Counterfeit Relations (Alaskan Security: Team Rogue Book 2)

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Counterfeit Relations (Alaskan Security: Team Rogue Book 2) Page 22

by Jemma Westbrook

  “You’re sure?”

  Mona’s smile moved to Eva. “Positive.” She grabbed Eva in a quick hug, whispering something in her ear before letting her go and walking down the hall with Shawn close at her side.

  Eva watched them go, waiting until they were out of sight before turning to face him.

  “What did Mona say to you?”

  “She said you needed me more than she did.”

  “She’s right.”

  Eva barely smiled. “I know.”

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. In two steps he had her, pulling Eva tight against his chest. “I don’t know that I can handle this, Tatum.”

  “You have to.” She held him as tight as he held her. “I have to stay.”

  “Shit.” This was the worst case scenario.

  This wasn’t about Harvey or Chandler or even Eva.

  This was about Alaskan Security and whoever was out to take them down.

  And tonight they made it clear what they were willing to do to make that happen.


  They were willing to risk breaking into a place they would almost certainly never get out of, to take the one thing that would guarantee an immediate use of deadly force.

  Because they believed the potential gain was worth it.

  “I can’t leave Harlow here to deal with this alone.” Eva sniffed a little. “And she won’t leave just to prove she’s not scared.”

  He held onto Eva as the truth of everything pushed in on him from all sides.

  Eva wasn’t safe.

  Harlow wasn’t safe.

  At least Bess and Parker were away from all this.

  “Brock.” Shawn’s tone was clipped and short.

  He looked to where the team coordinator stood at the end of the hall, his jaw tight. “What’s wrong?”

  “Chandler’s room is empty.”


  EVA STOOD IN the doorway to the room where Chandler had been staying since his arrival in Alaska.

  It was a mess. The mattress was sliced open, pillows were emptied of their stuffing and flung around the space, the walls were covered in some sort of brownish streaks. “That’s not shit, is it?”

  “Based on the smell, probably.” Shawn stood at the entrance to the bathroom of the hotel-style space. “The toilet’s overflowed and he stuffed towels into the sink and left the tap running.”

  “He was part of this.” It was an easy conclusion to come to. All Chandler’s belongings were gone. Computer, suitcase, everything. “How did he sneak out without anyone seeing him?”

  “He’s there on the cameras, but Chandler left right after we moved out to get Richards. Everyone was focused on that.” Shawn raked one hand through his hair. “Not that we would have been watching him closely anyway. He wasn’t an issue.”

  “Obviously not true.” Eva’s head dropped back. “God, he’s such a dick.”

  Brock pulled her in close. “If it makes you feel any better they’ll probably kill him once he stops being useful.”

  Did that make it better?

  “I don’t necessarily want him to die.” Eva scrunched her nose up as the smell from inside the room started to waft out. “That’s definitely shit.” She pinched her nose together. “Who does that?”

  “He’s pissed.” Brock pulled her into the hall. “I’m taking her upstairs, Shawn. Call me when you go to talk to Richards.”

  “I’m not talking to Richards.”

  Brock paused. “Who is?”

  Shawn stomped across the room, pulling the door closed behind him. “I believe Pierce has claimed that prize.”

  “Pierce wants to be the one to question Harvey?” Eva looked between Shawn and Brock. “Is that normal?”

  Shawn shook his head. “I think normal is not anything we’re going to be enjoying for a while.” He walked beside them down the hall. “And honestly Harvey is the best shot we have right now. He’s the only one who might be able to prove we’re right about the connections.”

  “You mean that Harvey and Chandler were both working with whoever it is that’s trying to take down you guys?”

  Shawn pointed at her. “Bingo.” He kept walking toward the connecting hall to the main building as she and Brock turned toward the stairs to the second floor. “If I hear anything I’ll let you know.”

  Eva moved up the stairs alongside Brock. “Who’s going to clean that mess up?”

  “Which mess are you talking about?” Brock pulled her in closer. “The one inside or the one outside?”

