Royal Mafia Box Set: Books 1-4

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Royal Mafia Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 66

by Bella J.


  We drove in a large, black SUV. I sat in the back seat with Lorik and Karina, while Antonio drove with Dante in the passenger side seat. The energy in the car was electric. Dante and Lorik were making jokes. Karina laughed, and I found myself in awe at how close they all were. The dynamic they shared as a family was amazing to witness, and I wondered how perfect it would be the day when Layla and Dante’s son would be able to join us.


  It was a strange word for someone like me. I never thought I’d be in a situation where I would have the honor of thinking about me and others as…us.

  In the rearview mirror, I caught Antonio’s eye. He was worried. Brooding. His brown irises were almost black, his forehead creased. He wasn’t happy about me joining. The tension was almost toxic, the way we stared at each other in the mirror.

  I couldn’t blame him. It was risky. And a part of me hated that my being here had him anxious. I didn’t want to be the cause of any unhappiness or worry for Antonio. What we had might have been different now, but I still carried around this need to please him. To satisfy him. To make him happy. In fact, if I was bold enough, if I had the courage, I would have spoken up and told all of them I wanted to go home. But I couldn’t say anything now. Not when I listened to Karina’s laugh and felt their excitement. I felt a little torn, actually.

  The only thing I could do now was to stay close to Antonio, to not cause him anymore worry or turmoil. I’d be on my best behavior and do as I was told.

  Dante’s phone rang. “Lucio…we’ll be there in ten. Make sure everyone is where they should be.” He hung up and turned to Antonio. “We’re good to go.”

  Antonio broke my stare in the mirror and looked ahead, his only response to his brother a slight nod.

  Karina leaned over to me. “Don’t worry about the brute behind the wheel. Once he has his first drink, he’ll loosen up.” She took my hand in hers and clutched it tight, smiling. “It’s going to be fun, I promise.”

  I turned to get a glimpse of the outside world through the heavily tinted windows. There were so many cars, lights, people. The streets seemed alive, but we were driving too fast for me to take anything in.

  I glanced out the back window. The two SUVs which left the estate along with us were still on our tail. There were also two at our front. It felt insane for all this protection detail just for me to go on a night out. As if it wasn’t enough that I brought the devil to their doorstep, Dante’s family couldn’t come home because of it, but they couldn’t even enjoy a simple night out all because I had been dumped into their laps. Guilt was starting to saddle itself on my shoulders, ready to ride me into the fucking dust.

  Antonio made a sudden turn to the left, and we drove into an underground building. I heard the tires screeching as we came to a stop, and Antonio was out the door and opened mine before he even shut his.

  “Out.” He reached for my arm and pulled me out of the car. I didn’t even have time to take in my surroundings since I was suddenly surrounded by four strange men, Antonio’s hand wrapped tightly around my wrist, and we were rushing toward an entrance. I searched for Karina and saw her behind us, Lorik and Dante both flanking her.

  Within seconds, we were inside the building, and Antonio’s grip on my wrist loosened a little. He stopped, pulled his hand through his hair, and let out a breath before his eyes met mine, dark and tormented. “At my side. Every. Goddamn. Minute. Understood?”

  It had been a while since I saw this part of him. Since I saw the master who demanded obedience. My body felt electrified, adrenaline rushing through my veins. No matter how deep we fell into each other, how strong our bond became, the slave in me still craved the dominance of my master…just like he still needed my submission.

  “Do you understand, Doe?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Good. Now, when we enter the club, I’ll walk out front. These men will flank you, and you will not under any circumstances move away from them. Is that clear?”

  Again, I nodded.


  Karina walked up to us. “Everyone okay?”

  “Yes.” Antonio’s answer was clipped, never taking his eyes off me.

  Lorik joined us. “Well, boss, if this is your version of okay, I’d love to see the look on your face the day you really freak the fuck out.”

