Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series) Page 6

by Andrea L. Smith


  “Who says you have to start a relationship with Luke, anyway? Just date him; see where it goes.”

  “I don’t know…”

  Dana reached across and took her hands. “Iz, I can tell you like this guy. I see the spark in your eyes whenever you mention his name. You deserve happiness. Just take a chance; you never know where it may take you.”

  Isabel sighed. “You think?”

  “I know.” She released her hands and stood. “I think you should go to him. From what you told me; he might not wait around for long. Take a shower, get some sexy panties on and strike while the iron’s hot. You may regret it if you don’t. But first, get some rest.”

  Isabel pushed to her feet. “You convinced me,” she said, feeling lighter than she had for a while. In her heart, she knew Dana’s words made sense. Tried as she did, she could not ignore her budding feelings for Luke, and they grew stronger each day. Soon, they would reach a magnitude that she could not bear without him.


  An urgency developed as Isabel got ready. For some reason, her instinct pushed her to hurry. She chose a floral, spaghetti-strap maternity dress that Dana bought, and wore simple makeup that took a small amount of time to apply. Adding low-heeled sandals and with her hair loosened around her shoulders, she grabbed her purse and car keys.

  “I’m heading out,” she called to Dana as she left her room.

  “You look amazing,” Dana said. “Bring him to his knees, my friend.”

  “That’s the plan.” She blew Dana air kisses and left.

  The drive to Luke’s apartment took longer than expected as she tried to recall the directions. After all these months, none of them had set foot in the other’s home. That would have to change soon, she knew, with the baby’s arrival mere months away.

  After a short delay, her bearing soon returned and she found his place without any more trouble.

  Her nerves took an incline as she stood by the entrance to the apartment building. She debated whether to ring for him to let her in, or wait for an opportunity to slip inside. Then a thought occurred, and she gave herself a mental kick in the ass. Was he even home? With the demand of his job, he was probably at the hospital dealing with an emergency. Damn it. She hadn’t really thought it through. But she had to take a chance, at least.

  A man exited the building, giving her an opportunity to enter. Using her memory to guide her, she took the stairs and found his apartment on the third floor.

  She adjusted her cleavage and fluffed her hair. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and waited. Soon, she heard Luke’s footsteps approach and the door opened to his half-naked frame. He wore skin-tight boxers, and locks of his damp hair hung over his eyes, giving him a sexy, alluring look.

  His brows raised at the sight of her and a frown immediately appeared. Her heart sank. It was so clear; he did not want to see her.

  The awareness bruised her ego, but she still had enough remaining to stand there with a smile. “Hey. Can I come in?”

  “Uh…” He looked to his left, then back at her. “This is a bad time, Isabel.”

  “Oh.” It was like a slap to her face when she realized what he meant. Before she could move, a woman appeared over his shoulder, clad in a bathrobe, with her hair as damp as his.


  She did not wait to hear more, but darted to the elevator, not trusting her legs to take her down the stairs. They wobbled as she entered and leaned against the wall for support. Her eyes burned with unshed tears and her chest carried a lead-like feeling.

  Stupid. I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have come here. Why did I let Dana convince me?


  As she eased onto her car seat, the dam opened and the tears flowed. She gripped the wheel and cried until there were no tears left. A heavy, stifling feeling of loneliness followed her home and she welcomed it in, giving it space in her heart.

  As soon as she entered the apartment, she dashed to her room and locked the door to avoid Dana’s interrogation. Curling under the sheets, she made a vow to never give in to her impulses again.


  Two Hours Earlier

  Luke turned the key in his front door with a sigh. Another long day at work brought no reprieve, for he still longed for Isabel. She never left his mind. And though he’d promised to stay away, he would’ve given anything to see her. Anything.

  But she did not work on weekends, which meant he wouldn’t as much as catch a glimpse of her in the hospital. Monday seemed so far away.

  God, he wished she could see his feelings for her. If only she could look into his heart, she would understand why he pursued her with such urgency. But they were on different wave lengths and he had to accept it.

  She wasn’t the one for him.

  It was a hard pill to swallow, especially when he took his feelings into account. How the hell would he get over her, especially now that they had a baby on the way? Soon, the distance he’d been forced to create would lessen, increasing the difficulty to move on.

  He shook his head, marveling at how the tables had turned. Now he knew how Audrey must have felt. While the two instances weren’t exactly similar, they shared a common theme. Audrey wanted to settle down, and he didn’t. Now, he wanted a relationship with Isabel and she was running away.

  Maybe it’s karma, he thought.

  He entered the apartment to a sweet, familiar smell. His instincts thrummed at once, just before she exited his bedroom with a smile.

  “Hey, stranger.” Aubrey came towards him with open arms.

  He sidestepped her hug. “How did you get in?” She was the last person he expected to see after all this time. It was if his mind had conjured her somehow.

  “I have my ways,” she replied in a sing-song voice. At his hard stare she rolled her eyes. “Fine. Your housekeeper let me in.”

  Luke made a mental note to talk to Greta about letting people in without his approval. “What are you doing here?”

