Woven Dreams

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Woven Dreams Page 7

by N. J. Walters

  Jane and his older brothers had taught him the value of a strong, accepting marriage. She was married to Zaren, but her love for Bador was evident. True, she rarely spent a night alone with him, but it mattered not, because Bador shared their bed at least half the nights of every week. It made the bond between all of them strong.

  He did not expect the same thing if Genny married Garrik though. As long as she accepted him, he would content himself with his one night a week. That was enough. It had to be.

  Taking a calming breath, he unclenched his hands, which had curled tight by his sides. Shoving aside all thoughts and worries of the future, he crept toward the edge of the trees. It was all moot if Genny didn’t accept either of them.

  He heard her before he saw her. The sounds of the waterfall and the flow of the river faded into the background until all he could hear was Genny. She was humming, and every now and then she would sing a word or two. He felt himself smiling as the soft sound of her voice swept over and around him.

  Parting the branches in front of him, he stepped out onto the bank of the river. Sucking in a breath, he froze. Never had he seen such a beautiful sight. Totally naked with the water lapping at her waist, Genny raised her arm in the air and absently ran a small piece of soap over her skin. The sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, giving her an otherworldly appearance. Like a water nymph from myth and legend, he expected her to disappear beneath the surface of the river any moment.

  He must have made some sound because her head whipped around, sending a shower of water droplets from her wet hair arching through the air. Her arms folded protectively across her chest and she shrank back into the water.

  He felt as if he’d been kicked in the gut. He’d been right. She could not bear him in the light of the day. The beat of his heart was painful against his chest and he raised his hand to absently rub the ache.

  Then she smiled at him.

  It was as if the sun had come out at the end of a storm, brightening the entire world. Genny smiled shyly and slowly unwound her arms, baring her breasts. “You frightened me. With the sunlight shining on the shoreline, for a moment I couldn’t see who was there.”

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. She’d given him something he’d never expected. Acceptance. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” His voice was harsh, but there was no help for it. The last year had changed him, made him tougher, both physically and mentally. His emotions had been closed off in order for him to survive. He yearned for the young man he’d been, and reached back to find some of the gentleness he’d once possessed.

  Lust flowed through his veins and fired his blood. He wanted Genny with every fiber of his being. All his muscles flexed and tightened until he felt as if his entire body was forged of stone. His cock flexed inside his pants, demanding release. Craving satisfaction.

  His continued silence was making her nervous. He could tell by the way her smile slowly faded and her fingers clenched the soap tight. “How is the water?”

  The corners of her mouth lifted again. “It’s wonderful. Cool and refreshing.” She laughed as she sank into the water and leisurely swam toward the small waterfall that cascaded over a twelve-foot drop of rocks. “You didn’t tell me about the falls.” She paddled back toward him and stood, lurching a bit as she found her footing on the rocky bottom.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise.” Her pleasure filled him, becoming his own. “Genny,” he began, knowing he had to ask her. “Do you want to leave here and go to Bakra Castle? We can be there by tonight and you could spend your night in a soft bed. We would have tomorrow at the castle.”

  “No!” She stepped backward and stumbled slightly. “No,” she repeated, this time more calmly. “I’d rather stay here. If I’m only going to be here for two more days, then what’s the point of wasting time?”

  Her continued assertion that she was leaving angered him, but he didn’t let any of that anger show as he nodded. “As you wish.” There would be plenty of time to take her home once he and Garrik convinced her to stay with them. Besides, until he discovered what she was hiding from them, he preferred that they keep her to themselves.

  Genny smiled, her good mood restored. “That’s settled then.”

  Jarmon removed his vest and tossed it to the ground. His sword was next. Unbuckling his belt, he carefully propped his sword against a rock. He could feel her eyes on him as he bent over and yanked first one boot and then the other off his feet. With his hands on the laces of his pants, he paused. “Genny?” Both of them knew what would happen if he stepped into that water with her.

