by Tessa Duder
designed to lead young adults Spufford, Francis. The Child that Books Built, London: Faber & Faber, 2002.
Clearly in all her YA Hebley, Diane. ‘A Fertility and Felicity and Ferocity of Invention, in Marvellous Codes: The Fiction of Margaret Mahy, ed. Hale, Elizabeth and Winters, Sarah, Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
insistently attaches itself to local Marquis, Claudia. ‘Ariadne “down under”: Structures of Adolescent Fantasy in The Tricksters’, Hale and Winters, op. cit.
That a writer working Hale, Elizabeth, ‘Introduction’, op. cit.
a place where violent Lovell-Smith, Rose. ‘On the Gothic Beach: Margaret Mahy’s The Tricksters and Gavin Bishop’s The Horror of Hickory Bay’, Haunting the Borders: the Gothic in Children’s Literature, ed. Rod McGillis, Anna Jackson and Lisa Scally (forthcoming).
Astonished, amazed, confused MM, ‘Margaret Mahy/Questionnaire/Bizarre Bits,’ AuthorZone, c. 2001. (NF)
When it comes to the end ‘Building bridges between our outer and inner landscapes’, in Reading is Everybody’s Business, ed. W.B. Elley, Selected Proceedings of the Fourth New Zealand Conference, May 1973, Wellington: IRA, Wellington Council, 1973.
It comes as no surprise Diane Samuels, Guardian, 16 December 2006.
From the first frame Alastair Paulin, Nelson Mail, 6 May 2010.
The Magician of Hoad is writing at full stretch Kate De Goldi, NZ Listener, 20 December 2006.
This is Mahy writing at her best Magpies, 23(5), November 2008.
Dryly intellectual for much of its length David Larsen, NZ Listener, 20 December 2008.
Select bibliography and major sources
Barley, Janet Crane. Talk by MM in Winter in July: Visits with Children’s Authors Down Under, The Scarecrow Press, Metenuch, NJ & London, 1995.
Duckworth, Marilyn. Cherries on a Plate: New Zealand writers talk about their sisters, Auckland: Random House, 1996.
Dunkle, Margaret (ed.). The Story Makers, a collection of interviews with Australian and NZ authors and illustrators, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1987; MM page reprinted in Reading Forum NZ, journal of the NZ Reading Association, No. 3, 1990.
Fitzgibbon, Tom with Barbara Spiers. Beneath Southern Skies: New Zealand Children’s Book Authors and Illustrators, Auckland: Ashton Scholastic, 1993.
Gilderdale, Betty. A Sea Change: 145 years of New Zealand junior fiction, Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.
———. ‘Children’s Literature’, in The Oxford History of New Zealand Literature in English (second edition), ed. by Terry Sturm, Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1998.
———. Introducing Margaret Mahy, Auckland: Viking Kestrel, 1987, Puffin 1987.
Hebley, Diane. The Power of Place: Landscape in New Zealand Children’s Fiction, 1970–1989, Dunedin: Otago University Press, 1998.
Kedgley, Sue, ed. Our Own Country: Leading New Zealand writers talk about their writing and their lives, Auckland: Penguin, 1989.
Mahy, Margaret. Trouble in the Supermarket, stories with comment/background by the author, Melbourne: Thomas Nelson Australia, 1989.
———. Surprising Moments: The Inaugural Margaret Mahy Award Lecture, Auckland: NZ Children’s Book Foundation, 1991.
———. ‘Introduction’, in Fabulous and Familiar — Children’s reading in New Zealand, past and present, Wellington: National Library of NZ, 1991.
———. ‘A fantastic tale’ in Opening the Book: new essays in New Zealand writing, edited by Mark Williams and Michele Leggott, Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1995.
———. ‘“I’ll say this bit”’ in Grand Stands: New Zealand writers on being grandparents, edited by Barbara Else, Auckland: Vintage, 2000.
———. A Dissolving Ghost, essays and more, Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.
———. ‘Introduction’, Kiwi Kids’ Collection, illustrated by Helen Humphries, selected by Fiona McRae, Auckland: Random House, 2001.
———. Tragedy’s Wild Twin: the mixed nature of humour, Sylvia Ashton-Warner Fellowship Lecture, Auckland: Auckland College of Education, 2003.
———. Notes of a Bag Lady, Montana Estates Essay Series, ed. Lloyd Jones, Wellington: Four Winds Press, 2003.
Nettell, Stephanie. ‘Afterword’, to The Haunting, Puffin Modern Classic edition, 1999.
Nieuwenhuizen, Agnes. Good Books for Teenagers, Melbourne: Mandarin, 1992.
O’Brien, Greg. Moments of Invention, Portraits of 21 New Zealand writers, Auckland: Heinemann Reed, 1988.
