Hide Little Wolf: The Aurora Marelup Series

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Hide Little Wolf: The Aurora Marelup Series Page 11

by Serenity Rayne

  “Aurora call’s the truck her baby because she loves it. It’s her most prized possession besides her guitar.” Ah she had placed a term of endearment and possession on a lifeless object. So much has changed since my capture. Like I’m supposed to ride in this metal beast. Dimitri hopped behind what looks like a wheel and did something that made it roar to life.

  Black smoke billowed from the beast. In that moment I felt at home, perhaps its part dragon? I decided to pace around this loud metal beast. I touched it and its scales are harder than my own. I sensed no life from it yet it made noise. What other wonders will I find now in my newfound freedom?

  After my second lap around the smoking beast, Andre opened it up. I peered around what he was calling its door and saw two rows of what appeared to be soft seating. It’s like a carriage but music was playing in it and the wind blew out holes in the front.

  “Have you captured tiny musicians and frost sprites to have music and cold air?” I stared into the slotted holes, looking for the beating of the sprite’s wings. I heard muffled laughter coming from Dimitri and Andre was holding his breath trying not to laugh. “I demand to know what’s so funny!” I turn and stare at them both in turn. “Has my daughter wrongly imprisoned Sprites and tiny musicians?” I cross my arms and wait for hopefully a sound explanation. “Oh, and the dragon whose smoke comes from this metal beast how dare you let her capture and imprison her kin!”

  Dimitri was the first to compose himself and turned to face me. “Milord, a lot has changed since the last time you walked free. We are sitting in what is called a truck. It does not live, other than us there is nothing alive in it. The air blows cold because of an invention called an air conditioner. This right here is a radio, it allows us to find all different types of music. No one is needed to be awake or present to hear the music.” I nodded along slowly as he explained the wonders I was witnessing.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine any of these things before me. I still stared puzzled at the knobs and buttons that were before me. Each one did something, what will they think of next. Dimitri pushed buttons on the thing he called a radio and soon the sound of an orchestra filled the vehicle.

  I smiled it reminded me of the last time I was happy and free. “Thank you old friend this is a gift.” I reached over and patted Dimitri on the shoulder before leaning back to listen to the music. My peace was destroyed by a rumbling that you could feel in your chest. A black sports car came straight for us super-fast. I was getting worried, but Dimitri started laughing when the car suddenly turned and covered us with dust.

  Aurora jumped out of the left side of the vehicle and walked over to Dimitri’s door. “Hmm, I cut it a tad bit too close. I got my baby dirty. We’re gonna head back to Sebastian’s pack so try and keep up!” Before I could get a word out, she hopped in through Dimitri’s window and flipped down a panel and hit a few buttons and the sound of the vehicle changed. “There, just woke up a few extra ponies so the beast can keep up with the harlot. Hi Daddy!” She just smiled at me before popping back out the window and running back over to the car.

  “Is she always like this?” I watch my daughter jump back into what Dimitri called a HellCat and took off leaving a cloud of dust in her wake. The beast is far away, and we can still hear it clearly. It makes me remember the days when dragons flew free and were the lords of the skies. My eyes lock on a metal bird overhead. What I wouldn’t give to go back to when it was simpler.

  “Yes, she’s always like that. Free as a bird and reckless with an obsession with speed and power.” Dimitri’s eyes lock on the switch box Aurora had fiddled with then shook his head dismissing it.

  When his foot hit the pedal, he quickly figured out what she had meant. The truck launched itself forward much faster than any of us had anticipated. “Holy shit!” he screamed as his knuckles turned white holding onto the steering wheel. I watched the numbers in the middle of the dash get higher and higher and we were gaining ground on Aurora at breakneck speed.

  I lowered the window and stuck my hand out feeling the wind rush over and around my fingers. It felt like I was flying again. Without a second thought I stuck my head out the window to feel the wind in my face. I was robbed of flight so this would have to do for now. I hear Andre yelling at me to get my head back in as he panics over my safety. At least some things didn’t change, he’s still a worrywart. I resume sitting in my seat when Andre leans forward and ties me to the chair with a strap. “What is the meaning of this Andre? You dare to restrain your King!” My dragon makes his presence known as his slits burn though my silver eyes.

