Defend Me: A Frazier Falls Novel

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Defend Me: A Frazier Falls Novel Page 14

by Collins, Kelly

  “Is that why the stuff with Brady is bothering you so much?” Eli asked. “Because of what Melanie Jones said about it being Rose’s fault?”

  “It’s irrelevant. I’m just angry.”

  “Because you can’t deal with thinking she’d been messing with you the entire time, and that everything that’s happened over the past couple of weeks has been a lie?”


  “Stop being so ridiculous,” Owen spat out. “You saw how she reacted that night with your own eyes. Don’t you dare say it’s because she hadn’t expected to get caught. She was heartbroken to think she might have been the reason you were terrorized.”

  “She didn’t know why he was doing it at the time,” Eli added on.

  “That makes it worse.” Angry tears stung my eyes, but I blinked them away. “Even when she had no idea she was doing it, she was there, all the time, tormenting me.”

  “She was scared of Brady too,” Owen said gently. “I asked the girls about it. Lauren MacMillan admitted that Melanie had gone too far in accusing her of being responsible for what happened. I guess she didn’t like Rose much. Either way, Lauren told me Rose tried to outright refuse him, but he kept pressuring her and intimidating her. She never got why Rose said she was in love with you when, in reality, she could have said any guy’s name on the football team, and they’d have happily dated her as a decoy.”

  “How is this supposed to make me feel better?” I asked sullenly.

  “It’s supposed to make you understand. Rose said she loved you because deep inside, I think she did. Besides all of that, Brady was stalking her.”

  My eyes widened at Eli’s statement. “He was what?”

  “Rose didn’t know it, but Lauren admitted to seeing him following her around school. Caught him lurking outside her house. Rose only found out the other night. I think she was pretty shaken by it, but then the girls started pushing the blame for what happened to you on her.”

  “She should have called me about it.”

  “As if you’d have picked up a call from her,” Owen scoffed. “If you’d hung around for another five minutes, you’d have been there when Eli and I wheedled the whole truth out of Lauren. But no, you had to run off like a scorned lover.”

  “What happened to you was awful. Beyond awful. And I still don’t understand how you could have kept so quiet about it even taking into account your personality,” Eli added on when I raised an eyebrow. “But my point is,” he continued, “you can’t blame her for it. You’re only hurting yourself. Can’t you see that?” He shook his head. “It’s like damn high school all over again.”

  “I know she teased you when you were kids,” Owen said. “But you’d made up, right? In what world did she deserve the treatment she got?”

  “I …”

  Owen smiled sympathetically when I didn’t finish my sentence. “I know you want to act like you hate her. You want to be able to blame her. You finally found out the reason why Brady attacked you, and it had to do with her. I know that must have stung like a bitch, but that isn’t her fault, no matter how you spin it.”

  I was silent. I didn’t know what to say. I’d been ready to act like Rose was dead to me. To pretend she’d never existed, but deep inside, I knew I couldn’t let go of Rose because a world with Rose in it was a hundred percent better than a world without her. Here were my brothers, who I trusted more than anyone else, telling me I was wrong—confirming what I knew to be true. I couldn’t blame her when it was Brady who delivered the torture.

  I burst out laughing.

  Eli and Owen looked taken aback.

  “What?” Owen asked uncertainly.

  “Why are we all so screwed up?” I stared at him. “You don’t tell anyone but Eli about your panic attacks, and even then, it was only because he walked in on one. I literally had to see you almost vomit on stage to know what was going on with you.” I turned to Eli. “You literally stopped eating and sleeping because of Emily, and you were in complete denial about how much she meant to you. The whole time you didn’t say a word to us about it. And me …”

  The two of them chuckled.

  “Yeah, no need to explain what’s wrong with you, you weirdo,” Eli said.

  We only laughed harder at that.

