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Saving Della-Ray

Page 5

by Le Carre, Georgia

  “Henry!" I shouted once more and watched as his tail lights disappeared into the dark night. “Shit,” I cursed and wondered how I would get home now. I turned to head back to the bar so Nick wouldn't lock me out when I heard the loud rev of an engine.

  I jumped with my hand flying to my chest in fright. Turning around, I watched as the Harley rode up to me, its driver putting his booted foot on the ground.

  Some crazy part inside me had hoped he would wait for me, but seeing him here. Now. Wild joy thrilled through my veins. I felt as if I was standing on top of a mountain, the wind snapping at my hair.

  "Do you want a ride?" he asked.

  I put my trust in God. "I do. How do I get on?”

  "Grab my shoulder," he responded.

  My eyes shot up to his. He waited too long before breaking the stare and motioned his head towards his shoulder.

  I didn’t hesitate I placed my hand on his rock-hard shoulder.

  "Put your left leg here.” He indicated to the pedal. “And then swing your right over the seat.”

  I did as I was told, my grip tightening on both of his shoulders as I settled myself on the seat behind me. “What now?”

  “You put your arms around my waist.” Amusement echoed in his voice

  I slipped my arms lightly around his waist. Up this close, I could smell the scent of him. Leather, a bit of whiskey and all man. It made me feel giddy with excitement.

  "Where do you live?" he asked.

  “Olivesburg Road. Do you know it? It’s just behind the Presbyterian church."

  "Yup. Sit tight."

  I kept my grip as loose as I could.

  "I'm going to be blasting through the night," he warned. “Are you sure you want to hold me that lightly?"

  I didn't need a second warning. I wrapped my arms so tightly around his waist my breasts were pressed into his back.

  He was right.

  Blasting into the darkness on a Harley was the closest thing to flying that existed … a wonderful, exhilarating sense of freedom. I held tightly to him and wished the ride would never end, but to my surprise, we arrived back at my home less than fifteen minutes later. Even when Henry had put his foot on the gas, it took the best part of half-an-hour!

  He shut the engine off, and the deafening noise came to a sudden stop, but I wasn't sure whether to let go yet, until I heard him announce, “We’re here.”

  In the new silence, I was suddenly aware of the intimate way I held onto him, my thighs pressed to his and my body glued to his back. I immediately jerked away and began to disembark from the Harley. It was quite a feat to do it gracefully, but somehow I had my feet on the ground.

  Unable to look into his eyes I let my gaze roam across the beast of a machine and the man that sat upon it in wonder. I still couldn't believe I had accepted the ride home from him. I looked behind me to our front door and the windows, slightly paranoid she might be watching. If she were, I’d never hear the end of it. I turned back to see him studying the small detached house set in the quiet street.

  “So this is where you live."

  It suddenly occurred to me that I might have made a huge mistake by allowing him to know this. After all, I didn't know who the hell he was. Not even his real name. His talk about his dead daughter had softened me towards him, but still ... "I live with my roommate Nichole and Jess," I said quickly.

  He swung his gaze back to me and suddenly, I couldn't look away. Neither could he, I realized.

  “Do you just own this bike just for fun?” I found myself asking, simply to break the hypnotic trance he was putting me under.

  It was too dark to see properly, but his eyes glittered as he shook his head.

  "Are you part of a gang?”

  "I belong to the Blood Knights MC," he murmured.

  Nothing about the name struck a chord. The only club in this county I’d ever heard of was the Death’s Hand motorcycle club and that was only because Michael spoke of them admiringly. "I've never heard of it."

  "We're yet to achieve infamy compared to the rest?”

  If I had sensed his comment was without humor I might have withdrawn from him, but the lightness of his tone seemed to suggest he didn’t take any of the gang stuff seriously. So perhaps his club was actually a motorcycle club and not a behind the scenes drug trafficking, murdering bunch. "Do you all—I mean, does your club—do you do dangerous stuff?"