  “It’s called a seat belt Milord. It’s to keep you safe in case of an accident.” He looked quite sheepish having to explain it to me. I look down at the offensive belt then back to Andre.

  “Fine, it can remain for now. Next time warn me before you decide to restrain me for my own good.” I breathed out sharply and a frosty mist escaped my nostrils. I wasn’t thrilled but he did have my best interest in mind, so I couldn’t stay completely mad at him.

  I drum my fingers on the windowsill as I watch the miles fly by me. We’ve been on the road for several hours already and they said we still have a few hours to go. Being terrestrial is the worst fate ever. I could have already been at our destination if I still had both of my wings. I could have carried everyone. It was a lifetime ago when I last had the wind in my face. There’s an odd ringing noise in the truck and the music stops playing and I see my daughter’s image on the screen in the dash. “How is my daughter in the truck?” I point at her picture and inadvertently unbeknownst to me answer the phone call.

  Her image is now gone but I now hear her. “Hey guy’s time to stop for food. We’re at the diner about 5 clicks north of your position” I tilted my head to the side and just stared at the screen.

  “Aurora baby how are you in the truck and the diner? What witchcraft is this?” I look frantically between the screen and Dimitri who by the way is laughing at me again.

  “Daddy it’s called a telephone. Dimitri’s phone was answered when someone touched my picture on the trucks screen. It’s safer than taking your eyes off the road to fiddle with the phone. I’m sitting on the hood of Dom’s car talking to you at the diner.” She was being so helpful. I looked around the truck and saw her picture on the rectangle object in the cupholder.

  “I think I found that thing you called a phone. It has your picture on it. Did a witch make this?" Aurora and Dimitri start laughing at me now. I’m starting to get mad about being laughed at. “Why must you laugh at me? I swear I’m ready to set things on fire if this continues.” Soon as the words left my mouth everyone went silent. I looked around and saw the diner in the distance.

  “Well we know where I get my lovely temperament from!” Aurora giggled before the line went click and the music returned.

  I just looked at Dimitri. “What did she mean by that?” I was honestly puzzled by my daughter’s statement. I feel I was being quite calm. I used to burn things and only then question the survivors, I think my temperament has improved quite a bit. I guess I came off a bit smug evidenced by Dimitri’s eye roll. We pulled up next to the Hellcat and the truck stopped and became quiet. Hmm that little black thing makes it move and stops it. I’ll have to question my daughter later about what It is. Andre comes and opens my door; I go to exit and am suddenly stopped. The evil belt he put on me was still in place. How do the others tolerate this horrid thing? It most certainly gets in the way, but I see its possible uses. My daughter is surrounded on three sides by her mates. Sebastian is being especially dominant and possessive of Aurora. Out of the three only two have been fully claimed by her but yet Sebastian seems to be having problems sharing.

  “Everything ok?” I look each of them in their eyes. Sebastian and Dominik are able to maintain eye contact for a decent amount of time where as Jayce can barely raise his eyes. Hmm two potential alphas and one omega. This is going to lead to problems down the road.

  “I believe so Milord�
�� Sebastian answers me first. “Dominik just needs to learn what being chosen as first mate means in our family group.” Sebastian’s wolf flairs to the surface and emphasizes his point. Ah now I understand what’s going on. A soft growl escapes Dominik’s lips at the end of Sebastian’s statement.

  “I see..” I state plainly. My eyes find Aurora’s, she’s mildly distressed by all of this posturing these young pups are doing. “The first mate’s role is to help their Queen make levelheaded decisions. It’s not to rule or dictate the direction of the pack. The last King that did that ended up losing his kingdom and his mate and pair bonds. I’ve already seen a First mate destroy a pack I will not let it happen with my daughter.” I motioned for Aurora to join me.