  I wasn’t sure what to do about Rose. Not yet. My heart felt too raw and exposed. How was it that a wound in my childhood could fester into the cavernous hole I felt today? It just proved how powerful words were when said in anger. The razor-sharp edge of an accusation could eviscerate. I loved her, but I wasn’t sure what to do with that revelation.

  For now, I had a wedding stage to complete. Everything else could wait.

  I smiled at my brothers. “If you want me to get this finished on time, then I’d suggest you leave me alone.”

  “You sure you’ll be okay? You’re not going to jump in the creek and try to drown yourself?”

  “Hilarious. Go away. Both of you.”

  “Peace out,” Eli laughed as they walked away.

  I turned back to my work, feeling better and worse about myself. It was a bizarre sensation.

  No matter what I chose to do about Rose, I knew I could behave myself at the wedding and be civil. That had been what the two of us had wanted from the beginning. Now if I could just figure out the rest of it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Why was I so nervous? Every breath I took in was shaky and uncertain, as if at any moment, I might turn tail and run right back to New York without another word. But Eli’s eyes were on me, telling me not to go. I had to do this. Not for me, but for Paxton.

  Rich Stevenson and Nick were with us. Nick, of course, was in on the revenge plot and was on board to help in under a second. Rich had been more surprising when he told us Brady had picked on many people including him. It went a long way in explaining why he might like to see the man get a taste of his own medicine.

  The fact that Brady’s bullying still affected his victims made me think of everything Paxton had said and hadn’t said when I’d first arrived back in Frazier Falls. I underestimated how much impact my words and actions could possibly have had on him.

  It was high time for me to do more than apologize to Paxton. No, I had to act.

  “Ready, Rose?” Eli asked, glancing at me with a small smile.

  I flexed and unflexed my right hand, letting my finger joints crack in an exaggerated manner.

  “I didn’t get all dressed up for nothing. Let’s go.”

  In truth, I was dressed up. Part of Eli’s plan was for me to look as beautiful and irresistible as possible. To that end, I’d put on the backless, deep blue dress I’d worn to Frazier Falls, keeping my hair loose and wavy around my face. My lips were painted my favorite shade of dark red.

  “You look like you’re about ready to murder someone,” Nick joked. “Maybe rein in the vengeful energy.”

  I rolled my eyes but took a few deep breaths and forced myself to calm down.

  I smiled at him. “Better?”

  “Much better,” Nick said, both Rich and Eli nodding in approval.

  “Make sure to lead him on as much as possible,” Rich said enthusiastically, “so the punchline is way more satisfying.”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “Are you saying this for the benefit of the plan or for your own amusement?” Eli put an arm around his future brother-in-law’s shoulders as he said so. Rich glanced at his arm with slightly surprised eyes. “Right. Nick, Rich, and I will make our way into the bar first. Don’t come in until I text you.”

  I nodded, then leaned back against the wall as the three men made their way inside. Nobody passed me on the street while I waited, which I was grateful for. I was fairly certain at least half the town hated me right now for what I’d supposedly done to Paxton, and I simply didn’t have it in me to correct each and every person glaring at me as I went about my business.

  It had been like that the day before, on my way to and from the diner. I hadn’t been abl
e to take it, so I’d gone straight home, that way I wouldn’t have to see anybody. Acting like this wasn’t like me in the slightest. I had always held my head high and gone about my business, no matter what.

  I hoped this worked so things could go back to the way they were before. I had to be able to come back to see my mom on occasion and didn’t want the inhabitants of Frazier Falls to continue having such a low opinion of me.

  A buzz in my hand alerted me to a text from Eli. I smiled grimly. It was showtime.

  Remembering everything I knew from working with models and fashionistas in New York, I sauntered into the bar, glancing around until I spotted Brady cleaning a glass. I deliberately slid my sunglasses off to smile at him as I caught his eye, walking purposefully toward him as he put down the glass.

  “Why, if it isn’t Rose Rogers,” he drawled, leaning over the surface as he took in my whole appearance.

