His Human Subject

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His Human Subject Page 3

by Stella Rising

  “Lie down,” he growls, sweeping his free hand across his muscular thighs. “Or you’ll do what, exactly?” I snap. Though I want to sound threatening, it comes out sounding fearful; even if I wasn’t injured, he’d still be perfectly capable of overpowering me, and we both know it. He takes my other wrist in his hand and yanks it away so I can’t cover my pussy. “I’ll show you what happens to obstinate, disobedient girls in the Blight—what happens to fools who value pride over prudence. I tried convincing you with reason, but it’s clear you just need to learn the hard way.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I say.

  “Are you sure?” he asks, yanking me down onto his lap. He lets my injured wrist hang limply at my side and presses my good arm hard into my back. Wriggling against his legs, I struggle to free myself but can’t escape his grip. Prust chuckles softly, restraining me with ease. When I refuse to settle down, he swings with his free hand and slaps my rear.

  “Ow! What the fuck!” I shout, trying to twist away. He holds me steady, though, sending a rush of panic to my heart.

  “You’re going to learn some discipline, Alexis. Being a leader won’t be easy. If you can’t handle some pain, you’ll be lucky to last a week.”

  Is he crazy? What does getting stripped and spanked have to do with leading?

  “Hey, asshole, do you think you can just—”

  Prust interrupts me with another hard smack.

  “Yes, Alexis, I do. I can do whatever I want to you,” he replies. “This is the Blight. There are no official laws or authority here. If I decide to spank you so hard you can’t sit down for a month, no one will stop me. That’s what you signed on for, Alexis.”

  “No, it’s not. You’re not supposed to be—”

  This time Prust delivers a series of strokes, swatting my ass from each side. While I’m focused on the fresh pain, Prust releases my good arm and grips the broken one instead. I still can’t escape, but my broken wrist starts to feel much better. Tears drip from my cheeks in frustration: the healing feels like magic. If I had just agreed in the first place, this would have taken minutes, and I wouldn’t be half-naked, my ass covered in bruises. But then I’d be in his debt. I didn’t ask for this.

  “You convinced a thousand humans to leave their homes for a dangerous, untamed world,” says Prust. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten them and yourself into.”

  He peppers my bottom with a few softer spanks; they don’t cause too much pain, instead allowing me to dwell on my helplessness. Everything about Prust feels so powerful, from the calm, measured cadence of his rich voice to the steely clasp of his fingers around my wrist. He could be pummeling my ass right now if he chose, but he’s content to humiliate me instead.

  To make matters worse, my pussy practically drips with need. Maybe it’s some kind of inverse response to being treated in such a way, like how one laughs nervously when they’re afraid. I don’t know what’s causing it, I just hope Prust hasn’t noticed. I can only survive so much embarrassment. I’d rather have a broken hand for the rest of my life than have him see me in such a state.

  “Are you learning your lesson, Alexis?” he asks.

  “Yeah, never accept help from an alien.”

  That earns me a hard smack, and he uses his whole palm to scour my already burning skin.

  “You’re a brat, Alexis. I don’t know how someone with your maturity became an Air Force pilot, although I suspect your father contributed to it.”

  “Fuck you!”

  I’ve been hearing shit like that since my first day at the Academy. It didn’t stop me from becoming one of the best pilots in the country, but I don’t need it thrown in my face.

  “You think you know me?” I say. “You don’t.”

  Prust gives my ass a couple more strokes. “I know you’re easily riled, that you’re vain and constantly seeking approval. And, like every human on this planet, you don’t appreciate what you have. You’re going to learn a lot about that now, though.”

  He releases me, then lifts me off his lap. My hand and wrist feel completely fine; my ass is another story. I immediately pull up my clothes, eliciting fresh pain as the fabric slides over my bruised cheeks. Turning back to curse him out, a million thoughts race through my mind, but I’m so furious, I can’t bring myself to speak.

