Untameable: Haven Falls (Book 3)

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Untameable: Haven Falls (Book 3) Page 7

by Sheridan Anne

  My eyes scan the cafeteria and I quirk a brow seeing Alyssa sitting right beside Rivers at our table with his arm over her shoulder. Noah’s eyes meet mine across the room and I can practically hear his scoff from here followed by a look that tells me not to even ask.

  But where’s Tully?

  I continue scanning the room as I stride towards Noah.

  Ahhh, she’s over by the football team, sitting on the table as they all drool at her feet. I should have known.

  This shit is getting out of hand.

  I drop down beside Noah and meet Tully’s eyes, letting her know that I’m here and it’s safe to come back in case she needs a buffer. Either that or we can gang up on Alyssa and teach her the hard way to stay away from what Tully has already claimed as her own.

  No. That’s maybe pushing the friendship with Rivers.

  I steal the bright red, juicy looking apple from in front of Noah and take a bite before he has a chance to rescue it from my clutches. Mmmm, yeah. Just as good as I had imagined.

  I lean into Noah and people watch as the world goes by around us. Tully ignores us as best as she can as I do my best to tune out the secretive murmurs coming from Rivers and Alyssa. This isn’t going to be good. Hopefully, we can get through lunch without Tully making some sort of scene, but don’t be fooled, the second school is out and we’re sheltered with privacy, shit’s going to hit the fan.

  I almost feel sorry for Alyssa. She’s new. She couldn’t possibly understand what she’s just gotten herself involved in, or well, what Rivers has dragged her into. And on her first day too. Sucks to be her.

  I doubt Rivers even likes her. Don’t get me wrong, she’s pretty and I’m sure he’s going to screw her anyway or at least tell Tully that he did. I can just see it now. Tully is going to go nuts with jealousy and the rage will eventually take over. She’ll tear the poor girl apart and Rivers will come out looking like the innocent one.

  Yeah, it really, really sucks to be Alyssa.

  I should have left her on the ground to be trampled by the masses. That would have probably been a better outcome for her as the wrath of Tully Cage is a scary thing.

  I take another bite of Noah’s apple before resting my head down on the cool table. Aria had me up early again this morning, despite the fact that dad got home yesterday. It was supposed to be my sleep in day, but I guess that was wishful thinking when you live with a five year old.

  My only saving grace is that dad’s picking Aria up this afternoon so I can head straight to Noah’s place and hopefully have a relaxing night with my boyfriend. You know, that’s if Tully can entertain herself for a while and not need me to rant at. Considering what’s happening right now, I have a feeling I’ll be witnessing a little more than ranting tonight.

  I close my eyes, loving the serenity the darkness brings with it. Now if only I could somehow block out the noise, and transport myself to my bed, it would be absolutely perfect. Noah’s hand runs up and down my back. “You alright, Spitfire?”

  “Mmm,” I sigh. “Just tired.”

  “K,” he murmurs as his hand trails up from my back and starts playing in my hair, just about sending me off to sleep. “Do you want to get out of here?”

  “Can’t,” I tell him. “I’ve got an exam after lunch.”

  He mumbles something that’s barely audible and when he doesn’t prompt me for some kind of reply, I let it go. I hear someone drop down on the table in front of us and I do my best to tune that out too. A low voice sounds and strikes up a conversation with Noah and after his third sentence, I recognize the voice belonging to Jared Frazer, one of the seniors who actually isn’t too bad to hang out with.

  Noah talks with him a while as I continue eating his apple and resting my head on the table. I can’t help but let out a relaxed sigh. This is nice. For once nobody is screaming for my attention, there’s no one currently trying to tear me down, and there are no skanky cheerleaders trying to convince my boyfriend that he’s her baby daddy. Like I said, it’s freaking nice.

  I could get used to this, only I know it’s not going to last. Hell, I doubt I’ll even get to the end of the day before some kind of drama stirs up. That’s just the way of life, right?

  I finish off the apple and push myself to my feet with a low guttural groan before slowly making my way across the cafeteria to the trash can. I dump the apple core in and quickly do another search for Tully.