  Antonio slowly turned his gaze toward Lorik, his face fucking stone. Karina nudged Lorik in the side, and I was guessing it was her way of telling him now was not the time to fuck with Antonio.

  Dante came strolling by us and met Lucio by the door on the other side of the hall. “We good?” Lucio peeked over Dante’s shoulder towards us, obviously very much aware of how on edge Antonio was.

  Antonio shook his head. “This was a mistake.”

  “No.” Karina forced herself in front of me, giving him no choice but to look at her. “This is not a mistake. You just need to calm the fuck down. So, let’s get in there, walk up to the VIP lounge, and get you a goddamn drink.”

  Antonio stared at her without saying a word.

  She stepped up closer. “Okay?”

  He glanced at me then back at his sister. “Fine. But just so you know, you girls are twisting my fucking balls right now.”

  Karina smiled wickedly. “It’s what we’re good at.” She winked then slipped her arm into mine. “Come on, let’s show you what it feels like to have a good time.”

  I smiled, but then Antonio grabbed Karina by her arm. She balked then turned to face him.

  His dark eyes narrowed. “No alcohol.”


  “No. Alcohol.”

  The stone-cold tone in his voice was hard to ignore. And the mere fact that Karina didn’t respond in any way told me she too realized not to push her brother past this point.

  All she did was nod, and then Antonio walked past us to fall in at the front.

  My heart was pounding like a jackhammer the closer we got to the door, and the music became more and more clear.

  Surrounded by muscle and suits, I kept my gaze on Antonio the entire time…until the door opened.

  Chapter 11


  The entire drive to Vertigo, my head felt like it wanted to explode. Thoughts of what could go wrong played out like a goddamn Stephen King novel inside my mind. Adrenaline was rushing to every corner of my body faster than you could say “why-the-fuck-did-I-agree-to-this?”

  What if something happened to her?

  What if Vadik suddenly appeared like a fucking ghost from out of nowhere this exact night we decided to introduce Doe to the world?

  What if she got hurt?

  What if she fucking slipped and fell, breaking a goddamn ankle? I would never forgive myself.

  Yet, even though the possessive fuck in me wanted to haul her over my shoulder and get her ass back home within the next ten minutes, I knew. I fucking knew keeping her locked away at home like a prisoner was wrong. If I wanted her to fly, I had to give her the space she needed to spread her wings.

  I made sure Doe and Karina were boxed in by muscle carrying a shitload of ammo. If I had my way, I would have been by Doe’s side, clutching her against me. But here at Vertigo, everyone knew who we were. The Valentis. They knew who I was. The boss. The fucking leader. I walked out front. I was first to be seen. And I was the first to take a bullet.

  I buttoned my suit jacket before looking over my shoulder to make sure my woman was barely fucking visible. Her eyes met mine, and for a moment I saw the excitement in her dark irises. And while Karina clutched her elbow tightly, I took in the sight. The two women in my life. The only two women I would lay down my life for. My sister, and the girl who stole my heart.

  Dante whistled from the back to catch my attention then nodded, urging me to move the fuck along. I did a quick sweep of all the faces around us. Since we tripled security, there were a whole lot of unfamiliar faces around us, which made me nervous. But we had no choice. It was a risk we had to ta

  The door opened, and I straightened the lapels of my jacket, squaring my shoulders before walking into the club.

  The beat of the music slammed against my chest. The heat and familiar scent of alcohol swirled around us. People were dancing, bodies melted into each other while colored laser lights cut through the dark. The frenzy, the hype, the mania of utter freedom, and the buzz of alcohol was electric.

  Eyes everywhere looked our way. It was easy to see who admired us and who hated us. As with any war, there were people who sided with us and people who sided with the Mancusos. Naturally, those fuckers were currently stuck in no-man’s land since the Mancusos were no more. But that didn’t mean they hated us any less—especially since we won the fucking war.