  “You’re not going to thank me?” Prust says, pointing at my arm. “Shocking.”

  “You’re such an asshole,” I reply. “Thanks for proving I was right about you. Just wait until I tell everyone what you did.”

  “If you want to humiliate yourself by telling them, you go right ahead. Now get out,” he barks. “We’re done here.”

  “With pleasure,” I mutter, ignoring the churning between my legs.

  Flexing my healed wrist and hand, I walk gingerly. Between my sore ass and swollen pussy, all I want is a little relief; I can’t help feeling somehow dejected that Prust didn’t offer me any.

  I should have just seen a doctor and accepted however long it took to recover. Lesson learned, I guess: the next time I need help, I’ll ask for it—just not from Prust.

  Chapter Four

  My rear end hurts so much that night I’m forced to sleep on my front. I barely manage to rest, probably because I refused to indulge my bizarre arousal, preferring to let it subside on its own. Instead, it keeps me up half the night—and when I do slip into unconsciousness, I dream of Prust again. I spend several minutes perched atop his legs, feeling the heat from his body. When he speaks, his voice vibrates through my entire body. In the dream, he’s got me naked and pinned. I should be scared, but I feel oddly safe.

  When I wake, my ass still tingles, but I suppose it’s better than a broken wrist. Part of me wants to run out and tell everyone what Prust did, but he was right about one thing: I’d rather not suffer the humiliation. Instead, I throw myself into work to take my mind off the disaster that was yesterday. There’s no shortage of work to do: I could help with the construction of our medical center, but it would invite some questions about my hand I’d rather not get asked. Another choice is to help out in the makeshift cafeteria, cooking for the colony—but I’m a pretty terrible chef.

  Instead, I opt for agriculture—planting seeds for snow peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and more. Back in the day I used to enjoy gardening; it was a nice way to escape from life for a while. Granted, I never had to sow entire fields and hope that the soil was fertile enough for them to take. Buying sprouts from the store made the hobby a whole lot easier.

  Dani joins me most days, helping with digging and watering. We talk constantly, but she’s nice enough not to ask about what happened between me and Prust. I manage to go a week without talking to or even seeing him. He’s kept to himself, as promised, and I’ve been too busy to think or care about what he might be doing at any given moment.

  By the end of that first week, though, part of me almost hopes to run into him, just so I can throw it in his face how good things are going. Morale is high, people are working together—we’ve already finished building a twenty-person dormitory, allowing most of our eldest colonists to live with proper walls, floors, and ceilings.

  On day eight, however, I wake up to the buzzing of angry voices all trying to be heard at once. Pulling on a pair of sandals and a coat over my pajamas, I wander toward the source, heart already racing.

  “They could be miles away by now,” says a man I recognize from the applications: Tim Savage, one of our professional hunters. “I say we get on their trail immediately.”

  “And then what?” asks Dani. “Get them to wait while we build a jail?”

  Tim pats the barrel of the rifle in his grip. “At least we’ll take back what’s ours.”

  “Guys, what the hell’s going on?” I ask, bristling a little that no one came to wake me.

  Dani sums it up for me fast: sometime during the night, the Robertson and West families abandoned the settlement, stealing four electric carts and all the supplies they could haul away. They took mont
hs’ worth of food, materials to build a new shelter, and a cache of guns and ammunition.

  By the time they finish explaining, the mob has gone quiet, listening now. I can’t help feeling a bit exposed, that they’re waiting for me to make a decision.

  “This can’t go unpunished,” says Tim, “or more will do the same.”

  “I agree, but how? Like Dani said, we don’t have a jail. And if we did, we’d need someone to run it.”

  “True. It would be easier to just shoot them,” he mutters.

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “Excuse me? You did not just say that.”

  Tim shrugs. “You got a better idea?”

  Shit. I actually have no clue what to do. My team and I spent months vetting our selections for the colony; we knew there might be some small crimes after a while, but we never imagined whole families would betray us.

