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Oceans Page 24

by D Kershaw

  A gigantic dragon had been disturbed and was being drawn ever onwards by that cursed gold. We tried to outrun the beast. Futile!

  The creature opened its mouth and huffed, breathing flame all over the boat. The cloth sails caught on fire. The second puff ignited the deck.

  We threw ourselves into the water.

  CECELIA HOPKINS-DREWER lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She has written a Masters paper on H.P. Lovecraft, and her weird poetry has been published in THE MENTOR (edited by Ron Clarke), and SPECTRAL REALMS (edited by S.T. Joshi). Her novels include a teenage vampire series commencing with MYSTIC EVERMORE. Short stories have been published in WORLDS, ANGELS & MONSTERS, BEYOND, STORMING AREA 51, and UNRAVEL. (Dark Drabbles anthologies edited by Dean Kershaw).

  Amazon: amazon.com/Cecelia-Hopkins-Drewer/e/B071G968NM

  Website: chopkin39.wixsite.com/website

  The Pull

  by Jennifer Hatfield

  While scuba diving, Bethany discovered coral in the brightest rainbow of colours. Awed by its beauty, she lingered a little longer than she should’ve.

  Something slimy seized her ankles, pulling her to a depth she was unprepared for. She struggled to break free, while being dragged through a cave and released.

  Surrounded by darkness, and gem-like sparkles above her, she swam, frantic to find a way out, until exhaustion took over.

  Pulling herself onto a ledge, her heart sank seeing piles of bones. When a human skull flew out of the water beside Bethany, her screams echoed throughout her grave.

  JENNIFER HATFIELD spent a large portion of her life being a dedicated mother and wife. She managed her epilepsy diagnosis, and handled the loss of her husband. Grateful to find comfort in the ability to write in an effort to express her feelings, thoughts, and struggles. She’s published 5 poems.

  Ocean Eyes

  by Zoey Xolton

  Sun-baked, lacerated and wind-burned, the sailor lay sprawled atop the floating debris, his body wracked with endless pain. Long blonde hair matted with salt, parched lips cracked and bleeding—he could no longer trust his sea-blind vision.

  From the gently lapping waves, eyes like the ocean regarded him thoughtfully.

  “Are you here to end my suffering?” he asked, raising his head from the wooden boards, a heart-rending note of hope in his voice.

  “Would you like that?”

  “Very much.”

  A flash of silver fins and they were face to face.

  “Kiss me,” she said, her eyes mesmerising, “and know peace.”

  ZOEY XOLTON is an Australian Speculative Fiction writer, primarily of Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. She is also a proud mother of two and is married to her soul mate. Outside of her family, writing is her greatest passion. She is especially fond of short fiction and is working on releasing her own themed collections in future.

  Website: www.zoeyxolton.com

  Sargasso Sea

  by N.M. Brown

  Legend states to never, under any circumstances, be on the Sargasso Sea under a full moon.

  Some things sadly can’t be helped though, can they? Brody Pierce found himself on that very same sea on such a night.

  He started to feel effects as the moon reached its apex in the sky. The skin from his limbs sloughed off like the wisps of a dandelion’s fluff. His hair receded from his scalp, taking all of the flesh with it.

  But Brody didn’t die, not even close. He remained a skeletal figure, destined to torment and float forever on the sea.

  SINCE N.M. Brown made her first post to a popular Internet forum, she’s taken the horror community by storm. Her ability to create, terrify, and drive home her stories is insurmountable. N.M. Brown’s published works can be found in multiple anthologies for all to read, but be forewarned, if you do... you may want to call your therapist after, her stories are terrifying, disturbing and devilishly unsettling. She is not only a fright visually, but also has a creepy tentacle in horror podcasting as well. Sinister Sweetheart writes, voice acts and is the media director of the Scarecrow Tales podcast.

  Website: Sinistersweetheart.wixsite.com/sinistersweetheart

  Facebook: NMBrownStories

  The Fish Don’t Sing

  by Jesse Highsmith

  “Where’s the coke?” Jimmy Scantalone asked, pulling the remainder of the heavy line into the boat. “There’s just an anchor at the end of this.”

  “This is not that kind of drop,” Dom said as he grabbed his accomplice from the back. “This line’s for you.”

  Just then, Jimmy’s face slammed into the railing he was leaning over. Bam! Using hair like a handle, Dom forced Scantalone’s head over the shimmering salt water and held it there.

  “We know you snitched.”

  Jimmy’s faint cry became gurgling as a knife’s searing kiss poured his throat’s contents toward his wavering reflection below.

  JESSE HIGHSMITH is an adventurous wordsmith, musician, podcast enthusiast, and internet jokester from Central Florida, U.S. His specialty is short form flash fiction written within the confines of a large pesticide truck. However, he is currently writing his first novel, an otherworldly dive into death, acceptance, sacrifice, and redemption. He is also hard at work on his first foray into children’s books with former Infectious Magazine editor Sami Marshall, a project due to be completed very soon. They live in a rural countryside with his son Logan, dog Snowy, and a shadow-chasing cat dubbed Sir Liam Frederick, Duke of Cuteness.

