The Price of Power

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The Price of Power Page 12

by L A Warren

  Malikai angled his jump-jet in front of Zander’s and they positioned themselves for the start of their race. At the signal, Malikai raced ahead. Elise popped up a virtual of the Gambit and the jump-jet course. The string of fifty rings encircling it looped crazily out to the edge of the WOR-space bubble. Malikai, who took Rabbit, blew through four rings before Zander launched after him and almost made it to the fifth.

  Wow, he’s fast. Malice peeked out and took up position where she could watch.

  Elise did the calculations. That was less than seven seconds a ring, six if he’d made the fifth ring.


  Elise watched with a cool detachment as Zander narrowed the lead. One of these men would be up against her in a later circuit match. It was time to learn about her competition.

  Malikai made it past the twenty-fifth ring and became Rabbit with Fangs. Rather than turn his lasers on Zander, he screamed toward the finish line. Zander hit him on the forty-ninth ring, earning a point and the lead.

  In the second race, they switched places. Zander took Rabbit. Malikai hit him by the tenth ring, earning two points and the lead. Zander said a few choice words, add to Elise’s growing repertoire of Vendel curse words.

  Elise sat up and took notice. A hit by the tenth ring was very unusual. Malikai remained silent over the communications channel.

  The only way for Zander to win the heat was to earn a minimum of two points in the next race. There were a few ways to do that. Malikai only had to earn one point to beat Zanders current score of two. Since Zander trailed in points he had choice between Rabbit or Fox for the final race.

  Elise would have chosen Rabbit. Rabbit could win two points for a first-place finish or three points if it took out Fox after the halfway point when weapons became active and Rabbit grew Fangs. The only way Fox could get two points was to get the Rabbit in the first half of the race. Otherwise Fox earned one point for a hit after the twenty-fifth ring, or for finishing first. It was risky to choose Fox.

  She wasn’t the least surprised when Zander did exactly that. Nor was she surprised when Malikai breezed through the finish line first as Fox, winning the heat. Zander flew back to the Gambit in sullen silence.

  Malikai came over to the two women. “Well, ladies, good luck. I wish you well. Chickadee, I’ll be hanging out in the pilot’s lounge later. Perhaps we’ll see each other and can make a proper introduction.” Malikai flew off leaving Elise with Wilma.

  “Well, that’s an invitation if I ever heard one,” Wilma said. “Make sure you bring your snarking pad.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You've obviously never met Malikai. Fox or Rabbit?”

  “Fox and no, I haven't.” She lined up her ship behind Wilma’s and waited for the start of the race.

  “You should look him up.”


  She laughed. “Malikai flies veiled and you know what that means?”

  “No, not really. I’m a novice remember, still learning all the tricks.”

  “Well, I give you some advice. We’re not supposed to know who the veiled pilots are, but who would hide their identity? Not a commoner, unless he was a previous winner. Malikai has to be a judicator, a conclave master, a previous finalist, or perhaps even a lor’ or vlor’ lord. The jump-jet competition is open to all. We’re all equal in the circuit. What makes it so much fun is that it’s a level playing field. I’m pretty sure Malikai is a previous winner, or finalist, and I’m thinking he’s at least a conclave master or Judicator, if not a lord. He’s haughty enough. Anyhow, he’s just given you an invitation. You should look him up. Could be a marriage opportunity in it for you.”

  “I have enough on my plate, thank you. Thirty seconds to go, you ready?” Elise checked her weapons display and remembered Jeena’s words.

  “Good luck, Chickadee. You’ll need it.” Wilma’s jump-jet screamed out of the starting gate and headed toward the first ring. Elise watched the jump-jet disappear from her visuals, but followed the track of her ship on the course display. The seconds ticked by while Wilma extended her lead.

  Finally, Elise was given the green light. She accelerated down the course and looped through the rings eating away at Wilma’s lead. With Jeena's advice whispering in her head, she paced herself and slowed her advance. Wilma passed the halfway point where Rabbit grew Fangs, but kept going rather than turn and fight. Jeena had been right about Wilma. Elise pressed her palms down, adding acceleration, and closed the gap.