  “Killing them is not an option,” I say, in part because it’s true but also to stall. Out of the corner of my vision, I spot Prust keeping an eye on us from the edge of the crowd. As if I needed a distraction.

  “So you don’t know what to do either, huh?” Tim says, shaking his head.

  “Look, I’ve never done this before, okay?” I blurt.

  “That’s right, you were just the AAL’s pretty blonde mascot.”

  Dani steps in front of me, keeping me from punching Tim in his smug face. “None of us would even be here if not for Lex,” she says. “Show some respect.”

  I can’t help glancing over at Prust, who’s still watching. What would he do in this situation? He’s on the Council—he must have made much more difficult decisions than this. Of course, I’m not going to ask him; I’ve got better things to do than get spanked by a Dominar asshole.

  “Okay, Tim. Here’s what you can do: go recruit a couple of guys to guard the remaining supplies. Then take some of the other hunters and find some game, maybe some edible plants. Whatever we can find to make up for what was taken.”

  Tim nods. “Sure. And what do we do if we catch someone else trying to steal?”

  “I don’t know. Detain them until we can figure it out,” I reply.

  “Detain them how? Should we dig a big hole to put them in? Or how about we make a human wall, like a game of Red Rover?”

  Those close enough to hear start laughing; I even catch a grin on Prust’s face.

  “I’ll tell you when I know.” I’m starting to feel dizzy; this conversation needs to end before I lose it.

  Tim’s not done, though. “How about you tell us why we’re even listening to you right now? You’re not the president of New Earth. Just because you got us here, doesn’t mean you should lead us. Whoever said you’re in charge, Alexis?”

  “I don’t know!” I snap. “You all followed me here. If that’s not good enough anymore, fine by me.” The world is spinning, so I turn and stride away, not letting them see the tears threatening to fall.

  What if he’s right to doubt me? What have I really done to show I’m ready for this? Am I certifiably insane? I left a comfortable life on Earth, romanticizing the idea of living on the frontier. What the hell do I know about managing such an operation? I’m a pilot turned social media expert, not a commander or governor. Why did I think this would be easy, or fun?

  Worst of all, what if this colony fails? Some people would say it proves that humans aren’t ready to survive without the Dominars’ guidance, and it would be hard to argue. Others would blame me, maybe rightfully so. Either way, it’s unacceptable. The possibility that I’m wrong about humanity will haunt me if I let it.

  I keep going until I can no longer perceive the noise of the crowd. However, I do hear slow, quiet footsteps coming from behind.

  “Go away, Prust,” I mumble, wiping my face. He’s the last person I want to see me this way.

  “Not to pile on, but where do you suggest I go?” he replies as he walks up beside me. He points straight ahead of us. “My residence is that way.”


  In my frustration and self-pity, I failed to notice where exactly I was walking.

  “You weren’t coming to see me?” he asks.

  “No,” I spit. “I came this way by accident.”


  That’s all he says. Is he being sarcastic? Does he think some subconscious psychological nonsense led me here? Not a chance.

  “If you change your mind, you know where to find me,” he says, continuing on.

  “Never in a million years!” I call out after him, doing my best not to gaze at his shapely backside.

  “Except last week!” he shouts in response.

  That piece of shit.

  “Hey!” I say, jogging to catch up. “Could you not?”


  I scowl. “Someone could have heard you. I don’t want people knowing what you did to me.”

  “What I did for you.”

  I’m not getting drawn into an argument. “Whatever. Just keep it to yourself, okay?”

  Prust’s expression softens, and he looks at me with pity. “People know I fixed your hand. They’re not stupid, Alexis. If they haven’t mentioned it by now, they don’t care. As for the rest of it, I would never say a word.”

  “Good. Thank you.” He may be a literal pain in the ass, but at least he’s discreet.