O’Brien, Gregory. ‘Imagine the imagination: Margaret Mahy’s Dissolving Ghost’, in After Bathing at Baxter’s: essays and notebooks, Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2002.
Rees, David. What Do Draculas Do?— essays on contemporary writers of fiction for children and young adults, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1990.
Sarti, Antonella. Spiritcarvers: interviews with eighteen writers from NZ, Cross/cultures Series, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.
Wilkie-Stibbs, Christine. The feminine subject in children’s literature, New York: Routledge, 2002. (Readings of 7 novels by MM and Gillian Cross)
Williams, Mark. ‘A variety of voices’, in Under Review: A selection from New Zealand Books 1991–1996, edited by Lauris Edmond, Harry Ricketts, Bill Sewell, Christchurch: Lincoln University Press and Daphne Brassell Associates, 1997.
Periodicals and conference proceedings
Berkin, Adam. ‘I Woke Myself’: The Changeover as a modern adaptation of Sleeping Beauty’, Children’s Literature in Education, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1990.
Edmond, Murray. ‘Interview with Margaret Mahy’, Landfall 41(2), June 1987.
Gibbons, Joan. ‘Family Relationships in the Stories of Margaret Mahy’, Papers — Explorations in Children’s Literature, Vol. 5: No. 1, April, 1994.
Gose, Elliott. ‘Fairy Tale and Myth in Mahy’s The Changeover and The Tricksters’, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1, spring 1991.
Groeger, Tonja and Julia Brander. ‘Astrid Lindgren and Margaret Mahy’, Reading Forum NZ, No. 2, 2003, NZ Reading Association.
Hebley, Diane. ‘A Fertility and Felicity and Ferocity of Invention’, in Marvellous Codes: The Fiction of Margaret Mahy, edited by Elizabeth Hale and Sarah Winters, Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
Hoffman, Mary. ‘The Fabulous in the Ordinary — an Interview with Margaret Mahy’, The School Librarian, 1987.
Lafferty, Fiona. ‘Magic and Mystery: an interview with Margaret Mahy’, Children’s Books, June, 1986.
Lovell-Smith, Rose. ‘A noisy life’s work’, review of The Other Side of Silence in NZ Books, March 1998.
———. ‘On the Gothic Beach: Margaret Mahy’s The Tricksters and Gavin Bishop’s The Horror of Hickory Bay’, Haunting the Borders: the Gothic in Children’s Literature, ed. Rod McGillis, Anna Jackson and Lisa Scally (forthcoming, 2006).
McVeigh, Janine. ‘Myth and folktale in Margaret Mahy’s young adult novels’, Talespinner 8, September 1999.
Mahy, Margaret. ‘Building bridges between our outer and inner landscapes’, in Reading is Everybody’s Business, ed. W.B. Elley, Selected Proceedings of the Fourth NZ Conference, May 1973, Wellington: IRA, Wellington Council, 1973.
———. ‘One Great Frolic with Words,’ Education, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1973.
———. ‘Margaret Mahy on King Solomon’s Mines,’ Early Reading (NZ writers describe books that impressed them in their childhood), Education, c. 1975.
———. ‘Intuitive Aspects of Language’, in Children and Language, the 1974 Lectures, Wellington: Association for the Study of Childhood, 1975.
———. ‘Educating the Imagination’, ‘Women in 1975.’ (Nagelkerke Files, CCL)
———. ‘Touchstones: The interpre-tation of adult experiences by the images of childhood reading’, Landfall, 120, 1976. (Talk given at the NZLIA Conference, 1976.)
———. ‘Meet our Author Margaret Mahy,’ Cricke
t, Vol 5, No. 3, 1976.
———. ‘The Lion, the Magician, the Hero, the Witch: Thoughts about Magic and Reality’, Yearbook, Auckland: Children’s Literature Association, 1976.
———. ‘On building houses that face the sun’, in A Track to Unknown Water, ed. Stella Lees, Proceedings of the second Pacific Rim Conference on children’s literature, Melbourne: Melbourne State College, 1980.
———. ‘Emblems and Journeys: The Power of Story in the Imagination’, in Readings in Children’s Literature, ed. Brian Murphy, Proceedings of the Second National Seminar on Children’s Literature, 1978, Frankston, Victoria: Frankston State College, 1980.
———. ‘Attitudes to Childhood in Early Australian and NZ Children’s Books’, in Sharing, ed. Jerelynn Emerson Brown, Proceedings from the First LAA-NZLA Conference, Christchurch, 1981, Sydney: LAA, 1981.
———. ‘Countries of the Mind — Books and environment in childhood’. Education, Vol 31, No. 1, 1982.
