ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC

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ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC Page 15

by Amy Cecil

  I was sitting in the living room, reading and actually enjoying the quiet, when the front door opened and in walked Hawk, followed by another member of the club. I recognized Hawk’s companion, but couldn’t remember his name.

  Hawk said, “Hey Emma, do you remember Ryder?”

  Yes, now I do. Ryder. I need to remember that.

  “Yes, of course. Hi, Ryder. Nice to see you again.” I looked over at Hawk curiously. I’d thought that we were keeping the club away from the house until Ice could return. He caught my concern and smiled, but he didn’t say anything to answer my silent question. If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought that he was up to something.

  “Where are the girls?” Hawk asked.

  “Ari is taking a nap and Honey is down in the basement getting something out of the freezer for dinner tonight. She should be up any minute.”

  “Oh, okay,” he replied, sounding a little disappointed. What was up with that? Was he disappointed that Honey would be back any minute, or was he disappointed that she wasn’t here to greet him?

  The boys went into the kitchen and got themselves something to drink. I didn’t pay attention to what they were drinking, as I had found that those guys would drink alcoholic beverages at any time of the day. It was strange to me, as I’d grown up with the notion that alcohol shouldn’t be consumed before 6 pm. I didn’t know why, exactly—it was just what my parents always said. I returned back to my chair and my reading.

  Hawk and Ryder plopped themselves down at the bar and started to talked about some meeting they had that day and that they were pleased with the outcome. Obviously, they didn’t mention any details. Heaven forbid they talk about club business in front of an old lady … but I strained to hear anyway, hoping to hear a clue about something.

  Honey came up a few minutes later and I thought she actually blushed when she saw Hawk sitting at the bar. Those two definitely had something going on, I would have bet money on it. “Hey guys,” she said. When Hawk saw her, his eyes lit up. He smiled and said hi back while Ryder got up and gave her a big hug.

  “Hey, Honey girl! I’ve missed you!” Ryder said as he squeezed her tight.

  “I’ve missed you too, big guy!” she said, smiling. Hawk watched Honey and Ryder closely. I think if he could have, he would have literally turned green. I had to laugh to myself. These big, bad bikers—they talked the big talk and walked the walk, but deep down they were a bunch of sensitive guys looking for the same thing we all are looking for: love. For some silly reason, that thought made me smile.

  Just then, I heard a bike pull up. That must be Rebel, I thought to myself. While Honey chatted with Hawk and Ryder, I walked over to the window to confirm my suspicions. As I watched out the window, I realized I knew that body like I knew the back of my hand. The rider got off his bike, removed his helmet, and looked directly at me watching from the window with a smile. Caden was home!

  “Hey guys, Ice is home!” I squealed. I ran to the door and literally jumped into his arms as he walked through the threshold. He held onto me so tightly that for a minute I believed his strength would crush me. But I knew better. The man that I loved so dearly wouldn’t do anything to hurt or harm me. He had proven that over and over again.

  Hawk and Ryder sat calmly at the bar watching our display of affection while Honey strolled over to give Caden a hug. When he finally released me, after giving me a kiss, he turned to Honey and said, “Hey, sweetheart.” She walked into his arms and he gave her a hug. Then he said, “I told you I’d be back.”

  “Yes, you did! But I have to say, even though we knew you were alive, I found it hard to believe until I actually saw you!” Honey replied. Then she took her right hand and hit him hard on the arm. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again!” she scolded.

  She still loves him, I thought to myself. Maybe I was wrong about her and Hawk?

  “Yes, ma’am,” Caden replied. “Is dinner ready yet? I’m starved,” he said. Suddenly, I felt like an intruder.

  “Not yet, but I’ll get working on it right away.” Honey replied and went back to the kitchen to work her magic.

  Everyone was talking and chatting with Caden and I stood back and watched his family welcome him home. Ari came out of the bedroom, still sleepy, and said, “What is going on out here? You guys make more noise than the sex-crazed women at a Maroon 5 concert!” When her eyes focused, she realized why there was so much commotion going on. “Caden! You’re home!” she yelled, and she practically knocked him over as she ran into his arms.