  A Deeper Shade of Blues

  by Shawn M. Klimek

  In the final chapter of “50 Shades of Blue,” the novel’s heroine watched her tears fall into the ocean before leaping dramatically to her death at sunset. Suicidally inspired, Evelynn Dorsey booked the same cruise. As the sky dimmed on the fateful evening, however, a lingering passenger spoiled her solitude. Frustrated, Evelynn approached.

  “Could I be alone, please?” she begged. “This is my final sunset.”

  The stranger’s eyes lit up. “I loved that quote,” she said, whipping her own copy of the novel. “Suddenly, I don’t feel so alone.”

  “In that case, can I give you a boost?” asked Evelynn.

  SHAWN M. KLIMEK is an internationally best-selling short-story writer and poet, and author of Hungry Thing. More than 150 of his works have been published online or in such anthologies as BHP’s Deep Space, Eerie Christmas, Bad Romance, Jibbernocky, and every book in the Dark Drabbles series.

  Website: jotinthedark.blogspot.com

  Facebook: shawnmklimekauthor

  A Shocking Development

  by John H. Dromey

  An inquest was held following the loss of three crewmembers in an ill-fated dive on the wreck of a Spanish galleon.

  The captain was a no-show.

  The jury foreman questioned the first mate.

  “The captain’s log shows lined-out names of the sailors lost at sea and indicates a cause of death. The first remark—shark—is self-explanatory. The second—bends—I take to mean the diver returned to the surface without properly decompressing.”

  “That’s correct.”

  “I’m puzzled by the third explanation—depth charge. Did you encounter unexploded ordnance from World War II?”

  “No, sir. Jenkins was attacked by electric eels.”

  JOHN H. DROMEY was born in northeast Missouri, USA. He enjoys reading—mysteries in particular—and writing in a variety of genres. In addition to contributing to the Black Hare Press series of Dark Drabbles anthologies, he’s had short fiction published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Martian Magazine, Mystery Weekly, Stupefying Stories Showcase, Thriller Magazine, Unfit Magazine, and elsewhere, as well as in numerous anthologies, including Chilling Horror Short Stories (Flame Tree Publishing, 2015).

  Captain Dancing Dan

  by J.B. Wocoski

  Captain Dancing Dan, in every port of call, lured many a man aboard his pirate ship. He swore they would set sail over the seven seas to do as they pleased.
br />   He did not promise his crew heaven, instead, lots of treasure with loads of fun and a fair amount of rum. He bragged about how smart he was and all the raping and pillaging they would do with impunity.

  Dancing Dan broke the code and stole their treasure. When found, Dan hung around. After a quick drop, he did a mid-air jig dancing from the end of a jib.

  J.B. WOCOSKI is the author and narrator of the shortstorypodcast.com with three flash fiction short story books published in the last three years. He is currently working on book 4 “Short Story Podcast 2019.” He writes mostly science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories. He won the 2016 Little Tokyo Short Story Writing Contest with his short story “The Last Master of Go”

  Website: shortstorypodcast.com

  The Pyre

  by Daniel J. Brown

  The king’s pyre glided across the moonlit sea, leaving a shimmering reflection in its wake. Hundreds arrived to see off the monarch, and the masses sang a song of morning as the vessel drifted further and further away. The king’s family clasped hands and offered prayers to their gods for safe passage into the afterlife. But far too soon, it was time.

  The king’s son waded knee deep into the frigid water, solemnly drew his bow, lit an arrow, and fired true at the pyre. It was soon ablaze, and the roar of the inferno drowned out the king’s screams.

  DANIEL J. BROWN is a graduate of Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. He currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife Stephanie. When not reading or writing, Daniel enjoys boxing, chess, video games, and theatre.

  For the Love of Money and Girls

  by J.W. Garrett

  The sun’s rays beat down on him. Even in the morning it was hot as hell. He waited for the lifeguard to count down his certification test. After eight weeks, he was ready. A quarter mile swim separated him from the money and girls; his with the lifeguarding job after passing his swim test.

  Ready. Set. Go!

  Instructions streamed in his head as he beat out a rhythm with his arms and feet. Breathe. Repeat. Past the breaking waves to smoother water.

  A burn seared his foot, his arm, his face.


  His throat swelled.

  Pass on girls, money.


  J.W. GARRETT has been writing in one form or another since she was a teenager. She currently lives in Florida with her family but loves the mountains of Virginia where she was born. Her writings include YA fantasy as well as short stories. Since completing Remeon’s Quest-Earth Year 1930, the prequel in her YA fantasy series, Realms of Chaos, she has been hard at work on the next in the series, scheduled to release August 2020. When she’s not hanging out with her characters, her favourite activities are reading, running and spending time with family.

  Website: www.jwgarrett.com

  BHC Press: www.bhcpress.com/Author_JW_Garrett.html

  My Sister, the Ocean

  by Kaitlyn Arnett

  Frigid water, cold enough to burn, was all that Maren knew. Her cries were lost, echoes of nothing amongst the water rushing past her body. She wanted to scream, to rage against those who had wronged her, those who tossed her aside because of superstition.

