His Human Subject

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His Human Subject Page 13

by Stella Rising

  “Pleasant dreams, Alexis.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  We’ve been going at it for what feels like hours. Taking me from behind, he holds my breasts, squeezing me against him, pressing his rock-hard abdomen against my back. His cock drives deep with each thrust, his motion slow but untiring, like loud, staccato notes, each more blissful than the last.

  “Please, don’t stop,” I whisper.

  “Never,” he says.

  His voice... it isn’t right.


  I turn around to see Vahree.

  “Holy shit!” I gasp, waking from the dream.

  My limbs are locked in place; I’m still in Prust’s residence.

  Was that an aftereffect of Vahree’s allure? I hope so. Even in the throes of ecstasy, I meant what I said about belonging to Prust. He’s the only alien for me.

  Of course, it could just be that this device he’s got me wearing is sending my carnal cravings into overdrive. I can’t have it, so I want it even more. It’s a vicious cycle.

  “Alexis, are you up?” Prust asks.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The telerings let me go, finally. I immediately reach down to my waist, feeling for the device—but of course, it’s still firmly locked to my body.

  “Come here,” he says. “You should see this.”

  Wincing at the soreness still lingering all over, I wander over to a hologram of Piskiron. Like the night Vahree first arrived, there’s a ship detected in orbit around the planet.

  “Is he leaving?”

  Prust shakes his head. “No. His ship’s maintained a geosynchronous position for the past few minutes. He’s sending a deep-space transmission. He’s calling his people, likely giving them his location. Right now an entire host of immoral Venai exiles are gearing up to raid your colony.”

  “You don’t know that for a fact. Maybe he’s calling in a ship with goods to trade.”


  I sigh. “I refuse to jump to conclusions. Let me talk to my people. I’ll see what they think of Vahree. If they agree he’s a threat, I’ll tell him he’s not welcome here.”

  “And if he comes back with a raiding party?” Prust asks.

  I lean in and kiss his cheek. “Then you’ll save our asses and I’ll be forced to admit you were right. It’s a win-win for you.”

  He smiles and rolls his eyes. “If I have to save you from an alien invasion, you are going to pay dearly, pet.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I reply, aching on the inside.

  “Yeah.” He kisses me and holds me tight. I know this is only going to whet my appetite, but it feels so good. I don’t stop him, enjoying his every taste and touch until he finally lets me go.

  Hearing my stomach rumble, Prust sits me down and practically force-feeds me a bowl of steamed grains. I don’t really have time to eat, but after the first bite my stomach rumbles in approval, so I spoon it all down quickly. Prust watches, standing behind my chair until I finish.

  “Satisfied?” I say.

  He nods. “Gather your people. Tell them what’s happening. Ask for their input, or make a decision yourself. Either way, don’t let them panic. Keep them calm and, if necessary, ready to defend their home.”

  “I will,” I say. “And I’m going to tell them about us. I promised Dani I would, before Vahree arrived.”

  He nods. “Good.”

  Getting dressed, I rub the smooth device covering my waist. “Hey, how am I supposed to—”

  Before I finish, something pokes me from inside the garment. A plug of some kind emerges and slides up my rear.

  “Don’t worry,” says Prust. “It’s Dominar tech. It’ll see to your needs.”

  “Super,” I mumble, taking a tentative step. The plug moves with me wherever I go. “How long am I going to have to put up with this?”

  “For as long as the Venai threaten your people.”


  Prust grins. “What do you say, pet?”

  “Thank you, sir,” I mutter.

  “You’re welcome. Now go.”

  * * *

  I spot Ed first, at work weeding his garden.

  “Colony meeting in twenty minutes. Get everyone,” I order.

  He doesn’t hesitate or question me, he just drops his trowel and runs. So do Jeanne and Steve. After fifteen minutes of marching through the settlement and telling everyone I see to assemble, the din of nearly a thousand people reverberates through the air.

