Face in the Mirror

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Face in the Mirror Page 9

by Paula Mowery

Officer Weeks nodded. “Yep. That’s why I felt it best to wait them out.”

  Jordan pointed toward a small grove of trees near the right side of the diner building. “We have backup right over behind those trees.”

  Jordan’s phone buzzed. He looked down. “The backup team says there’s movement from the group. They may be leaving. Officer Weeks, you take the left side of the entrance. I’ll go to the right.” He glanced at Charlie.

  “I’ll cover you from behind the car.” Her answer surprised her. For a person who normally liked to be right in the middle of the action, this was a change.

  “Perfect. Let’s go.” Jordan hopped out of the car and scurried to his spot.

  Charlie slid out of the car and ducked behind, gun at the ready. Her pulse sped up and sweat rolled down the back of her neck. Lord, keep us safe, but let this be it.

  She barely caught a glimpse of the backup team inching in from the trees.

  “Back door!” The voice echoed from the tree grove.

  Everyone’s attention instantly turned, and they raced to the back of the small building. Charlie stayed crouched but walked toward the right wall. She peeked around the corner of the building just in time to see the backs of the team running after their prey. Her feet stayed glued in place, shocking her again. Her normal instinct would have been to take off, joining in the pursuit.

  The group didn’t even move out of sight before the culprits were caught and cuffed. As they neared, Jordan nodded her way. She recognized that gesture. They had accomplished what he had set out to do. She sheathed her weapon and followed the entourage around to the front of the building.

  With the three suspects shoved into two different police cars, Jordan motioned her to his vehicle. “You call Nathan. Tell him we’re on our way back and all’s clear.” He heaved a heavy sigh.

  “Gladly.” She pulled out her phone but hesitated. “Sorry I wasn’t in the thick of things, helping you out today.”

  Jordan glanced her way and smiled. “You were exactly where you needed to be.” He pulled onto the road. “Besides, if you had jumped in, I would have had to reprimand you.” He chuckled. “Now, you better make that call before we get to that cabin. Nathan is liable to take us out if he doesn’t know it’s us.”

  Charlie brought up Nathan’s number and announced that Raul had been caught. “We’re heading back your way now.”

  “Thank goodness.” Nathan’s voice was low and full of emotion.

  Charlie ended the call. She shook her head. “That boy is in love.”

  Jordan laughed freely. “You got that right. Between you and Colton, and now Nathan and Sydney, Captain’s gonna think I’m running a matchmaking service.”

  Charlie joined him in a hearty laugh.


  Nathan shoved his phone into his pocket and whirled around. Sydney was still balled up on the couch. “It’s over.”

  The tension lines on her face and forehead softened. A smile broke out, revealing her dimple. She jumped to her feet and flung her arms around his waist. “Thank God.”

  His breath came easier. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

  She leaned her head back and looked up at him. “And thank you again.”

  He cupped her cheeks in his hands and studied her face, ending with her lips. Pressing his lips to hers, she seemed to relax into his embrace. She felt right tucked in his arms. But was this right? Was he setting her up for disappointment as soon as Raul had a chance to testify about him? Her head slid to his chest, and he stroked her hair.

  “I love you, Nathan Greene.”

  She had to hear the increase in his heartbeat with her head there on his chest. The cracking of gravel interrupted the moment. He instinctively moved to the window and peeked out. “It’s Charlie and Jordan.” He stepped to the door and opened it.

  Charlie headed straight for Sydney. The two women met and embraced. Charlie stepped back and looked Sydney in the eyes. “You’re OK?”

  Sydney glanced at Nathan. “Yep. Better than OK.”

  Jordan closed the door behind him. “Well, I realize that having a prisoner escape isn’t good. But in this case, we ended up with two others in custody. So once again, God turned things around. It was worth the escape to now have the three.” He plunked into a chair.

  Sydney smiled. “God can turn things around. If we trust Him.” She winked at him.