———. ‘1984 Carnegie Medal, The Changeover Margaret Mahy (Dent)’, acceptance speech in Youth Library Review, No. 1, Spring, 1986.
———. ‘Joining the Network’, Signal (UK) No. 54, The Thimble Press, 1987.
———. ‘A New Zealand Writer Speaks’, in Brave New World: International Understanding through Books, ed. Wendy and John Birman, Western Library Studies, 11, Proceedings of the Combined Conference on Youth Literature, Perth, 1985, Perth: Curtin University of Technology, 1988.
———. ‘A Dissolving Ghost: Possible Operations of Truth in Children’s Books and the Lives of Children’, Journal of Youth Services in Libraries, 2.4 (1989), Arbuthnot Lecture, 1989, published in The Arbuthnot Lectures 1980–1989 (Chicago: ALA, 1990), reprinted in Only Connect, ed. Sheila Egoff, Oxford University Press, 1996 and A Dissolving Ghost: essays and more, Wellington, Victoria University Press, 2000.
———. ‘The long-shanked teddy’, Landfall 44(2), June 1990 (short story).
———. ‘Margaret Mahy’, Reading Forum NZ 3, 1990.
———. ‘The Illustrated Traveller’s Tale’, Soho Square 4, ed. Bill Manhire, Bloomsbury, 1991, reprinted in A Dissolving Ghost, 2000.
———. ‘Part of the democratic pantomime’, New Zealand Books 3(4), March 1994 (edited version of the 1993 Shelley Lecture).
———. ‘Margaret Mahy’, New Zealand Official Yearbook 1993.
———. ‘The Writer in New Zealand: Building Bridges through Children’s Books’, Bookbird 34, No. 4, winter 1996.
———. ‘Taking humour seriously’, in Reading Forum NZ 2, NZ Reading Association, 1996. Paper presented to 22nd NZ Reading Association Conference on Reading, New Plymouth, 1996.
———. ‘Beginnings’, in Landfall 193, Autumn, 1997.
———. ‘Books that shaped my life’, column in Booknotes, journal of NZ Book Council, No. 127, Spring, 1999.
———. ‘Bookmarking the Century’, on Maurice Gee’s The Fat Man, Landfall 199, 2000.
———. ‘The child, the book and the future,’ Imprints column in New Zealand Books, June 2000.
———. ‘Two Trilogies and Mystery: Speculations on the Earthsea Stories’, Magpies, Vol. 17, No. 3, July 2002.
———. ‘Fantasy: Flights of the Mind,’ The Inside Story, Storylines Children’s Literature Foundation of NZ Yearbook 2002.
———. ‘Accounts and Meditations: A Judge’s Report on the 2002 Landfall Essay Competition’, Landfall 203, May 2002.
———. ‘Cinderella Transformed: Multiple Voices and Diverse Dialogues in Children’s Literature’, ed. John McKenzie, Doreen Darnell and Anna Smith, proceedings of the conference on children’s literature, Centre for Children’s Literature (Christchurch College of Education) and Australian Children’s Literature Association for Research, 2003.
———. ‘Margaret Mahy’, Sound Ideas, Vol. 6, No. 2, University of Canterbury School of Music, May 2003.
———. ‘Looking inward, exploring outward’, Foreign Correspondence in The Horn Book, March–April, 2004.
Marquis, Claudia. ‘Feminism, Freud and the Fairy Tale: Reading Margaret Mahy’s The Haunting’, Landfall, 162, 1987.
———. ‘Principles pleasures: exploring fantasy in children’s literature’, Antic 7, June 1990.
———. ‘Telling tales out of School: “Young adult” fiction in New Zealand’, Landfall, 179, 1991.
———. ‘Ariadne “down under”: Structures of Adolescent Fantasy in The Tricksters’, in Marvellous Codes: The Fiction of Margaret Mahy, edited by Elizabeth Hale and Sarah Winters, Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
Pickles, Veda. ‘A Tale of a Telethon’, Yearbook 1981, Auckland: Children’s Literature Association, 1981.
Plumpton, Frances, ‘Bringing Margaret Mahy to Children’, report of her first visit to Auckland, Yearbook 1983, Auckland: Children’s Literature Association, 1983.
Sheahan, Robyn. ‘The Use of the Supernatural to explore Realistic Issues in Margaret Mahy’s The Changeover and The Tricksters, Papers — Explorations in Children’s Literature, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1999.
Turton, Rayma. ‘Talking with Margaret Mahy about imagination and writing and her latest book The Riddle of the Frozen Phantom’, Mapgies, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2002.
Waller, Alison. ‘“Solid All the Way Through”: Margaret Mahy’s Ordinary Witches’, Children’s Literature in Education, Vol. 35, No. 1, March 2004.
