A J. S. Cooper Box Set: Three Standalone Romances

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A J. S. Cooper Box Set: Three Standalone Romances Page 14

by J. S. Cooper

  “You’re lucky you’re not one hundred percent better yet or I would be slapping you for keeping such a big secret from me.”

  “I promise you can slap me when the headache is gone.”

  “Deal.” She laughed, and we walked to the living room. “Ready to go to the hospital? I can drive.”

  “I’m still in my pajamas.” I looked down at myself and laughed. “But you know what, who cares. Let’s go.”

  We drove to the hospital in silence. Both of us were too caught up in our thoughts to say anything else to each other. The humor of the morning was gone as we both realized the gravity of the situation. I was happy that Hudson was alive, but he was still unconscious and we didn’t know what damage he may have. Of course my mind instantly went to the worst options possible. What if he was brain-dead or paralyzed? What if he never woke up? I wasn’t even sure medically what unconscious meant? Did that mean he was in a coma? I didn’t bother asking Eden because I knew she wouldn’t have a clue either.

  I sat back in the seat and cried silently. Once again this was all my fault. It seemed to be that I kept making decisions that were costing people their lives. I didn’t really understand why this had happened to me or to him. Though, I knew it wasn’t for me to understand. All I could do was pray and hope that he was going to be okay. I knew I wouldn’t leave him though. No matter what happened, I would still be there for him. I’d become his caregiver if I had to. Whatever he needed, I would give him. I still loved him more than life itself. I just hoped that the life he still had to live was one he would be happy with.

  Eden pulled up at the front of the hospital and stopped. “You get out. I’m going to park the car.”

  “Don’t you want to come in with me?” I frowned as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

  “I’ll come in a bit.” She shook her head. “I’m sure you want some alone time with him.”

  “Will they let me see him?” I gave her a look of thanks. “I’m not technically his family.”

  “I put you down as his sister.” She grinned at me. “So yes, you can see him. Just don’t go kissing him or anything. I don’t want them thinking we’re some sort of weird family.”

  I laughed then and smiled. “Thank you, Eden.”

  “No worries.” She gave me a wide smile. “Now go and talk to my brother. If anyone can make him wake up, it’ll be you.”

  I closed the door and walked into the hospital. It was clean, white, and clinical. I found the front desk and quickly walked up to one of the nurses.

  “Excuse me. I’m looking for Hudson Blake, my brother.” I cringed inside as I said brother. It felt icky even thinking it.

  “Hold on.” She held up a hand and typed into the computer in front of her. “Take the elevator up to the fourth floor and go to room J. You’ll find him in there.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded and walked over to the elevator, my heart beating fast.

  I wasn’t sure what I was going to see when I walked into the room, and that scared me. I stood in the elevator with a doctor and two nurses, and I looked down at the floor. I was starting to get a headache again, but I tried to ignore it. I got out on the fourth floor and looked around for a sign to point me in the right direction. I spied Luke standing with a petite black lady and walked over to them.

  “Hi, Luke,” I said softly and curiously. He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes, and I could tell that he had been crying.

  “Hi.” He smiled weakly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like there are a bunch of nails in my head, but I’m okay.”

  “Good, good.” He nodded and looked away. “He’s still out.”

  “I see.” My heart stopped for a second. “Any other updates?”

  “No.” He shook his head and paused. “I hope he knows I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Luke.”

  “It is.” He sighed, and I saw the bleakness in his eyes.

  I looked at the lady standing next to him and smiled. “Hi, I’m Riley.”

  “Aww, the infamous Riley.” She gave me a wide smile and shook my hand. “Nice to meet your acquaintance, Riley.”

  “You know me?”

  “I’ve heard of you, yes.”

  “Oh.” I looked back at Luke, wondering what was going on, and he sighed.

  “This is Clara’s mom.” His eyes darkened as he said her name. “She wanted to see how Hudson was doing, so I gave her a ride to the hospital.”