  Yep. She’s still more than happily occupied by the football team.

  I turn back to Noah with sleepy eyes and start making my way back to him. Maybe I should have taken his offer and gotten out of here. I’m so damn tired. I’m probably going to fall asleep during my exam.

  A too loud voice cackles right by my ear and I jerk around, completely taken surprise by the guy suddenly standing two feet behind me. “When are you going to share the love, babe?” says Jack Saunders, another senior, who, unfortunately, is not as cool to hang out with as Jared Frazer.

  “What?” I grunt out, extremely unladylike as I feel Noah’s eyes piercing into my back.

  Jack grins. “You’ve been giving it up for Spence, right? Everyone’s talking about it.”

  I didn’t just hear that, did I? Maybe he’s confused. Got the wrong girl, perhaps.

  “Wait. What?” I say, scrunching my face up in confusion as I notice how tight his body is. Though this isn’t something new. Guys tend to be nervous around me. Either scared of me or terrified of what Noah would do to them if they talk to me. “Who’s giving it up for Spencer?”

  Jack steps a little closer, pulling out his cocky attitude. “Rumor has it, you are. He said you fucked him out back of some party a few weeks ago.” His grin widens. “He said you were fucking wild. So, I’m just wondering, is this some kind of deal you’ve got going with him and Noah? You fuck them both whenever they’re down?”

  Oh, this guy is about to need a facial reconstruction. I hope he has his Mumma’s plastic surgeon on speed dial.

  “You know who you’re talking to, right?” I question, in case he’s a little dumb. Where the hell did this information come from anyway? I fooled around with Spencer once and while he was great with his tongue, I couldn’t go through with it because he isn’t my bad boy covered in tattoos. I certainly didn’t screw him and it’s certainly not some ongoing arrangement.

  Jack looks down at me as though I’m trash and the disgust in his eyes in nearly enough to paralyze me. “Yeah, baby. I know exactly who I’m talking to. You gave it up for Jackson, then Noah, and now Spence,” he winks as he licks his lips. “About time you sat on my cock and went for a ride, don’t ya think?” His eyes trail over my body. “Besides, you’d be fun. With all that experience under your belt, a girl like you would have a few party tricks.”

  Oh dear. The poor guy. He just signed his death certificate.

  A breathy laugh escapes me, and I know I’m going to have to move quickly before Noah gets over here to put the trash out.

  I bite my lip as though I’m actually turned on by this fucker and give him my best bedroom eyes. His body responds instantly. His eyes become hooded and the guarded tension in his body leaves, feeling he actually has some kind of shot, probably unable to believe his luck.

  I step into him, taking hold of his belt buckle as I look up at him. “Is that what you like?” I whisper. “A woman who knows what she’s doing? Someone who could rock your fucking world and leave in the morning without a goodbye?”

  His hand curls around my waist and I can practically feel the fury rolling off Noah behind me, but it’s clear he’s giving me space to handle this myself. “Well, that’s what you do for Noah and Spencer, right?” Jack murmurs. “Why not add another name to your list? I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Wait. Is he calling me a prostitute right now?

  I pull on his belt buckle, bringing his hips forward. “Well see,” I wink. “If you play your cards right, I might just play you right back.” I watch him swallow and then follow my movements as I run
my tongue over my lip. I indicate for him to duck down so I can whisper in his ear. “Tell me, Jack,” I murmur. "How do you like it? I bet you’re rough, aren’t you?”

  He breathes out a laugh, unable to believe his fucking luck. “Yeah, I do.”


  I nail the fucker in the gut with one hell of an uppercut and I don’t dare hold back. Jack doubles over, groaning as he clutches his stomach. “Is that how rough you like it?” I demand, grabbing his shoulders and slamming my knee up into his groin.

  “Fuck, stop,” he moans, falling to the ground at my feet.

  I stand over him like a fucking boss. “Maybe next time you’ll remember who the fuck you’re talking to,” I announce loud enough for the people around us to hear, letting it act as a reminder for the rest of the fucktards around here that they can’t mess with me. Not now and especially not when I’m tired as fuck.

