Woven Dreams

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Woven Dreams Page 11

by N. J. Walters

  “Do you need to rest?” Garrik dropped back from where he had been leading them through the forest. Here was the chance she’d been waiting for.

  “Yes.” She glanced away, noting from the location of the sun that the afternoon was waning. They’d only stopped for a quick lunch. Both men seemed determined to press on until they reached home. “I’d like to stop. Just for a few minutes. If that’s okay,” she hurriedly added, not wanting to make him too suspicious.

  Jarmon, who’d been bringing up the rear, came to stand behind her. She could feel the heat of his hand against the small of her back as he hovered protectively beside her. “You should have said something. We would have stopped earlier.”

  Great. Now she felt guilty. “I’m fine. Really.” She nodded for emphasis. “I just want to rest for a bit.” Removing her pack, she lowered it to the ground before seating herself on the ground beneath a tree. Shaded by its large branches, she sighed and allowed her body to relax. Truthfully, she was still a bit sore from yesterday. All the new sexual activity had left her with a few minor aches.

  Both men had been aroused when she’d awoken this morning. With them snuggled tight on both sides, their erections had dug insistently into her hips. She’d lain there sleepily, wondering if either of them would make love to her. A low throbbing had begun low in her belly and her nipples had puckered against the fabric of her chemise. She’d licked her lips in anticipation. To her shock and dismay, both men had rolled out of their blankets, totally ignoring their heavy erections. They’d been more concerned about checking her back and getting on the trail toward their home.

  Scooting lower, she laid her head on her pack and allowed her eyes to flutter closed. She hated deceiving them, but there was no way she could allow them to take her into Bakra Castle. She’d never be able to escape from their stronghold. Her breathing evened out and in spite of her worries she relaxed.

  “We’ve pushed her too hard.” She recognized the voice as Garrik’s.

  “Perhaps.” Genny kept her breathing regulated, knowing Jarmon watched her. She could feel his eyes on her. He was the more suspicious of the two.

  “We walked a lot in the heat yesterday, my brother. Add that to the two sexual encounters she had and her sunburn and it’s no wonder she’s tired. We’ve been walking since just after breakfast with only one break.” A blanket was carefully laid across her. It took every ounce of discipline she possessed to keep from crying. Even as she was deceiving them, they were caring for her.

  Jarmon heaved a sigh. “I suppose you are right. I will not rest easy until we have Genny secure behind the walls of Bakra Castle. I can’t shake the feeling that something is going to happen. Something that won’t be particularly pleasant.”

  “We’ll let her sleep for a while. We’ve still got time to make it home before the sun sets this evening.” Garrik’s voice faded as she snuggled beneath the blanket. She heard Jarmon’s deep, rumbling voice, but could not make out his words. Frowning, she tried to concentrate.

  • • •

  Shivering, she sat up and glanced around. Totally disoriented for a moment, she couldn’t remember where she was. The sun was low in the sky and the air had cooled slightly. She really had fallen asleep. And from the looks of things, it appeared that she’d slept for quite some time.

  “How do you feel?”

  She turned her head slowly, not surprised to find Garrik sitting near her, watching over her. Taking her time, she carefully stretched her arms and legs and sat up. “Much better.” That was the truth. The nap had rejuvenated her and eased the worst of her aches and pains. She felt almost normal again.

  “Good.” Leaning down, he offered her his hand. “Come, we must go.”

  She slipped her hand into his and let him pull her to her feet. “Go where?” She blinked to clear the sleep from her eyes. “Where is Jarmon?”

  “He’s gone on ahead.” Genny tensed. Were they that close to the castle? “To set up our camp for the night.”

  Her gratitude was so profound she couldn’t hold back a shudder of relief. She knew Garrik saw it and hoped he’d just assume it was because she was just waking and was chilled. He frowned but said nothing as he gathered the blanket and her pack and led her down the trail.

  “I’ve never taken a nap before.” She was still surprised that she’d slept.

  “Never?” She could hear the teasing note in Garrik’s voice and smiled.

