin with considering your mind was in overdrive last night, are you okay?”

  “Everything is fine. I just cannot believe my father would actually work with rogues. To me that information was mind blowing. I knew he was a selfish man but I could not believe he would stoop that low. That is just so wrong.”

  “I know what you mean. Come on we need to get ready for the meeting”.

  A meeting I certainly did not want to attend.

  I dragged myself down stairs and grabbed a piece of toast and a cup of black coffee to hopefully wake me up.

  This day could not end fast enough. I just wanted my father to leave me alone.


  “Okay, today we need to come to an agreement about what to do with our rogue problem and the consequences that Alpha Ren will face due to his betrayal to our kind. I am open to ideas and to discussion about what you all think his punishment should be.”

  “Isn’t our only option him becoming an outcast and rogue and being stripped of his Alpha title?” one asked.

  “Yes that is an option, does anyone disagree?”

  No one said a word so everyone agreed with the decision.

  “Alright Alpha Ren has been summoned here and we will discuss the matter at hand, he should be here in a few hours as well as the council members to see that this runs smoothly and there are no problems. We will meet in a few hours once Alpha Ren has arrived. This meeting has now ended.”

  Once that was over with all I could do was sit and wait until my father arrived. If he was deemed as an outcast, he would be forced to leave his pack and wonder on his own. My mother could choose to leave as well, or she could stay, and the title would be handed to my brother Daniel.

  Either way I could not really care about what took place at the meeting. All I wanted to do was go back to bed and never wake up again unless I could enjoy my time with Tyler, which lately was not very often.

  I felt a hand grasp me around the waist and met blue eyes. Tyler looked at me with complete adoration.

  “What do you say we get out of here?”

  “I like the way you think” I laughed

  He grabbed my hand and led me back to the pack house and up to our room. We did not get further than the door when I felt his lips crash onto mine. I was pushed onto the bed and felt him crawl on top of me, never once taking his lips from mine. His hands lightly brushed the skin on my face and trailed it down my body.

  My skin felt like it was on fire. It burned me to my core and I was filled with a desire I had never felt before, it was radiating my entire body. My skin felt electrified and all I could think of was that I wanted Tyler like never before.

  I hoped I was not going into heat because that would be painful for not only myself but also Tyler.

  The love I felt for him was unreal and his and my clothes could not come off fast enough. With our werewolf speed the clothes were gone within a second and I was greeted by Tyler’s beautiful body.

  I ran my hands down his chest, tracing the outlines of his abs. I was distracted from my task by Tyler trailing kisses down my breasts to my hips and thighs. He set me on fire and I felt like I was going to explode.

  His hands had started to rub small electrifying circles on my clit getting me ready for entrance. Carefully he slipped two fingers inside me and began to gently pump checking to see if I was ready for him. I wanted to cry out from my building orgasm but thought better of it. I could feel it building and tried to focus on something else.

  Tyler began to kiss my neck and I could hear him purr softly.

  Typical wolf.

  His hormones were raging and I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

  “Baby please” I begged.

  He chuckled softly before kissing my earlobe and growling softly.

  “Be patient my little kitty cat”.

  Before I knew what was happening he had entered me before my brain could register what was happening. He began to pump me, and I matched each and every thrust. We both moaned into each other’s mouths, as the thrusts got deeper and faster.

  Mine. She is ours, our other equal part. The missing part of ourselves. Our Luna. The mother of our soon pups.

  “I can hear you” I said shocked.


  “Yes but only when we have sex and this hasn’t happened before.”

  “That’s weird, must be another white wolf trait. Every other time I haven’t really been thinking about much except you though”

  “So you can’t hear me?” I asked

  “No babe I can pick up your feelings and emotions but only in general, like right now you’re feeling horny and loving,” he said grinning while kissing my neck.

  I purred and let out a soft moan. I had discovered a new power. It was somewhat weird that I could read Tyler’s mind during sex though I should not be surprised. I could hear other’s people thoughts when they are directed at me.

  It was both a blessing and a curse. I could hear his every thought during the deed and I did not know how I felt about it. I could hear everyone’s thoughts when the
y were directed at me.

  Tyler had rolled off me and was just kissing my neck. I was trying to make sense of everything that was going on. I felt sort of overwhelmed.

  Why was all this happening to me? Sometimes I wish I was normal and did not shift.

  It was too late to regret what you cannot change now.

  “I really hope I don’t have to see my father.”

  “I know how you feel babe but you will unfortunately. The council will take your position into consideration and the fact that he is your father. My father is more powerful than him though so I don’t think that there will be a good outcome.”

  “I already suspected that, do you think we should head back down to the meeting?”

  “If that’s what you want”.

  “You know I don’t want to but we have to. I would be quite happy to never leave your side again. It would be nice if we never had to leave this bed actually.”

  I grabbed his hand and passed him his clothes before I grabbed my own.

  “May as well get this over with then. I do like your idea though. Sounds a whole lot better then what we are about to do. I like the sound of never leaving our bed again’ I said sighing.

  Stupid bloody father.

  If I saw him, I do not know how I would react. Hopefully, I wouldn’t do anything too drastic.

  Chapter 23

  By the time we got back to the council meeting, everyone was seated. My father still had not arrived.

  My ears picked up the sound of a car at the end of the road. A car door opened and someone got out and walk along the gravel. Other council members from higher up had already arrived.

  “Kaylie this is Annabeth, she is the head of the council and was the only daughter of Alpha Fenwick, the last leader of the council,” said Tyler’s father.

  “It’s nice to meet you Kaylie; I have heard great things about you” she said offering her hand to me.

  “It’s nice to meet you too Annabeth” I said placing my hand in hers.

  “I also understand that Alpha Ren is your father. How are you feeling about all of this?”


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