  Noah’s at my side with Rivers, and Tully in the blink of an eye. “What the fuck was that about?” Noah demands, looking down at Jack holding onto his junk as though it’s about to detach from his body and shrivel up to die.

  My hand slides into Noah’s, needing his touch to calm me down and stop me from going apeshit on this douche. “Spencer’s been telling everyone that I’m fucking him and Jack here thought he could get in on the action.”

  Noah’s head whips around to me. “Excuse me?”

  “That’s right. You heard me, big guy.”

  Rivers grunts under his breath. “Fuck.”

  In the blink of an eye, Noah has Jack by the scruff of his shirt and is holding him up, his feet dangling below him as he desperately tries to squirm free but it’s no use, Noah’s steel grip and strength are unbreakable. “Where the fuck do you get off talking to my girl?”

  Jack’s eyes go wide as the rest of the cafeteria looks on, waiting to see their king put a mere peasant in his place. “I fucking asked you a question,” Noah roars loud enough to draw the attention of the whole faculty. Hell, probably loud enough for the fuckers in Broken Hill to know shit’s about to go down.

  “I…I…I’m sorry, man,” he stutters out. “It was a joke. We were just having a little fun.”

  “Insinuating my girlfriend is a whore and asking her to fuck you is your idea of fun?” Noah questions.

  Jack’s eyes flick around the cafeteria, silently begging his peers for help but not a damn finger comes to his aide. The douchebag dug his grave and now it’s time to lay in it. “I’m sorry,” he repeats before glancing at me. “Fuck, Henley. I’m sorry, alright? It was a joke.”

  I step into him. “A joke, hey?” I question. “You’ve got a little sister, right? Liza. A sophomore? Maybe Rivers should go and play a little joke on her. See how she likes big fuckers coming and harassing her during lunch. Maybe he’ll step in nice and close and let her know she’s a dirty little slut. Maybe he’ll touch her just enough to draw her in before demanding she drop down on his cock and bounce around like a little bunny. Tell me, does it sound like such a funny joke now? Because it sounds fucking hilarious to me.”

  The thought has Aria popping into my head and all I can think about is that shit like this shouldn’t fly anymore. She’s only little and rumors around here spread like wildfire. I can’t have her hearing this kind of shit about me. It would destroy her. She wouldn’t understand what was going on and that would hurt more than I could possibly know.

  Jack panics, though if he knew anything about us, he’d know that we would never stoop so low as to follow through on a threat like that. Noah and Tully had Lily and I have Aria. This is the very last thing any of us would want, we’re protective of little sisters. In our eyes, they’re precious, but this dickhead doesn’t need to know that. “Fuck. No. Leave Liza out of this.”

  Noah grows tired of my taunting and tightens his hold on Jack. “When was Spencer running his mouth?”

  Jack’s eyes flick from me and back to Noah before looking over Rivers, probably making sure he’s staying still for the time being. “He…he was running his mouth this morning.”

  Noah practically growls. This could have easily been Jack putting stories together from all the rumors going around about me. I mean, after fooling around with Spencer all those weeks ago, a few whispers were spread, and naturally, the whole school knew about Jackson. But for this to be a new rumor from Spencer himself, that means game on.

  Our fight isn’t with Jack. It’s with Spencer and he’s about to get the shock of his life.

  Hmm, maybe now’s a good time for Tully to come clean about sleeping with him a few weeks ago. Though, timing is everything and that might just push Noah to do something that will see him behind bars for the rest of his life.

  Just because I think he’s hands down incredible, doesn’t exactly mean he’s a saint. Noah would definitely take it too far if his head wasn’t in the right space and that scares the crap out of me. I don’t want to be visiting my boyfriend in jail for the rest of my life. Just thinking about all the missed spontaneous, steamy nights together terrifies me. That would definitely be a tragedy.

  I turn to Noah. “Put out the trash.”

  A devilish grin lifts the corner of his lips and he’s more than happy to comply. Noah takes one step and with an incredible show of strength, launches Jack a few feet across the room until he crashes down into the nearly overflowing trash can.