  Wilma slipped through the rings, but Elise followed hard on her heels. A few shots of the lasers flew wild, on purpose, but by ring forty, it was time to end the hunt. Without waiting for weapons lock, Elise fired, scored a win, and her first point.

  “Lucky shot, Chickadee. You won’t get so lucky when I’m the Fox.”

  “I’m willing to try!” Elise laughed. “See you back at the start.”

  Elise was now Rabbit. To allow Wilma to lose with grace, Elise would have to give this race to Wilma, but that didn’t mean Wilma wouldn’t have to work for it. Past the twenty-fifth ring, Elise’s Rabbit grew Fangs and weapons became active. When Wilma surged forward, Jeena’s words were at the forefront of Elise's mind. She’d already decided to let Wilma cross the finish line first, and earn her points, but she wanted to have some fun.

  Rabbit grew Fangs and Elise dodged wildly and looped around to get behind Wilma. She fired off several shots and laughed silently as Wilma dodged. Wilma almost flew into one of her shots. That would’ve been bad. Elise wasn’t trying for the three-point win. After several rings worth of dodging and firing random shots, Elise went for a clean race. She stopped badgering Wilma and barreled down the course.

  Ring forty-eight lay ahead and Elise pushed for the ring. Only one jump-jet could go through at a time. Wilma edged Elise to the side. By the time the ring loomed in front of them, Elise banked hard and broke off the approach. She used one of Zander’s curses and tossed it over the communications channel.

  “My, my,” came Wilma’s voice, “such words from a lady.”

  “I’m no lady. I should have had you, several times over.” Elise feigned irritation.

  “Chickadee, a word for a jump-jet neophyte. That little trick rarely works in competition. Best save it for fun and training. You could have won this heat if you’d just gone straight for the finish line. You’d have earned two points and left me with nothing. No need to even run the third race.”

  “Oh.” Her voice sounded crestfallen, but her face was fixed in a grin. Yes, Wilma that is true, but then Jeena would be mad at me. “Lesson learned. You ready for the last race?”

  “Sure, we’re even in points, so I’ll give you choice as the new girl on the circuit.”

  “Thanks, I’ll take Rabbit.”

  Elise crossed the finish line three rings ahead of the lagging Wilma who never came close to scoring a hit on Elise’s ship. The final score was three to one. It was a nice, clean and honorable race.

  “Nice job. I hope to see you around later. Unfortunately, not on this year’s circuit races.”

  “That would be fun. Thanks for the race, Wilma.”

  Elise set up for, and finished, the speed qualifier following Carek's advice. His math was perfect and she finished solidly in the upper portion of the lower third in the speed trials. It gnawed at her to do so poorly, but she understood their tactics.

  Her second and third elimination rounds went without incident. As she did with Wilma, she won each heat in the third and final race. She did try to mix it up a bit, just to see how the numbers would fall out.

  Larkin wanted to celebrate, but one look at the time and Elise knew she’d have to run all the way back to her quarters or risk discovery. She called out hurried farewells and raced back to her bed.

  She barely made it. Despite the excitement of her first jump-jet competition, her sisters were relatively quiet. Malice hummed a simple children’s melody. Whimper kept Shriek company in the shadows. The fourth sister, who watched
from the dark, remained silent and refused to reveal herself.

  Elise's dreams floated up and down, following the notes of Malice’s song. Her thoughts spiraled in and out of silver loops, and she slipped into a blissful oblivion filled with a kaleidoscope of swirling light.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Gambit, Day 224

  Sometime later, a presence loomed in Elise's room. The silent one urged caution and Elise scurried to the darkness rather than come awake. Her body lay beneath the sheets and they all watched, in silence and in fear, cowering in the cracks of her mind.

  The High Tender placed a hand on her forehead and then on her cheeks. “She does not appear to be awake, my lord.”

