A Kiss Beneath the Stars

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A Kiss Beneath the Stars Page 10

by Sterling, S. L.

  I was in the kitchen, grabbing a bite to eat, when both Evelyn and Derek came walking through the door. “Hey, Autumn! How was your weekend?” Evelyn sang, dropping the bags she was carrying onto the counter.

  “Well, first, I’d like to know why you never told me you guys knew Hunter,” I demanded without turning around. I wasn’t wasting any time.

  Neither of them said anything. I could feel them both just staring at me. I slammed the knife down on the counter and turned to face them. “Well?”

  Evelyn looked to Derek and back to me but said nothing. “Derek, what about you?” I questioned. “Hunter told me that you’re one of his best friends.”

  “Don’t talk to me about this. It was all your sister’s idea to not tell you that we knew him. Honestly, I thought you should know. So, Evelyn, while I put some of this stuff away, why don’t you talk to her about that.”

  “Way to sell me out, Derek,” Evelyn cried.


  “Autumn, it’s just you looked so happy the other night when you had finally heard from him. I just wanted to let you enjoy that.”

  “I don’t buy it, Evelyn. Maybe you didn’t want to tell me because you knew he had another girlfriend?”

  Derek stopped putting groceries away and turned to face us. “Autumn, why would think that?” Derek questioned, holding a can of soup in his hands.

  “Oh, I don’t know, because she showed up this morning at his condo while he was in the shower, barged in, and made herself very much at home while I was still there.” Evelyn looked to Derek and then back to me. She had nothing to say and I knew it. I grabbed my plate from the counter and was just about out of the kitchen when I heard Evelyn call my name.

  “Autumn, he isn’t seeing anyone.”

  “How would you know that? How can I even trust that anything that comes out of your mouth is going to be the truth?”

  “The reason I didn’t say anything to you the other night was because he was the man I actually set you up with before you went away. When he didn’t show that night, I was pissed with him and forced Derek to call him and tell him. He wanted to take you out the next night, but you were so upset with me and the whole situation, I had Derek tell him not to worry about it. Then you booked your trip and left. I never gave it much thought after that. When you returned from vacation and I saw that was who you had met, I didn’t want you to think I had sent him there. So, I kept my mouth shut. It was a complete surprise to me that he was the one you had met. Thursday night, when I came into your room to talk with you, I was going to tell you. You had been so distraught that he hadn’t called so I thought it might be best to come clean. However, when I saw how happy you were that he had called, I decided against it. I know that he isn’t seeing anyone and hasn’t been seeing anybody for about seven months or so. And you should know that the Christmas party that we are attending is at his law firm. I’ve already sent in our RSVP to include you as well.”

  I closed my eyes. She was telling me the truth. When she brought up news of the Christmas party, however, I felt myself get a little dizzy. How did I forget? I had agreed to be his date just this morning before all of this happened. “Well, don’t count me. I won’t be attending.”

  “Autumn, you’re being ridiculous.”

  “No, Evelyn, you don’t understand. I agreed to be his date. He asked me to go and be his date to the Christmas party.”

  “And you said yes?”

  I nodded my head and then the tears started to fall. “I mean, I agreed before she came back and announced who she was. Evelyn, I can’t. I just can’t. I can’t put myself out there again.” I ran from the kitchen and up the stairs, slamming my door behind me. I flopped down on the bed, lay in the dark, and cried.

  * * *


  “I told you.” That was all Derek said to me after Autumn had run from the room, and then he turned his back and went back to putting away the things we had bought.

  “What is that supposed to mean, Derek?”

  “Exactly what I said. She deserved to know the truth long before now. You should have told her as soon as you saw it was him.”

  “Well, I certainly didn’t expect it to end up this way. Could you call him?”

  “Evelyn, at this point, I’m not getting involved. This is between them. It’s a total misunderstanding—I already know that. If it was Jocelyn that was at his apartment, I can understand why Autumn is as upset as she is. That woman is a lunatic. She is completely unstable, and she’s been after Hunter to get back together since they broke up.”

  “I’m not asking you to get involved. I just was hoping you could call him and maybe invite him over, so they could talk.”

  “Seriously?” Derek turned and looked at me. “You’re serious? That’s enough, Evelyn. Just leave it be. Let them come to terms with things on their own.”


  Derek took a step forward and placed his hands on my shoulders. “But nothing. Please just put your concentration into other things like finishing the decorating, talking Autumn into going to the Christmas party and being Hunter’s date, and trying to mend things with her. Other than that, don’t worry about things between them. If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

  I sat down on the stool at the counter and put my head into my hands. I felt horrible for her. All I wanted for her was to be happy. I never meant to hurt her through all of this.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  After I had talked to Carter last night, I’d headed back to my condo. I needed to set Jocelyn straight before I even attempted to work things out with Autumn. I didn’t want her interfering anymore, so I called her. After that nightmare ended, I spent the remainder of the night trying to sort through how I truly felt, trying to accept the fact that I was indeed in love with Autumn and that she might just be the one, even though she may not know it yet.