  Gliding through the water, she returned to the center of the small pool. With her hand resting against a large flat boulder for support, she stood. The water cascaded down her body. Her wet hair clung to her arms and chest. One of her breasts was almost completely draped in thick brown tresses, but the hard point of her nipple poked through the strands. The water barely covered her sex, lapping at her hipbones. She carefully laid the sliver of soap on the edge of the boulder.

  “Should I leave?” he questioned, not willing to go any further until he knew it was what she wanted. He could barely push the words past his lips. It was the right thing to do, but one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  She shook her head and held out her hand. “Don’t go.”

  Never had two simple words contained so much power. Jarmon’s body swelled even more. The vein in the side of his temple throbbed. His fingers moved of their own accord, rapidly untying the lacings of his pants. He groaned as his cock sprang free, the relief quickly abating as it pulsed hard, demanding its needs be met. Shoving his pants down his legs, he kicked them off and strode toward the river. Toward Genny.

  • • •

  Genny couldn’t help herself. She knew she was gawking but, really, how could she resist? She’d seen naked men before. Growing up at Craddock Keep with six older brothers and their men-at-arms, it had been impossible not to. But never had such a sight affected her in such a manner.

  Jarmon was like something out of a dream. Golden. That was the best word to describe him. His waist-length hair was blond, except for the thick streaks of white that ran throughout. Two large locks of white hair framed his face, giving him an exotic quality.

  His face was strong, certainly not handsome. The scar that ran from the edge of his eye to the corner of his mouth made that impossible. But somehow his face drew her again and again and she found herself sneaking peeks at him at every opportunity. He hadn’t shaved yet today and golden stubble darkened his jaw. His pale blue eyes shifted constantly, always aware of his surroundings, always watching for danger. Now they were focused entirely on her.

  She shivered in spite of the warmth of the sun beating down on her shoulders. As he walked toward her, the muscles in his body rippled. His body was tanned a golden brown that was most appealing. While he wasn’t taller than her brothers, he was certainly more muscular.

  His chest and shoulders were wide and thick, and his arms and legs appeared as if they had been sculpted by the gods. A white scar marred his left shoulder but in no way detracted from his strength. If anything, it seemed to add to it, proclaiming that he had been injured but was now stronger than before. Wide armbands wrapped around his biceps and wrists. Like some hero out of a legend, he strode toward her. But the determined gleam in his eye and the hard erection rising up straight and proud from the nest of dark gold curls told her he was no legendary hero, but a flesh-and-blood man.

  The water rose over his legs as he moved closer. She swallowed hard as her gaze fell to the vicious, jagged scar that ran from just above his knee to almost the top of his left thigh. No wonder he walked with a slight limp! It was a wonder he could walk at all, let alone with just a limp. It said volumes about the man’s determination and stubborn nature.

  He stopped in front of her, their bodies so close the tip of his erection prodded her belly. Genny tilted her head back so she could see his face. His blue eyes missed nothing as he gazed d
own at her. Reaching out with his left hand, he cupped her breast, tracing his thumb slowly over her swollen nipple. Her toes curled into the rock and sand below her feet at the pleasure that simple caress brought her. Her mouth and lips were suddenly dry.

  “Look at my hand, Genny.” His voice was low and seductive, almost a physical caress. Looking down, she watched his thumb move across the rosy tip of her breast. The sight of his dark hand covering her much lighter skin filled her with a deep yearning for more of his touch. She leaned forward, pushing her breast more firmly into his hand. His fingers tightened briefly and then relaxed again.

  “I cannot change what I am. My hand will never be whole again.” His voice was harsh, but she wasn’t the slightest bit afraid of him. “My body is scarred forever.”

  Wrapping her fingers around his wrist, she pulled his hand from her breast. She raised it to her lips and kissed the stubs where his fingers had been. Frozen like a statue, he stood before her. Only his lungs moved in and out as his breathing deepened. “I am sorry for the pain you have suffered. Recovering from such a severe injury could not have been easy.” He cupped his hand against her jaw and she sighed. “But I am so very glad that you survived and that you are here with me.”