  His eyes never left mine as he shifted his weight and slipped his hands into his jacket. "What do you classify as dangerous?"

  I wasn't sure if I should answer that. All I really wanted from the guy was an earth-shattering kiss since there would absolutely be no future here. I shrugged. What was the point anyway? It was clear there would be absolutely no future with him for me. "It doesn't matter," I responded, feeling a bit sad about the fact.

  His brow shot up. I think he thought I was trying to dismiss him.

  "I wasn’t trying to be rude,” I rushed to explain. “I don’t need to know any of these things. I don’t want you to think I’m prodding and getting into your business."

  He said nothing. Just stared at me with those mind-blowingly intense eyes.

  Kiss me. I wanted to say, Kiss me so hard that I lose my mind and collapse into you. Incoherent, unaware. I bit my lip to stop myself from saying it out loud.

  As if he’d heard me, his gaze instantly drop to my mouth. Slowly, his eyes travel back up to my eyes. His remained dark, completely veiled of all expression, and hooded.

  “What?” I whisper.

  "How are you going to repay me,” he asked, "for the ride?”

  Della Ray

  “You want me to pay for the ride?” I gasped.

  “You’ve rejected everything I've offered, so surely you have to be consistent. You can't suddenly be willing to receive a favor, can you?”

  I frowned. "Sure, I'll pay," I responded. "How much do you want for it?"

  "I've already told you what I want," he responded. "From the first moment I met you."

  My brain screeched to a halt. "That’s an incredibly rude thing to say to a complete stranger."

  He glanced briefly away in boredom. "Well, you’re not a complete stranger and anyway, I'm not one for propriety.”

  "Well. I'm going to reject that request."

  His eyes narrowed at me. "Why?"

  "Because I don't know you." I hated the primness in my voice, but I couldn’t help it. My heart was beating hard with excitement.

  "Do you need to?"

  "I imagine you could have almost any woman you wanted, so why ask me?"

  "I don't know," he said. "I haven't been able to get my mind off you. Maybe you just have something I need right now."

  My breath stuttered in my chest. I knew exactly how he felt. Suddenly, I didn’t care if Nichole was watching. I took a deep breath. My voice was barely a whisper. "I'll give you a kiss. Will that be enough? It's all I'm able to do."

  He smiled then and even though it didn't reach his eyes, it was still powerful enough to set my blood racing. He got off the bike and stepped forward. "I'll take it."

  Reflexively, I stepped backwards. After that everything happened too fast for me to comprehend but by the time I could grab onto the reigns of coherence, my back was against the tree in our yard. We were hidden away from the street, and facing the empty little park where I took Jess to play on the swings.

  In the darkness, his eyes gleamed as they roved all over my face searching, for what, I didn’t know. I felt as if I was breathing loudly enough to awake the entire neighborhood, but I was powerless to stop it—to stop him.

  Not that I wanted to.

  He gripped my waist and leaned into me.

  I was too overwhelmed to say or do a thing. I just stood there like a damn statue.

  Burying his face in my neck, he breathed me in as his hot hands traced my body, shaping my hips and then going around to grab my ass. He pressed me hard into his groin so I would know exactly what I had said no to.

bsp; "I reek of sweat and exhaustion," I rasped out unsteadily. "Don't inhale me in too hard."

  I felt his smile on my skin as I shuddered while his tongue slipped out to taste the skin over my pulse. A whimper escaped my lips.

  "You reek of goodness and hard work," he said huskily. "There's no sweeter perfume."

  Whatever control I possessed dissipated right then. I grabbed the back of his head, lifted myself onto the tip of my toes and slipped my tongue into his mouth.

  He tasted of whiskey, and heat ... delicious smoldering heat that took my breath away.

  Up till this point, I had kissed a few guys, some pleasant, some not so, one or two even quite exciting, but after this kiss I didn't think that there would ever be any need to kiss anyone else. The way this moment felt—with my throbbing body pressed hard against his, the warmth of him surrounding me, and the force of the arousal he’d provoked in my every sense, made me feel like I had been dead all these years. Only now, I had come alive.