  “No, never. There was always too much work to be done for me to waste time napping.” She glanced over at him but couldn’t read his expression. Chewing nervously on her bottom lip, she hoped he wouldn’t ask her any questions. Her mind was still sleep-muddled or she’d never have mentioned anything about her life that could lead to further questions. She’d have to be more careful.

  She could see the questions in his eyes, but he didn’t voice them. Before long, he guided her off the main path, holding thick branches out of her way as they walked deeper into the forest. She didn’t question, but walked where he led. If there was one thing she’d learned these past two days, it was that both brothers knew this land. She had no doubt Garrik knew exactly where he was going.

  She stepped into a small clearing, totally surrounded by tall, majestic trees. Even in the dying twilight, it looked beautiful. A fire was burning cheerfully in the center, surrounded by a ring of rocks. Something was roasting over the blaze and it smelled delicious. Genny was suddenly starving.

  Jarmon was standing, waiting for them. He walked toward her, leaned down and kissed her. Totally caught off guard, all Genny could do was stand there and absorb the desire pulsing from his large body. His hands covered her bottom and he pulled her closer. His cock throbbed against her mound and her body began to respond to him. There was no thought of resisting or denying the need that flowed between them.

  Her arms crept up to lock around his neck as her tongue began to tangle with his. She wanted to absorb every sensation, touch and taste every inch of his body. He thrust his tongue boldly into her mouth and quickly retreated before being thrusting deep again. She dug her fingers into his skull, tugging him close as his lips slanted across hers and his tongue mimicked the mating act.

  He released her so suddenly she stumbled. Swearing, he caught her and buried his face in her hair. His heart pounded in his chest and he gasped for breath. His entire body was as hard as stone, tense, waiting, wanting.

  She was no better, her body swamped with longing, heavy with need. Garrik broke the intimate spell that Jarmon had woven around them. “Come and eat first.”

  His words penetrated the desire-filled haze that surrounded her, but it didn’t surprise or shock her. She’d known she was going to spend tonight with both men. A fierce yearning filled her, pushing aside all nervousness or misgivings. These were the men of her heart, the men she loved. Under different circumstances, she would have married one of them and had a lifetime with them both. She would not have a lifetime with them, but she did have tonight.

  Jarmon shook his head and rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip. “You make me forget myself.”

  His words made her smile. They also filled her with pride. She knew it wasn’t very often that this warrior lowered his guard enough to forget his surroundings. “I’m glad.”

  He gave a bark of laughter, grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the fire. “Nymph.” His voice was so low that only she could hear. Her body was warm, flush with pleasure at his reminder of yesterday at the river. It pleased her that he considered her a nymph, a mythical seductress that rose from the water to tempt and enchant any man who saw her.

  Desire was thick and potent, filling the very air around them. None of them spoke as they ate and then cleared away the remains of the meal. While Jarmon and Garrik were both distracted with other things, she quickly shifted her pack away from the center of the camp, tucking it behind a tree.

  Unlike other nights, the fire wasn’t extinguished, but kept burning. When she raised a questioning eyebrow to Garrik, he sent
her a smile so sensual and potently male that she almost forgot what she’d asked him. “We want to be able to see you, Genny.”

  The low tone of his voice brushed over her like a caress. Her blood thickened, her body grew heavy. She wanted to see them too. Wanted to touch every part of them and commit it all to memory.

  When the blankets were spread, Jarmon knelt on them and held out his hand to her. His vest and boots were gone and he was clad only in his leather pants, which outlined the hard length of his swollen shaft. “Come. It is time.”

  In spite of her resolve, she experienced a twinge of nerves. Her hand went to her stomach and she sucked in a large breath, desperately trying to calm them. Jarmon’s hand engulfed hers, the warmth flowing up her arm as he tugged her toward him. “There is no need to be frightened, Genny.” Kneeling in front of her, he buried his face against her stomach. “We know we cannot both take you at the same time. Not tonight. That will come later.” He pulled away and shot her a roguish grin.

  Her heart ached. There would be no other chance. All she had was now. Tonight.