  “Hey, doll face! How’s my best girl?” I knew that I had nothing to be jealous of—I mean really, she was his kid sister. But after the display with Honey and now this, I just felt like I didn’t belong. Will I ever feel like I am part of the family?

  Suddenly, I started to feel sick. Whatever Honey had started cooking made my stomach turn and I felt like I was going to vomit. I immediately ran upstairs. The last thing I needed was to get sick in front of everyone.

  I made it to the bathroom in the nick of time and my stomach released everything that I had eaten earlier. As I hung my head over the commode, I felt a hand gently grab onto my hair and hold it back. I glanced up and saw it was Caden.

  “You ok, baby?” he asked.

  Grabbing some toilet paper to wipe my mouth, I replied, “Go away. I don’t want you to see me like this.”

  He laughed. Why is he laughing at a time like this? I’m so embarrassed.

  He said, “Baby, we are in this for the long haul. I’m gonna see you at all times, even ones like this. It’s gonna be all the way, baby, for better or worse. So, please tell me, are you ok?”

  When I was confident that my stomach had settled, I got up and walked over to the sink. I needed to brush my teeth and get that nasty taste out of my mouth. All the while, Caden just stood there watching me. When I was done, I turned toward him and said, “I’m fine. I just suddenly felt ill, but I feel better now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Reassuringly, I replied, “Yeah, I’m sure. I don’t know what came over me.” Well, actually I do. Damn green-eyed monster … but he doesn’t need to know that.

  We both went back downstairs and everyone asked if I was ok. I assured them all that I was just fine, but Honey looked at me curiously as if she knew something that I didn’t.

  Not long after, Rebel returned and everyone started the chatter again, with Caden being the center of attention. I knew they were glad to have him back, but I wanted him all to myself. I knew I was being selfish, but that didn’t matter. He was mine.

  Honey finished cooking dinner and everyone got up to get a plate. My stomach was still feeling a little queasy and I thought it best that I didn’t eat. I pulled Caden aside and said, “I’m still not feeling 100 percent. I think I’m gonna go lay down for a bit.”

  He looked worried and asked, “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Baby, I’m fine. Just don’t feel much like eating, and getting sick has made me really tired. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, babe. You get some rest. I’ll be up later,” he said.

  I smiled, made my excuses, and went upstairs. I hoped I would feel better after I took a good long nap.

  Chapter 22


  I woke up the next morning to the sound of Emma getting sick again in the bathroom. I don’t care how fine she says she is, she is going to the doctor. I got up and walked into the bathroom. “Babe? Did you get sick again?”

  “Yeah,” she said sadly. “I’ve been up most of the night. I must have caught a bug or something. I feel awful.”

  I walked over to her and scooped her up into my arms. “You are spending the day in bed. If you are not better by tomorrow morning, you are getting your ass to the doctor. Understood?” I’d just gotten my life back, and everything was falling into place—this was not the time for her to be sick.

  “Ok,” she agreed reluctantly. I could see that she was reall
y tired and weak. I went over and lifted her up and carried her to the bed. Her body felt limp in my arms. I was beginning to worry.

  I placed her back on the bed, covered her up, kissed her on the cheek, and told her to get some rest. I proceeded into the bathroom to shower.

  When I came out of the shower, Emma was sound asleep. I dressed as quietly as I could. The last thing I wanted to do was disturb her now that she was finally sleeping. After I dressed I walked downstairs. Honey and Rebel were in the kitchen having coffee.

  “How’s Emma feeling?” Honey asked.

  I shook my head. “Not so good. I expect her to stay in bed most of the day. I told her if she isn’t better tomorrow, she’s going to the doctor.”

  “I’ll make a batch of chicken soup. Maybe that will help settle her stomach,” Honey said and went back to drinking her coffee.