  She pouted. “A few months ago, you wouldn’t have asked.”

  “That was then, this is now. I’m asking.”

  “I missed you.”

  Oh, boy. “I thought you moved on.”

  “I did. I tried…” She took a step towards him, but he gave her a warning look and she stopped. “Gerald comes nowhere close to you.”

  “That’s a bummer.” He moved past her towards his bedroom. “You have to leave.”

  “Why are you so mean?” She followed him, her whiny voice already grating his nerves.

  “Look, Aubrey, I’m tired and not in the mood for whatever games you want to play. I’m not a rebound guy.”

  “I’m not looking for a rebound. I want more than that—with you, no matter how long it takes. Besides, I dumped Gerry.”

  “Aubrey, you and I would’ve never worked. You made it very clear that you want more than I could offer.” He dumped his bag on the bed and moved to the drawer for a clean pair of boxers. A shower, some takeout, a movie, then bed. He had his night mapped out and it did not include his ex.

  “I told you; I’m willing to wait,” she said, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his torso. He straightened and she pressed herself against him. He could feel her breasts as she rubbed them against his back. It did not stir him one bit.

  He pried her arms from around him and eased her away. “I’m going to take a shower,” he said. “By the time I’m done, you should be out this apartment.”

  “But Luke—”

  “I mean it, Aubrey.” He’d spent ages trying to tiptoe around her feelings. Now that he was free and clear, he wanted to keep it that way. “I’m done. I’ve been done, and I’m not going back.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she spat, as he entered the bathroom. He closed the door without answering. It was no use starting a fight.

  He ran the hot water and stripped, his thoughts returning to Isabel. Would it seem creepy if he sent some flowers to her apa
rtment? The side of him that didn’t want to give up gained super strength, encouraging him to try.

  He lathered his body as resolved deepened. Yes. He wasn’t ready to let her go. He would try until he exhausted every effort.

  Lost in his thoughts, he did not hear the bathroom door open. But when a sudden draft drew his attention, he turned as Aubrey stepped in the shower, completely naked except for the gold necklace with a tiny pendant that he’d gifted on her birthday.

  “Surprise,” she said, grinning. “Thought you might need some company.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Get the hell out, Aubrey.”

  “You don’t mean it.” She closed the distance between them, backing him against the glass enclosure. Water droplets dampened her hair and body. Her nipples tightened as she cupped her breasts. His eyes dropped to them and she smiled. “I know you still want me.”

  Luke eased her away and stepped under the full blast of the shower, rinsing the remaining soap from his body with speed. The sooner he got out of there, the better. He knew Aubrey. She would not stop until she got what she wanted, but he had no intention of giving in to her.

  “Oh, come on, Luke.” She pinched her nipples and licked her lips, then ran her hand between her legs. The act would have riled him in the past. Now, it failed to have any effect. Isabel seemed to have killed his reaction to other women.

  “Aubrey, get this through your head. There’s no coming back for us. You did the right thing by walking away.”

  “That was a mistake, I swear. Can we start over? Please?”

  He turned off the tap and reached for a towel. There was nothing left to say. He skirted past her and pushed the door open. “I’m done talking.” He dried himself in record time and slipped his boxers on.

  “Luke.” Aubrey stepped from the shower with one of his towels wrapped around her. Her hair was just as wet as his, hanging around her shoulders. “I need you.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Aubrey, I’m exhausted. Just go.”

  He left her there, walking to the door as the bell rang again. His takeout order had arrived in record time—a first. Retrieving his wallet from the table, he pulled the door open.

  And wished to God he hadn’t.

  Isabel stood there, a vision in a flowy dress that covered her bump. His heart leaped with happiness, then his stomach dropped when he remembered Aubrey still in his apartment. Naked, wrapped in his towel. He knew what it would look like to Isabel.

  “This isn’t a good time,” he said to her, just as Aubrey appeared over his shoulder. The hurt on Isabel’s face was like a stab to his heart. He opened his mouth to explain, but she was already gone.

  Damn it.

  “So, that’s her, huh?” Aubrey said. “The reason you won’t take me back. I didn’t know you were a chubby chaser, Luke.”

  Fucking hell. He massaged his temples before closing the door. Looking around, he grabbed her clothes from the floor and shoved them in her hands. “Get dressed and get the hell out.”

  Aubrey scoffed. “You don’t deserve me, anyway.” She threw the towel aside and donned her clothes. “It’s your loss.”

  Luke left her there, his mind elsewhere. He picked out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and ran a comb through his hair. This wasn’t the time for proper grooming. He had to find Isabel to explain. To prove to her that he was worth taking a chance.


  “This is all my fault. I pushed you towards him.”

  “No, it’s not, Dana.” Isabel uncurled from her fetal position on the bed to look at her friend. “There’s no way you would have known that he had another woman in his apartment.”

  Just the memory of the woman and the obvious intimacy between them brought a searing heartache. She pictured them making love, with the woman experiencing the same pleasure she’d felt. It was too much to bear, but she couldn’t erase the image from her mind.

  She wished she hadn’t fallen for him; that she’d stuck her plan and kept her heart closed. If only she could turn back time!