  The cafeteria bursts into a flurry of activity. Kids from every corner start howling with laughter, some scramble away from Jack as to not get covered in shit, others pull out their phones and record his downfall, while the smarter kids turn back around and mind their own business, clearly seeing the show is over.

  But that’s where they’re wrong.

  A member of our pack has been wronged and we don’t let that shit slide.

  Haven Falls Private is about to get a glimpse of their most feared pack in action.

  As one, the four of us turn to face the football team. The fact that Tully was over there just a minute ago skanking around is completely forgotten. We all know where her loyalty is and it’s right here, exactly where it belongs.

  The whole group of football players sees the threat within the blink of an eye. We start walking forward. Some start backing away while confusion mars the faces of others. Only one is laced with fear and not a second later, he launches to his feet and races for the door.

  He doesn’t get far.

  The whole fucking school has our back. We don’t even need to break out into a jog. We take our fucking time knowing our school will deliver him to our feet. This is our show. Our stage. Our fucking fight.

  We pull on our game faces. Each and every one of us looking hard as rock despite the fact that I know Tully is bursting at the seams, desperate to fist pump the sky because she'll get to knock some heads together.

  Sensing this could turn into something more, our pack instinctively falls into formation; girls on the outside while Noah and Rivers take the middle, prepared and ready for any kind of brawl. After all, we're not ones to back down from a fight, no matter what kind of numbers are against us. Right now, we're facing down the whole football team and without a doubt in my mind, I know we'll win.

  The guys near the door of the cafeteria get hold of Spencer and practically offer him up like a tasty little snack.

  We stride forward. Purposeful and unbreakable.

  We’re fucking Untouchable.

  I look straight ahead, past where Spencer is being deposited at our feet to the football team who all stand back. I fight a smirk. They’re throwing Spencer to the wolves and claiming innocence. Our loyalty knows no bounds, whereas theirs is capped right before an ass whooping.

  Spencer has never been more alone than in this moment and the second his eyes lock on Noah’s, it’s game fucking over.

  Noah makes his move and let’s hope for everyone’s sake that Spencer learns his lesson this time.

  Nobody fucks with our pack and gets away with it.

  Chapter 8

  “Miss Bronx,
” Mr. Carver says as the end of class bell sounds throughout the room. “Stay seated, please.”

  My eyes snap up to him at the front of the classroom. "What?” I whine as Tully looks across at me with drawn eyebrows. As a general rule, I only get asked to stay back when I’ve fucked up in some sort of way. And God’s honest truth, I’ve been on my best behavior, especially after having Principal Evans’ scream at the four of us the other day for our little performance in the cafeteria.

  Noah received a two day suspension and I’m sure it would have been more if Evans was able to actually prove he did it. I mean, he had bleeding knuckles and everything, but not a damn person ratted him out. Not even Spencer.

  Mr. Carver ignores my whines as he patiently waits for the classroom to clear out. “Guess I’ll see you in a bit,” Tully murmurs as she packs up her things and pushes up from her desk. “Just…whatever you do, don’t admit to anything.”

  “I’ve got nothing to admit to. I haven’t done anything.”

  “Henley,” she sighs. “I highly doubt that. Now,” she adds, walking around the front of my desk and hugging her books to her chest. “Deny, deny, deny. And if in doubt, bat your lashes a little. He’ll get confused and won’t remember why he wants to hand your ass to you, and then you discreetly slip out.”

  I salute her. “Thanks, Captain. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Tully winks and gives me a wide grin. “That’s my good little sea monster,” she laughs before turning and striding out the door, leaving me surprised she didn’t attempt to ruffle my hair.

  The students pour out of the classroom and I turn my attention back to Mr. Carver as he plucks a few pieces of paper off his desk and pushes back out of his chair. He strides towards me and I pull on my game face in case this shit is about to go south.

  My mind scrambles, desperately trying to think back over the past few days, going over every snide word or bitchy comment I’ve possibly made or even thought to make, but I come up blank. Apart from the Spencer shit, I’ve been a perfect little angel.


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