  Swiftly she untangled herself from the guys and snuggled into my side. When she looked up at me, I saw her mother’s eyes so clear and pure. It made my heart ache seeing those eyes again. I had to remind myself this is our daughter and all I have left of my beloved Anca. “Thank you, Daddy.” She squeezed me tightly again as she began to move us towards the diner’s entrance. At the entrance a woman stood dressed like one of the serving girls we had in the castle. She asked how many in our party which thankfully Aurora answered her with seven. Why was she asking about a party when we are clearly just passing through. I furrowed my brows because to be quite honest I was puzzled. Aurora just shook her head and guided me to the table, pushing me to the side closest to the wall. Ah I see what she did she’s protecting my left side. Something here has her on edge and I can feel her animal bristling near the surface.

  Jayce slid in next to Aurora and began to rub the back of her neck. Slowly she began to settle down. I wonder what set her off. “Let’s get some food in you sweetie. You’ll feel better with a full tummy.” Jayce spoke to her so lovingly and she instantly responded to it and just rested her head on his shoulder. Her beast settled as well once the other males joined us finally. Jayce continued to pamper Aurora throughout the meal distracting her from the petty childish bullshit that Dominik and Sebastian were portraying.

  At this point I was quite thankful that at least one of her mates had his priorities straight. Aurora’s eyes found Dimitri and he kindly ordered for the table. I have a feeling this is going to be one very long and exhausting journey.

  What in the world have I gotten myself into? Not only has my ex gone totally mental blowing my phone up to the point of lunacy. Sinclair is never going to understand the pull of the mating bond, because he only likes men. He’ll never feel the way your blood sings the minute you see your mate for the first time. He’ll never experience that first kiss that sets your whole world on its axis.

  I get to sit behind Aurora as she drives after the diner debacle. I can’t believe that Dom and Sebastian can be so petty. Aurora chose to sit next to her father, and I chose to shield her from their shit, I mean come on get over it! Then it became a pissing contest as to whom was going to pay the bill. Dear lord guys just whip them out and just measure them already. My brother is napping across from me while its Sebastian’s turn to sit up front with Aurora.

  I can tell she’s aggravated as she’s dead silent, not a single peep out of her. My eyes glance to Sebastian and his thumbs are flying over his keyboard texting someone. “Mother has the Alphas house ready for us for when we arrive.” He states flatly. “I’ve already texted Andre to let them know what’s going on.”

  Aurora just nods then tells her phone to pair to the car. The familiar ping that the connection was made is heard. She grabs her phone for a moment and scrolls through songs on her phone. She searched out the song “Devil” from Shinedown and looked into the rearview. Her eyes were that of her wolves as she looked at everyone in turn.

  Oh yeah, the silent ultimatum was read loud and clear. Well at least by me it was. Dom’s eyes shift for a moment and he nod’s briefly. He goes back to texting our other brother whom we left in charge of the pack. Everything on that front at least was calm and quiet.

  Her eyes fell on Sebastian whom didn’t even look up at her at all. Oh, you could see she was getting angry. The temperature in the car started dropping quickly. It was only when Sebastian began to see his breath did he bother to look over at her. Her canines were visible, and her knuckles were white with how tightly she was gripping the steering wheel.

  “I hope you accomplished something great while you ignored me.” Her tone was all wolf, it growled out and was accented with a frost after bite. He sighed and turned to face her. I don’t know if that was his smartest or dumbest move to date, but I’m thankful I’m back here.

  “A half dozen rogues have returned to the pack. Some are semi feral, most are ok. Mom has the feral wolves sedated until your return. She figures either they will live or die by your claws depending on their actions.” He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I just hate that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. I can handle some of this responsibility for you and Dom can help as well. I don’t think killing everyone who doesn’t agree with you is the best course of action.”

  Aurora cut the wheel hard and put us into a spin. She didn’t care, she was at her breaking point and Sebastian had finally pushed her last button. Once she stopped us from spinning, she slammed the car into park and got out and started pacing. “Who the actual fuck do you think you are? Telling me what I should and shouldn’t do!” She was partially shifted and quite terrifying. Dom and I stood back as she faced off with Sebastian.

  Dimitri and the guys finally caught up and stopped dead in their tracks. Aurora was so worked up she was between forms and freezing the ground around her.

