Book Read Free

The Seventh Spirit

Page 40

by Adam-Clay Webb

  “Alright! Don’t get in his way!”

  “Shut up!”

  “Good luck!” Lex moved carefully down the slope, his first priority being the girl’s safety.

  “Blade!” Kyle called upon reaching up to him. The boy looked around wildly in awe and confusion.

  “Kyle,” Blade greeted, just turning toward him. Scores of bodies, looking like roughly a hundred, littered the place.

  “You killed them all?” The boy couldn’t believe his eyes.


  “Lynch and his men are taken care of. Lex’s gone with the girl,” he reported. The reality of the matter had struck Kyle again. “A girl?!”

  Exhausted, Lex had to stop running. He put the girl on her feet. She grabbed on to him, hugging him tightly, squeezing him as if she weren’t planning to ever let go of him. After a while, Lex put his arms around her loosely. The girl was sobbing.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her.

  “Who are you, Lex? Why have you and your friends come to rescue me? I know many soldiers were killed to free me. And you risked your lives! Are your friends all alright?!”

  “What is your name?” Lex asked her, like he hadn’t heard all that she said. She finally released him. He stared at her. The moon gave good light. “Wow…” he whispered to himself.

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  “Heh… Nothing.” The girl smiled, and even turned pink, understanding. “You’re a pleasure to look at I suppose,” Lex said nervously. Her hair was grey like her eyes, almost white, and it was long and silky, even more fluid that that of the Vinebenders, quite a rare and beauteous sight.

  “My name is Zen,” she told Lex.

  “Zen… Pretty name.” The pretty girl’s smile got bigger. She had thought that she had forgotten how to do such a thing. “Come, Zen,” Lex said, “let’s get you some rest. We’re almost home.”

  “Home? But I still don’t understand!”

  “You will in time. Soldiers will soon be here. We must hurry.” Lex grabbed her up again. She laughed as he strained to lift her, still weary.

  In minutes, Lex and Zen were at Star’s place. He put the girl down gently. “I think this is the place,” Lex said to himself, hoping he had thought right. He knocked on the door. Zen wondered.

  “Who is it?” a voice asked from seemingly the furthest corner of the house. Lex sighed, recognizing the voice.

  “It’s Lex!” After some rushing footsteps, the door was opened. Standing before Lex was Star, holding a bright lantern in her hand.

  “Hi!” Star greeted Zen.

  “Hello,” she greeted shyly, clutching closely to Lex. Star immediately realized that the girl was blind. She looked at Lex with a questioning face. Lex just nodded. Star raised her eyebrows.

  “Well come on in!”

  Lex held Zen’s hand and led her in slowly. “Come with me, pretty,” Star said, and took Zen’s hand, “I’ll get you cleaned up and some good food.”

  “Wait!” Zen stopped her. “I… I can tell that you are some really nice people and all, but… I really need to know what’s going on here. I mean… one minute I’m locked up in a cold cell, then next I’m in the middle of a hostage situation. Now I’m being offered clothes and food?”

  Star sighed.

  “Her name is Zen,” Lex introduced.

  “Zen, please trust us. You should figure by now that we mean you no harm. Between tonight and tomorrow, you will understand everything. Please, just let me get you cleaned up, and get you a hot meal and a warm bed for now. You must be hungry!”

  “I am hungry!” Zen admitted.

  “Right this way, young lady!” Star took her hand. Lex followed. “Have a seat, darling,” she offered, helping her to a chair at the table. “There’s chicken and bread and tea,” Star said, “the plate’s right there. It’s all yours!”

  “Wow… Th-thank you, Ma’am,” Zen answered, genuine gratitude evident in her voice. Though almost starving, she tried to eat and drink slowly. She sighed deeply in great pleasure as she consumed the kind of food she didn’t remember ever getting the chance to eat.

  “Where are Kyle and Blade?” Star asked.

  “On their way,” Lex answered, standing behind Zen as she ate.

  “You sure they’re alright?”