  She barely shivered. “I was trying not to think about the mess outside.” Eva swallowed hard. “Was it you?”

  “I’m proud you believe that could have all been me, but no. They all had to be taken out at the same time.”

  “So that means you’re only up to nine.” She forced in a deep breath. “That’s good. Better than hitting double digits, right?”

  Brock stopped at the top of the steps, turning toward her. “That will not be one that keeps me up at night, Sunshine. I will never feel bad about what I did tonight and neither will anyone else.” He pulled her close. “Any man here will protect you no matter what. No questions asked.”

  “I can’t believe that asshole tricked us into coming out there.” She rested her head against Brock’s chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as her eyes drifted closed, an oddly heavy exhaustion pulling at her. “What the fuck was he thinking?”

  “He was thinking there was going to be a whole lot of money in his future.”

  Eva blinked her eyes open and found Pierce standing right beside Brock. “I figured it was about money.”

  Pierce’s cool gaze rested on her for a second before moving to Brock. “I need Ms. Tatum for a bit.”

  Brock’s hold on her tightened. “She’s tired, Pierce. She needs to sleep.”

  “I don’t disagree, but I believe she might be our best chance to pull useful information from Harvey Richards.” Pierce turned back to her. “I assume you would like to know what your business partner was up to.”

  Damn it.

  She did.

  Slightly more than she wanted to be curled up in bed with Broccoli. “Fine.” Eva straightened. “Let’s make it quick, though. I’m over this for the night.” She grabbed Pierce by the lapel of his expensive suit and pulled him along with her. “Did you hear Chandler spread shit all over his room downstairs?”

  Pierce let her drag him down the stairs. “I had not heard that.” He pulled out his phone and tapped through the screen before putting it up to his ear. “I need room fourteen handled tonight.” He slid the phone back in his pocket. “Do you know where you’re going, Ms. Tatum?”

  “Eva.” She glanced his way. “Or just Tatum is fine. And no.” She dropped his coat. “Lead the way.”

  He nodded, eyes barely shifting over her shoulder to where Brock was behind her, strong and solid. Supporting her in the decision she made, even though it was the last thing he probably wanted to do.

  Eva reached back, sliding her hand into his. “Come on. Let’s go see if Harvey is happy to see me.”

  He was.

  “Hey.” Harvey smiled across the table at her. “Did you get the flowers I sent you?”

  “Yup.” Eva shifted in her chair. Now that she knew just how crazy this guy was he made her uncomfortable as hell. “So you were hanging out with Chandler, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Harvey lifted one shoulder. “We’re friends.”

  “Cool. Cool.” Eva glanced to the dark corner of the large room where Brock and Pierce were tucked into the shadows.

  The set up was a cliché if she’d ever seen one. A single table set up in the center of a black room with a light shining down into Harvey’s ruddy face.

  “I think Chandler left.” Eva sighed. “All his stuff is gone.

  Harvey’s unruly brows came together. “What?”

  “Yeah. Just packed up and left with some guys in a black car.”

  Harvey frowned. “Oh.” He reached
out to pick at a mar on the table with his zip tied hands. “I’m sure he’ll call me soon.”

  Probably not.

  “Yeah. Of course. Because he’ll want to talk to you about...”

  “The job and stuff.”

  “Totally.” Eva nodded. “When are you starting?”

  “Well.” Harvey glanced up. “Don’t be mad at me.”

  Eva shook her head. “Never.”

  “I’m going back to work at Investigative Resources.” Harvey held his hands up. “But Chandler said you would be fine with it because you would have all the money from the buyout.” His eyes were wide and open. “Did you get your money?”

  “I didn’t get my money, Harvey.” She sighed. “I think Chandler might have been using you.”

  “No.” Harvey shook his head fast. “We’re friends. He helped me come up here and find you so I could make sure you were still happy.” He smiled. “That’s why I sent you those flowers.”

  So Harvey Richards was definitely still sort of misguided.