  Even with his scarred face and ruined hand, she thought him incredibly handsome. Strength radiated from him. His long blond and white hair flowed over his back and shoulders, his wide shoulders and chest gleamed like gold in the glow of the firelight. Although he knelt at her feet, she was not under any misconception that he was a supplicant. No, he was the conqueror. He would have her tonight and nothing would stop him.

  No, that wasn’t quite true. She knew if she opened her mouth and said no, he would stop immediately. Love for this man flowed through her and she reached out and traced her fingers over his beloved face, absurdly pleased when he didn’t flinch away when she touched his left cheek. Raising her hands to her laces, she quickly undid them. Then she grabbed the tail of her dress and tugged it over her head.

  “Let me help you.” Garrik moved in behind her, his fingers fisting in the cloth as he dragged her dress over her head and tossed it aside. His hands went to her shoulders and nudged beneath the straps of her chemise. It was suddenly tight and confining and she wanted it gone.

  Garrik stroked the sensitive flesh of her underarms as he tugged the thin straps toward her hands. The moment her breasts were exposed, Jarmon reached out and cupped them, his fingers kneading the pliant flesh.

  The material bunched at her waist. Garrik smoothed his hands down her sides, her waist and her hips, pushing the material lower as he went. It dropped to the ground, pooling around her feet. He wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled them back against him. She sucked in a breath when the hard ridge of his erection pressed into the crease of her behind. Garrik had obviously removed his clothing when she’d been distracted by Jarmon.

  “I love your sweet ass, Genny.” He bent his knees slightly and stood again, sliding his cock up and down. The muscles in her bottom tightened, holding him tight and he groaned. “So damn sweet,” he muttered.

  Jarmon plucked at her swollen nipples, pinching lightly and then soothing the slight sting with his thumb. He caught the end of her braid, which had fallen over her shoulder, and brushed one hard peak with the end. The soft brush of hair against her puckered tip was maddening. She licked her lips and swallowed a moan. “More.”

  Jarmon’s pale blue eyes seemed to glow with some inner fire and she cried out when he pulled his hands away. She cried out again, this time in pleasure, as Garrik’s hands slipped around her from behind and began to tease and torment her sensitive breasts.

  Jarmon nuzzled her stomach and hipbones before moving even lower. Her thighs quivered as he stroked his hands down the back of them. “Spread your legs. I want to taste how much you want me. How much you need us.”

  Careful to step out of the chemise still around her ankles, she spread her legs. “Perfect,” Garrik whispered before stroking his tongue over the whorls of her ear. “I want to taste you later. I bet you’re already wet for us. Aren’t you?”

  Her core contracted hard. Yes, she was wet. Her cream coated the lips of her sex and was beginning to dampen her inner thigh.

  “Her pussy is hot and wet, isn’t it, Jarmon?” Garrik continued to stroke her nipples, occasionally pinching the hard tips. Genny whimpered.

  Jarmon slid his hands around to the inside of her knees and slowly began to stroke upward. He stopped just at the tops of her thighs. She tried to bend her legs to bring his hands closer. She’d go mad if he didn’t touch her. But Garrik held her upward, not allowing her to lower her body.

  “Are you hot for us, Genny?” Jarmon’s voice was harsh, his eyes blazing. Yet his hands were gentle as they stroked circles around the insides of her upper thighs, coming close to touching her but never quite giving her what she craved. “Is your pussy wet for us? Only for us.”

  “Yes,” she cried. Every inch of her body was tight with need. Her toes curled into the blankets, her belly quivered and her skin felt hot and tight. She was so close to coming.

  “I can smell her arousal,” Jarmon continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Sweet, like nectar from the rarest flower.” Garrik plied her nipples with his fingers as he nipped at the sensitive skin of her neck.

  “Jarmon,” she pleaded. Reaching out, she grabbed a hank of his hair and tugged his face toward her sex.

  His low, sensual laughter washed over her. “Do you want us, Genny? Both of us?”

  “Gods, yes! I want you both.”

