King's Hostage

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King's Hostage Page 7

by Stone, Piper

He slowly turned his head my way, his eyes raking down the red sweater I’d selected, the one that molded to my breasts. My mouth was suddenly dry, my pulse thrumming in my neck. After giving me a slight nod of obvious approval, he moved back to the stove.

  Elle immediately raced in my direction, her nails clipping on the thick tile floor, her tail wagging as if I’d been gone for a long time.

  “Hiya.” As the Golden rubbed against my leg, Michael gave me a curious look. Maybe I was disobeying him by giving a shit about the dog. Or maybe he was pissed the pup actually was taken by me.

  “Children, I think Miss Zimmerman would probably like to enjoy a glass of wine. Why don’t you go and watch fifteen minutes of television then wash up for dinner? Fifteen minutes only. Okay?”

  “Can we watch cartoons?” Alessandro asked.

  Michael laughed. “I think as a special treat, absolutely. But remember what I said.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” they both said together. The Golden followed behind them, his exuberance almost as gleeful as that of the twins.

  A moment of awkward silence settled in. He left the spoon in the sauce then moved toward the already open bottle of wine.

  “I hope you enjoy merlot.” The words weren’t a question. He required that I partake in the same refreshment he was indulging in.

  “Yes,” I half whispered. “My favorite.”

  “What are your other favorite things, Daniella?” There was such dominance in every word dripping from his mouth.

  “Why do you care?”

  “Do you truly intend on making your stay contentious?”

  “I’m nothing but your employee. You made that perfectly clear.”

  He studied me once again as he grabbed the bottle, pouring a fresh glass and topping off his, ignoring my comment. “I was worried the trip took a toll on you, Daniella.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me, Michael. I’m resilient. I just needed some space. I hope that was okay.” There was more than just a hint of disdain in my voice. If he noticed, he certainly didn’t show it on any level, his stare remaining as direct and heated as before.

  The man was undressing me with his eyes.

  Even as a shiver trickled down my spine, I kept my gaze, tilting my head.

  Sighing, he pushed the glass in my direction. “As I said, you have a schedule you must keep but otherwise, you are free to enjoy yourself within the compound.”

  The compound. For all I knew, there were explosives located on the outskirts.

  He seemed to be waiting for me to taste the wine. Did he actually give a shit about my approval? I found myself staring into his eyes as I reached for the glass, immediately admiring the weight of the crystal in my hand. As I brought the rim to my lips, a slight smile crossed his face.

  The second I took a sip, he lifted his glass in a toast, licking around the entire rim before gulping a good portion.

  “This is wonderful. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I have at least two cases.”

  I laughed. “You have five hundred bottles at least.”

  “Two thousand, give or take. I find the older I get, the more I enjoy a fine wine with food.”

  “I’m curious. When was the last time you were here?”

  His face clouded and he took another sip before answering, his eyes no longer holding the spark from before. “Two years.”

  “Everything is maintained for you?” I knew better than to ask why.

  He chuckled, returning the glass to the counter. “I have many in my employ. The house is kept pristine throughout the year.”

  “Just in case you arrive instead of at one of your other properties.” I’d spent more than a few minutes perusing the internet, finding out just how dangerous and wealthy the King family truly was.

  As he turned his attention to the sauce, pulling a clove of garlic from the basket hanging near the window over the sink, I sensed he was uncertain how to respond. I watched him for a few seconds, my legs still quivering.

  “While it’s obvious you know more about the King family than you let on, including the fact we own several commercial and residential locations throughout the world, the chalet is very special to me.”

  “Because of your wife.”

  I could see his shoulders tensing, his entire body stiffening. “The chalet was her favorite.”

  There was such pain in his voice, the tone haunted.

  “I’m sorry, Michael. I can’t imagine your loss.”

  He took his time, running his finger down the knife, the garlic dropping into the sauce. “We’ve all endured tragedies, Daniella. The King family isn’t immune.”

  “When did she die?”

  There was a look of surprise as he returned to the island, his grip on the edge firm. “Twenty-six months ago.”

  I hid behind the glass for a few seconds, the aura of the man almost suffocating. “Why don’t you have any pictures of her? I mean, because of the twins? They need to learn about their mother.”

  I wasn’t prepared for his reaction and when he rounded the island, grabbing both my arms, digging his fingers in and jerking me onto my toes, I almost dropped the glass.

  “The subject of my wife is off limits. Do. You. Understand? Never ask me another question again. If you do…”

  He didn’t finish his sentence, but he didn’t need to.

  I would be punished.

  He shook me for a few seconds, his eyes drifting into a hollow yet dark place. Huffing, he released his hold, taking several steps and turning away from me entirely. “I suggest you make certain the twins have washed their hands. Dinner will be ready in ten minutes.”

  Another dismissal.

  Another denial of his sadness.

  Another shutting down of his emotions.

  A handsome but broken man who refused to break through his chains.

  Chapter 5


  Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.

  The five stages of grief.

  My family would say I remained at anger. Hell, yes, I did. Rage had almost consumed me over the last two years, any reminder of the life I’d once had unacceptable.