  As I weave through the growing crowd, nervous chatter buzzes around me. I’ve never called a sudden, impromptu meeting before. It’s no surprise people are worried. If Prust is right about the Venai, they should be.

  When I reach the stage, I nearly stop dead in my tracks.

  “Vahree,” I say, trying to keep my expression light, but formal. It’s not easy to do with a toy shifting in my ass with each step, but even more so because he’s standing next to Dani.

  This is bad. I can’t exactly ask the colony what to do about our visitor if he’s standing five feet away. I should have had someone see to Vahree, to keep him from the meeting—although he could have planted listening devices, so maybe it wouldn’t matter.

  As I get close, I can’t take my eyes off him and Dani. Both smile as they converse, animated in their body language and laughter. She flashes doe eyes at him, lips parted, her cheeks pink, while Vahree grins, rubbing his chin, putting his thick bicep at Dani’s eye level.

  Really? He hasn’t given up on me, has he? Or is this just him being friendly? It sure looks like more than that to me.

  “Hi,” I say, cutting into their conversation. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

  Vahree’s smile somehow grows even wider. “Not at all. Dani has been a gracious, lovely host. She’s given me great insight into both you and your people.”

  “Oh? Like what?” I reply, giving Dani some side-eye.

  Chuckling, Vahree says, “Like the fact you’re involved with a Dominar. You neglected to mention that last time.”

  My body stiffens. “That’s actually why I called everyone here,” I say, only part lying. “To make the truth public, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Thanks, Dani.”

  “It just slipped out,” Dani mumbles, staring at her feet. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  Seriously? What’s wrong with her? I’m not going to make a scene in front of Vahree, but we are definitely going to have a talk later. She’s never spilled something like that before, that’s not like her. She isn’t jealous, is she? It’s not as though Vahree and I are an item—though, if he’s not as bad as Prust thinks, maybe I wouldn’t rule it out...

  “It’s my fault,” he says. “When I found out Dani’s your friend, I couldn’t help asking. I had to know the kind of man it takes to earn the affection of such strong women.”

  “Well, it’s not really like that,” I say. “I mean, it’s complicated.”

  “Alexis, there’s no need to apologize. No one knows better than me the desire one feels for that which is forbidden. We’re all dominated by our instinctive hungers, whether it’s for freedom or bodily pleasure. It’s only natural.”

  “We can’t help wanting what we want,” adds Dani, biting her lip.

  Vahree nods. “Precisely.”

  Considering his hatred of the Dominars and the fact he tried to kiss me, Vahree’s being shockingly reasonable. Would I be so understanding if I were in his shoes? I don’t know, but I doubt it.

  “The two of you should join me later for dinner and—”

  “Alexis, start the meeting.”

  I turn around to see Prust dressed in his finest Dominar uniform: a striking onyx jacket adorned with a white fractal insignia. Standing a foot taller than everyone around and carrying himself with authority, he’s clearly not attempting to blend in.

  “Yes... of course,” I say, nearly calling him ‘sir’ out of habit. My mind races, discombobulated. How did I forget about the meeting? It’s like I was hypnotiz

  Pushing past Dani and Vahree, I climb up on the stage and take the microphone from its stand. I wish I had some sort of speech written down. Vahree’s presence has me completely unraveled.

  “Good afternoon,” I begin. “Sorry for interrupting everyone’s day, but I have an announcement that couldn’t wait. I have two, actually. I’m sure you’re all interested to hear about our visitor, Vahree. We’re very excited about the possibilities for trade and building a relationship with his people... Back on Earth, strangers from distant lands often proved dangerous and untrustworthy. It can be scary to face the unknown, and we are safest when we are prepared for the worst. But this is a new world, and a new age. We are strong and prepared, but we are also eager to start a new chapter.”

  When I finish, I look out to the audience; they clap politely, but without enthusiasm. As long as the right message got through, then I don’t care about the applause.

  I find Dani in the crowd and smile, despite my dismay to see she’s holding Vahree’s hand.