  “Lady Calcask said she was,” Gregor sat on the side opposite from the High Tender and cradled her hand in his.

  She felt nothing and watched the slow rise and fall of her body’s chest with detached interest. Not too long ago, Gregor's touch would have set her heart to fluttering with the zing of electrical energy flowing between them. To have that gone felt wrong.

  The High Tender rubbed his upper lip. His brows drew down. “Perhaps, she was lucid for a few moments and then slipped back away?”

  “What do you suggest?” Gregor lifted her hand and placed it on his thigh. He straightened out her fingers and traced the outline of her hand.

  “I don’t think any more showers or massages will help.” Sarcasm dripped from the High Tender's tongue.

  Gregor ignored him.

  “I’d say let her rest. We’ll return in the afternoon and see what happens.”

  Gregor growled. “You have only given me two days. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  “I understand, but if you force her now, it may be for the worst. Her body is still recovering from Tender Training. Her mind should not be far behind. Give her the morning to rest.” The High Tender removed his cold hand from her face and stood.

  Gregor paused and traced a finger up her arm to her shoulder. He continued the path to her neck, over her collarbone, and to the angle of her jaw. His hand was warm. His fingers soft.

  She felt nothing.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Come back to me, opés. Elise, come back.” He brought warm lips to her mouth and pressed them down with a soft, but determined presence. Elise felt her body sigh and watched his eyes crinkle at the response. “Elise, I will be back.”

  His words spoke volumes and meant so many different things. Where concern edged his words, possession filled them too. Gregor was a powerful man, used to getting everything he wanted and all that he desired.

  Her resistance frustrated him. He was incredibly passionate, and as quick to lavish her in kisses as he was to condemn her to torture. Warm and fervent. Cold and dispassionate. His moods shifted wildly in regards to his little opés.

  Her denial must give this powerful man pause. Perhaps that’s why she intrigued him so much. It was a victory of sorts, her putting him on edge. He was the leader of over a hundred billion, entrusted with an empire spanning twenty worlds and hundreds of colony ships, and yet, she bothered him.

  Pay attention to this man. He will teach us much.

  I will not speak with you until you tell me who you are. Elise shouted into the dark.

  Silence! Listen! And learn! Take from him everything you can, for he will surely take more from you.

  The voice retreated and Elise drifted off, dreaming of jump-jets, silver rings, and a rabbit chasing a fox. She was grateful for the chance to sleep. It had been a long time since she had rested, and it would soon be time to fight.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gambit, Day 224

  Gregor returned as promised later that day. He sat by her bed, alone, and his weight settled onto the thin mattress. His warm fragrance flooded her senses as he leaned over her body.

  “Opés, it is time to rise. I have much to show you. I would like for us to come to some sort of resolution in this matter.” He stroked her hair and drew it out straight. “I can forgive this secret code you hid. Your words were harsh, and spoken without thought, without respect, and it was for that, and not the code, that you were punished.”

  He leaned down and traced a line with his finger from her forehead, down her nose, to her lips, chin, neck and the all the way down to the hollow between the swell of her breasts. He lingered there.

  “Ask me to forgive you and I will. We can forget this horrible nonsense and continue with a fresh start. Open your eyes and ask your master for forgiveness, and I will grant that and so much more. We were made for each other. It’s time to wake up, Elise. It’s time for you to join me and stop fighting your destiny.”

  His voice cracked and his breathing turned ragged. He moved his finger up and cupped her chin in his hand. Gregor pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with a gentle intensity.

  Her mind screamed. Her skin burned. She wished to breathe all of him in.

  The silent sister spoke. Give so that you may take. We are powerless. I must learn!

  With regret for what it would cost, Elise agreed with the silent one. She had forgotten the willow tree and allowed her strength to turn her rigid and inflexible, like the oak. She had cracked and splintered under the storm. It was time to be the willow once more and bend.