  “I’ll go back and make sure.” Lex left the house and went back on the road. He walked and walked, watching and waiting. He saw a few houses to his left and right. The road was lonesome, even a little eerie. Finally, he spotted two slowly approaching figures ahead of him. He couldn’t see their faces clearly, but by their figures and how their swords jutted from over their shoulders, he knew it was them.

  Chapter 28: Mind-bending Story

  By the time Blade and his companions had returned to Star’s on the night of the mission on the hill, Zen had long fallen asleep.

  “Are you fellows hungry?” Star greeted them, “I’m so glad you’re all safe! Supper is on the table.”

  “Hm. My thanks, but sleep would serve me better now.” Blade declined. “Coming?”

  Star tried to pull off a sarcastic smile, but there was sparsely any sarcasm in it.

  “Good night, Blade,” she bade.

  “I’ll leave mine for tomorrow as well,” Kyle said.

  “Alright, then. When you’re ready just take two empty beds down the hall,” Star told them. They nodded.

  “See you tomorrow, Star,” Kyle said, and he and Blade left.

  “You alright, Lex?” Star asked, much concern in her voice.

  “Where’s Zen?” he asked.

  “Asleep. By the time I drew her a bath and washed her clothes she was dozing off on me. She was beat.”

  “Yeah, I’d imagine… and Clover? Is she alright?”

  “Last time I checked, yeah.”

  Lex sighed. “Good. I’ll be sure to check on her before I sleep.”

  Star smiled.


  “You really love her, don’t you?” Lex smiled, holding his head down. “You needn’t answer. It’s quite plain,” Star told him. He laughed a little with raised brows. “About Zen,” she said in a lower, more serious tone, moving closer to Lex.


  “You really think she’s the one the spirit spoke of?”

  “I’m certain… Something’s definitely special about her.”

  “You mean her blindness?”

  “Hm.” Lex smiled a little. “I suppose we’ll be certain in the morning. We haven’t time, so we’ll have to test her out as soon as we can.”

  “I know.” Star covered her mouth as she yawned. “Guess that’s my cue,” she said, “I’ll retire to bed, now. G’night, Lex.”

  “Good night, Star.” She left through a separate door from the one which led to the room of beds.

  Lex looked down at the covered plates. He wondered whether he was more tired than he was hungry. After a moment of pondering, he decided that his tiredness had won, so he turned and took the door to his right, closing it behind him gently. The room was dimly lit, and resembled the bedroom of an orphanage he once visited some years before. There were about two dozen beds there. He walked down to where Zen was sleeping. He paused and looked at her, then he moved on to where Clover was. He rested his hand on her cheek. “You better wake up bright and early tomorrow… I really love you,” he whispered. She cracked her eyes open. His heart raced and flurried that very instant. “You’re awake…”

  “Kiss me again,” she whispered. He slowly lowered his head to hers. The space between their lips diminished to nothing, and they tasted each other. Lex kissed her again and again, almost unable to stop himself. She smiled faintly. He had a hungry look on his face, though, like he wanted to kiss her until morning. “Go to sleep now… Tomorrow… I love you too, Lex.”

  They all got some well-craved, well-deserved sleep, and had pleasant dreams. The sun rose fast nevertheless, and time would not wait. Zen opened her eyes as the warmth of the morning sun woke

  What a strange-- !! She grabbed on to the bed she was lying on. Her heart accelerated and she shivered. “It’s real! Lex! Lex?”

  “Huh?” Lex sat up as Zen’s commotion woke him. “Zen? You alright?” he sprang up from his bed and rushed over to her. “I’m here, I’m here.” He tried to calm her so she wouldn’t wake anyone else. Zen grabbed on to his face and moved around until she was sitting at the edge of the bed. Lex stared straight at her bright face.

  “Is this real? Did you really rescue me from prison last night? Or am I still dreaming?!”

  “It’s quite real, Zen,” Lex assured, smiling. Zen flung her arms around the boy’s waist, pulling him toward her abruptly, holding him tight.

  “I can’t believe it!” She exclaimed.

  “Lex?! Who is she?!” Clover raged in fright on waking. Lex flung his head in Clover’s direction, freeing himself forcefully from Zen’s arms.