  The sea wrapped her in its charge, and slowly, her dying form began to change.

  Air drained from her lungs, replaced with saltwater as she was reborn. Scales replaced her skin, and she smiled.

  The ocean was her sister, Maren knew that now.

  Swim, it whispered, and so she did, hunting those who drowned her.

  KAITLYN ARNETT is a teen author who has been writing for five years. She focuses on the fantasy and thriller genres, specifically drabbles and short stories.

  Hungry for Love

  by Rich Rurshell

  The muscles in his back rippled as he rowed towards me. I could see when he was stood on the cliff that he was a strong, handsome man.

  I sang louder and he rowed harder. Faster. With renewed purpose.

  As his boat splintered on the rocks where I sat, he turned and looked me in the eyes. He climbed out of the sinking boat towards me. He kissed my neck as I sang, unconcerned, with my tail between his legs. Unconcerned as my teeth sank into his throat. Totally enthralled as I dragged him under the waves to his demise.

  RICH RURSHELL is a short story writer from Suffolk, England. Rich writes Horror, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy, and his stories can be found in various short story anthologies and magazines. Most recently, his story “Subject: Galilee” was published in World War Four from Zombie Pirate Publishing, and “Life Choices” was published in Salty Tales from Stormy Island Publishing. When Rich is not writing stories, he likes to write and perform music.

  Facebook: richrurshellauthor

  Isn’t the Water Lovely!

  by Hannah Retallick

  It really is, my love.

  Yes, a little longer, but I don’t want you getting tired. And the reservation’s at 7. And you need to remember your medication.

  Grown man? I’ll be the judge of that.

  Seventy years isn’t enough for most men and certainly isn’t for you.

  Silly boy.

  Let go, my love, people are starting to stare!

  I care.

  Oh, fine. Hehe. Get away with you now.

  Don’t go out too far, please.

  Fine, have it your way. Mind the wave!

  Silly boy.

  What are you doing?

  My love, please don’t mess around, you’re scaring me.



  HANNAH RETALLICK is a twenty-six-year-old from Anglesey, North Wales. She was home educated and then studied with the Open University, graduating with a First-class honours degree, BA in Humanities with Creative Writing and Music, and is studying for an MA in Creative Writing. She is working on her second novel and writes short stories and a blog. She was shortlisted in the Writing Awards at the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival 2019, the Cambridge Short Story Prize, and the Henshaw Short Story Competition June 2019.

  Website: ihaveanideablog.wordpress.com

  Vacation Dreams

  by A.R. Dean

  The Hawaiian vacation is a dream come true. I lay back on the warm sand, the sun bursting over blue water. My children giggle as the waves crash at their feet.

  My daughter, Arya, comes running up. “Mommy, why is the water red?”

  “Oceans are blue,” I tell her, not looking up from my book.

  “Not anymore.”

  I glance up to see the crimson waves. My son is screaming hysterically at the edge. I drop my book and rush towards him, pulling him into my arms. “Where’s your father?” I ask him as he points out to the red spot.

  A.R. DEAN is a dark and twisted soul. Dean has spent their whole life spreading fear with the tales from their head. Best known for stories that terrify and show the evilest side of human nature. So, look for Dean haunting your local cemetery or under your bed, because they’re here to spread the fear. Turn off your lights and enjoy a scare. Dean is being published in Black Hare Press’s Beyond and Unravel Anthologies. Keep a lookout for more stories.

  Facebook: A.R. Dean Author & Ghoul

  The Same Deep Water as You

  by Antonia Rachel Ward

  We ran down to the water’s edge, laughing, hand in hand. Night swimming. It was your idea; I took some persuading.

  “Why not?” you said. “Nobody’s looking.”

  So I followed you. Trusted you. But the water was cold as ice. When I tried to turn back, you gripped my arm tighter, pulling me in until the ocean was up to my knees. My thighs. My waist. You wrapped your arms around me like a lover, dragging me under. A watery kiss filled my mouth, forcing itself into my lungs.

  The last thing I saw was the darkness in your eyes.

  ANTONIA RACHEL WARD is a writer of Gothic, horror, and futuristic fiction based in Cambridgeshire, UK. She holds an MA in English Literature with a specialism in Eighteenth-Century Gothic, and is currently working on her
first novel.

  Day Jobs

  by Shelly Jarvis

  I sidle up to my spot, stretching until my neck gives a satisfying pop. I nod to the girl beside me, hoping she doesn’t greet me. I’m not a morning siren and prefer not to get chatty before sunrise.

  But of course, she must talk to me, because my voice makes me a local celebrity. “Eglimornae, how’s it going?”

  I shrug, “Eh, you know, same ocean, different sailors.”

  I turn to the sea before she can say anything else, letting out a sweet song. In the distance, a ship turns our way. I smile for real, fangs ready for flesh.

  SHELLY JARVIS is a speculative fiction author from West Virginia, US. She found a life-long love of sci-fi and fantasy in the 3rd grade when she found Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time.” Shelly is an avid reader, a Whovian, the ideal viewer of dog rescue videos, and undoubtedly Ravenclaw. She currently has three YA sci-fi books available for purchase on Amazon.


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