  Jarmon nodded and began to part her slick folds with his thumbs. “I’m glad,” he said simply as he lowered his head. “Stay with us. Marry one of us. Be our bride.” A hot puff of his breath brushed her skin. His tongue traced up one side and down the other as he slid two fingers inside her pulsing sheath.

  Perched on the edge for too long, she came immediately, convulsing in a rush of pleasure. She would have fallen but for Garrik holding her up. Jarmon continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her body until she was crying, overcome by the sheer power and intensity of her orgasm and the sincerity of his whispered pleas.

  Jarmon eased his fingers from her and sat back on his heels. Garrik slowly lowered her to the blankets. She felt as if she was melting, but she didn’t care. Garrik didn’t let her lie down, but adjusted her body until she was kneeling with her legs slightly spread. He dipped his fingers into her pussy, making her jerk. Her internal muscles protested slightly, clamping down hard. She was too weak to hold her head up and allowed it to drop back onto his shoulder. When she gazed up at him, he gave a low chuckle of pleasure before pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his mouth. While she watched, he licked her cream from his fingers. “You were right, Jarmon. She does taste as sweet as nectar.”

  Jarmon caught her hand in his and urged it between her thighs. “Touch yourself, Genny. I want you to feed me your cream.” Almost in a daze, she rubbed her fingers over her swollen pussy, coating her fingers with her arousal. The movements became firmer and desire stirred deep inside her once again.

  Jarmon eased her hand out and brought it to his lips. One by one, he covered her fingers with his mouth, sucking the cream from her fingers. A sharp shot of pleasure went through her when he nipped at the webbing at the base of her fingers. Her breasts were swaying with each deep breath she took. When he was finished, he kissed each knuckle before releasing her hand. “Sweet.”

  Pushing himself to his feet, he tugged at the laces of his pants. When they were open, he shoved them down and stepped out of them. His cock was hard, throbbing with need. Genny licked her lips in anticipation as he knelt back down in front of her.

  Garrik moved from behind her and, without his support, she swayed for a moment before righting herself. He scooted around to kneel beside Jarmon. He was just as aroused as his brother. The long blue vein running up the front of his cock was pulsing with need. As she watched, a pearly bead of liquid seeped from its tip.

  “Taste me,” he urged. “Taste us.”

  • • •

  Garrik watched Genny, barely stifling a groan when she licked
her lips again. Her bottom lip glistened with moisture, her huge brown eyes were soft, glazed with a potent combination of desire and pleasure. Her hair was tied back in its familiar braid, but some of it had escaped. Tendrils of brown hair framed her oval face, accentuating her strong, yet feminine, features.

  She really was quite lovely. But what drew him was the woman herself. Beneath the calm exterior she presented to the world existed a deep well of untapped emotion. He’d seen glimpses of it when he’d taken her. There was such passion in Genny. That, and a backbone of steel. She was stubborn and he knew that she was still planning to leave them, but he and Jarmon would deal with that later.

  At this moment, all he wanted was to have Genny again.

  She glanced from him to Jarmon and back again. Garrik fisted his hands on his thighs to keep from reaching out and dragging her mouth to where he wanted it. This had to be her decision. He only hoped she made it soon. His balls were so tight he had to grit his teeth against the ache. The pulsing in his cock matched the pounding in his skull. Every muscle was poised for action. Waiting. Wanting.

  Genny scooted forward slightly and lowered her head. Her tongue darted out to lap at the tip of his erection. He could not contain his harsh groan of pleasure when she licked at the liquid seeping from the head.

  “You taste warm and salty.” Her innocent words almost sent him over the edge. He dug his fingers into his thighs, not wanting to come. Not yet. Not until she’d stroked him and sucked him.

  He thought the top might blow off his head when she blew softly over the bulbous head and cupped the heavy sac between his legs, massaging his balls. He sucked air into his lungs but still could hardly breathe.

  Garrik felt both relief and agony when she turned away and did the same thing to Jarmon. His brother’s hands were fisted at his sides, opening and closing reflexively as Genny worked her magic on him.


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