  “Thanks, dear. Keep an eye on her for me, will ya?” I asked and then turned toward Rebel. “We need to head out soon.”

  “What for?” he asked.

  “’Cause we have shit to do,” I said.

  “Like what?”

  What the fuck? Did these boys go all soft on me the weeks I was away?

  “First of all, we need to call church. We need to get moving on the new clubhouse and move forward with the gun trade. Is that ok with you?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Hey man, I didn’t mean …”

  I cut him off. “Then don’t fucking ask ‘like what?’ when I say we have shit to do!” Man, you could tell that I had been away for several weeks.

  “Yes, sir!” Rebel replied. That was more like it.

  Just then, my phone rang. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Hawk. I said, “Hey man, I was just about to call you.”

  “Great minds, boss. By the way, did I tell you how good it is to have you back?” I laughed. Hawk had never wanted to be President, but he’d done a great job in my absence. He continued, “So, I figured you would want to call church today. Got any specific time in mind? I’ll let the boys know.”

  I looked at my watch: 9:30 am. I thought for a moment and then replied, “Let’s do 11.”

  “You got it! See you at Kandi’s,” Hawk replied, and then he hung up the phone.

  “Hawk?” Rebel asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied.

  “What’d he want?”

  “He wanted to know what time to call church. I told him to set it for 11.” I paused briefly then added, “See, that’s called being proactive. You could learn something from him.”

  “Ice, man, I’m sorry. I’m not sure what I did to piss you off this morning, but please, cut me some slack. You’ve been gone for weeks. Nothing has been the same since you left and all the guys, including myself, need to readjust. I’m not trying to be a dick here, I’m just saying, cut us some slack.”

  He was probably right. I said, “Ok, I hear ya. I’m just ready to get shit back to normal now that I am back. I went weeks without my cut, and now that I have it back, I want my club back too. Surely you can understand that.”

  “I do, really, but you have to understand where we are coming from, too,” he replied. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I needed to remember that when I was reunited with the rest of the club.

  After my conversation with Rebel, we still had some time to spare, so I went back upstairs to check on Emma. She was still passed out. I decided it was best not to bother the poor thing; she needed the rest. Instead, I went back downstairs and grabbed another cup of coffee.

  When I came back downstairs, Honey asked, “Ice, would you like some breakfast?”

  I smiled. She was always taking care of her boys. “Naw, darlin’, I’m good.”

  She looked a bit disappointed, but said ok and went about rustling around in the kitchen. I assumed she was getting started on Emma’s soup.

  When we arrived at Kandi’s, Rebel dismounted his bike and hesitated for a moment. I turned back to him and said, “What now?”

  “Well, it is probably not a good idea for you to just waltz in there, don’t ya think?” he said.

  “Why the fuck not?” I asked.

  “Maybe because they all think you’re dead?”

  Oh fuck, I didn’t think about that. I’d been too busy worrying about getting back on track, and that minor detail had just escaped my mind.

  I nodded. “Yeah, man, you’re right.” I thought for a moment, and then added, “Maybe you should go in first and give everyone the heads-up.”

  “I don’t think that is a good idea, either. Shouldn’t it come from Hawk?”

  Fuck, he’s right again. I looked around the parking lot. It appeared that everyone was already there. Most of them probably slept at Kandi’s since they didn’t have a clubhouse to sleep in anymore.

  I texted Hawk:

  He texted back:

  Now that was what I wanted to hear. I looked to Rebel and said, “It’s all good. They know.”

  “Fucking A!” he said. “Then let’s go, boss!”

  We walked into the club and immediately my fellow brothers welcomed me back to the land of the living with numerous embraces. Many were asking questions as to what had happened and why I’d been playing dead. But all in all, they were happy to see me—not that I’d expected anything less.

  “Thank you all so much! I sure as hell missed you guys!” I said graciously. Then I added, “Are we ready for church?”

  “Hell, yeah!” and “Yes, sir!” I heard in a jumble of voices.