  Could Nathan trust Him? Would He turn things around for him this time? There was a lot at stake. His career. His reputation. His heart.


  Charlie bolted into Colton’s open arms. She had only spoken to him briefly to inform him that it was over and she was heading home.

  “I’m glad you’re OK. Home safely.”

  She pushed back and looked him in the eyes. “You wouldn’t have recognized me today.”

  His forehead scrunched. “What do you mean?”

  “When those bad guys took off, my first instinct wasn’t to dive in and take off after them. I held back. I really surprised myself.”

  “Welcome to my world.” Colton chuckled. “Ever since meeting you, I’m surprised by the changes in my behavior.”

  Charlie narrowed her eyes. “Good changes, right?”

  “People who knew me before wouldn’t recognize me now. I mean, I’m married, and I’m going to be a daddy.” He puffed his cheeks out and blew the air out slowly.

  “Yeah but that little one will be in awe of having a daddy who flies airplanes.”

  “What about you? Mama is an undercover cop who catches bad guys.”

  Charlie laughed. “Guess we’ll have occupation show and tell day covered.”

  “How’s Nathan and Sydney?” Colton’s expression turned serious.

  “They’re doing OK. Nathan told us his story while we were at the cabin.” She shook her head. “He’s been through a lot. Now if Sydney can pull him back to his faith, he should be good to go. But he just isn’t there yet.”

  “We both learned that’s something you have to come to terms with all by yourself.”

  “Yeah. I just know that if he doesn’t reclaim his faith, he’ll probably lose Sydney. She is a strong Christian young woman. I can tell she wants a mate who believes like she does. But they’re both quite smitten.”

  Colton grinned and pulled her close. “Like I am with you, Officer Thomas.”


  “Hey, I know my place.” He brushed her lips with a kiss.


  Sydney reached across the table and grabbed Nathan’s hand. “Where are you?”

  He grinned and squeezed her hand. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t dwell on it. It’s over. I’m safe. Your reports and paperwork are all turned in. You said so yourself.”

  “You’re right. So tell me about your first week interpreting at school.” He propped his elbow on the table and leaned in.

  “Well, I was supposed to be assigned to a middle school. I had interpreted there some before and knew the kids. But then they suddenly moved me to the high school. One of the interpreters had to quit because her husband took a job in another state. A little more involved than at the middle school.”

  “How so?” His eyes held a sincere interest.

  “Let’s just say I’m having to study chemistry vocabulary as well as history every night.”

  “Yikes. I didn’t do so well with those when I went to school. I can’t imagine trying to sign those kinds of things for someone.”

  “Keeps it interesting.”

  Nathan’s gaze drifted to nowhere in particular. She had lost him again. What all was going on in that head of his?

  She patted his hand. “What is it?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry.”

  “Nathan Greene, if you tell me, we’ll both feel better.”

  He chuckled then took a deep breath, sobering. “The trial starts next week. I’ll be required to testify.”

  She shrugged. “So? You’ve done nothing wrong.”

  He sta
red into her eyes and opened his mouth to speak but didn’t.

  “Nathan, it’s going to all work out. And I’m going to be right there with you.”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t want you to have to…”

  She held his cheeks in her hands and looked him directly in the eyes. “I’m going to be there when God shows you that He’s for you. Because I’m for you. I love you.”

  He leaned over the table and kissed her forehead. “You are a stubborn one, aren’t you?”

  She pursed her lips as if thinking his question over. Best just to smile.


  Nathan ran a finger between his collar and neck. He was ready for this day to be over and the trial had yet to even begin. Sweaty palms prompted smoothing them down his uniform pant legs.

  He took his seat and tried to pay attention to the preliminary activity. Briefly glancing behind him, his gaze met Sydney’s. She smiled and nodded ever so slightly. He turned back around and swallowed at the lump growing in his throat.

  You wouldn’t cause me to lose everything, would You? He wanted to have the trust that Sydney possessed.

  “Officer Nathan Greene.”