  I bent over in a mock bow. “In the flesh. It’s been a while, Brady.”

  “You’re telling me.” The way he looked at me made me feel equal parts uncomfortable and satisfied. Brady was going to fall for this hook, line, and sinker. “What’ll it be, Rogers?”

  I flashed another smile. “I came in to find you, but I’ll have a vodka and lime juice since you’re asking.”

  He kept his eyes on me as he made the drink. “You back in town for Carl’s wedding? Most everyone from our high school days is back for it, it seems.”

  I nodded. “Are you going?” I knew he wasn’t, but he couldn’t know that.

  He laughed bitterly. “I’m not, actually. I think Carl has a problem with me.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Not Owen?”

  “Owen’s been in here to drink a few times with Eli, so I don’t see why he’d have an issue with me.”

  “He’s brothers with Princess Paxton.”

  Brady burst out laughing. “Man, I forgot you used to call him that. He’s never set foot in here. His brother is another story. Doesn’t come around often, but he shows up on occasion.”

  I turned my head and spotted Eli, Nick, and Rich sitting in a booth drinking beer. They were the only ones in the place, which was good because they were the only ones to witness what was going down.

  “Didn’t Eli punch you in the face in high school?”

  He laughed. “It’s not an issue anymore.”

  I put a grimace on my face. “I’m not exactly liked by the Coopers right now, either.”

  “Oh? Is that so?”

  I leaned across the bar to get closer, allowing him to see down the front of my dress. The effect was immediate. His eyes took on a hungry sheen as his lips curled into a predatory smile.

  “Apparently, we’re co-conspirators.”

  “I like the sound of that. What did we do?”

  “Rumor has it, I set you on Paxton back in high school. Admittedly, I had no clue at the time.”

  I placed a hand on his arm. He looked at it, then back up at my face.

  “You said you were in love with him, so he had to go.”

  I bit my lip. “You must have known the truth. I mean … it was Paxton.”

  Eli, Nick, and Rich came up to the bar then.

  “Another three beers, please,” Eli ordered.

  Brady glared at him. “Can’t you see I’m busy, Cooper?”

  Eli stared at me as if he was only seeing me for the first time. His eyes widened in exaggerated shock. “Oh, if it isn’t Rose. I had no idea I’d ever see you in a scum-bag bar like this one.”

  “Watch your mouth, Cooper. You’re here too,” Brady growled. “This is my old man’s place.”

  “Yes, and he’d be ashamed,” I said.

  Brady turned with his face twisted into a scowl.

  “What do you mean, Rose?”

  The hand I had on Brady’s arm tightened on his sleeve. “Your poor father would be ashamed if he knew what his son did for kicks in high school. More than ashamed, I’d say.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” His fist came down on the bar and rattled the dirty glasses he hadn’t cleaned.

  “I had to hear with my own ears that you attacked Paxton because of me,” I cut in. “You knew exactly what you were doing. Not only had you scared me so much that I wanted you to leave me alone, but you put Paxton through hell because I loved him.” Saying it out loud was a relief.

  I paused, watching Brady carefully as his face warped into something entirely unpleasant. “Were you planning to force me to go out with you after you were done with him?”

  “You were always acting like you were too good for me, even now. Like I’m supposed to fall at your feet because you walk into my bar dressed like a fashion queen. You’re not better than me.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I am a hell of a lot better than you. I don’t try and drown people in creeks, hang them from the bleachers, and threaten them with knives simply because I can’t get someone to date me.”

  He laughed cruelly. “The freak deserved everything he got. He never even asked me to stop. I bet he got off on it—”

  I wound up and punched him in the face.

  Brady recoiled in shock, so I vaulted over the bar and punched him again, so hard that he ended up on the floor. Looking down, I realized my dress had risen too high on my thighs, so I yanked it down because, after all, I was a lady, and ladies didn’t show their goodies to just anyone.