  “Genny,” he began, but broke off suddenly as if he didn’t quite know how to continue.

  She shook her head. “It matters not. None of it does.” She lightly bit the pads at the base of his fingers. “Not what happened. Not my life before. Not tomorrow.” Tentatively she licked one of his fingers and smiled when he groaned. “All that matters is here and now.”

  Extricating his hand from her grip, he used his thumb to tip her chin upward. For a moment, she thought he might argue with her. Instead, he shook his head and offered her a slight smile. “Here. Now.”

  She nodded. Jarmon had suffered at the hands of her family and she wanted to do something to repay all that he had lost. But beyond that, she felt a deep connection to him. He knew what it was to suffer and she knew that the marks on her back had affected him. She trusted him to be gentle with her, to make her first experience a memorable one. The connection went beyond the physical though. Something about him called to her in a way that no other man ever had. It was as if her very soul was crying out for his. She knew that there was no way their relationship could last, but she wanted this time with him. She knew she’d have no regrets.

  Gripping her waist, he lifted her, seating her on the flat rock. The surface was smooth but heated by the sun. “Lie back.” Unable to deny him anything, she did so. His large hands supported her until she was flat on her back on the rock.

  “Is it too hard against your back?”

  It took her a moment to understand that he was asking about the almost faded bruises and welts on her back. She shook her head. “I’m fine.” They didn’t bother her at all anymore and she knew that within a few more days they’d be totally gone.

  He shifted her slightly until her bottom was perched right on the edge with her legs hanging over the side and her feet dangling in the water. She had to close her eyes against the glare of the sun, but the heat felt good on her skin.

  “Spread your legs,” he murmured. She shifted them apart and felt his hips wedge between her thighs. His cock brushed against her sex. “You are beautiful, Genny.”

  The way he looked at her. The way he touched her. Jarmon made her believe that she was truly beautiful. “That feels good.” Her voice was low and sultry, inviting.

  Jarmon leaned over her, the movement pressing his erection more firmly against the swollen, damp lips of her sex. He traced his fingers around the edges of her areolas, not quite touching them. His much larger body blocked some of the sun’s rays so Genny opened her eyes, blinking several times until they adjusted. Jarmon’s gaze was not on her body but on her face, and when she looked at him, he smiled. It wasn’t a large one, but it made him look younger and oh so appealing. A strand of his long hair fell over his shoulder and touched her stomach. She sucked in a breath as it tickled her.

  He chuckled. “Ticklish, are you? I’ll have to remember that.” Catching her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, he gently squeezed. The unexpected caress made her cry out as pleasure shot from her breasts to her core. She could feel her juices flowing from her body and seeping around Jarmon’s cock. “You’re so responsive.” There was awe as well as pleasure in his voice.

  He lowered his head and licked her torso from her navel to just below her breasts. Genny laughed even as her vagina clenched with need. “Tickles,” she gasped.

  “I know.” Raising his head, he gave her a wicked grin before nipping at her waist.

  Her back arched right off the rock and she shrieked with laughter. Grabbing at his hair, she tugged his head away. “Stop. Stop.” She was almost too breathless to speak.

  He released her and stepped back. With a low growl, he clamped his hands around her thighs, spread them wide and dipped his head between her legs. His mouth was hard and hot as he caught her swollen clitoris between his lips and sucked.

  The intensity of the sensations was almost frightening. She went from laughter to being poised on the edge of orgasm within a split second. Her fingers tangled in his hair again, this time not to push him away, but to urge him closer. His rumble of pleasure shot straight to her core. The stubble of his beard abraded her sensitive flesh in a most sensual way. She never wanted him to stop.

  “You taste like the finest of wines.” He licked up one side of her labia and down the other.

  “Jarmon,” she gasped. “More.” She squeezed her eyes shut when she felt his finger probing at her entrance. He pushed it just the slightest way in and then retreated. “Deeper.”

