Afraid to Hope (Secrets & Seduction)

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Afraid to Hope (Secrets & Seduction) Page 11

by MJ Nightingale

  Lou found him like that a few hours later asleep on the sofa, CNN on, and his head resting on the arm rest. She had woken up, and not finding him there with her, had gotten up to search for him or to see if he had left while she slept. She threw on an oversized t-shirt ad padded across the room to her open door. She shut it and seeing no one in the kitchen went to the living room to look down in the driveway for his bike. That’s when she found him. He looked so vulnerable sleeping like that, and she hated to wake him, but it had to be incredibly uncomfortable. “Jay,” she softly shook him.

  “What-what,” he flung her hand aside and immediately jolted up off the sofa scanning the room and his surroundings until his eyes settled on her. Lou had backed up a few steps at his sudden jerky movements. Note to self, she thought, don’t do that again to a man twice her size, who was in a war, and is in unfamiliar surroundings.

  “Sorry to wake you, Jay. It’s just that you looked so uncomfortable.”

  “Oh, Lou,” he mumbled settling his eyes on her. His heart rate began to decelerate. His immediate thought had been ambush, and he could have done something horrible. “I am sorry if I scared you. I should have warned you, not to wake me. It’s best if I wake up on my own.”

  “I understand,” she whispered not wanting to wake Missy. “I should have known better. My dad is the same way. Jumps every time. Do you want to come back to bed?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t sleep well sometimes, and this is one of those nights.” He saw the disappointment in her eyes. He didn’t like knowing he had put that look there. “I should go home, get some rest. Maybe we can do something tomorrow,” he offered.

  “I can’t,” she lowered her eyes. “I’m going out with the realtor again. There were a few properties we didn’t see, and she said she would find a few more that might meet my needs better. But maybe you could come with us?” Lou asked.

  He saw the hope flair in her eyes again. He hated to do it, but he would have to disappoint her again. “I can’t. I have a thing about cars.”

  Lou shook her head to clear her head. A thing about cars?

  “I don’t . . .” she began.

  Jay interrupted her. “Let’s take a shower before I go. I’ll explain another time. It’ll wake me up for the drive, and save you time tomorrow.”

  She swallowed. “Okay.” She stood there not knowing what to say and a bit surprised at the turn of the conversation. He held out his hand to indicate she should lead the way. She turned on one foot, and walked to the bathroom. Opening the door to the linen closet on the way, she stopped and pulled out two large towels.

  He waited behind her, silent in the dark. In the bathroom, she flipped on the light and they both had a moment of disorientation until their eyes adjusted. She set the towels down on the counter and then made her way to the shower. It was an open shower design with a half wall. She walked into it, and adjusted the temperature until it was nice and hot. She turned the handle from jet to spray, and stepped back out of the mist. She tentatively got in, and he was right behind her.

  “I’m sorry, Lou,” he said when she turned around and he saw her eyes. “Don’t be disappointed. I get like this some times. My mind races, and I can’t think clearly. You said your dad was in Nam, had PTSD?”

  She nodded, and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat.

  “I have it too, Lou. It’s not as bad as it used to be. But on occasion I have my moments. Are you okay with that?” his eyes searched hers, as he reached for the bottle of body wash behind her.

  ‘Yes,” she nodded as he squeezed a generous amount onto her loofah sponge. He began to create a lather.

  Then he smiled at her. Her heart skipped a beat. “Good. I’m glad. I’ll be careful with you. I promise.” The lump was there, getting bigger. He would be careful with her. To her that meant everything. He just didn’t realize how much.

  “Thank you,” she answered, and his smile grew wider. “Thank you for telling me, and thank you for your honesty.” Jay laughed and reached out to lather her body. He reversed their position and now he stood under the spray as he continued to lather her body. He was cleaning her thoroughly, methodically, but still it was such an intimate act, that Lou couldn’t help but feel.