  “As soon as Luke called me this morning, I knew I had to come if I could.” She nodded in agreement. “Especially since he had entered this fight for me.”

  “You knew that?” My head started hurting again.

  She nodded. “Luke told me.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you guys knew each other.”

  “Luke started visiting me after Clara’s funeral.” She took ahold of his arm. “He’s become like a son to me.”

  “I’m sorry about Clara,” I whispered, suddenly ashamed to be standing there as if nothing had happened. As if I hadn’t played such a large role in her demise.

  “I don’t know why the Lord decided to take my child. She was my world, but I do not question the Lord’s decision.” Clara’s mom’s voice was passionate, and I looked up at her trying to study her face.

  Was that how she really felt? I knew that I would be absolutely mad at the Lord if he decided to take Hudson away from me. I wouldn’t just accept it like that. I felt panicked inside as I thought about death and mortality. I couldn’t grasp how she could be okay with it all.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I cried for years. I still cry, but my Clara had demons. Her life wasn’t easy.” She sighed. “I tried my best, but I couldn’t do everything. She had a drinking problem.” She looked at Luke then and squeezed his arm. “That was her problem, and I never addressed it. No one is to blame for her death but the alcohol.”

  Luke grabbed her hand and started crying, and I stared at them for a few moments, confused and unsure as to what was going on. I was going to ask more questions when I remembered that I was there to see Hudson. I pushed the questions in my mind out of the way and gave them a gentle smile.

  “Excuse me. I’m going to go and see Hudson.”

  “Only family can see him right now.” Luke gave me a face, and I smiled.

  “I’m his sister.” I grinned and looked for room J. “I’ll see you both later. It was nice meeting you.” I nodded at Clara’s mom, and she nodded back at me.

  I turned around quickly and almost ran when I saw the big J outside of the door. I pushed the door open and walked in. I wasn’t prepared for the sight in the room. Hudson was lying in the bed with a bunch of different machines connected to him. I stopped by the door and just stared at him, feeling too scared and emotional to move any closer.

  His face was the only thing that wasn’t covered with anything, but he looked different. It was swollen, and he had bruises all over him. I didn’t understand why he had so many bruises because I didn’t remember Channing hitting him that many times. I took a couple of deep breaths and then walked closer to the bed. I walked all the way to the front and stared down at his face.

  “Hey Hudson,” I whispered, hoping for a romantic miracle. I waited for him to open his eyes and smile at me lazily. A teardrop fell as I realized that wasn’t going to happen. “Hey, Hudson, wake up,” I spoke, this time louder. His face didn’t move.

  I stared at his chest and was grateful to see that it was moving up and down. There was some sign of life there. I reached down and touched his cheek very gently. His skin was a mix of black, blue, and green with some purple hues. Channing had done everything he could to make sure that Hudson lost the fight.

  “It’s me, Hudson. It’s Riley,” I whispered as I traced his bruises. “I’m sorry I told you not to fight back dirty. I was wrong. You shouldn’t have listened to me. You should have beaten the shit out of him.” My hand flew to my mouth. “Oops, sorry for cussing.” And then I laughed. “Who am I apologizing to?” I shook my
head and closed my eyes for a few seconds. This was a lot harder than I had anticipated it being. “I guess I fainted last night. I woke up this morning in my bed and I don’t even remember leaving the gym. Isn’t that crazy?”

  I rambled on, not knowing what to say. It was weird talking, knowing I wasn’t going to get a response.

  “Luke’s outside waiting to see you. You won’t believe who he’s with.” I leaned down and whispered, “He’s with Clara’s mom. Weird huh? Who knew they were friends? She said he’s been going to see her since the funeral. I didn’t even know he was good friends with Clara. But I suppose the three of you must have hung out a lot.” I paused and decided to change the subject. I wasn’t sure he wanted to hear about Clara.