  He obliged her and this time his finger went deep, but it still wasn’t enough. Raising her legs, she planted her feet on the edge of the rock and raised her hips toward his hand. This time, he inserted two fingers. Ever so slowly, he pushed them deep.

  His tongue lapped at her clitoris as he began to move his two fingers in and out, going deeper with every inward stroke. Her entire body was one large nerve ending. She could feel the hard stone beneath her back, the sun against her front, but mostly she was aware of Jarmon’s mouth and hands touching her. The sight of his whitish-blond head buried between her thighs was almost more than she could bear. Her heart pounded, her breathing was strained, and she knew she had to come. She couldn’t take much more of this sensual torture.

  “Come for me, Genny.” He blew softly over her swollen, needy sex before lowering his mouth to suck on her clitoris once again.

  “Oh, yes. Yes!” Her legs began to shake and her thighs trembled as she came. Her vagina clenched hard and she cried out. As her body jerked and heaved, he pushed his fingers hard and deep. There was only the slightest moment of pain, but it disappeared almost immediately, lost in the waves of pleasure. That was the last coherent thought she had for quite some time.

  When she came back to her senses, she was still sprawled against the rock with Jarmon placing lazy kisses against her belly. His erection brushed against her leg. She was the only one who’d found release. Technically, she wasn’t a virgin any longer, but she still hadn’t had a man inside her.

  That was about to change.

  Propping herself on her elbows, she smiled at him when he raised his head. “Thank you for making that pleasurable instead of painful.”

  “It was my honor and my pleasure.” He nuzzled her navel, making her squirm.

  “I want you to come inside me now.”

  He stilled and slowly stood straight. He didn’t question her, but simply held his hands out to her. She grasped them and he pulled her upright. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  Genny wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Jarmon stepped away from the rock, supporting her easily. Desire began to build within her once again. This time when she came, Jarmon would be inside her.

  • • •

  Jarmon struggled for control. It wasn’t easy. G
enny was warm, wet and willing in his arms. He wanted to do nothing more than impale her on his cock and fuck her until they both screamed with pleasure. His testicles were so heavy he feared they might burst if he didn’t soon get relief.

  The generosity of the woman in his arms astounded him. She gave herself to him so trustingly, even though he knew this was her first time and she had to have some fears. The hard nubs of her breasts brushed against him. He loved how easily her body responded to his. And when she arched against him, rubbing them against the hard planes of his chest, he groaned.

  The bulbous head of his cock brushed against her bottom. She squirmed and his arms tightened as he felt her warm juices coat the tip. Standing where he was, the water barely came to the tops of his thighs. That suited him perfectly. The water of the river might flow around his legs, but the only dampness he wanted to feel flowing over his cock was Genny’s cream. He shifted her until he felt the head of his cock slip just inside her slit. Her fingers tightened around his neck even as her inner muscles tightened around the tip of his erection.

  She leaned back in his arms, confident that he wouldn’t let her fall. Her trust pleased him deeply. Her hand came up to push a lock of damp hair out of her face. He noticed that her nose was slightly pink. The last thing he wanted was for her to get a sunburn. Turning, he walked toward the waterfall. Each step pushed him deeper into her pussy, which contracted and relaxed to admit his girth.

  He stepped beneath the waterfall and Genny laughed, sputtering as the water poured over them. Jarmon didn’t stop, but pushed through the falls to the other side. It was darker and cooler and she shivered. “I’ll warm you,” he promised.

  “I know you will,” she whispered as she lowered her mouth to his. Her tongue licked at his lips before slipping between them. Boldly, she explored his mouth, tasting and touching, stroking his tongue.

  Jarmon cupped the back of her head with one hand, holding her steady as he plundered her mouth. The frantic sounds of pleasure she made fired his blood to an even higher level. Banding his arm around her back, he pushed her downward as he thrust his cock upward. Her body fought against his intrusion, but he didn’t stop, pushing past all resistance until he was seated to the hilt.


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