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Oceans Page 2

by D Kershaw

  Last Call of the Siren by Leedine Lah

  Shrine of Apophis by P.C. Darkcliff

  Unabashed Self-Promotion by Shawn M. Klimek

  The Monster by Jim Bates

  Dragon Treasure by Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer

  The Pull by Jennifer Hatfield

  Ocean Eyes by Zoey Xolton

  Sargasso Sea by N.M. Brown

  The Fish Don’t Sing by Jesse Highsmith

  A Deeper Shade of Blues by Shawn M. Klimek

  A Shocking Development by John H. Dromey

  Captain Dancing Dan by J.B. Wocoski

  The Pyre by Daniel J. Brown

  For the Love of Money and Girls by J.W. Garrett

  My Sister, the Ocean by Kaitlyn Arnett

  Hungry for Love by Rich Rurshell

  Isn’t the Water Lovely! by Hannah Retallick

  Vacation Dreams by A.R. Dean

  The Same Deep Water as You by Antonia Rachel Ward

  Day Jobs by Shelly Jarvis

  Cold Shower by V.A. Vazquez

  Patiently It Waits by J.W. Garrett

  The Undertow by Jim Bates

  Night Watch by Alyson Faye

  The Holy Sea by Eddie D. Moore

  An Ocean in Motion, the Emotion of Moana by Steven Holding

  Attack of the Sea Serpents by Wondra Vanian

  A New Friend by Wendy Roberts

  Finding Closure by Wendy Roberts

  Death Wish by A.R. Johnston

  Sole Survivor by Matthew A. Clarke

  The Decoy by Amber M. Simpson

  Bermuda by Jasmine Jarvis

  Horse to the Water by Andrew Anderson

  The Sight of the Kraken by Clint Foster

  Lusana, Mermaid of the Deep by Vonnie Winslow Crist

  Do Do Doo Do Do Doo by Raven Corinn Carluk

  The Affair by Ximena Escobar

  Waking Up by Steven Lord

  Here There be Monsters by G. Allen Wilbanks

  Underwater Jesus by McKenzie Richardson

  Treasure by Cindar Harrell

  Blood Runs Deep by Andrew Anderson

  Tourist Trap by Raven Corinn Carluk

  Repurposed Beauty by Chris Bannor

  Deep See by A.L. Paradiso

  Tidal Waive by John H. Dromey

  Explore the Depths by A.R. Johnston

  Elf by Lesley Drane

  The Key to a Profitable Fishing Trip by Crystal L. Kirkham

  Chum by Evan Baughfman

  Deep Sea Joyride by Shawn M. Klimek

  A Drink Before Dinner by Mason Harold Hilden

  Cleaning Fish by Vonnie Winslow Crist

  Surf’s Up by Derek Dunn

  May the Catch Be Good by A.L. King

  Piracy by Rich Rurshell

  Deep See Covert by A.L. Paradiso

  The Seventh Sea by Olivia Arieti

  Trench, Mariana Trench by Frances Tate

  Where’s the Rum? by Wendy Roberts

  Back by Cassandra Angler


  They cover seventy percent of the Earth’s surface, yet we’ve barely explored the oceans—even though we’ve sailed these waters for thousands of years.

  We have little concept of the undiscovered mysteries and magic of the watery depths, or of the grotesque monsters that lurk there, but myths and fairy tales have been borne from long-ago stories of returning sailors, some of which we are sharing here with you; sirens and selkies; drowned cities; tentacled serpents and hideous sea creatures; the tainted treasure of plundering pirates; the gentle, summoning whispers of the ancients.

  Will you dare venture into the depths?

  Love and kisses

  D. Kershaw & Ben Thomas

  Black Hare Press

  Dead Man’s Chest

  by Nicola Currie

  I knew the captain was superstitious. Still, I was surprised when he raised his rum to Neptune as we hauled up our bounty from the depths.