  “It’s hard to talk about stuff because it brings it back, and seems real like it is happening now. But I’ll always tell you the truth, Lou. When I am comfortable. Okay?” He was watching her face.

  “Okay,” she trembled from his tender words and under his touch. He had lathered her torso, her arms, her breasts, and now his hand dipped lower. He rubbed there too. He was being so very efficient, getting all her parts, but it still felt incredibly erotic.

  “Turn,” he ordered. She immediately complied, and he began to lather her back and her bottom. She heard him laugh.

  “What?” she asked peering over her shoulder.

  “Nothing?” he laughed some more.

  “You said you would always tell me the truth,” she complained teasingly.

  “Remember, you asked for this.” He paused until she nodded. “I was laughing because you have no ass.”

  She reacted like she was shocked. “Really?” She looked down trying to twist around. “It was there yesterday.”

  “Ha ha!” he mimicked and they reversed their positions again so she was under the spray. He handed her the loofah with more body wash on it. “My turn. And scrub hard. I’m a man. I can take it. I like it hard.”

  Lou laughed. She liked this side of Jay. This light heartedness. His teasing. “I like it hard too.”

  He knew she was teasing, but her words made another image pop into his mind. God, what was it with sexy little big breasted women. This woman! She said something teasingly and he wanted to fuck her again. His cock began to rise, and Lou who was scrubbing his chest hadn’t noticed yet.

  “Do you?” he asked. His voice dropped in tenor.

  “Do I what?” she asked. Lou noticed the light hearted tone was gone, she heard an edge in it.

  “Like it hard?” His voice was gravel. Her eyes flew to his face, and then down. His cock was at attention, in full salute.

  “Yes,” she nodded affirmatively. The shower was forgotten. Grabbing a handful of her wet hair he pushed her against the wall. His lips crashed unto hers and he plunged his tongue into her mouth. He was going to give her what she wanted. What he wanted! He lifted her by her waist, and her legs immediately circled his torso. He parted her curly hair, and with her back against the wall, he used one hand to guide his cock to her entrance. Once in position, he looked into her brown eyes and seeing she wanted this just as much as he did, he plunged into her depths. Filling her, stretching her, ready or not.

  She wasn’t ready, but this taking was primal. The entry hurt, but he stilled until she became accustomed to him. Then he withdrew, and plunged in again. Her pussy began to get slicker. Their eyes remained on each other. He did this three more times, filling her more and more, deeper and deeper until he was fucking her. Fucking her hard. His cock was a battering ram, and her pussy the door. Each time he plunged into her, she slid up against the wall. He moved his body so he could ensure that they both felt the contact, and would both soar to the pinnacle together. She began to feel the waves of pleasure. Whether it was from the intensity of his eyes, the completeness of his possession, but she began to pant in the swirls of heat and steam that swarmed around them.

  ‘Fuck, me, fuck, fuck,” she grunted. He leaned in for a kiss, but bit her lip instead. Lightly.

  He picked up the tempo, using his abdomen on the plunge to scrape along her engorged clit bringing her closer and closer to her own release. He supported her with one arm, and slid his thumb to her exposed clit and rubbed it as he continued slamming into her.

  “Yes, Yes,” Lou panted head swinging from side to side. Her arms reached across the shower stall looking for a grip that wasn’t there. All she could do was take it. Take all he had to give.

  “Oh fuck me, ye-yes!” Her scream pi
erced the room, and it put him over the edge. He rammed one more time and spent himself inside her quaking walls. God, he loved fucking this woman. And shit, he thought, when the intensity of the orgasm overtook him, he had forgotten a condom again! He never did that! Ever! Except with her!

  Lou was in the drive way at nine AM sharp the next day waiting for Annie ‘O’ who texted she would be five minutes late as Ana pulled up.

  “Hey, what are you doing back so early?” Lou asked in greeting to her friend.