  “Who was that?” Zen asked nervously in a low voice.

  “Uh… Remember that prisoner we had to rescue?” Clover, already on her feet, stared at Zen with many expressions on her face. Lex looked back down at the shaking Zen.

  “You’re… kidding, right?” Clover was seriously hoping that this was some kind of practical joke, or that she wasn’t yet awake.

  All turned their attention to the door as it was opened. “…S—Star?” Clover asked.

  “Hey! You’re awake!” Star greeted, and ran up to her and hugged her. Clover just stood there, still quite confused.

  “I don’t understand,” she said as Star released her. “Where—Where am I? How long was I asleep?”

  “Just a little while,” Star answered. “Do you remember fighting a lightning bender?”

  Lex sighed.

  “Uh…” Her face wrinkled as she thought back. “I remember that… Electron, was it?”

  “Right,” Lex said.

  “Right! You all didn’t seem to be handling the battle very well, so I shifted in and shifted you all here.” It seemed those answers brought Clover even more questions.

  “You shifted? You mean… You spaceshifted?!”

  “That’s right! I’m a—”

  “Witch!!” Clover exclaimed.

  “Yes, I am!” Star replied, grinning. Clover quickly stretched out her right hand and green mana swallowed it up. Star’s face lit up as she beheld this. They both grinned with bright eyes. Star stretched out her hand and showed Clover her blue mana.

  “Amazing!! Promise me you’ll teach me!”

  “I will, I will!” Star seemed just as excited. Clover grabbed her gladly. “How old are you!”


  Blade sat up in his bed.

  “Eleven?! And you’re at third grade magic?!” Star was certainly impressed. “Lex, why didn’t you tell me your girlfriend was a witch?!”

  “Girlfriend?!” Lex and Clover asked in a chorus.

  Star laughed. “You may as well call it what it is, right?!” Lex made a quick glance over at Zen, reading the disappointment and even embarrassment she was feeling. She was next to tears.

  Kyle rose up from his bed, still looking half asleep, but he knew the day wouldn’t wait on him. He stood and stretched and yawned.

  “Alright, so we’re all up now! Good morning to you all!” Star greeted them, and continued without waiting for a response. “I think we should now let Zen understand what’s going on here. We should start by telling her our names so she doesn’t feel like a stranger. Okay, I’ll start! My name is Starla Marakuchi! Call me Star!”

  “Uhh… Kyle Bengushi,” Kyle said, his voice telling plainly he wanted to go back to sleep. His covers were still over him.


  “Clover Bengushi.” Clover looked over at Zen with a threatening glance.

  “Wha?! You two are siblings?!” Star raved.

  “Mhm!” Clover confirmed.


  “What’s so cool about that?” Kyle came in.

  “Well, ever since I was little, I always wanted a little sis!”

  “Kyle, you’re out! Star, you’re in!” Clover said.

  “Won’t you tell them your name?” Lex asked Zen quietly, nudging her. Everyone heard and returned their attention to the blind girl.

  “Oh… Zen…” she answered softly with her head down, playing with her shaking fingers.

  “Alright,” Lex sighed, “I believe I should tell you why you’re here… Where do I start…”

  “The prophecy,” Star advised.


  “My Lord!” a voice called from outside. The king was in a very important meeting. The heads of state of Hercule and other great nations were there. The king rose from his chair in fury and red embarrassment. The other heads of state began whispering amongst one another.

  “Have you lost your mind, servant underling?! I am in a meeting of great importance! How dare you interrupt!”

  “Pardon me, my king, but I come bearing pressing news. It cannot wait, my Lord.”

  This frightened the king. He feared the worst.


  “Well… I believe I have heard that story a few times, or something of the sort, but I guess I always happen to miss the part where I help save the world. I’d really love to help you all… but I can’t…” Zen told them. “I’m just… a blind little girl… I thank you with all my heart for going to such lengths to rescue me. Your reasons are clear now, but I have nothing to offer you… I’m sorry.”

  “If you don’t mind saying, why would a little blind girl be thrown in prison?” Kyle asked.