  The pile of paperwork that sat in front of me this morning needed my immediate attention, and even though I had been here since five, there wasn’t even a dent in it. Late last night I had sent Autumn a text inviting her to lunch with me today. I had just finished sending out a few emails and was about to grab myself another cup of coffee when my phone pinged with a message. My heart skipped a beat as I saw her name pop up across my screen.


  I sat there reading and re-reading her words. That was it. She had turned down my lunch date. I shut my office door and planted my ass down on the couch. Checking my calendar quickly, I saw I had no appointments booked for the rest of the day, which at this point, I was glad for. As I lay there with my arm over my face, I could feel a headache coming on. I knew I needed to get the fuck out of here.

  “You not feeling well?” I heard Carter say from the doorway.

  “Hey, not really.”

  Carter took a couple steps into my office and shut the door behind him. He sat down in the chair. “Have you talked to her?”

  “When I went home last night, I dealt with Jocelyn first. I wanted her completely out of the way before I even attempted speaking with Autumn. Once I was truly convinced you were right, I invited Autumn to Willows Landing for lunch today.”


  “She turned me down. She said she would see me at the party Saturday night.”

  “Well, at least it isn’t a no, I never want to see you again. Why don’t you come by the house tonight? Hope is making prime rib. Join us for dinner. The girls would be happy to see you.”

  “It’s okay. Thanks for the invite, but I am not feeling very sociable right now. I think I will just finish up here and head home. First, I am just going to go and get some air. I’ve been here since five.”

  Carter glanced at his watch. “You’ve already been here for four hours?”

  “Couldn’t sleep.” I gave him a half smile.

  “It’s not a wonder you’re not feeling the greatest. Go get some cof
fee and breakfast. Come back in a couple hours. And if you change your mind about tonight, our door is open. I’ve got to get ready for my appointment.”

  I grabbed my keys off my desk and decided he was right—some air and time to myself might do me good. As I was headed toward my car, I noticed the florist across the street. I had to get this woman to speak to me other than the text I had received. I couldn’t just sit and wait for Saturday. I needed her to know I wanted her. I headed across the street to start winning her back.

  * * *


  We had just finished placing the garland on the banister and over the doorways to the living room and kitchen. We only had the finishing touches to put on the living room and then the tree. I was headed to the kitchen to refill our coffee when the doorbell rang.

  “Autumn, can you get that, please, and I’ll get us coffee?” Evelyn asked as she walked by me, grabbing our mugs from my hands.

  “Yep, I’m on it.”

  Pulling open the door, I was greeted by a man in a white uniform holding a clipboard. “I have a special delivery for Autumn Taylor.”

  “I’m Autumn.” I smiled at the man.

  “Please sign here.” He passed me the clipboard, pointed to the spot I needed to sign, and headed back to his truck. I quickly signed the paper. I watched as he walked back up the walkway, carrying a large white box.

  Evelyn had just finished pouring us some coffee when I entered the kitchen carrying the box. “Who’s that from?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder.

  I set the box down and shrugged. Opening it, I was greeted with two dozen lavender roses mixed with baby’s breath. A card was propped between the flowers.

  “Well, who are they from?” Evelyn was at my side just in time for me to the open the card.

  I stared down at the card in my hand as tears came to my eyes. Who knew four little words could mean so much.

  With you, it’s different. — Hunter

  I felt Evelyn squeeze my shoulder, and then she pulled me toward her for a quick hug. “Why don’t you call him, meet him for lunch? I can finish the living room. Just be home in time to help me bake some cookies. I’ll put these up in your room for you.”

  I smiled at her and wiped the tears from my eyes. A wave of nausea rolled through me as I climbed up the stairs to get my purse. I stopped and took a breath, waiting for it to pass, then I grabbed my cell phone, purse, and keys. I would call him on my way into the city.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I had just been seated at the table at Willows Landing when my phone pinged.


  I smiled to myself as I read her message. I was just about to hit reply when I saw her walk into the restaurant. As soon as she spotted me, she waved and made her way over.

  “I guess I’m a little under-dressed,” she said, looking around the restaurant and then down at her jeans and sweater.

  “No, as always you’re perfect, beautiful.” My eyes skimmed her body. “This is just a great place for business people to meet for lunch. To be honest, the food sucks, but they’re quick and close.”

  I stood and pulled her into me. “Thank you for coming,” I whispered into her ear.

  We both slid into our seats. I could barely take my eyes off her. “I want to start off by saying I’m sorry for what happened Sunday morning. You have now met the worst decision of my life.”

  “Hunter.” Her soft voice hit me right in the gut as my name rolled off her lips.

