For Her Benefit: Book 3 - See No Evil Trilogy

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For Her Benefit: Book 3 - See No Evil Trilogy Page 13

by Nana Malone

  “You mean other than horror? He was so sensitive, you know? He held her hand and told her none of it was her fault. He was good with her.” I clasped my hands together as I recalled how small Britney had made herself as she spoke. “And you could tell that she’d just shoved what happened away but still had nightmares about it.”

  “God, I mean, I can imagine. Sometimes you get desperate and you do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do.”

  I shook my head to clear all the doom and gloom, and I figured it was a perfect opportunity to jump in and ask Telly what I’d been dying to know for days. “Okay, so Carmen… What happened?”

  She rolled her eyes and abruptly sat up. “We’re not talking about Carmen right now.”

  “Yes, we are, because you’ve been avoiding the topic for days and I want to know why you aren’t wearing your engagement ring. Time to spill. What’s going on?”

  Telly squared her shoulders and took another bite defiantly.

  “Woman, I will pour water all over your sandwich. And I know how much you hate soggy bread.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  I held up the water bottle, acting as if I was going to pour. I came dangerously close too, and she snatched her sandwich away. “You are the devil.”

  “What happened to all that lovey-dovey talk in the beginning?”

  “That was before you threatened to soak my sandwich.”

  “Come on, spill.”

  “Look, I just… I put the brakes on the engagement. Honestly, I was too rash. I had no business saying yes. And you know me. I was freaking out. So I called her this morning. Told her I couldn’t do it.”

  It was my turn to stare. “You what?” I shook my head. “Do not do this. Do not get cold feet and ruin this. You promised you were done running away from your own feelings.”

  She bit her lip. “Well, she was going to Bristol, and things were getting really complicated with you, and I just... I freaked out. It’s too much too fast. I want things to settle down first.”

  My eyes bugged. “Telly! Do not use me as an excuse. You always do this. Find a reason to run.”

  “I do not.”

  I crossed my arms.

  “Look, I love you. Please don’t judge me. And I could have sworn I was being followed the other day when I left work. I just want all this to die down and then we can move forward.”


  “Yes, I could have sworn I was being followed by a dark car a couple of times leaving the office or going to a meeting. I saw someone tailing me, and I got worried about her. She was moving to Bristol for her job, anyway, so I just told her that we should cool off.”

  “This makes absolutely…” My eyes went wide. “Oh my God, you broke up with her to protect her?”

  Telly picked up her sandwich, taking a bite of the delectable pork. “Maybe.”

  “How many times have I told you we don’t make decisions for people we love? Why do you think I got so mad at Ben?”

  “Well, this is different. I love her, so I wanted to do the right thing.”

  “You’re a dumbass, Telly.”

  Her brows snapped down. “Hey, that’s rude.”

  “Nope, it’s the truth. You’re a dumbass who dumped a woman who loves you, who has been there for you and wants to keep being there for you. You say you dumped her because you were scared that something might happen to her, but the truth is that you were scared that you were getting too close. So you found an excuse and you used it. And frankly, you kind of used it in my name, and I’m pissed off about it.”

  “Hey, not everything is about you.”

  “Are you trying to tell me right now that you didn’t just say that because you were worried about what was happening with me that it extended to ‘hey, maybe I should dump Carmen so that she’s safe too?’” I lifted a brow, crossed my arms, and waited for her to answer.

  Telly picked at her pork. “You know, you need to mind your own business.”

  “You are my business because I love you. Don’t fuck up because you are scared.”

  “I could say the same thing to you.”

  “I’m not scared anymore. Well, I am. I do worry that he’s going to wake up one day and decide he’s bored, but until then, I’m trying to enjoy life day by day, which you should also be doing.”

  “I miss her.”

  “Then get her back. Apologize and do what you have to do. If you don’t apologize, I’m kicking you out.”

  She laughed. “What? You can’t kick me out of your life.”

  “Not my life, you dumbass. Out of the house in Belgravia. I’m going to send you some guards, but you can be mopey at your house if you’re not going to talk to her.”