  His tongue danced sensually against mine, teasing, stroking and sucking. The pull between my legs became torturous. When he pulled away slightly, I grabbed a hold of one of the hands grabbing my ass. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I placed that hand between my legs and raised a leg to grant him better access. His hand rubbed at my mound greedily. The relief made me groan into his mouth, but frustrated by the barrier of my jeans I rocked my hips in desperation.

  Suddenly, my legs left the ground.

  I encircled his shoulder for stability, as the pace of his kiss grew feverish. I was helpless against him as he bit down on my lower lip and pulled.

  My fingers slipped into his hair to pull him further into me.

  He let go of me to focus his attention on my jeans. My button was snapped open. My heart was pounding in my ears as he yanked my zipper down. I knew I shouldn’t. I wouldn’t see him again after tonight anyway. The thought saddened me so much I felt the pain in my heart.

  I shut my eyes as he gained complete access. My face remained buried in his neck as his calloused hand slipped into my panties and connected with the light dusting of hair that covered my groin.

  I gasped when he splayed his hand over my soaking wet slit.

  “You're dripping,” he growled in wonder, and pulled his hand away from my panties to hold it up in front of me. His fingers were glistening with my arousal.

  I watched in a haze of heat as he held it to his face and spread a hard lick across his hand.

  "I was right." His breathing sounded ragged. "You taste like a fucking dream." He kissed me hard once again and I tasted the smoky sweet taste of me on his tongue. "Let me give you what you want," he said as he drowned himself in my taste and his hand slunk back into my jeans. He began to stroke the painfully swollen bud of my sex.

  Pleasure completely blinded and deafened me from then on. I shut my eyes to the sensations. All I could see, feel and hear was … him.

  A gasp tore from my throat as he pushed a long, thick finger into me.

  “Fuck, you're so tight," he swore, as he savored the tightness of my walls clenched around him. Another finger joined the assault. Only when a third stretched me to the maximum that he began to finger fuck me ferociously.

  I cried out, and couldn’t believe what was happening, right outside the house, and in the middle of the night. Something like this had never happened to me before.


  He muted me with his lips and ravaged my mouth. I felt as if my bones were melting into nothing. I couldn't even stand up straight, my spine was curved with the torrent of ecstasy surging from his hands into my body. I didn’t even realize that he had pushed my shirt up and one of the cups of my bra until his mouth left my mine then descended on a bare nipple.

  A light suddenly shone on my shut eye lids and I dragged it open to see that someone had been alerted. There was no doubt that it was Nichole, but I wasn’t going to stop him from what he was doing to me. I couldn’t. Not even if I wanted to.

  My body jerked and writhed in sweet agony.

  The lights went off in the living room, but I know that she hadn’t given up. Then I saw the curtains to our living room move slightly aside, and I knew I had been busted.

  I didn't care. She couldn’t really see me. I was well hidden behind Bone’s big body.

  He went after my release then. With equal wild abandon, I met the thrusts of his fingers as he pushed me into oblivion. His palm caught the high-pitched whimpers that tore through my mouth at the build-up.

  Just before I exploded on his hand, he moved his lips from the suckling kisses he had been giving to my breasts and covered my mouth with his again. I grabbed his hair as my orgasm shook me to my very core.

  I fought against him to breathe. Through the leaves of the tree above us, I could see the sky and the stars. They felt so close. I felt as if I could reach out and touch them. The stars twinkled and winked as this earth-shattering climax went on and on.

  I was shaken for longer than I wanted to admit and when he pulled his fingers from me, I felt what remained of my orgasm roll shamelessly down my legs. I was suddenly filled with an embarrassment I couldn't explain. I had fallen apart in his arms. Shown him how vulnerable I was to his ministrations. Now he knew what an easy lay I was.

  I zipped my jeans back up, arranged what I could of my appearance. He was watching me intently and I couldn't for the life of me find even a single sentence to say, so I grabbed my backpack from the ground. It had fallen there at the base of the tree ages ago.