  “The second announcement I have is not going to be easy for you to hear, but I owe you the truth. As you know, Councilor Prust has been observing the colony since our arrival.” I gesture at him to join me on stage. He does, standing at my side, gazing out at the assembly, his expression neutral.

  “As you no doubt are aware, there are few humans more critical of the Dominars than me. I’d like to think that played a role in all of us standing here right now.”

  The audience laughs, nodding in agreement. I smile, as does Prust.

  “Because of that, it will probably shock you to hear that Prust and I have grown close in the past couple months. We care for each other. We’re... in a relationship.”

  This gets the reaction I expected: scowls, dropped jaws, and hushed murmurs.

  “A complicated relationship,” I add. “There’s so much we don’t agree on, and our goals couldn’t be more opposed, but we care about each other. He wants what’s best for me and all of us, even if we disagree about what that is. He’s a good listener. When I feel lost, he’s always there to shine a light. And I promise you all, our connection has not changed who I am, what I believe or what I want for New Earth—no matter how much this drives him crazy.”

  A few faces in the crowd soften, but most still look perturbed.

  “I accept that you may not be comfortable with this, but I promise you, he has made me a better leader.”

  Looking out at the people, all I see is disappointment and anger.

  “Get off our planet, alien!” shouts someone, I don’t see who.

  The crowd murmurs, the collective sound gaining volume.

  “Prust only wants to help us—” I begin, trying to turn this around.

  “Fuck you!”

  I can’t tell where that came from, or to whom it was directed. It stirs the crowd even more.

  Heart hammering, I’m starting to sweat. I don’t know how to get them back. I’m tempted to just leave, limiting the damage. A tactical retreat. Before I can, though, Prust slips his hand around mine and takes the microphone.

  “Hey, that’s enough!” he booms, silencing everyone. “I assure you all Alexis has fought me every single time I’ve tried to give her advice. She’s too stubborn and willful to do anything unless she feels it’s right.”

  Several colonists start to yell back but Prust persists, his sonorous voice rising above the rest.

  “You trusted her to bring you to another planet! You trusted her to lead. Nothing has changed. And as for me—I want to make Alexis happy. She and I both want all of you to be happy, so we all share the same goals.”

  At first I hear only the wind, but soon a few claps ring out. It grows into polite, cautious applause, which is the best I could hope for at this point.

  “Thank you, everybody,” I say, waving and walking off the stage. As soon as I’m behind it, hidden from view, I lean against its thick metal supports. I cringe, reminded of the plug in my rear. Prust joins me, squeezing my shoulder.

  “That could have gone better,” I say.

  “I disagree. You did as well as you could.”


  Looking up, I see Dani and Vahree approaching.

  “You spoke well, you spoke truth,” he says. “It was commendable.”

  “That was really great,” Dani adds. “They’ll get it eventually.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter, hoping they’re right.

  “Councilor Prust. It’s an honor,” Vahree says, extending a hand.

  Prust shakes it, gripping so hard Vahree winces. “I will see to it you treat Alexis’ people as you would your own family, exile.”

  Vahree glowers. “I will. Speaking of, Alexis, I’d like to meet in private with you to discuss our first contract.”

  “Fine,” I say, wanting to end this showdown. Clearly these two men should not be within a mile of each other.

  “Alexis, I need a favor from you first,” says Prust. “It will only take a minute.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I grouse. “Vahree, excuse us.”

  He grabs my hand and pulls me away, practically jogging until we’re some distance from the stage.

  “What is it? Are you going to remove my plug?”

  “No. I need to give you nanites.”

  I had a feeling this would happen eventually. Prust has been kind enough not to bring up the issue of nanites for quite some time, but I knew he’d ask again.

  “I don’t want Dominar tech inside my body,” I say, well aware of the irony, considering what’s in my ass.

  “I can’t have you meeting with Vahree still vulnerable to his allure. Nanites can filter his pheromones from your system, making you immune. This is important, Alexis. You need your judgment unimpaired.”