  We all headed into the back meeting room and started the meeting. I explained to them why I’d done what I did and how I saw the club moving forward, and we talked about plans for the new clubhouse. We also discussed plans for our new porn and escort business. The boys were pumped—I should have known that the mention of pussy would motivate them. Doc recapped the club’s finances, and I had to admit, I was surprised to hear how well we were doing. Our legitimate businesses were really paying off, and once we added our newest venture into the mix, the club would be a lucrative business entity. All in all, it was a productive meeting. Everything was going exactly how I had hoped. I couldn’t have been more pleased.

  After the meeting, we hung around Kandi’s for a couple of hours. The boys wanted to have a celebratory drink in my honor. Fuck, it was good to be back.

  When all the camaraderie had concluded, we did have more business to tend to. Hawk and I headed out to the warehouse he had procured for our new clubhouse. He was excited to show me what he’d found. He didn’t know that I had already seen it, but I wasn’t going to burst his bubble. I was proud of him.

  When we got there, he started explaining to me his ideas on how he wanted to refit the space. His ideas were fucking awesome—when we were done it was going to make a kick-ass clubhouse.

  “So I was thinking that we could put the bar here, with the kitchen next to it through that archway,” Hawk said, gesturing to an area not far from the entrance. “And over here, this could be the lounge area. We could get a flat screen TV for that wall.” He pointed to a huge wall that would be perfect for a large TV. He took me through a doorway to another big room. “I thought this could be our chapel. A lot more space than we had before, don’t ya think?” he said.

  “This place is fucking awesome, Hawk! You did real good.” I paused for a moment and then said, “What about sleeping quarters?”

  “Ice, man, that’s the best part. Wait until you see the upstairs. There is enough space for five more rooms than what we had before.” He led me up the stairs in the back of the building and I saw that he was right. The space was huge!

  “What about the grounds?” I asked. I had seen that the parking lot was adequate. We would have to fence in the area, but we’d expected that. He led me over to one of the windows that looked out the back of the building and I could see it was perfect. There was enough land to accommodate the grilling and barbeque pit, picnic tables, and even space to include a small play area for the kids.

Hey, give Mareck a call. He’ll cut us a deal on the construction.” Mareck Construction was a local construction company just on the outskirts of Erie. We’d helped Jason Mareck a while back when he needed some muscle to fend off some people after him for his gambling debts. We didn’t clear his debts, but we made them an offer they couldn’t refuse by them allowing him ample time to repay his debts. It was a win-win, and now he owed us a favor.

  “Shit, Ice, I didn’t even think of Jason. I’ll call him as soon as we get back.”

  “Hawk, you did a great job finding this place. The boys are going to love it. You picked a perfect location, too—not too far outside of town. Once we get done making it our own, it’s going to fucking rock!” I paused for a brief moment and then added, “Ya know, I can be a real dick about most shit. I’ve been so wrapped up in getting back to the club and Emma, I never thanked you for all that you have done. I couldn’t ask for a better VP!”

  “Awwww, shucks, Ice,” he said in a very thick southern drawl. He shuffled his feet and added with a laugh, “Should we hug or something?”

  “Fuck you! See if I ever say anything nice to you again!”

  “And the dick is back,” he said, patting me on the back.

  I laughed. “Come on, fuckface. Let’s get back. It’s almost dinner time and I’m hungry.”

  “Honey cooking tonight?” he asked shyly. That fucker had had a thing for that girl for as long as I could remember, but he’d never had the balls to tell her. Then when she and I hooked up, I guess he realized he’d lost his chance. But now, things are a little different. I had Emma, so there was no reason for him not to stake his claim.

  “Why do you ask?” I asked teasingly. When he didn’t answer, I continued, “Wanna join us for dinner?” I knew that was what he was waiting for. I knew that in my absence, he’d come and gone to my house as he pleased. But now that I was back, the fucker had manners. I laughed. “And while we are on the subject of Honey, why don’t you tap that already and claim her as your old lady?”


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