  I walked straight to the stairs which lead to the VIP part of the club. Lucio had secured it by making sure no one else was allowed in that area but us. As I browsed the area, catching lingering gazes, the only thought that went through my mind was how I would kill any son of a bitch who dared look at my woman. Doe was beautiful. But she was my beautiful. And God help any man who desired what was mine.

  It was only when Lucio secured the chain at the top of the stairs that I let out a breath. The second I was sure it was just us, the bartender, and waitress, I turned and rushed toward Doe.

  “Are you okay?”

  The brightest smile crossed her face, her cheeks all pink and flushed. “This is amazing.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  She placed her hand against my chest and leaned into me, gazing up into my eyes. “I’m fine, Antonio. Really.”

  I brushed a thumb over her cheek. “Make sure you stay close, okay? And whatever you do, you do not go down those stairs. Understood?”

  She batted her long, dark eyelashes, smiling. “Yes, Master.”

  And like a fucking switch, my cock went from flaccid to granite. I snaked my arm around her waist, pulling her against me, letting her feel what she just woke up inside me. “Are you trying to tempt me?”

  Her lips parted. “Maybe.”

  “Don’t.” My gaze shot from hers down to her lips and back to her eyes. “You’re not ready.”

  “How do you know?”

  I tightened my grip around her waist. “The last time I used a whip, I almost lost control.”

  Doe lifted herself, wrapping her arm around my neck and bringing my face down to hers. Her lips brushed against my ear. “Then it’s you who aren’t ready yet…Master.”

  Like a starved animal, I bit into the skin of her neck, my cock aching like a motherfucker. If I had any kind of exhibition tendencies, she would have been naked and all fours, taking every ounce of raw fuckery I would dish out on that sweet little body of hers. And the way she just challenged me earned her a good ten lashes, at least.

  The sound of the whip slicing through the air.

  The crack of the lash across her skin.

  The red welts tainting her flesh.

  Sweet mother of Mary, the need that suddenly swept through my entire body almost forced the breath right out of me. But she was right. Even though we’d fucked like rabbits for the last few weeks, I’d not once reached for my whip after the night I hung from my four-poster bed. At first, it was because I knew she wasn’t ready.

  Now, it was because I wasn’t ready.

  Lorik came up from behind, handing me a glass of bourbon. I shook my head, and Lorik’s eyes almost exploded.

  “What in the name of ever-loving fuck, dude?”

  “I’m not drinking tonight.”

  “Please tell me there’s one giant motherfucking reason why you would deny your body the sweet escape of alcohol?”

  Unamused, I stared at him, deadpan. “The only reason I’m here is that you guys have my balls in a fucking deadlock. I’m not here to have fun.”

  Lorik held up a finger. “First of all, the only person who has your balls in a deadlock is the girl in the purple dress. Second of all, we all know you need alcohol to have a goddamn personality.” He shoved the drink into my hand. “So, drink up Miss Congeniality.”

  For the love of Christ.

  I took the glass and rolled my eyes, placing a hand at the curve of Doe’s back, and walked over to the leather couches. We sat down, and I pulled her closer. “I’m guessing this is your first time at a nightclub.”

  She shook her head. “Master V—”

  I shot her a warning glare.

  “I mean Vadik—there were certain kinds of clubs he liked visiting.”

  I lifted a brow. “What kind of clubs?”

  “The kind where”—her gaze dropped to her hands on her lap—“the kind where young girls were the entertainment, and none of the masters had any problem sharing.”

  “Jesus,” I cursed. “That motherfucker better show his face soon so I can carve his skin from his goddamn skull.”

  “Excuse me?”

  For a second, I let my anger get the better of me, saying something I wasn’t supposed to say, especially in front of her.

  “It’s nothing. All I’m saying is I can’t wait for the day he burns in hell.”

  “Why did you say yes?”

  I frowned at her. “What do you mean?’