  “No, Autumn, please, there is no one in my life. Jocelyn is my ex. She just can’t seem to get it through her head, but I assure you that we are over, and after a few hours of debate, she now understands that. I’m sorry that this happened. I tried to have you hear me out, but you were so upset. I figured it was best to just let you go. I really hope it’s not too late to repair things with you.” I sat there holding my breath, watching her expression, and waiting for her to answer me.

  “No, Hunter, it’s not. I should have given you a chance to explain. I wasn’t being fair to you. I’m the one who should be sorry.”

  “Well, you’re forgiven, beautiful. Now, let’s eat.” I could finally start to relax.

  It wasn’t long before we were both in the swing of the same relaxed momentum that we had always experienced around one another. I watched as she put the last mouthful of the lemon cheesecake she had ordered for dessert in her mouth and closed her eyes, savoring that last bite. The waitress had dropped the bill off at the table, and I placed cash into the folder and glanced at my watch.

  “I take it you need to get back to the office?”

  “Unfortunately, I do. I’m still piled under paperwork.”

  I stood and grabbed her coat off the hook and held it open for her. She slid into it and grabbed her purse, and we walked hand in hand out of the restaurant. “Where did you park?”

  “Across the street.”

  I kept hold of her hand as we crossed to her car. She threw her purse into the back seat and that was when I took my opportunity to block the driver’s door. As she turned around, she was right against me. “Thank you for joining me.” I looked down into her face. Pushing the stray piece of hair from her forehead, I cupped her cheek with my hand. Leaning down, I placed my lips on hers. I felt her place her hands on my chest and grip my shirt as I kissed her deeper. When we parted, I looked into her eyes. “As much as I’d rather take you back to my place and ravish you, I really do have to get my ass back to work.”

  “That sounds like way more fun than having to get back home to help Evelyn finish making Christmas cookies.

  “Message me later. I guess I will see you Saturday?”

  “I’ll be there.” She slid into the driver’s seat, and I shut her door. Heading back across the street to my own car, I watched as she drove away.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  It had been four days since I met Hunter for lunch. We had spent late nights talking on the phone, and those late nights were finally catching up to me. I was exhausted. To top it off, the last four mornings I had woken up feeling nauseous, and some of the days that feeling lasted into the early afternoon. I had even been sick two of the mornings. I was supposed to go out today and shop for a dress for the party, but I was dragging my ass.

  When I finally started to feel better, I headed off to the mall. Since I was already going out, I called my doctor’s office and booked an early afternoon appointment. If I had the stomach flu, I didn’t want to make everyone sick and, therefore, would have to cancel for Saturday.

  I sat waiting for the doctor to come into the exam room. I had just picked up my phone and started reading through my Facebook feed when the door finally opened. “Hello, Autumn. How have you been?”

  “Hi, Dr. Morgan.”

  “How are things going with Dr. Plante?”

  “Good. I’m finally down to a once-a-month visit. We’ve decided that I’ll be good to return to work in the new year. He wanted me to get through Christmas first.”

  “That’s great to hear and a very wise idea. Get through this stressful time of the year. So, Autumn, what brings you in today?” He sat down at his desk and pulled up my chart, reading it over.

  “Well, I think I may have the stomach flu. I’ve been feeling pretty tired, and the last four days I’ve had really bad nausea throughout different times of the day. A couple of the days I’ve been sick, and I’ve had a few mornings of really bad abdominal cramps.”

  “I see.” He started typing notes into the computer. “Anything else? Chills, sweats, aches?”


  “Autumn, when was the date of your last period?”

  I thought for a moment. “Maybe five weeks ago? Should be here any day now. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well, your symptoms line up more with pregnancy than the stomach flu.”

  “That’s impossible. I had a miscarriage. I was told by you that it would b
e impossible for me to get pregnant again.” I could feel tears building behind my eyes as panic set in.

  “Well, Autumn, doctors can be wrong. I think we will do some blood work and rule it out.”

  I watched as the doctor filled out a requisition for blood work. I could feel the tension building in my chest. He scribbled on the form and held the paper out for me to take. I reached out with a shaky hand and sat there staring down at the form that had been presented to me. “Autumn, what is it?”

  “This isn’t supposed to happen. I’m not supposed to be able to get pregnant.”

  “Autumn, I’m not saying you are. I’m just saying that we should check. As I said, doctors can make mistakes. Of course, if it makes you feel better, we will make sure that you are on our high-risk list for the term of your pregnancy. If you are indeed pregnant, that is.”

  “Why is that? Because I already lost a baby?”

  “Yes. But let’s not jump to conclusions without knowing for sure that you are pregnant. If you get the blood work done today, the results should be here tomorrow, or at the latest, Monday. I can call you as soon as I see the results, and we will go from there. If you really want to know, you can go to the drugstore and purchase a pregnancy test. Now the lab is still open, so if you head on up to the second floor and get that blood work taken care of, there is a good chance it will be back tomorrow before I leave for the day.”


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