  I was further surprised when I saw the case of tarnished iron, chained to a wreck of a ship that belonged to the Crown several kings ago. Perhaps its ruined appearance belied its contents. Surely, gold and gemstones beyond imagination lay inside, after the perils of our journey.

  “Why is it called the Dead Man’s Chest?” I asked.

  The captain shot me in the heart.

  “It’s where we offer the dead man,” he said.

  NICOLA CURRIE is from Cambridge, UK where she works in educational publishing. She has published poetry in literary magazines, including Mslexia and Sarasvati, and short stories in various anthologies. She has also completed her first novel, which was longlisted for the Bath Children’s Novel Award.

  Website: writeitandweep.home.blog

  The Full Moon and the Sea

  by P.C. Darkcliff

  The moon reflects on the surface. It creates a silvery corridor that runs from the surf toward the black horizon.

  I see two figures walking down the beach. Is that Mommy dragging my sister Ronnie?

  I hear a childish voice. “Mommy, I’m scared!”

  Yes, it’s them!

  They wade in. Ronnie cries, but Mommy holds her tight. The water reaches Mommy’s waist. A roaring wave rolls over Ronnie’s head.

  Mommy’s eyes shine in the moonlight. She drags Ronnie behind a clump of rocks that stick out of the sea—to the place where she drowned me on the last full moon.

  P.C. DARKCLIFF is the author of two novels, Deception of the Damned and The Priest of Orpagus. In September 2020, he’s going to launch Celts and the Mad Goddess, the first installment of The Deathless Chronicle.

  Social Media: plu.us/p.c.darkcliff

  Reader List: mailchi.mp/c5550d315607/pcdarkcliff

  Unexpected Laughter

  by K.B. Elijah

  The wave of seawater towers above the coastal town, the threat clear in its unavoidable anticipation. Gravity conspires with the ocean to bring ruin to our slice of civilisation.

  Is it revenge, I wonder, as my family scream and flounder around me, that brings the ocean to our door? All that rubbish and toxic waste humanity dumps into the seas?

  The screams die as the tsunami tears our house apart with relish, and I giggle as I’m swept away, pushed down under metres of turbulent seawater.

  It’s good to be a goldfish, I think. And I’ve forgotten my humans already.

  K.B. ELIJAH is a fantasy author living in Brisbane, Australia with her husband and three cockatiels. A lawyer by day, and a writer by...also day, because she needs her solid nine hours of sleep per night (not that the cockatiels let her sleep past 6am). K.B. writes for various international anthologies, and her work features in dozens of collections about the mysterious, the magical and the macabre. Her own books of short fantasy novellas with twists, The Empty Sky and Out of the Nowhere, are available on paperback and Kindle now.

  Website: www.kbelijah.com

  Instagram: k.b.elijah

  Reef Head

  by Jasmine Jarvis

  It was my first dive on the Great Barrier Reef.

  Stepping off the end of the yacht, I let my weighted belt pull me under.

  A piece of electric blue coral had caught my eye, and despite my better judgement (and the conservation rules), I broke it off its rock to bring it home.

  I didn’t realise I had cut my finger in the process.

  It’s been a week now since that dive and I am in a horror of my own making—pieces of electric blue coral protrude from my head with more sprouting with each passing day...

  JASMINE JARVIS is a teller of tales and scribbler of scribbles. She lives in Brisbane, Australia with her husband Michael, their two children, Tilly and Mish; Ripley, their German Shepherd, and indoor fat cat, Dwight K. Shrute.

  Planet Killer

  by Steven Lord

  The creature crawled onto the beach, eyes burning red above the black horned ridges of its maw. Tourists fled in terror, leaving their beach towels and mewling children behind as they sprinted for their lives. It towered over them all, loom
ing as high as the skyscrapers in the city centre just a mile or so back from the shore.

  With a mighty roar, it started to shuffle towards the financial district, wreaking havoc in its path. Then, after three steps, it collapsed with a ground-shaking thud.

  When they cut it open, they found sixteen tonnes of plastic in its stomach.