  “They did make me happy, so thank you for that.” Eva plastered on a smile. “But I’m worried about you, Harvey. Why would Chandler just leave you like that? He knew you were here.”

  Harvey’s expression sobered. “He knew I was here?”

  Eva nodded. “He’s the one who told those men where to find you.”

  Harvey barely shook his head. “No. He wouldn’t do that. He’s my friend.”

  Eva leaned closer, resting her arms on the table between them. “Who were the other men, Harvey? The ones who took you to the flower shop?”

  Harvey’s lips pressed together.

  He was not as stupid as he might be pretending to be.

  Actually, Harvey might be way smarter than she’d given him credit for. “Who were the men in the black car?”

  Harvey crossed his arms over his chest as his entire expression shifted. “How do you know about them?”

  “I saw you on video with them.” Eva watched him for a minute, trying to gauge what of this conversation was real.

  And what wasn’t.

  Because Harvey was absolutely trying to manipulate her.

  Harvey’s eyes barely narrowed. “You should have stayed out of this. Everything would have been fine.”

  So there was the crazy.

  “I’m not very good at staying out of things.”

  “That’s why you’re here. So we could make sure this would run smoothly.” His lip curled. “But you still managed to fuck it all up again.”


  “You shouldn’t have fired me, Eva. You should have let me be. Then you could have been a part of it.” His gaze raked down her. “We could have done it together.” Harvey’s lip moved to a snarl. “Instead it had to be Chandler.”

  “He was always your best bet, Harvey.” Eva smiled sweetly. “I would never have been a part of this bullshit.”

  Harvey smiled back at her. “But here you are.” He leaned in. “They won’t be happy they didn’t get what they wanted.”

  Eva eyed the wild man across the table from her. “What did they want?”

  “They wanted Investigative Technologies, and Chandler was going to give it to them.” Harvey’s gaze carried no small amount of disgust as it rested on her. “He knew you wouldn’t understand. Would act all fucking righteous. So he had to find a way to remove you from the equation.”

  “What about Mona?” As disturbing as all of this was, the thought of Mona being left sitting in the center of this without her bothered Eva the most.

  “Mona does what she’s told. She knows her fucking place.”

  A hand came down between them, hitting the table hard enough to make it rattle on its feel. “Enough.”

  Eva stared up at Pierce.

  She’d never seen him anything but cool and calm. Collected.

  But right now the man looked as capable of killing as the rest filling the buildings around her.

  “Take him somewhere.” Pierce jerked his chin toward Harvey.”

  “What? Who they fuck do you think you are?” He kicked at two large men as they came toward him. “You don’t know who you’re fucking with. They’ll come for me.” He fought against their hold as they locked onto his arms. “They will take you down. They won’t stop till it’s done.”

  The two men didn’t react to any of Harvey’s antics as they picked his feet off the ground and carried him toward one end of the room.

  “They will destroy you!” His short squatty legs swung in the air. “All of you.” His eyes landed on Eva. “Bitch.”

  She let out a sigh as the doors closed out his continuing yells. “Can someone call be something besides a bitch for once?”

  “You did well, Tatum.” Pierce stepped in beside her. “Thank you.”

  “I think he’s crazy.”

  “I believe that’s an accurate assessment.” Pierce nodded as Brock came to her side, his arm immediately finding its way around her. “She is all yours, Cassidy.” Pierce barely smiled at her. “For now.”


  “WHAT IS THIS?” Eva leaned over the counter to peer down at the plate he put in front of her.

  “French toast.” It was a pretty self-explanatory dish. One he figured a vegetarian would eat. “It’s the second best breakfast food.”

  Eva lifted her brows at him. “Did you determine this through a survey?”

  He grinned. “Something like that.”

  Eva picked up her fork. “I guess we’ll see if I agree with the masses.”

  “They weren’t masses.”

  “Not judging, Broccoli.” She chopped a chunk free and stuffed it into her mouth. “I have masses of my own.”