  “I have to work at one, but I thought I could tag along to see the houses you were going to looking at today. Teddy was going to the gym, and had a coaching thing this afternoon, so I figured I’d come home early. Is that okay?” she stated as she gave Lou a quick hug in greeting.

  “Sure,” Lou laughed as Annie pulled into the driveway.

  “Hey girls,” Annie called out of her open window. “Tagging along again, Ana?” she asked in her thick Bronx accent.

  “Yup,” Ana announced opening the rear car door just as soon as Annie pulled to a stop.

  “Great,” Annie cheered. “The more the merrier.”

  Lou walked around to the passenger side and got in front with Annie as she handed her a sheaf of papers to peruse.

  “I found something last night online that I think will be perfect. We’ll go there first.”

  “Really?” Lou asked hopefully. Nothing they had seen yesterday had seemed like home. “Tell me about it.”

  “Well,” Annie stated giving her a sideways glance as she began pulling out of the driveway. “Don’t get your hopes up. Remember I said that you need to see what’s out there, but this one seemed interesting. After hearing your thoughts yesterday, and seeing the homes we looked at through your eyes, I think it is a real possibility.” She paused for breath and sensing she had Lou’s full attention she continued. “It’s a two bedroom, two bath cabin.”

  “A cabin?” Lou questioned. She thought of Jay’s. Simple. Secluded, yet open. Private, but in a nice area with neighbors nearby.

  “Yes, a cabin. It looks like it needs some work from the pictures I saw online, but it is well made. This development was built with lots of security and safety features because of its location near the water, and has all the hurricane safety features you will want to have being so close to the water. It’s about thirty years old, but the owners just had a new roof put on it and new AC. Looks like from the pictures some new paint as well on the outside. Not too many interior pictures, but it’s got a water view. They are asking fifty four thousand. That is a great price for that area. But it’s small. Only 1100 square feet,” she glanced again at Lou to gauge her reaction.

  “That’s fine, on the water and six thousand less then I have been pre-qualified for. I don’t need anything overly large. I would have some extra cash to do repairs if need be. Where is it?” she asked.

  Annie told her.

  “That’s near where Jay lives!” she raised her voice in excitement. “His only has one bathroom though.”

  “Well, there is a picture of it in the file there,” Annie added.

  Lou began to rifle through the papers. “Yes, this looks like the kind of cabin he is renting. His is green, though and this one is white.”

  “Well,” Annie continued. “The developer that made these homes made them pretty similar, but the cabins are made to withstand hurricanes. It’s on a canal that will take you to the gulf, about a mile and a half away.”

  Ana chimed in from the back seat. “This does sound promising.” She was looking over Lou’s shoulder to read the specs. “It has a Florida room, and I love the porch along the front, nice touch. You don’t see that a lot in Florida.”

  “I think it was an add-on,” Annie offered. “The owner hasn’t lived in the place for four years though, so no telling what the inside looks like. The lady that owned it moved back to Virginia with her kids, and she passed away about a year ago. The property belongs to her son, and he is pretty motivated to sell. There is a bonus to the realtor to sell this month. It’s been seen only three times, no offers. A good price though, so I am wondering why.” Annie O’s smile turned reflective. “So, don’t get your hopes up just yet.”

  Lou couldn’t help but get excited, despite the warning. “Oh, but I do have my hopes up,” Lou expressed jubilantly. “I’m excited to see it,” Lou half turned in her seat to peer at Ana and include her in her excitement. “I have a feeling.”

  Ana squeezed her shoulder.

  They pulled into the driveway of the small white house. It indeed had a new roof. The house was freshly painted, and the carport clean. The hook ups for the washer and dryer were outside, like at Jay’s. In fact, from the outside it looked like a mirror image except for the addition of the porch. Annie used her realtor’s key to get inside. The smell hit them when they walked in. Dusty. The place had not been touched on the inside, and a thick layer of dust coated the few pieces of furniture inside.