  STEVEN LORD is a debut author based in the south of England. He is currently attempting to cram writing in alongside a busy day job, with varying levels of success. While his long-term aspiration is to get a novel published, at present he would be pretty pleased with a drabble or two.

  Gen Z vs Monsters

  from the Deep

  by Wondra Vanian

  People were watching the sky when invaders came from the sea.

  The creatures had tentacles, sharp teeth, and old grudges when they squelched onto the beaches that Fourth of July. Battle ready, they carried weapons made from the sharpened bones of whales.

  It had been countless lifetimes since they’d encountered humans, but they were finally ready. Only...things had changed.

  They came expecting war.

  They got Generation Z.

  “Are those tentacles? That’s lit, fam! Selfie?”

  It took hours to realise humanity was no longer worth conquering.

  The verdict that humanity was too stupid to live, however, was reached within minutes.

  WONDRA VANIAN is an American living in the United Kingdom with her Welsh husband and their army of fur babies. A writer first, Wondra is also an avid gamer, photographer, cinephile, and blogger. She has music in her blood, sleeps with the lights on, and has been known to dance naked in the moonlight. Wondra was a multiple Top-Ten finisher in the 2017 and 2018 Preditors and Editors Reader’s Poll, including the Best Author category. Her story, “Halloween Night,” was named a Notable Contender for the Bristol Short Story Prize in 2015.

  Website: www.wondravanian.com


  by J.M. Meyer

  I pray for mercy to the Sea God, Ler, while the raging waves dwarf our ship. My unheard prayer is a whisper compared to the deafening wind, explosions of thunder and the splintering of helpless wood. I hear the wailing of the Fairy, Bean Sídhe, preparing our sorry band of men that all will soon be lost. Man is no match for the wrath of the Gods. Other sailors say the sea is their one true love, but I long for the warmth of my bride’s embrace and fear for the fate of our child, whom I will never see.

  J.M. MEYER is a writer, artist and small business owner living in New York, where she received her master’s degree from Teachers College, Columbia University. Jacqueline enjoys writing speculative fiction and mysteries. Her favorite author is Alice Munro and her favorite film...is...anything horror related. Jacqueline also enjoys hiking with her dog Molly and the company of her husband Bruce and daughters; Julia, Emma and Lauren. Jacqueline’s Mantra lately; there’s no such thing as failing, it’s called learning.

  Website: jmoranmeyer.net

  Amazon: www.amazon.com/author/jacquelinemoranmeyer


  by Raven Corinn Carluk

  “Leave it alone,” Anne yelled.

  Travis laughed, poked the dead fish again. “See if I care.” He left his younger sister, raced to the tide pool waiting amidst the seaweed-strewn rocks. He hoped there were plenty of treasures to be found. Maybe something to leave in Anne’s bed.

  While she ran off to report him to their mom, he scaled the jagged barrier. The brackish smell grew stronger, and he climbed faster.

  “Just seaweed?” he complained at the top. Nothing worth his effort.

  A maw opened, revealing sharp teeth. Travis barely had time to scream before he was pulled in.

  RAVEN CORINN CARLUK writes dark fantasy, paranormal romance, and anything else that catches her interest. She’s authored five novels, where she explores themes of love and acceptance. Her shorter pieces, usually from her darker side, can be found in Black Hare Press anthologies, at Detritus Online, and through Alban Lake Publishers.

  Twitter: @ravencorinn

  Website: www.ravencorinncarluk.com

  When Confronted by

  the Big Bull Seal

  by Hannah Retallick

  She holds its stare. It’s what she wants. They bob in the waves, a black swimsuit and a mound of grey.

  He once told her his ocean elephants story. “Imagine if I hadn’t been wearing flippers!” he’d said. “Yes, imagine that,” she’d echoed, honeymoon hands trailing through the salty sea. He pulled her into deeper water, spouting yarns of great adventure.

  How much he’d experienced; how much he knew!

  The seal disappears. Its shadow moves closer. She waits, hopeful for a ripping growl, a searing pain in her foot, and a rising cloud of red.