Walls, Kathryn. ‘True-seeming lyes’ in Three Novels by Margaret Mahy, in Marvellous Codes: The Fiction of Margaret Mahy, edited by Elizabeth Hale and Sarah Winters, Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2005.
Worman, Ceri, ‘From idealism to Capitalism: Margaret Mahy Talks About The Process of Writing and Her Recent Books’, Youth Libraries Review (UK), 1997.
Newspapers and magazines
‘Authorgraph No. 24: Margaret Mahy’, Books for Keeps, No. 24, School Bookshop Association, January 1984.
Chamberlain, Jenny. ‘Margaret Mahy: Word Witchery’, North & South, November 1993.
Mahy, Margaret. ‘Children’s Libraries Are For Parents Too,’ Press, c. 1978. (Nagelkerke file)
———. ‘The School Journal,’ Popular Books, Fact Magazine, March 1982.
———. ‘Keep writing: the world needs you’, Newspapers in Education (NIE), Star classroom, The Star (Christchurch), 4 November 1985.
———. ‘Turning heads’, Listener 121, 23 July 1988. (MM and other writers on books that have influenced them)
———. ‘Favourite teachers’, NZ Education Review, 15 July 1998.
———. ‘Dissolving Millennium’, Sunday Star-Times, supplement, 2 January 2000.
———. ‘Just Wild about Harry’, Listener, 15 July 2000.
———. ‘Margaret Mahy/Questionnaire/Bizarre Bits,’ AuthorZone, c. 2001.
———. ‘The Seventh Form,’ socialisation in secondary schools, undated.
Thompson, Margie. ‘A lion in our literary meadow’, New Zealand Herald, 6 April 2002.
Margaret Mahy unpublished
‘Report on overseas visit’, to School Library Service, Christchurch, 1973. (Christchurch City Libraries, MM Archive)
‘A Library Christmas Carol or The Consolations of Literature’, written and illustrated by Margaret Mahy; ‘The Library Advisor’s Song’; ‘The Branch Meeting’; ‘An old music hall song of flowers’. (c. 1976–1979). (CCL: MM Archive)
On writing a longer book (The Tricksters), one page, typewritten draft. (CCL: MM Archive)
‘In the beginning …’ undated speech. (MM Files)
‘Stories at home, stories at school — reading in the family and at school’, undated speech on reading programmes, literacy. (MM Files)
‘When I came seriously to consider …’ speech, c. 1982, to teachers’ gathering. (MM Files)
‘The Bubble’, speech, c. 1987. (MM Files)
‘I am here to speak …’ speech to Friends of the Library group (incomplete), November 1988. (Nagelkerke File)
��A Place in the World: the impact of childhood reading’, speech, c. 1992. (MM Files)
‘Dissolving edges — Jokes and Passion in reading acquisition’, speech c. 1991 (incomplete). (MM Files)
‘The theme of this conference, that of building bridges of understanding …’ speech, c. 1995. (MM Files)
‘I tell this story [‘Down the Back of the Chair’] because it seems typical of many of the stories I write … fantastic yet essentially domestic …’ speech, c. 1996. (MM Files)
‘Seeing the Lion,’ speech given at Endings and Beginning: The Shape of Story, CLNE at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996. (MM Files)
‘From the time I was a small child …’ speech to teachers, c. 2002. (MM Files)
NZ Book Council, writer files: MM entry includes Children’s Questions for MM.
Christchurch City Libraries: ‘The Margaret Mahy Pages’, includes poem ‘Down the Back of the Chair’ and story, ‘The Word-Eater’, Q & A interview, ‘In her Own Words’. Penguin Books (Authors: MM biography, quotes from reviews) Author Pages, MM entry includes Q & A interview with reference to 24 Hours. (Also Author Profile: MM Long interview 2003. University of Auckland Library — LEARN/Margaret Mahy — extensive and useful select list of books and reviews; material by and about MM
Various on-line websites (including biographies, book lists/essays, references) available through subscribing libraries, e.g. ‘Contemporary Authors Online’, ‘Writers for Young Adults’, ‘Junior Discovering Authors’.
General books on children’s literature with references to Margaret Mahy
Children’s Literature Review, excerpts from Reviews, Criticism and Commentary on Books for Children, Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1984.
Sheila A. Egoff, ed. Worlds Within: children’s fantasy from the Middle Ages to today, American Library Association, 1988.
Saxby, Maurice and Gordon Winch, ed. Give them Wings: the Experience of Children’s Literature, second edition (especially essays by Patricia Scott, Glenys Smith, Moira Robinson), Melbourne: Macmillan 1987 (2nd edition 1991).