  “Holy shit,” I heard Nick murmur. “Didn’t know you could do that, Rose.”

  “Looks like those self-defense classes in college came in handy.” I stared down at Brady, “You talk like that about Paxton again, and I swear to God you’re going to get more than a punch to the face.”

  “What, so now he has a girl fighting his battles for him?” Brady spat on the floor. “How noble.”

  “No, this is for me,” I said. “But the three guys over there might have something to say or do on his behalf.”

  I stabbed a stilettoed foot into the floor close to his groin, and the sound was like a gunshot. He winced away.

  Eli laughed. “I think you’re making our point clear, Rogers. You might want to smile. You’re on camera.”

  Brady swung his head around wildly to look up at Eli, whose cell phone was pointed in our direction.

  “You son of a—”

  “I’m sure your dad would love to see this.”

  “Don’t you dare—”

  “He’d probably take this place away from you. Can’t have a lowbrow bully like you running his business, can he?”

  Brady sucked in a rattling breath. He knew, perfectly well, his father would take the bar away. Whether he admitted it out loud or not, it was all Brady had.

  “What do you want?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  I grinned. “Nothing.”


  “Rose is right,” Eli said. “We want absolutely nothing from you. You’ll have to trust we’ll keep this to ourselves. Don’t give us a reason to share it.”

  I walked around the bar to join Eli, Rich, and Nick. “I’d say he’s gotten the message, wouldn’t you?”

  Brady scowled, too furious to speak—or too afraid. It was hard to tell. I shifted my hand slightly in his direction and was satisfied to see him flinch away.

  “Come on, guys,” I said. “Let’s go.”

  When we were outside, I was bombarded by hugs from everyone else.

  “That was some right hook, Rose.” Rich patted me on the back.

  “I never knew you had that in you,” Nick said.

  “I could almost fall for you,” Eli growled. “I like my women spirited.”

  I laughed at his remark. “Don’t forget that Emily has knife skills.”

  “That girl has all sorts of talents.” He whistled.

  I was quiet for a moment too long.

  Rich cocked his head. “You’re going to make up with Paxton, right?”

  “After all of this, you have to,” Nick added.

  I looked at Eli, begging him to u

  “I can’t. I have to leave him alone. It was what he always wanted. I finally understand that it’s not a challenge for me to try and overturn. I need to be the bigger person and let him live his life without me in it.”

  Eli nodded in understanding. “You say that just as I’m beginning to like you?”

  I made like I would punch him on the arm, but he retreated.

  “Hey, you’re not touching me after what I saw you do to Brady.”

  Laughter bubbled up inside me. “Fair enough.”

  “What are you going to do now?” Rich asked. “You want to come by and stay with Carl and me?”

  I shook my head, grabbing Nick as I did.

  “I think I’ll be fine. I have my best friend, and a mom who’s probably feeling neglected.”

  Nick grinned at me. “Look at you, all grown up.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Shut up.”

  But it was true. It felt like I’d matured, which made what I felt for Paxton hurt all the more.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The fact that the wedding was tomorrow hadn’t quite sunk in yet. The stage was finished, but I pretended it wasn’t so people would leave me alone. I knew it was selfish. There was so much to be set up, but I didn’t have it in me to care.

  How could I be excited for a wedding, considering everything that had happened? Even as I told myself it wasn’t fair to act this way—that I could still be happy for Owen and Carla even as my heart was stinging—I couldn’t stop myself from spiraling inside my head. Even after everything Owen and Eli had said to me to try and clear it, I still felt miserable.


  Speak of the devil. I gritted my teeth and kept my back turned away from him. I knew he was likely here to make me feel better or talk more sense into me.

  “Pax, come on,” he continued when I ignored him.

  “What’s up?”

  “He speaks. I was beginning to forget what your voice sounded like. Felt like high school all over again.”


  He came over and collapsed on the stage.


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