  “So Eden told me you’re going to go on a trip traveling around the world. I wonder what countries you’re planning on going to. Do you want a travel buddy? I don’t have the money to go yet, but I’m sure I can get a job and save—if you’re willing to wait a few months of course. Or maybe a year.” I laughed awkwardly. “I’m not sure I’ll have enough money in a few months. I still have to finish this exposé on underground fighting. I want to interview you when you wake up. I’m going to make you the star of the article.”

  I took a step back then. I couldn’t stop the feelings of sadness and depression from taking over. I walked to the door and was about to leave when I decided to go back.

  “Hey, Hudson, it’s me again.” I took a deep breath. “I nearly left to go and get some water and coffee. I didn’t think it would be this hard. I don’t even know what’s going on or what’s wrong with you. I miss you. You know what’s funny? The fact that you still call yourself Batman.” I started laughing. “Who calls himself Batman? I mean, it was cute when you were an obnoxious kid, but you’re a man now.” I giggled. “I’m going to get you a cape and a mask. And I’m going to make you wear it to the mall and you’ll have to run through the mall shouting, “Batman’s here!” And I’m going to take lots of photos to blackmail you with.” I smiled down at him, love filling my heart as I remembered how he’d always been there for me.

  “Get better, Hudson. Please get better. I love you. I think we were destined for each other. Please just get better. I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’m not going anywhere. I will always remain by your side. Please don’t leave me alone, Hudson.” I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I leaned down and gently pressed my lips against his. “I love you, Hudson,” I whispered against his lips.

  And then two things happened: his eyes popped open and a nurse walked into the room and gasped.

  Chapter 14


  Present Day

  I was never going to live down the name ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ It wasn’t the worst name a guy could have, but it wasn’t exactly the most masculine either. If another person called me Sleeping Beauty, I thought I was going to pull my hair out and scream.

  Though, I suppose it’s not as embarrassing as what happened to Riley. Having the nurse catch her kissing me was something she wasn’t going to live down either. I suppose it never feels good to be caught kissing your brother. I laughed weakly and saw Riley frowning at me from the chair next to the bed.

  “Why are you laughing?” she asked me suspiciously, but I didn’t tell her why.

  “No reason.” I smiled at her. “Come.” I waved her over to the bed. I watched as she slowly got up and walked over to me.

  “You okay?” Her eyes searched mine with a worried expression.

  “Yeah.” I nodded and reached up to touch her face. “I just wanted to look at you.”


  “Kiss me?” I asked her. “I need you to breathe some life in me.”

  “Uh huh.” She rolled her eyes, but I could see her grinning. Riley was loving the fact that she had been the one to wake me. “I’m not a fire-breathing dragon, you know.”

  “I don’t need the fire.” I grinned. “At least, not know. Not while I’m still in the hospital. Unless they say conjugal visits are okay.”

  “Hudson!” she gasped, and I laughed.

  “Kiss me,” I demanded, and she leaned down and gently pressed her lips against mine. “Hmm,” I muttered, grabbing her head and running my fingers through her hair as I kissed her harder.

  I slipped my tongue into her mouth and we kissed each other eagerly. I closed my eyes and breathed in her smell. This was what I had missed when I’d thought I was dead. The realness of this moment didn’t compare to my memories. The smell of her was so strong and vibrant, the taste of her so sweet, the feel of her so warm. There was nothing that could ever compare to the real thing.

  “Hudson.” She pulled away, slightly breathless. “That’s enough.”

  “I can never have enough of you, Riley.”

  “Well, we’ll have to save the rest for the moment you leave the hospital.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so.” I frowned. “You’re so mean to me.”

  “Has Channing been to see you?” She changed the subject. “It’s been a week since you woke up, and I was just wondering.”

  “No, he hasn’t.” I shook my head. “Nick has though. Channing’s out of the club.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened. “So what does that mean? He’s not going to the championship?”


  “Oh wow. So Justin’s going.” She looked at me thoughtfully. “He was next up, right?”

  “He was next, but he’s not going.”

  “He’s not?” She looked in me in confusion. “Then who’s going?”