  He didn’t say anything and neither did I. I took a sideways step, then another, as I headed towards our house. It took everything in me not to run from him like the coward I so obviously was. Only when I shut the door behind me, did I lean against the wood, take a deep breath, and begin my descent into normalcy. I heard footsteps approaching but I didn't even bother to look up.

  "What the hell happened out there?" Nichole whispered fiercely to me.

  Just then we heard the rev of his engine as he brought the machine to life and we both listened as he zoomed it dangerously off into the night.

  “Della-Ray!” Nichole called out again. "Are you all right?”

  I managed to nod.

  She opened her mouth to say something else, but I raised my palm at her, before peeling myself away from the door and staggering back to my room.


  -this is the road to hell-

  Fist clenched as I watched her hurry into the house. If she only knew the state she’d just put me in. My whole fucking body throbbed like a fresh wound. All I wanted in that moment was release, and not from anyone else but her. Only her. I felt like the man who had been wandering around for weeks in an endless desert with only bitter water from his camel skin bags to slake his thirst…then he stumbles upon a spring of fresh, cool water.

  My phone kept vibrating in my pocket, but I ignored it. Like desert sand slipping through my fingers she slipped through the door and it closed behind her.

  Aggravated and frustrated, I pulled the phone out of my pocket, placed it to my ear and barked, “What?”

  “Bone,” Skippy said. “Where are you? There’s trouble at the house.”

  The haze of lust dissipated into vapors of sweet nothing. “What trouble?”

  “RJ crashed into Death’s Hand’s bar and did a burnout.”

  “What? Shit,” I swore, as I began to stride towards my bike.

  “I know,” Skippy responded. “He’s a fucking moron. They pounced on him, but he managed to get away. They tore off his vest though before they sent him on his way.”

  I exhaled. “Fuck.”

  “Exactly,” Skippy responded.

  “Snake?” I asked, the club’s president’s deathly gaze and chilling tone coming to mind. “Is he aware yet?”

  “Yeah, they’re in the den now. I’ll be surprised if RJ makes it out of there alive.”

  Shit. Reaching into the seat of my Harley,
I grabbed my gear then kicked my bike to life and hit the gas. I arrived at the three-storied house in Glenwood to see the driveway already packed with bikes.

  I headed inside, my weapon hard against my skin. Nodding at the brawny men idling in the hallway I made my way down to the basement. I walked in to see twelve of the club’s members grouped around the brazen and most moronic fool that ever lived: RJ, a red-haired lout who had long established his reputation as a mad man with no boundaries.

  Some of his escapades included almost burning the house down along with every member inside it, continuous overdosing to his near death, jumping up on the counter of every single bar he’d ever visited nearly intoxicated to stupor, but still somehow coherent enough to boast of the power the club’s patch had granted him. He believed he could own the bar and the town if he wanted to. No questions asked.

  He insisted we all call him mayor. Vermin was a more appropriate name, but it would have started unnecessary fights, so we all just stuck to how he had been introduced to us from the very beginning, with his initials RJ, standing for Reynolds Jordon.

  His clothes were dirty and messy. His face was bloody while he was on his knees, his lumpy shoulders curved as if he was cowering with fear and respect for his betters, but I knew different.

  “I say we quarter him and deliver his body to Death’s Hand,” Tank growled. Brutal looking features and bald, with a yellowish-white face and granite gray eyes which were hidden by a pair of steampunk sunglasses. He rarely took them off. Not even now in the middle of the night in a damn basement. He wore an armless vest as his tattoos of demons and naked girls shone a sickly blue in the fluorescent light.

  “I’ll chop him up,” Shotgun offered. He was Tank’s equally brutish distant cousin, but with a penchant for thick silver chains. They dangled around his neck and made delicate tinkling sounds. It was the most disconcerting thing about him.

  “Rooster and I will make the delivery,” Tattoo Man contributed.


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