  Zen’s face turned grimmer.

  “You don’t have to tell us,” Lex said softly, holding on to her shaking hand, giving Kyle quite an expressive glance. Zen rested her other hand on the hand that held hers.

  “Thank you, Lex.” Lex could feel Clover’s glare.

  “I’m sorry I cannot help you,” she repeated in a lowly voice.

  “Please, just don’t take me back to the prison.” She began crying.

  “Hey, it’s okay! You’re safe with us,” Lex comforted. “Remember my promise,” he whispered to her. He gripped her hands slightly. “And you can help us!” Lex insisted, “The spirit is never wrong, and the spirit chose you. You have some great power hidden inside you.”

  “And you better figure it out real fast!” Kyle added, “We’ll need as much help as we can get when Electron or his boss strikes again. Or that weird guy in a cape.”

  “Who is Electron?” Zen asked.

  “A lightning bender!” Star answered, “He is very powerful, and is our enemy!”

  “Matter of fact, we have quite a number of enemies,” Kyle said, “some we haven’t even met yet. We have to get rid of them before the ultimate enemy returns.”

  “And we need your help, Zen,” Lex summed up. “Whatever gift you have, this is its purpose; now is the time to use it.”

  “This is your calling Zen. You need to help us save the world. Fighting Trium is your mission as much as it is Lex’s,” Kyle implored. He even rose from his bed and walked over to her. He lay his hand on her head, on her silky-smooth white hair. “Do not be fearful. We’re on the same team here. You’re family now. Whatever secret you have, we will guard it with integrity and acceptance. This is for the greater good of all, Zen. Fight with us. We will protect you with our strengths. Do not think that we ourselves are weak. Our swords and ice and magic and darkness have slain many a man. To fight and kill for the greater good is nothing to shun or fear.” Lex and Clover were quite impressed with how noble and sincere Kyle sounded.



  “Supreme General.”

  “Forgive me for calling you from your pursuit of fugitive, the legendary Blade, the only swordsman who has matched you in skill. There is a much more urgent mission I must put you on, which is closely linked to the one you were on a moment ago.”

  “Yes? And how much will be my… compensation?”

ht to it, huh? Well let’s say… it’s quite lucrative.”

  “Such terms are relative, General.”

  “This mission will earn you my annual income.”

  “Hmm… Make it double that and I will consider it.”

  “Triple and you work on this with the zest with which you hunt Blade.”

  “Quadruple it and I have your mission checked off in two days.”

  “That’s why I like you, Mask. I will send with you a small team of special operatives to assist you. And as you know, all this must be kept under the radar.”

  “You know I work alone,” the masked one quickly reminded.

  “This mission, according to my sources, not even you can dream to accomplish alone.”

  “And you think your worthless underlings will be of any help?”

  “These men aren’t soldiers, masked one. They are… like you.”

  “There is but one like me, Supreme General, and you can bet your ass it isn’t any of your men.”

  “Masked one, I need you to assassinate a person that walks with the man you seek. I’m sending you after the infamous Icemaker. There are two others that travel with him, a witch and a boy; kill them too. I need their heads, all of them, to present to Lord Aragan.”

  “Correct me if I am mistaken, but hasn’t the king sent nearly his entire army to seek out these you speak of? Did they not for whatever reason kill his son as well as his queen?”

  “You are not mistaken. And yes, the king believes that the Icemaker and his followers, and the Ionide, are connected to his son’s and queen’s deaths. As for the Ionide, according to what I know of his race, we’ll have to sit and wait for old age to get the better of him.”

  “So I should kill the Icemaker, the witch and the boy, correct?”

  “Bring them in alive if you can. You must get this done before the army does.”

  “And why is that? Are you not the highest ranking officer of the army?”

  “For the moment.”


  “Do you know of a high general named Greyner?”

  “No. What of him?”

  “I hear Lord Aragan favours him, and is considering ranking him straight up to Supreme General next season. The U.S.G’s spot and the other ten ranks below his are all solid, so that means I’ll be looking at a rank I can’t even see from up here! My salary will decrease to a tenth of what it now is!”


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