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Delphi Page 44

by Michael Scott

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  Note: Illustrations, including maps, are indicated with bold page numbers.

  Acanthus: dedications by, 137

  Acanthus column, 299; as Athenian dedication, 166, 344n10; elements in museum, 299

  access to Delphi, 45, 136; adyton as restricted space, 18; dangers to travelers, 73, 196; modern transportation and, 277, 278; trade routes and, 52

  Achaea: and financial tribute to Rome, 209, 211; Roman province of, 169, 205, 207, 209, 227, 235, 243, 255

  Achaia: pottery from, 53

  Achean League and Achean War, 193

  Actium, battle of, 203

  Adrastus, 83

  adyton, 18–19, 19, 24

  Aegean Islands: dedications from, 110

  Aegina: dedications by, 120–21; as potential Persian ally, 110, 111–12, 120–21; Temple of Aphaia at, 255


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