  Except I was a father.

  I had no business wallowing in self-pity, a trait I refused to accept in anyone else. However, every time I looked at Daniella, she was a clear reminder of all the amazing aspects of life that I’d been shut out of.





  I’d experienced none of them personally and had determined that the emotions no longer mattered. Then I’d touched her, the woman with the most incredible doe eyes and full lips, silky hair and a voluptuous body that molded perfectly against mine.

  And I’d brought her here of all places.

  I must have been a damn fool. I sat in front of the fire, studying the licking flames, the hiss of the wet wood the only sound.

  Except for Elle’s snoring, the pup remaining at my feet.

  The darkness seemed oppressive, time meaning nothing in this pristine prison. Wind howled outside, the hiss managing to find its way inside. Another storm was brewing. I adored snow, or at least I had once long ago. Now? I couldn’t care less whether I ever saw it falling from the sky. While I’d missed the chalet, the beautiful location that Cassandra had created, I found every room suffocating, but Cristiano had been correct in that this had been the best place to sequester in for the time being.


  Something I loathed more than almost anything.

  I swirled the brandy, no longer comfortable on the couch. As I moved to a standing position, Elle barely lifted her head. I wasn’t surprised the dog had instantly formed a bond with Daniella. Goldens were drawn to kind humans. However, finding her whining outside Daniella’s door had been interesting. Elle had never seemed so attached.

  As I moved in front of the fire, placing my hand on the empty mantel, I thought about Daniella’s question regarding pict
ures. With the exception of those in the twins’ rooms, every one of them had been put away. Damn her for thinking that I could stand to look at them any longer.

  Damn her for digging into my psyche, yanking at my desires.

  And damn her for coming into my world on any level.

  I closed my eyes, finding it difficult to get her out of my mind.

  I’d spent time on the plane looking into her background, finding no personal connection to the Santiago family. From what I’d been able to learn, she was estranged from her brother. At least they hadn’t lived in the same city for years, her brother several years older. However, that didn’t mean that Steven Zimmerman didn’t have influence over her. What little Carlo had found hinted that Steven had been working for the Santiago family for several years. To what capacity was yet to be found.

  As far as Daniella, she’d lived a textbook life of a girl coming from the Midwest, growing up in a typical family, working her way through college. There were no red flags, no indication on any level that she’d accepted money or other goods for her involvement in the assassination.

  But when something didn’t smell right, it usually meant snakes were attempting to slither into the King territory.

  The how was just another question. Emmanuel Santiago had slithered up from Cuba a half dozen years before, immediately attempting to claim some level of authority in Miami and beyond. However, he’d been a two-bit player, a man who until the recent raid hadn’t dared attempt anything of the size and scope that had occurred. While the timing seemed odd, acquiring the shipment would have given them significant power.

  Enough so to concoct a plan of removing the King family member who controlled from Key West all the way to the Florida state line.

  I put the glass on the coffee table, unable to take my thoughts off Daniella. My hunger had only increased during dinner. Just watching the way in which she bantered easily with the children had seemed so damn normal, as if a man like me could be allowed to live that kind of life. Maybe I was fooling myself that my world wouldn’t ultimately invade Isabella and Alessandro’s entire lives.

  I’d seen Alessandro’s shift into his own level of darkness, anger surfacing whenever he was frustrated or worried. He was becoming his father, something I’d never wanted to happen. Growling, I yanked the glass into my hand, storming into the kitchen where I’d left the open bottle of cognac. Seeing Daniella’s empty wineglass, I couldn’t keep from issuing several guttural sounds.

  She was mine.

  There was nothing else that was acceptable.

  I was a brutal man, taking everything that I wanted without reservation. That was the way of the entire family. I snorted, lifting my glass and polishing off the smooth liquid. She was going to surrender to my every need. At least fucking her would make me feel alive.

  If only for a few cold, merciless nights.

  I slid the glass across the counter, taking long strides up the stairs, opening her door without hesitation. She wasn’t in her bed. A shift of raw trepidation rushed into me until I noticed a warm glow coming from underneath the bathroom door. After taking several deep breaths, I twisted the knob, my cock aching to the point of significant pain. I was almost overwhelmed by the hunger burning deep within, incapable of thinking straight.

  The warmth of the room flowed across my face and arms, the soft classical music coming from the speakers cutting through me like a knife. For a few seconds, a series of visions played against my sanity, fingers clawing to drag me into another round of darkness. I refused to fall into the same blackness that had consumed me for weeks at a time.

  Daniella didn’t sense my arrival. She’d drawn a bath, filling the tub with bubbles. Candles were lit, flickering from the air coming in through the door. The golden glow surrounding her only accentuated her porcelain face, her long hair cascading over the edge. She seemed so serene, her eyes remaining closed, but I could easily tell she was mesmerized by the music she’d selected.

  A concerto I knew well.

  I stood frozen, debating my actions. Jesus. Maybe the males of the King family would never be released from the curse we’d been born into.

  One of wealth and danger.

  Influence and destruction.

  For all the posturing I’d done in my youth, I was no different.