  “Can you do anything?” I looked to Nico and he shrugged his shoulders then shook his head no. Wonderful we have an Alpha lycan-dragon hybrid, pissed off beyond all recognition and not even the dragon can stop her. My eyes fell on Dom next. “Brother can you do anything?”

  Dom just started laughing. “And have her get mad at me too, no way brother he buried himself. I’d like to see him claw his way out of this one.” Some help my brother was. I began to pace and watch the fight. Sebastian wasn’t fighting back, and Aurora was mostly yelling at him, so it wasn’t Defcon one we were maybe a three or a two’ish. Not total nuclear war but definitely not at peace.

  Then I had probably my most brilliant thought. I stripped out of my clothing and shifted to my wolf. I began to belly crawl to her whimpering. That got her attention. She immediately shifted back to human and kneeled beside me. I rolled over giving her my belly. Aurora just smiled and began to rub my stomach. Success I got her out of rage mode and now its cute snuggly Aurora. She started to laugh as I licked her face and pawed at her several times. I got up quickly and shook out my fur and play pounced her knocking her onto her ass. Now she’s hysterically laughing and officially we are back to defcon five. I move closer and let her use my shoulders to pull herself back up to standing. Am I feeling a bit smug? Yes, yes, I am. I freaking prance past Sebastian and my brother to get to my clothes.

  Nico pats me on my shoulder and tells me I did good. Now that’s worth every slightly degrading moment, her father appreciated what I just did. Quickly I return to my human form and dress not wanting to hold the group up if they want to get rolling again.

  Dimitri was the first to approach me once I was fully dressed. “You did good son. You read her correctly and you were exactly what she needed at the moment. You bring balance to your brother’s brashness.” The great bear gave me a pat on the shoulder then started walking back to the truck. He’s truly a man of few words.

  Carefully I moved between Aurora and Sebastian and looked between them. “Are we ok now?” Being the omega at times has its advantages. Like now, I’m not even remotely considered a threat. I’m not even a contender for the crown. To be honest I don’t want it.

  Aurora and Sebastian just nod and move towards the car. Aurora suddenly stops and turns to me. “Care to drive Jayce? Or would you rather Dom drive? Either way I’m climbing in the back and taking a nap.”

  I l
ook to Dom and he made the key in the ignition motion to me signaling he’ll drive. “Dom can drive, after all its his baby. I’ll climb in back with you and you can use me as a pillow.” There’s the smile I was looking for. Aurora’s smile can light up the darkest night. She walks past Sebastian and kisses his cheek before moving to me and taking my hand. There’s that tingle that only she can give me. I draw in a slow deep breath and smile. We stop in front of Dom and she kisses his cheek as well and whispers a silent heartfelt thank you to him.

  We walked in silence to the car, it was nice to just be able to be in this moment with her. When we reached the passenger side of the car, I opened the door and let her slide in first. Carefully I slid myself in place behind the passenger seat, I pressed my back against the window ledge and propped a leg up on the seat. Aurora watched me with rapt attention until I signaled for her to lie down on me. The back seat isn’t huge nor is it all that comfortable, but at least if I can keep her comfortable and safe then I’ve succeeded. Aurora moved slowly, like the calculating apex predator she is, her eyes roamed over my body and the way I had positioned myself.

  “Jayce are you sure you’re going to be comfortable? I mean the hard plastic against your back can’t be comfortable.” Aurora’s concern for me warmed my heart and eased some of the pain I was feeling, after breaking up with my long-term boyfriend.

  “I’ll be fine sweetheart. I’m more concerned about you. You’ve had a rough couple of weeks, and I’d like to be able to take care of you for a while.” My choice of words must have set her mind at ease. She leaned forward and kissed me lightly on my lips lingering there for a moment looking into my eyes. Slowly her eyes swirled mercury then back to grey. She and her wolf were in agreeance, they completely accept my wolf and I. My wolf stirred for a moment just long enough to see Aurora smile having seen him. A soft yawn escaped her lips before she snuggled against me. Her hip against my groin and the bridge of her nose against my Adam’s apple. Gently her forehead came to rest against my neck. I wrapped my arms around her holding her firmly to my chest. I must admit that this is definitely one of the best moments of my life.


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