  Tempted to turn him down on principle, I remember Vahree’s invasion into my dreams, and the way Dani and I have been acting around him.

  “Don’t you want to know if Vahree really is as charming as he seems, or if it’s just the allure?”

  I sigh, picturing the little machines flowing through my blood, latching onto the neurons in my brain.

  “How do I know that’s all the nanites will do?”

  “Because you trust me,” Prust says, taking my hand. “I promise I will never use them to spy on you or to control you. They’ll only be there to protect you.”

  I assume he means he’ll monitor my vitals, like the bracelet he had me wear. If it’s just for shielding me from Vahree’s allure, I can live with it.

  “Okay, fine.”

  Our hands begin to glow softly, warming just enough to be felt.

  “Thank you. And I’ll do something most Dominars never do for humans: I’ll give you full access to their programming. You’ll know exactly what they’re doing and what they’re capable of at all times. You will be able to enable or disable features at will, or even shut the nanites off completely. Just, please don’t.”

  As he speaks, I experience everything he’s saying. It’s like a switch has been flipped: in moments, there’s a completely new perception available to me, like a dozen additional senses. I see what he means: communication systems, information access, the language database, real-time medical monitoring—it’s all there. The knowledge that there are traces of allure lingering in my system makes me shiver, but in seconds the nanites eliminate all of it.

  “Thank you, sir,” I say. “I better go.”

  Prust kisses me. “Be careful.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Looking for Vahree?” says Ed when I get back to the stage. “Dani took him back to your tent to talk.”

  I thank him and go. Thinking about the two of them, alone, in a confined space... I would sprint there, if not for how that would look to everyone else.

  When I get inside, I see I was right to be concerned. Vahree and Dani sit together on her bed, and she’s laughing and showing him something on her tablet.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I say, loud enough to interrupt. “Are you negotiating a
deal without me?”

  Vahree chuckles. “No, of course not.”

  A piece of information appears in my brain: the nanites have detected pheromones. It’s not a strong concentration, but he is definitely using his allure.

  “No,” Dani mutters, inching closer to Vahree. “I was just showing him pictures from the Aruba trip.”

  “I wanted to see some of Earth’s beauty,” Vahree explains.

  “Of course,” I say, wondering if he meant the beaches or Dani in a bikini. “Earth is an amazing world, but I’d like to think we brought the best of it with us.”

  “Yes, you certainly have,” Vahree says, eyes sliding down to my chest.

  Really? Was he doing that before, and I just failed to notice, or is he really in the mood?

  “Let’s get to business,” I say, crossing my arms in front of me. “We’ve got lots to discuss.”

  Vahree’s smile doesn’t change, but his eyes narrow in a brief glare. “We could, but wouldn’t you rather relax for a while?” he asks, patting the bed. “I always like to loosen up before a negotiation.”

  “Respectfully, I have a colony to run. Fun and games will have to wait.” Though I assert myself with confidence, I have to wonder if I’m blowing this. I’m not interested in small talk right now, but what if it’s customary for Venai to converse for a while before working?

  For whatever reason, Vahree’s smile fades entirely. “Very well. I’ve seen your colony, Ms. Miller, and you do not have a great deal in value to trade us. You do not possess superior technologies, nor do you have significant amounts of spare resources. You’re barely scraping by as it is. However, I know of a number of ways we both can benefit from a trade partnership.”

  I see what he’s doing in trying to put me on the defensive, focusing on his stronger bargaining position. It’s not going to work. “Such as?”

  Vahree stands up and summons a hologram of our settlement, focusing on a pair of construction sites. “Right now, one of the biggest limits to your growth is labor. There’s too much work to do and not enough hands. We can supply performance enhancers that will bolster your productivity.” From one of his jacket’s many pockets he takes out a clear bottle containing several small white pills. He pours a couple into the palm of his hand. “Want a day of practically unlimited stamina? How about a clear mind, impervious to distraction?”


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