  This will make him listen.

  HANNAH RETALLICK is a twenty-six-year-old from Anglesey, North Wales. She was home educated and then studied with the Open University, graduating with a First-class honours degree, BA in Humanities with Creative Writing and Music, and is studying for an MA in Creative Writing. She is working on her second novel and writes short stories and a blog. She was shortlisted in the Writing Awards at the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival 2019, the Cambridge Short Story Prize, and the Henshaw Short Story Competition June 2019.

  Website: ihaveanideablog.wordpress.com

  The End of a Hard Day

  by Michael D. Davis

  It’s been years or even decades now for all I know. I lost track of time after the first few months on this God-forsaken island. It’s the picture postcard view from hell, nothing but sand and ocean. Except for today, there was something in the distance, moving in the water, something big. It made waves in the usually tepid waters that nearly sunk the island. It’s the end of everything.

  Carl had a hard day. He was going to end it right. He stripped nude and splashed down in the tub. Sitting quietly in the water, tiny screams were heard.

  MICHAEL D. DAVIS was born and raised in a small town in the heart of Iowa. Having written over thirty short stories, ranging in genre from comedy to horror from flash fiction to novella he continues in his accursed pursuit of a career in the written word.

  No More Stars

  by Caroline S. Kent

  There was war. What wasn’t destroyed by the nuclear blasts was made barren by the radiation that followed. The surface was rendered unfit for life. So, we survivors found shelter in the caves under the oceans.

  Genetic engineers modified our bodies, and within two generations we are now all aquatic men and women. Our children will never know any different.

  I am the last of the surface dwellers. I remember being able to look up and see a night sky full of stars. Now, with a watery ceiling to our world, there are no more stars for me to see...

  CAROLINE S. KENT is a lady of distinction. She likes wine, women and chocolate. Probably in that order.

  Facebook: caroline.s.kent

  Cleon’s Stone Figurehead

  by McKenzie Richardson

  The detail of the figurehead was so precise it appeared it may climb down off the bow at any moment. How Cleon had obtained it was just as fascinating.

  The storm that claimed his brother’s life marooned Cleon and a few survivors on an island, its lone inhabitant a sculptor perpetually shrouded in an opaque black mourning veil.

  After making repairs, she’d given Cleon a sculpture to replace his smashed figurehead. “For luck.”

  The figurehead, which bore a striking resemblance to his lost brother, proved her promise true.

  Although he wished the face wasn’t carved into such a terrified expression.

  MCKENZIE RICHARDSON lives in Milwaukee, WI. Her horror stories have been featured in various anthologies including Evil Lurks, Pandemic, and After: Undead Wars. She has also published a variety of poems and flash fiction pieces.

  Facebook: mckenzielrichardson

  Blog: www.craft-cycle.com


  by R.J.

  He’d been stranded for five days. He cursed his stupidity. He’d pointed his jet ski out towards the open ocean, not thinking about what might happen. His fuel had run out, and the currents had pushed him further away from shore. There was no cellphone signal, no sign of any boats or ships. He was stuck. He was going to die. He considered his options. Thirst, sunstroke? He thought about slipping into the water to drown, but he wasn’t really serious. He needed something faster.

  A grey shape appeared. A fin emerged from the water. His prayer had been answered.

  R.J. MELDRUM is an author and academic. Born in Scotland, he moved to Ontario, Canada in 2010. He has had stories published by Horrified Press, the Infernal Clock, Trembling with Fear, Darkhouse Books, Smoking Pen Press, and James Ward Kirk Fiction. He also has had stories published in The Sirens Call e-zine, the Horror Zine and Drabblez Magazine. He is an Affiliate Member of the Horror Writers Association.

  Twitter: @RichardJMeldru1

  Facebook: richard.meldrum.79

  The Edge

  by Nicola Currie

  Of all the people to prove me wrong, of all the conspiracy theorists who turned out to be right, I never thought it would be the flat-earthers.


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