  I left without interrupting her for my carnal needs, closing the door with a soft click. She deserved to enjoy some private time at least.

  All that would change tomorrow.

  I snickered at the thought as I walked downstairs, refilling and grabbing my drink before retreating to the auxiliary office near the media room. As I turned on the light, my eyes immediately shifted to the credenza positioned the length of one entire wall. I heard Elle padding in behind me. Somehow, she’d known to stay away from Daniella’s room, at least as long as her master was invading the space.

  After staring at the heavy piece of furniture for a full minute, I patted the Golden’s head. “What do you think, girl? Is it time to let go of the past?”

  Her woof was followed by a nudge of her muzzle against my hand. Maybe Daniella was right. The twins were the ones who needed to remember the past. I moved toward the drawers, hesitating before yanking open the bottom drawer, pulling a handful of frames into my hand.

  Cassandra had carefully selected several photographs to be placed in strategic locations. She’d wanted everything just so and I’d disrupted her well-planned world because I was such a freaking coward.

  Well, no more.

  I pulled one into the light, smiling from seeing Cassandra’s playful glance at the camera. She’d been full of light and joy while I’d remained nothing more than a dark brooding force of nature. And she’d dealt with my moods, handling me.

  She’d been the first woman to stand up to me with attitude.

  Daniella the second.

  I laughed and moved into the living room, placing several on the mantel, the remainder on the empty bookshelf. Before moving away, I traced the tip of my finger across one of the pictures. “I’ll never forget and one day, I will find and terminate the person responsible for your death. That is my solid promise to you.”

  But you need to live your life.

  It was as if the woman was standing over my shoulder. Maybe she was right. Hell, maybe Daniella had been brought into my life by some insane method of fate.

  However, she would need to prove her loyalty.

  “Come on, Elle. Let’s go watch a movie.” As I settled onto one of the couches, grabbing the remote, Elle settled beside me. My forever companion.

  I had no idea what movie I’d selected, nor did I care. However, the quietness was exactly what I needed. What my soul required.

  Then I felt her presence.

  And gathered a whiff of strawberries, the same scent as the one in her bathroom. The freshness was invigorating, the fragrance filling my nostrils and yanking at my desire all over again.

  Yet I remained where I was as she walked into the room, slipping into one of the chairs several feet away from me. After a single glance, all my senses were aroused from the sight of her damp hair and bulky robe, the terrycloth unable to hide her beauty. A glass of wine in her hand, she immediately reached for Elle the second the Golden shifted by her side.

  Not once did Daniella look in my direction, instead concentrating on the big screen. At first she was tense, but after curling her legs underneath her body, she seemed relaxed, her eyes lighting up as she watched whatever the fuck was playing.

  She pressed her hand across her mouth to keep from laughing and even in the darkness, I was able to see the sparkle in her eyes. I shifted my attention to the movie, realizing I’d selected one of the kids’ favorites.

  Beauty and the Beast.

  The irony gave me a chuckle.

  I remained still, the various sounds of delight she made trickling into my eardrums. Every part of me ached inside, my muscles tensing. When I brought the drink to my lips, I cursed under my breath from the realization
my hand was shaking, the blast of adrenaline keeping me on edge. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, my chest rising and falling as my cock pressed against my jeans. The hunger would soon be difficult to deny.

  Another noise drew my attention, the light from the screen allowing me to see she had tears trickling down both cheeks. While she did everything to hide her emotions, finally shifting a single glance in my direction, I became absorbed in them. She was so innocent, unaware of the evils that existed in this world and I’d dragged her into the danger, pretending she was nothing but an object. Sadly, there was nothing else left inside of me.

  Elle whimpered as she attempted to lick away the tears, her paws resting on Daniella’s legs.

  “I’m okay, girl. Nothing to worry about,” Daniella whispered, accepting every lick of Elle’s tongue, smiling after a few seconds.

  As the credits began to roll, she lowered her head, her breathing ragged. Then she rose to her feet, her wine emptied, Elle taking her place on the chair.

  When she started to walk by, I eased onto the edge of my seat. “Cassandra was murdered.”


  “An attempt to destroy our family.”

  She moved onto the couch, now only inches away, placing her glass on the table. “I’m sorry to bring her up, Michael. I truly can’t imagine the pain you’ve gone through.”

  “Pain is something I’ve grown accustomed to, although grief is the greatest enemy of all, preventing you from functioning as you normally would otherwise. You were right, Daniella. My children shouldn’t be kept from her memory. I’ve reconsidered your suggestion.” I pushed the glass away, turning to face her and cupping both sides of her face. There were no other words to say, no promises of anything. She was simply my possession, a woman to enjoy then toss away and nothing more. As I rubbed my thumbs across her cheeks, I could still feel the moisture. Somehow, the cool liquid burned the tips of my fingers.

  I pulled her closer, dragging my thumb across her mouth. She parted her lips, a single moan escaping. I could also hear the crackling sound of the current electrifying the entire room. Fucking her before had been nothing more than usurping my dominance over her. Now, I would take my time savoring her sweet flesh, devouring her pretty pink pussy.


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