  He straightened behind the counter, sending her into a laughing fit that led to a choking fit.

  Brock rounded the counter and was about to pat her back just as she held up one finger, stopping him dead in his tracks.

  That’s how easily this woman could rule his life.

  Already did.

  “You okay?” He leaned against the counter as she swallowed some coffee on top of the problematic bite of toast. “If you choke to death on a breakfast I made you I will—”

  She reached up, her hand curling around the back of his neck to pull him down to face her. “I’m gonna tell you something right now, Broccoli, and I want you to listen to me very carefully. Got it?” She didn’t wait for his answer. “I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. I will not step foot out of this building until you tell me it’s safe.” Her ringed eyes were wide on his. “But someday I will die. It’s just the way shit goes.”

  “I don’t want to—”

  “I don’t care.” Her hand came to rest against his cheek, palm cool against his skin. “I might die before you.” Her eyes skimmed down his body. “Probably not given your choice of profession, but it could happen.” She stared up at him. “What happened with your brother is a tragedy.” Her head barely shook. “But most people find a way to go on. It’s not fun and it’s not easy, but most people do it.” Her hand skimmed down his chest to give him a single-finger poke right between his ribs. “And you would be like those people.”

  “I don’t plan to find out.”

  “Then that means I’ll be the one to find out.” She lifted her shoulders. “Does that make you feel better?”

  He barely smiled. “A little.

  Eva’s head bounced back. “Ouch. You would rather I be the one left here to suffer without you?”

  He grabbed her from the stool and pulled her body against his. “I like hearing you say you would suffer without me.” He nuzzled her neck. “I like that you’re talking about us being together until one of us dies.”

  Her body stiffened for just a second before softening. “Damn it, Broccoli.” Eva’s arms wrapped around his neck. “We were having a perfectly fine conversation and you had to go and make it serious.”

  He laughed loud. “You were talking about death. How am I the one who made it serious?”

nbsp; “You just were.” Eva was smiling when she leaned back, but it faltered as soon as her eyes landed on his. “Serious is hard for me, Brock.”

  “Weren’t you engaged once?” He tried not to sound as irritated as the fact made him.

  “Yeah, but it was,” Eva rolled her eyes, “I was young and it wasn’t really...” She blew out a breath, lips flapping together in a raspberry. “It wasn’t like this.”

  “Good.” He caught her lips in a kiss that tasted faintly of French toast and coffee.

  Eva pushed up onto her toes, arms holding him tight.

  She might be acting brave now, but last night scared her. It’s why she was happy to stay here under lock and key.

  And he didn’t doubt for a second that sacrifice was only for her benefit.

  Eva pushed against him as the whole kiss shifted to something more.

  Brock gripped her hips and pushed her back. “Nope. Not until you’ve eaten your breakfast.”

  She’d skipped enough morning meals this week and this one was not being added to the list.

  Her lower lip pushed out. “Please?”

  He shook his head at her.

  “I guess I was right.” Eva turned from him and plopped back onto her stool, shoving up the sleeves of his shirt as she faced her breakfast.


  “Um-hm.” She took a bite, keeping her eyes straight ahead as she chewed. “You’re no fun.”

  “I’m fun.” How many times had she made him say it over the past week?

  Too many to count.

  “Whatever makes you feel better, Broccoli.” Her bare feet hooked over the bottom rung of the stool as she continued to eat, refusing to look his way.

  Brock stepped in behind her, leaning over one shoulder. “You have a very narrow definition of fun, Sunshine.”

  “I really don’t.” She tilted her head to look at him. “It’s very, very broad.”

  “Be careful, Tatum.” He rested his palms on her bare thighs. “If you’re too fun I might not tell you when it’s safe for you to go outside.”

  She laughed deep and real, head falling back against his shoulder. “If you’re fun enough I might not mind.” She smiled up at him. “It’s cold as hell out there.” Eva rested one hand on top of one of his, guiding it higher as her legs pushed apart. “I might be happy to stay inside if you gave me incentives.”


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