  She folded her arms around Gregor’s neck. He paused and held perfectly still. Her fingers twined in his dark black hair and she pulled him back to her lips. He came willingly and she greedily took her fill of him. Gregor parted her lips and allowed his hunger to flow into her.

  Elise kissed her master as tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes.

  Gregor pulled himself over to lie on top of her, but then stiffened and withdrew as the intensity of their embrace increased and his arousal became evident. He lifted his lips from hers and pulled back to stare. The smoldering passion in his silver eyes frightened her, but his restraint, as always, remained rigid and unnerving.

  He brushed away a tear with his finger. “It’s good to see you, opés.”

  “Gregor,” she breathed in a low whisper. “I…I am sorry, but I cannot ask for your forgiveness, for it is not deserved.”

  Gregor’s eyes narrowed. He smoothed her hair and his expression softened. “I would grant it if you did. It would please me to do so.”

  Elise flicked her eyes to the side. “I wish to give in, to surrender to you, but I can’t stop myself from fighting. Do I beg for a forgiveness I don’t deserve? Or do I speak the truth and endure the consequences?” She twirled her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.

  He laughed at her words. “And what is the truth, opés?” He touched her lips and arched a brow. “Are your kisses the truth? I feel the surrender in your body. I know it in my heart. Are your words true? Your words are your downfall. What am I to do with you?”

  “My words are the truth. My kisses…are my undoing. Whether true or not, I cannot say. I have never known a man that I both hate and desire at the same time. Or do both with equal intensity and passion. That is truth.”

  “Hmm…” He brushed a strand of hair off her forehead. “You are not fit to endure any more Tender Training, although it would do you good. What happened to you? Where did you go?”

  “I don’t know. I disappeared. Has Tender Training ever made a woman crazy?”

  He shook his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead, “No, opés, never. It makes women submissive and instills an obsessive desire to please. Most women that is, you seem to be an exception.”

  She dropped her hands from his neck and he sat up straight. His silver eyes regarded her with consideration. Elise grasped her head as pain flashed through her skull.

  “Are you ok?” Gregor helped her to sit.

  She opened one eye to look at him. “My head. It will be fine. My whole body hurts.”

  He smirked. “Did you enjoy your massage?”

  She eyed him. “I can’t say I remember…exactly.”

  “Well, I enjoyed giving it to you. And I must say,
next time we’ll have the shower to ourselves.”

  She ran her hand through her hair and blushed, making sure he noticed her unease. “I thought Alice…I mean Lady Calcask washed my hair.”

  “Your friend did not, but I think you know that.” His eyes narrowed and she watched as he decided whether she was lying or not. He shook his head and stood. “Enough of this. Forgiven or not, your Tender Training has been suspended. I can’t afford to have you incapacitated any longer. Do you feel up for a walk? I wish to show you something.”

  “I obey.”

  “Yes,” he laughed. “You must at that. Come, wash and get dressed. I’ve brought a new dress for you.”

  “Back or front tie?”

  He winked. “Back of course. I’ll tie it when you’re ready.”

  “So, where do I stand with you?”

  “Warily forgiven, not forgotten, but I must press on. I need you trained and, so far, I have failed. Tender Training is suspended and I’ve taken control of you WOR-skill training. We’ll try unconventional, as you wished, and see where that leads us. I have a surprise, and I trust we are through with this ugly business of lies and disrespect? Respect and cooperation is expected in all things.”

  “Yes, Gregor.”

  If he ever found out about her forays off the Confinement Deck, or the Fifth Rank quarters, or any of the rest, there would be no end to his fury.

  We hate his surprises. Whimper cringed in the darkness. The others were silent.

  Shut up!

  Surprises or not, they had learned to endure. She was not defeated, and with the success of her jump-jet runs, they may just have a chance to find a way off the Gambit.

  Only time would tell, and one thing was certain. Elise would bend, but she refused to give up. Unconventional sounded perfect. She agreed with the unknown sister. It was time to learn. It was time to make the Vendel pay.

  Part Two



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