  Nathan stood. “Yes, sir.” He walked as confidently as he could muster to the witness stand.

  He was asked to recount his involvement with protecting Sydney and bringing Raul in. Nathan had known about these questions and had practiced with the attorney to make sure he included all the details needed.

  Then Raul’s attorney stood and walked near Nathan. “How about you tell the judge about your relationship with Mr. Raul Madro before this. You’ve done business with him, haven’t you?”

  “Yes.” Sweat trickled down his back.

  The attorney narrowed his eyes and leaned closer. “To be exact, you bought drugs from him. Am I right?”

  Nathan swallowed.

  The judge held up a hand. “Stop. Was this yesterday? This week? Officer Greene?” The judge looked Nathan in the eyes.

  “Five years ago.”

  “But your honor…”

  “No, counselor. That was in the past. Officer Greene is not on trial here. Officer, you may step down.”

  As Nathan took his seat, he glimpsed Sydney. Her face glowed with a wide smile. He struggled through the rest of the proceedings to sit still.

  Finally, it was over and he jumped to his feet.

  “Officer Greene,” the judge called to him.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The judge motioned him to the bench. “Son, I just want you to know that I do my homework. Too bad for the Army. Lucky for us.” He winked and turned to exit, using a cane to walk away.

  Nathan whirled around, almost tripping over Sydney. “Whoa, sorry.”

  “What did I tell you? Everything worked out.”

  Nathan shook his head. “Yeah, now everyone knows what I did.”

  Sydney jammed her fists on her hips. “Nathan Greene, I heard what that judge said, during the trial and just now. Look at your life. You lived even though you suffered a horrible accident. You came back from that when man said you couldn’t. You survived a drug trafficker with a knife and came away with only stitches. God made it so it was you who came for me. And now a judge has said that the drug use was all in the past. Everyone has a past. You don’t pay for that now. What other proof do you need?” She placed her hands on his cheeks. “Look full in that mirror, Nathan, and see the freedom and the blessing following you.” Tears welled in her eyes.

  His chest clenched and moisture threatened his own eyes. He licked his lips. “When you put it that way…” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “You keep saying I’m the one that’s stubborn.”

  He eased her back, holding her shoulders in his hands. “You really are.”

  She opened her mouth, but he stopped her retort by pressing his lips to hers.

  “OK, you two, we should probably at least move this celebration to the parking lot,” Charlie said.

  Nathan’s face heated, remembering where they were. He grabbed Sydney’s hand and led her outside the courthouse. They joined the small group gathering near the benches.

  Jordan slapped Nathan’s back. “Good job. It can be hard to remain composed and professional during one of those proceedings. But you done good, son.”

  “Yeah, you did make me proud to be your partner,” Charlie grinned.

  “I was quite proud, too.” A familiar voice spoke from behind Nathan.

  Nathan whirled around. “Dad.” His eyes misted over.

  His father wrapped him in a hug, quite uncharacteristic for his normal tough guy persona.

  “Hey, everyone, I say we celebrate the end of this case tomorrow evening at our house.” Jordan pulled his wife close and looked down at her. “Cookout?”

  Jordan’s wife nodded. “We’ll have hamburgers and hotdogs, if y’all will bring some sides and desserts.”

  A myriad of agreements proceeded.

  Nathan squeezed Sydney’s hand. “You can make it, right?”

  “Sure. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  He glanced up at Sydney’s father. “Can you come and bring Sydney? I’ll be working and will probably need to just meet you there.”

  Though Mr. Russell’s expression held slight puzzlement, he nodded. “All right.”

  “Great. Thanks. That way I’ll come straight there and hopefully not miss too much of the fun or the burgers.”

  Sydney eyed him a moment but was pulled into the group conversation again.

  Nathan swiped at the beads of sweat on his forehead. Technically he hadn’t lied. He would be working tomorrow but not as a police officer.


  Nathan pulled into the parking lot of Mr. Russell’s office and hurried into the lobby.