  “Water damage,” Annie stated, and Lou’s gut wrenched. Annie pointed at the walls, the sheet rock.

  “Shit!” Lou despaired. It looked like Jay’s place, but maybe a bit larger. It had two bathrooms, and two slightly larger bedrooms. But the kitchen and the living room were the same. On the back of the house though, instead of the patio that Jay had, there was an enclosed Florida room, and it needed to be rescreened. Also, there were no appliances and Lou knew they could be costly. It was probably why the house was priced lower than the others in the area. There was a lot of work to do.

  “The water damage doesn’t look too bad though. It’s just along the wall in the living room, probably why they put on a new roof. No plumbing up there, so that can be easily fixed. Maybe some humidity damage if the AC wasn’t working long. But it is working well now,” Annie O added.

  “I don’t know,” Ana worried. “Could be expensive.” She looked at Lou.

  “As long as there is no mold, and I got a guy who will come and do an inspection. You would just need some drywall. You can get a good handyman pretty cheap to do that, and then paint the place yourself.” The realtor had some good suggestions on how to cut costs as well. It seemed she knew a lot of people.

  “What about appliances?” Ana piped in.

  “You could get some used from a place I know, or a scratch and dent place if you can spare the few extra bucks.” Lou looked to Ana, and back to Annie who shrugged her shoulders leaving the final say up to her.

  “I do like it,” Lou whispered. Her home, she thought and looked around the open space that was the kitchen and living room. This could be her home.

  “Well?” Annie asked.

  “Let’s see the outside first,” Lou said excitedly.

  Beyond the Florida room was a nice stretch of yard that needed mowing. The dock was in decent shape, but may have to be redone in ten or so years. Again, Annie said she knew a guy. She looked across the canal and her heart lurched. There was Jay’s place. She saw his motorcycle under the carport. Her heart skipped a beat, and then she knew. Fate. She kept that little tidbit of information to herself though, and wrapped her arms around her body and turned back to Annie.

  “How much lower do you think they will go?” she asked confidently knowing there was always some wiggle room.

  “The owner is motivated. Let’s low ball him at forty-eight. See what he comes back with. I’ll bring up the appliances, and the drywall, and some other things that need work. Places in this community are going for sixty, sixty-five, so I don’t know how much lower he will go. But, let’s see if he is willing to play ball at least.”

  “Okay, let’s do it!” Lou clapped her hands and Ana gave her an affectionate squeeze.

  “So, I guess we’re done looking today?” Ana smiled.

  “Yes, we are done. This is home,” Lou said aloud looking at her yard, and across the canal. This is home, she thought. Annie and Ana headed back to the car, and Lou took in the moment. She had found it. Her dreams were coming true.

  Ana went to work later that a
fternoon, and Lou was outside with Missy. She had called Jay, and he was on his way over. She had told him about the place. He knew of it, Mrs. Hammerstein’s place. He sounded pretty excited for her as well, and told her his landlord had mentioned it a few times not liking the vacant dwelling to stay vacant. He had teased her about being possible neighbors and all the advantages that it would have, and then offered to take her out for a late lunch to celebrate.

  Jay pulled up on his motorcycle and Lou came down the stairs wearing emerald green capris, and a black peasant blouse to greet him. Missy was following with monkey in her jaws and she was wagging her tail furiously when she saw Jay.

  “My two girls,” Jay boomed. Lou warmed as he included her dog in his address. Missy reached him first, and he patted her lovingly then wrested monkey from her and whipped it into the yard. Missy flew after her precious. He hugged Lou to him. “Hi, Neighbor,” he planted a kiss on her forehead. “Nice blouse,” he added ogling the tops of her breasts and using his index finger to pluck the elastic away from the front and take a peek.

  “Thank you!” she stated but swatted his arm for good measure. The man literally had sex on the brain, but she didn’t mind too much, if she was being honest with herself.

  Missy was back already. She went straight to Jay who flung the purple mess back into the yard.


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