  Her jaw unhinged in mock surprise and annoyance. “You wouldn’t dare. What would I do without my sauna?”

  “You’re going to have to live without a sauna if you don’t call your girlfriend.”

  “That is blackmail.”

  “Yeah, maybe it is. But you’re sad. You need to talk to her. I get it, trust me, I get it. But if you love her, then you have to value her opinion. She can tell you if she feels unsafe or she doesn’t think she can do this, or whatever the case is. Don’t you understand that making those decisions for her safety without discussing them with her is not right, Tell?”

  “Jesus, when did you get to be such a pain in the ass?”

  “Well, according to you, I’ve always been a pain in the ass. But you love me anyway because I tell you what you need to hear.”

  She sighed. “Fine. P.S. Your man is trying to throw you a big birthday party.”

  I frowned. “What?”

  “Yeah, you ruined my evening, I’m ruining yours. You hate parties.”

  “I absolutely do hate parties, Tell, what’s wrong with that?”

  She pointed a finger at me. “Do not be a hypocrite. That man wants to celebrate your birthday. So, you are going to smile pretty and say, ‘Oh my God, that was the best birthday present ever.’ Do you hear me?”

  I grumbled. “Best friend betrayal is a bitch.”

  She gave me a sharp nod. “Yup, and her name is Telly.”

  “I’m not sure I like you.”

  “Yeah, the feeling’s mutual. But I do love you though.”

  I groaned. “Yeah, fine. I love you too.



  The following Monday, I was headed back from a meeting with the Peterman team. The project was going well, and Kevin was actually extremely helpful. Ground had been broken, and the teams were running smoothly. Next month, I’d start my bi-weekly check-ins in Paris to make sure we were still moving on schedule. Some managers would give monthly updates, but the project was too delicate for me not to watch it closely while Max Peterman was out on paternity leave. I paused and made a mental note to ask about a gift for the baby. I’d asked for one to be sent over, but I wanted to confirm that my assistant, Maria, had done it.

  When I strode into Ben’s office suite, there was a beautiful woman in wide-legged, mustard-colored pants and a short-cropped black blazer. Her skin was olive, and her lipstick was a bright vermilion red. She had hazel eyes, dark chocolate hair swept up in a messy chignon, and a badge on her hip. Was she here for Ben?

  Alyssa stopped right before Ben’s office door and directed her. “This way.”

  Who the fuck was that?

  However, she didn’t go in but instead stopped and smiled at me. Everything in her smile told me I needed to be wary. Worried. On guard.

  “Miss Ashong, I was actually just going to ask for you to be called into this meeting as well.”

  I approached slowly, shifting my laptop in my arms. “I’m sorry, have we met?’

  She stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m Nyla Kincade.”

  I shook her hand. Her grip was firm, not overbearing though. Her gaze was direct, and I realized that she was absolutely stunning. She was tall. Taller than me, and at five-seven, I was considered tall for a woman.

  She also had one of those faces that could take any kind of makeup. She could try the latest makeup trends or go absolutely bare and still be gorgeous.

  What does she want with Ben?

  Her smile seemed genuine. It even reached her eyes, but there was something calculating about it. “Do you mind joining us?”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, but I don’t know what this is about.”

  She smacked her head and then adjusted her blazer so I could see the badge on her hip more clearly. “I’m with Interpol. I would very much like to discuss what happened at the Gem Gala, you know, if you’re up to it.”

  I swallowed hard. Luckily, I’d had enough experience in schooling my expressions when my mother was ill. I never wanted her to see my worry and concern and pain, so I just made my face a blank mask like I’d been used to doing. “Oh, I already spoke to the police after the event. Are there more questions?”

  “Yes, actually, a whole slew of questions.”

  “Well, if you will just… I’ll just put this in my office. Would you like to follow me?”

  “Actually, I was hoping to speak to your boss, and your boss’s boss. They’re both in Mr. Covington’s office waiting for me. Join us. I’m sure you can just hold on to your laptop for a few moments.”