  “Hello, can I help you,” the receptionist said.

  “Yes, I need to see Mr. Russell.”

  The woman’s brows rose.

  “Senior. Rob Russell.”

  The woman nodded. “Is he expecting you?”

  “I don’t believe so.”

  “And your name?”

  “Nathan. Nathan Greene.”

  The woman called Mr. Russell. “A Mr. Nathan Greene to see you?” She paused. “You can go right in. Seems he was expecting you.” She motioned toward a closed door.

  “Thank you.”

  As he approached the door, it opened. Mr. Russell grinned. “Nathan, come on in.”

  He followed Sydney’s father inside and eased into an offered leather chair. Mr. Russell sat next to him instead of behind his desk.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “Nope. I was wondering if you might visit me.” He leaned forward. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, sir.” Nathan’s mouth suddenly dried. He cleared his throat and ran his tongue around inside his mouth. “I have fallen in love with your daughter.”

  “Son, that’s quite apparent. And I do believe the feeling is reciprocated.”

  Nathan swallowed. “I wondered if it would be… I mean, if I might get your permission or blessing to ask her to marry me.”

  Mr. Russell crossed his arms over his chest and stared right into Nathan’s eyes. Was he going to deny him after all? The man studied him a moment longer. “Mr. Greene, where are you in the Word?”

  “Excuse me, sir?”

  Mr. Russell chuckled. “I always promised Sydney and her mother that I would ask that of any man who would ask for my daughter’s hand in marriage. It kinda became a joke. But I do want to assure that your beliefs align.”

  “Let’s just say that I’m back in the Word, thanks to your daughter.”

  Mr. Russell rose and extended his hand, and Nathan followed suit, gripping and shaking the offered hand. “Nathan, I grant you my blessing. I believe her mother would approve.” His voice wavered slightly and he appeared to blink back tears.

  “Thank you, sir. Now I need your help.”

  Mr. Russell’s eyebrows lifted and his grin t
urned into a conspiratorial smirk.


  Sydney kept watching for Nathan. Her dad, brother, and she had arrived forty minutes ago. Where was Nathan? She gnawed her bottom lip.

  “OK, let’s have a prayer. The burgers and dogs are ready.” Jordan bowed and prayed.

  Sydney stayed seated as the group rushed to the table laden with food. She stole a glance toward the sliding doors again.

  “Come on, honey.” Her dad motioned for her to join him.

  “Maybe I’ll just wait until the end. Nathan may be here by then.”

  Charlie walked over. “He probably got held up. He’ll be along. He’d want you to go ahead and eat, I’m sure.” She held out her hand.

  Sydney grasped her hand reluctantly and let Charlie lead her to the buffet line. She filled her plate and meandered back to one of the picnic tables. Was Nathan OK?

  Halfway through her burger, the sliding glass door opened. Everyone greeted Nathan with waves and hellos. Sydney’s nerves calmed. His gaze stayed steady on her. One arm stayed behind his back as he marched directly up to where she was sitting. Suddenly all conversation stopped. She was surrounded by complete silence.

  Nathan plopped a cup in front of her. He snapped the lid off the top and scooted a small bag beside it. “I know this is one of your delicacies.”

  She looked more closely at his offering. A chocolate shake and French fries. She met his gaze. “Thank you.”

  Nathan motioned toward the fries. “Go ahead. Show us how it’s done.”

  She reached in and pulled out a fry. Something dangled from it. Her pulse ignited.

  “Here, let me help you with that.” Nathan knelt and slid the diamond ring off the fry. “Sydney Russell, if I’m honest, I’ve loved you since spotting those dimples that pop out when you smile.”

  Tears rimmed her eyes. Her hands trembled.

  He clasped her left hand in his. “I asked your dad for permission today, and he faithfully asked me where I was in the Word.”

  She chuckled.

  “I told him that it’s because of you that I’m back in the Word.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks. He brushed at them with his free hand.


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