  She ran her hand down the dark curls hanging over her shoulder. “Why did you say yes, to tonight? To letting me join you? We both know Vadik is out there. It’s risky having me so out in the open, and we both know you’re not the type to take risks.”

  “Oh, believe me, you might think you’re out in the open, but there’s more muscle and ammo in this place right now than tits and beer.”

  Her gaze scanned the upper floor, searching.

  I smiled. “If you notice who and where they are, Doe, it’s not much of a security detail, is it?”

  The skin of her cheek flushed an embarrassed pink. No matter how hard I tried to toughen her up, to turn her into a strong, independent woman, I still loved her innocence. The way her naivety showed her light.

  “Have you…” She fiddled with her thumbs, and I placed my fingers on her chin, forcing her to look my way.

  “What’s my number one rule, Doe?”

  “Always look at you in the eye.”

  I nodded. “What did you want to ask?”

  “Has Ma…has Vadik made contact with you?”

  Just as I tried to open my mouth to say something, Karina swept in and took Doe’s arm. “Come on. We did not go through all this trouble to get my brother to agree to taking you out just for you to sit like two little lovebirds in a corner.” She pulled Doe to her feet and frowned at me. “She can be yours again later. For now, you’ll have to share.”

  I snorted. Karina could be glad she’s blood because sharing wasn’t something I liked doing. Especially when it came to the woman who belonged to me.

  I watched as Doe followed Karina to the rail, pointing in different directions, showing Doe the view from up top. Doe sure looked like a fucking wet dream on heels in that purple number. It made me wonder what it would look like in tatters on my fucking bedroom floor.

  “You’re drooling.” Dante sat down beside me.

  “Don’t care.”

  Lorik took a seat across from us. “Is that an Italian thing? ’Cause, Dante, bro, I remember drool coming out of your fucking mouth the night Layla walked in here with that cunt, Matteo.”

  Dante leaned back in the couch. “Yeah, but at least my balls are still intact.”

  “If you’re implying my balls aren’t where they’re supposed to be—”

  “Oh, not implying, dear brother-in-law. I know you lost your balls the day you asked my little sister to marry you.”

  Lorik held up his hand. “Yeah, and because of you two tit-heads, it seems like I lost my balls for nothing. Because if I wait for every shit storm you two assholes create before I get married, I’ll never get fucking married!”

  Dante and I stared at him. If it wasn’t for the loud club music, I was pretty sure there would have been crickets sounding in the background t
o create the most awkward ambiance…ever. Lorik and Karina had been trying to get married for the last fucking year, but shit just sort of happened every goddamn time they tried to start with any kind of arrangements.

  I took a large gulp of my drink, leaning back in the couch, when a waiter came up to us with shooter glasses on a tray. Before he even had the chance to offer me one, Lorik grabbed a shot from him and tossed it back.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” He pulled his face, then chased the shot of alcohol with his beer. “What the fuck was that?”

  The waiter smirked. “It’s a Mexican Asshole.”

  Dante snickered. “Or in your case, an Albanian Asshole.”

  “Ha, ha, fucking ha,” Lorik mocked. “What the hell was in that drink? It feels like burning hellhound just took a dump in my mouth.”

  The waiter straightened. “It’s tequila mixed with Tabasco sauce.”

  Lorik frowned, looking dumbfounded. “Who, in the name of ever-loving Mary, would mix tequila with Tabasco?”

  I laughed. “A Mexican Asshole, I guess.”

  Lorik was unamused. Served him fucking right since he just grabbed a drink without even knowing what it was. That was what happened when you turned greedy and impatient. You fucked up and got burned.

  Dante looked over his shoulder at the waiter. “They’ve been having a huge staff turnover ever since—”

  “Yeah. I know.” I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. The night Vadik’s minions killed the waitress in front of me and Lucio was still very much fresh in my mind. Poor girl. The only thing she did was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now she was buried somewhere, her face permanently placed on a missing person’s ad. Her family would never know the truth. Never have closure regarding her “disappearance.”


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