  Motherfucker. A cop.

  I was going to have to wear one of those hideous gray jumpsies that they wear in women’s prison. Where was I going to get hair products from? I’d need someone to keep putting money in my commissary. Telly would do it. She’d make sure I had hair products.

  Snap out of it and move your ass.

  I gave her a wan smile and preceded her inside. Alyssa waved at me cheerily as I passed. When I stepped into Ben’s office, his brows immediately snapped down when he saw me. Jessa was better at controlling her emotions. She sat regally in the leather chair, notepad at the ready, pen poised.

  Agent Nyla Kincade smiled at us all and closed the door behind herself. “I’m so sorry to have interrupted your day. I understand there must be a lot of work to do. You know, the hotel business… There’s the hospitality income, and then there’s the building and acquisitions, and the expansion part. You excel at that, don’t you, Mr. Covington?”

  He cocked his head. “The hospitality arm is East’s gig.”

  She pulled out her phone and scrolled through it. “Ah, yes, Mr. Hale. I can’t wait to speak to him.”

  The muscle in Ben’s jaw ticked. “Is there a purpose to this? You’re detaining two of my employees, so I would like to know what this is about.”

  Nyla practically plopped into one of the gold guest chairs, and it was an almost exact match to her mustard pants. She looked regal and elegant, and Jesus fucking Christ, her hair was amazing. Even straight, my hair was never that sleek.

  “Okay, I’m not going to keep you too long. First, I’d like to hear specifically from Mrs. Ainsley. Congratulations on your marriage, by the way. I read about it in Hello!”

  Jessa lifted a brow. “Did you now?”

  Nyla nodded. “I mean, a real-life princess marrying her bodyguard, of all things.”

  “Well, to be fair, I didn’t know he was a bodyguard or that I was a princess at the time.”

  “No judgment. I think it’s awesome. Really committed to the patriarchy. But I do want to hear about the Gem Gala and how all that went down. You must have been terrified.”

  Jessa did this flat-lipped thing where she pressed her lips together and lifted her brow ever so slightly. She didn’t look mad, per se, she just looked faintly peeved. “Yes, the Montagues are family friends. Well, friends of my brothers, anyway. They were holding a Gem Gala, and I was invited to attend so I did. I also displayed some of the Winston Isles’ crown jewels.”

  Nyla held up a finger. “Yeah, about those jewels, you said that they went missing.”

  “Yes, as you are well aware, there was a robbery that night, and I had some items taken.”

  “Yes, of course, that’s why I’m here. Sorry, I don’t mean to be obtuse, but what jewels were you wearing?”

  Jessa shifted in her seat, the only hint that she was at all uncomfortable with the questioning. “I actually wore single diamond earrings. Studs, really. And the diamond encrusted necklace from the family vault.”

  “You didn’t wear the crown jewels?”

  She shook her head. “No, they were on display.”

  Nyla tapped one red painted nail on her phone. “That is mysterious. I find it fascinating that the thieves didn’t take the jewels on display, but instead opted to rob the party attendees.”

  Jessa narrowed her eyes, and I could tell that she didn’t like where the line of questioning was going. “I’m not a thief, so I couldn’t begin to tell you what was going through their minds.”

  “Right, of course not. You wore the necklace and nothing else?”

  Jessa shook her head. “Like I said, I haven’t been a princess for very long, and I like to keep it simple.”

  “Right, of course. And Miss Ashong, what were you wearing the night of the event?”

  “Oh, I wore mostly costume jewelry. None of it worth anything.”

  “Hmm, I find that fascinating. Do you think that thieves could tell from a distance what was real and what wasn’t?”

  I blinked at her. “Ah, I don’t know. I’m not a thief. I couldn’t begin to tell you.”

  She turned her attention to Ben. “And Mr. Covington, where were you during this event?”

  “I was in a meeting.”

  “Well, the rumor is that you and Miss Ashong are an item. You didn’t buy her something special to wear to the event?”