  I took a deep breath and grabbed ahold of her hand. “I have something to tell you.”

  “What?” Her face went pale. “Oh my God, no, Hudson. You can’t do this. You nearly died. You have to stop letting your guilt take over your life. It’s not your fault that Clara died. Your dying isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “Riley, listen to me. Please.” I squeezed her hands, my heart breaking at her obvious pain.

  “Why? So you can tell me that you’re going back for round two? Do you think I want to go through this again? I can’t go through this again, Hudson. I don’t like it. It’s not right.”

  “Riley, I wanted to talk to you about the night that Clara died.” I took a deep breath. “Please listen to me.”

  “What?” She glared at me. “I’m getting so fed up of going over that night. I know that makes me a horrible person, but will we ever get to move past that night?”

  “I saw you delete the texts.” I bit my lip, and her eyes flew to mine in shock. “I’m not the saint you thought I was, Riley. I know Clara wanted my help. I saw you delete them. I didn’t want to leave you that night. In fact, I was happy you were jealous. I thought it proved to me that you really did care for me like I cared for you.”

  “I didn’t know.” She kissed my forehead. “That’s why you feel guilty? That’s why you thought I’d hate you?”

  I nodded, and tears filled my eyes. “We both made mistakes that night. I knew she had an alcohol problem and I gave her more alcohol before we left. I just wanted us to be together.”

  “Oh, Hudson.” She stroked my cheek. “I’m sorry. I understand why you feel a responsibility to her mom.”

  “About that.” I took another deep breath. “About the fight.”

  “I don’t know if I can go through this again.” Her eyes were bleak, and my heart broke at the scared look in her eyes. “What if they kill you this time?”

  “I signed up for the fight because I felt guilty about that night, but there’s something else you need to know.” I took a deep breath and was about to continue when the door opened.

  “Can I come in?” Luke walked into the room and I nodded, still unsure as to how I felt about our friendship.

  “Luke, you need to talk some sense into Hudson. He said he’s going to continue with the fight.” Riley’s voice rose. “How is he going to continue with a fight? He has no shot at winning.” Her voice cracked, and I saw Luke give me a questioning look. I s
hook my head as he sighed.

  “I’d hoped Hudson would have told you already.” He sat down and stared at Riley.

  She looked at him in confusion. “Told me what?”

  “I’m the one going to the championships, Riley.”

  “What?” Her jaw dropped and she looked at me in shock. “What are you talking about?”

  “I spoke to Nick and he’s sending me.” His voice sounded sad. “I never should have convinced Hudson to sign up. I should have been man enough in the beginning. I should have signed up myself.”

  “No, Luke.” She walked over to him. “You don’t need to do this either.”

  “Yes.” He jumped up. “Yes, I do.”


  “I need to win the million dollars. I need to give some it to Clara’s mom.” He looked at me and gave me another apologetic smile. “I’m the reason she’s dead, Riley.” Tears started rolling from his eyes as he spoke. “She wasn’t driving home from the bar when she crashed. She was driving to meet me.”

  “But that doesn’t make sense. Her text message said she needed a ride home from the bar.” Riley looked confused. “She needed Hudson to take her home.”

  “I think she was testing him to see if he would leave you.” Luke’s voice was distraught. “I asked her to leave Hudson. I asked her to date me. She knew he had feelings for you, but she wanted to see if he was really going to choose you over her. And when he never responded to her texts, she realized it was over. She called me and asked me to come to the house, but I didn’t want you guys to know I was in town. I didn’t want Hudson to suspect I was chatting up his girlfriend. So I told her to come and meet me.” His voice cracked as he started crying. “Only she never made it.”

  “Oh, Luke.” Riley’s voice was filled with shock, and I could see in her eyes that she was as taken aback as I had been when I heard the news a few days prior. I watched as she took him in her arms and hugged him, and my heart filled with renewed love for her. The fact that her first thought was to comfort him at this time meant the world to me. “Luke, this isn’t your fault.”


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