  Now it’s too late, she thought. Now I have to work on getting over him. Working in the same building—sharing a child with him would make the job much harder, but she had to do it. No way would she pack up and leave because of another man. Not again.

  “Is there anything I can do?” Dana asked.

  “A tub of hot fudge would do,” she said. Some comfort food should do the trick for tonight. Tomorrow was another day. She would figure the rest then.

  “Coming right up.” Dana rose from the bed as the doorbell rang. “Expecting anyone?”

  “As if.” She knew no one in the city. Likely it was one of Dana’s friends who would usually pop up without warning.

  Dana left the room and returned a minute later with a tentative smile. “Iz, honey, you have a visitor.”

  Isabel shot up in bed as Luke appeared from behind Dana, wearing a contrite look. She swiped stray locks from her face and adjusted the tank top that had ridden up her stomach. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Luke stepped forward. “Isabel—”

  “Stop right there.” She shimmied up to headboard, far from him as possible and used a pillow as a barrier. “How did you find me?”

  “Doris from HR. She gave me your address.”

  “Is that even legal?”

  He raised his shoulders. “I have my ways.”

  “I bet. Is she one of your conquests, too?”

  “God, Isabel.” His preceding laugh filled the room and her heart. How the hell would she get over him? “Doris is old enough to be my mom.”

  “Your point?”

  “You don’t trust me, I get it. But I would never hurt you. You have to believe me.”

  “Well, I don’t. And it doesn’t matter. We aren’t together.”

  “Why did you come to my apartment?” His tone softened, and Isabel closed her eyes. Waves upon waves of strong, intense emotions ran through her. She wished she could lose herself in them…in him.


  “No reason, Luke. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “I don’t buy that.” He came to sit on the bed and she drew her legs up. “Why did you come? I’m sure it had nothing to do with the baby, or you would have called.”

  She shook her head to dispel another rush of tenderness. “Why do you care? You had enough on your hands, anyway. I’m sure she wasn’t too pleased with you leaving.”

  “Aubrey and I aren’t together. We broke up a year ago.”

  Isabel rolled her eyes and adjusted the pillow between her legs. “Which explains why she was naked and wet in your apartment.”

  “Look, I didn’t invite her. She was there when—”

  Her raised hand brought a stop to his response. “I don’t need to hear it. As I said before, we’re not together. We fucked a couple times, but that was it. You don’t owe me an explanation.” She curled on her side with her back to him. “Just leave, Luke.”

  Operation: build-a-barrier was in full effect. The sooner she hardened her heart against him, the better for her sanity.

  “I’m not going anywhere. You’re going to listen to what I have to say, whether you want to, or not.”

  She kept her back to him, not giving a response.

  His harsh breath sounded before he said, “I’m in love with you, Isabel.”

  Not trusting her ears, she slowly turned to him. “What did you say?”

  “I’m in love with you. There’s no one else…there’s never been anyone else since I met you. You’re under my skin.”

  She sat up in bed with wide, teary eyes. Was this real? Someone pinch me—or not. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up.

  “I’m not asking for a commitment,” he said. “At least, not right now. We can take it as slow as you want. Just believe me when I say, I want to be with you.”

  Isabel scrambled to him, the tears now running down her face. Overwhelmed with joy, she struggled to speak. She settled int
o him with her arms around his neck.

  “That’s a yes, right?”

  “That’s a hell yes.” She breathed him in, happier than she’d been in a while. “I want this. I want you. I’m in love with you, too.” There was no use denying what she’d known since the night she left his apartment. Him reciprocating her feelings meant she could tear down what remained of her defense. And yes, they’d take baby steps, but there was no doubt in her mind they would lead to her happy ever after.


  Two Years Later

  Isabel pressed the elevator button with impatience, tapping her feet, willing the car to come down. She had less than an hour to shower and slip into the negligee she bought online to celebrate her and Luke’s anniversary.

  Two years. Oh, how time flew! It seemed like yesterday they were in Dana’s apartment making love after confessing their love to each other. Now they were in deep, living together with their son, Connor.

  It had been a good two years. Great, in fact. Luke was the most amazing father and lover, and her life with him totally made up for all the crap she endured before. He had a lovely family with whom she got along well, and her mother loved him.

  It was like a dream, and she still waited for the alarm to sound and wake her up. Until then, she would enjoy the ride.

  Tonight, she would enjoy so much more; a candlelit dinner at their favorite restaurant, then a night of lovemaking. With Connor at Dana’s, there were no expected interruptions.

  The lift came and she rushed in, checking the time. Thirty-five minutes. Damn it, I won’t have time to wash my hair. Good thing I shaved this morning. As soon as the doors opened on her floor she dashed out, fishing for the keys as she went.

  She entered their apartment, and for a moment, wondered if she’d somehow entered another. The glowing candles that decorated the room and flower petals strewn on the floor made no sense. Luke was at work with an emergency operation. No way he could have done this.

  Feeling a rush of excitement, she followed the petals anyway. They led to the bedroom, up to the middle of the bed where they were arranged in a heart. A single rose lay in the middle.


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