  “No. I suppose she should upgrade to someone who can provide her with better jewels.”

  She turned her attention to me then. “You wouldn’t do that, would you, Miss Ashong?”

  “Well, if I did upgrade him, it wouldn’t be for the jewels. I’d pick someone with a rosier disposition.”

  That made Nyla Kincade laugh. “Ah, I think I like you, Miss Ashong. So tell me about your ordeal afterward. What happened?”

  I ran her through the events again, how I’d seen April Van Linsted leaving and followed her, and how we’d been rescued, sort of. She turned her attention to Ben. “Wow, you must have been relieved. What a strong woman you have to rescue herself from kidnappers, of all things.”

  Ben just smiled.

  “So Miss Ashong, you don’t know of any reason why you would be kidnapped?”

  I shook my head. “I can only assume it was because I saw them about to hurt Mrs. Van Linsted.”

  “Honestly, the story of your escape is fantastical. I’m so relieved to hear that you’re all right.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  Ben interrupted. “I was under the impression that most of the jewels were recovered.”

  “Yes, it is curious. And they were recovered at a known Mafia fence. He didn’t seem to know anything about them. He swears up and down that he had nothing to do with it. But you know what he does have something to do with? Seems he’s been a very bad boy dealing drugs and laundering some money for some terrible people, so we have a fairly tidy case against him. Most of the charges he copped to, but he was adamant about those jewels. I wonder why that is.”

  “Do you have any actual questions, Miss Kincade?”

  She grinned. “Oh yes, I just wanted to get your impressions about the thieves. Do you think they were there for something specific? Mrs. Ainsley?”

  Jessa put up her hand. “You can call me Jessa. And I got no impression of them. I just did as I was told. I had nothing of great value to steal, so it was easy to just follow their instructions.”

  “Right. I mean, it’s just so shocking that clearly seasoned thieves would leave behind millions in jewelry on display and go for the smaller score.”

  There went Ben’s jaw again, so I spoke up. “Well, I suppose maybe if they were a ‘seasoned’ group as you say, they didn’t want to get caught. I know for a fact that the level o
f security on the display jewels was intense. I heard April Van Linsted talking about it, so it probably wasn’t worth the risk. But by only taking what everyone was wearing, they were in and out in minutes. That was probably the lowest hanging fruit.”

  She cocked her head and nodded. “That’s very astute, Miss Ashong. Tell me, though, wouldn’t you think most thieves would be greedy?”

  “I don’t know anything about thieves, so I can’t answer that. But maybe they knew they had limited time. I have no idea.”

  “The men who took you, did they strike you as the greedy sort?”

  “I don’t know. I was blacked out and held at the back of a moving car. When I came to, I was in a dank, dirty warehouse, so I don’t know anything about them.”

  “Okay, well, I think that’s it for my questions right now. Of course, I’ll probably be seeing you again. I’ll have more questions when I start to put the pieces together.”

  Ben sat back in his seat as if he was unfolding his body. “Come now, Miss Kincade, you’ve taken up enough of our time, so at least answer one question for me. What are you actually after? Don’t play coy with us with these broad questions. If you want to know something, ask. I wasn’t there, so I can’t really help you, but Jessa and Liv can’t answer questions you don’t ask.”

  “A direct man. I like that. There have been a series of thefts all across Europe. Jewels mostly, but some art too. This sounds like the same crew. But that crew is greedy. There is no way they would have left those jewels on display, so I can’t connect the dots. I was hoping you could shed some light.”

  Jesus Christ, had Lucas been stealing something else?

  It was the only time Jessa pursed her lips. She was probably wondering the same thing.

  Nyla stood. Her long lean legs had all the grace of a ballerina. We still didn’t have the jewel, so we would have to go after it again. And I needed to buy the guys some time, if I could. “Oh, Miss Kincade, might I ask… Mrs. Van Linsted’s bracelet, the one she wore that night. It was taken. Was it found in her things or with the other recovered items the fence had? I know she was very concerned about it. She went on and on about how it had been in their family for generations.”


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