  He nods, and I see in his eyes a brightness, a twinkle of endless hunger and fascination. “I meant it though: I have access to millions of years of collective experience. I’m not going to waste my time watching you make simple mistakes. I can teach you how to be a better leader, and I will.”

  Oh, is that so? I bet he’d love to have something else to hold over me. Everything I do right, he could take credit.

  “Wouldn’t that be interfering?” I ask.

  “Yes, it would,” he replies, smiling. “I said I will teach you, not that I should. But I’ll enjoy it. You tempt me, Ms. Miller.”

  His expression elicits a fresh wave of need. For all his talk of me tempting him, I’m the one getting betrayed by my body every time I see him. I should go, get him out of my sight, right now.

  Yet, I don’t want to be what he said: a fool who values ‘pride over prudence.’ My people deserve the best leader they can get. Could I swallow that much pride for their sake? I suppose I owe them enough to try.

  A stiff wind kicks up, carrying the planet’s earthy, musky scent. I’m still in my sandals and pajamas, and it makes me shiver.

  “What would I have to do?” I ask.

  “Submit. You will listen to my advice, respect my experience, and obey my instruction.”


  “You do realize I came to this damn planet so I wouldn’t have to obey the Dominars?”

  Prust laughs. “Defy me if you wish, human. You’ll regret it.”

  With that, he turns to go.

  I almost feel like thanking him. When he found me, I was depressed. Now I’m annoyed. That’s much better.

  Not wanting to wallow or sulk anymore, I return to my tent to get dressed. When I get there, though, Dani is waiting.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Tim proposed having a vote for an official leader. The crowd liked it, so we’re gonna have one.”

  I nod, opening the packing crate containing my jeans. “That’s fair.”

  Dani follows me inside and puts up an electric kettle for coffee. “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “I guess not,” I admit, throwing on a tight black top.

  If I want to duck personal responsibility for the colony’s potential failure, this is my chance to bow out.

  “I’m wondering if I should hand over the reins,” I say.

  Dani sets down our mugs and slams the cabinet shut. “Bullshit. This is your baby.”

  “Maybe it shouldn’t be anymore.”

  “No way.” Dani picks up the kettle, but her hands are shaking. Steam hisses in protest until Dani sets it down. “You were meant to do this, Lex! You made this happen. Wasn’t that the
hard part?”

  “Apparently not.”

  She steadies her grip long enough to pour the hot water. “They followed you here. They want to keep following you. You’re not in this alone, remember? You’ll have plenty of help.”

  “Thanks, Dani.”

  I know she means herself, as well as Steve, Ed, and Jeanne, but my thoughts turn to Prust. He no doubt has all the answers. He could tell me how to make this colony thrive. Then I wouldn’t be letting down Dani, or my parents. Isn’t that worth the price I’d have to pay?

  “You’re right. I didn’t start this thing just to sit on the sidelines.”

  “Yes!” Dani shouts, making a loud clap with her hands.

  A surge of electricity buzzes in my chest. I can’t give up, not without a fight. “I’m going to resolve the thefts peacefully and fairly, and then I’m gonna win that vote.”

  “Fuck, yes,” says Dani, raising her mug in salute. “I’ll spread the word.”


  If Prust is so smart, he probably already knows I’m coming. I’m sure he’s already planning his ‘lessons.’ My stomach churns imagining the hell I’m walking into.

  This had better be worth it.

  Chapter Five

  “They want to replace me as leader,” I say, barging in on Prust’s residence. He’s studying a holographic chart as I enter. He’s not wearing a shirt, so it’s a good thing he has his back toward me or I might not be able to finish saying what I came to say. “There’s going to be a vote. I want to win. And then I want to do a good job, making this colony a success. If you’re going to help me, now’s the time. Can you do me a favor and not be too much of an ass about it?”

  “Can you not be obstinate and brash?” he asks, not taking his eyes off the hologram.

  This was a bad idea. I take a deep breath, though, and remember why I’m here. “I’ll try.”

  “Good,” he says.


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