Mated to the Pack

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Mated to the Pack Page 6

by Sam Crescent

She opened her lips with her gaze still on him. None of them would ever be able to interfere with their connection. He’d been her first, and he … shit, no he wasn’t about to allow emotions to get in the way. Not yet.

  Pushing them to the back of his mind, he watched as Billy thrust his cock forward.

  Unable to not be part of the moment, Luther walked toward them, aware that Noah waited as Ryan licked her pussy.

  From the spark of her eyes, he knew it wouldn’t be long before she came. She was so close already.

  When he wrapped her hair around his fist, her gaze shot to his.

  “Do you like his cock in your mouth?” he asked.

  She moaned her response.

  “Her pussy has gotten wetter since she started licking him.”

  “Are you going to fuck her anytime soon?” he asked Noah without breaking eye contact with her.

  “I want her to come.”

  “Then touch her. Help Ryan bring her to orgasm.”

  He heard Ryan’s licks as he started to work her clit, his tongue turning her on as she started to take more of Billy’s cock until her nose was so close to his pubic hair.

  Luther kept hold of her hair as Billy rocked into her mouth.

  The scent of her arousal and how close she was filled the air. It wouldn’t be long, and he kept her hair off her face so that he could see her come with a mouth full of cock.

  The moment she did, she cried out and deep throated Billy, who couldn’t control himself.

  “Oh, fuck, I’m coming.”

  Lucia was in no position to pull away, and as Billy filled her mouth, she swallowed every single spurt.

  As she came down from her orgasm, Noah found her entrance and slid inside her. The pleasure just kept continuing. Luther loved watching her and knew he’d be here for every single moment when it came to Lucia.

  She licked her lips, and then Luke moved into Billy’s spot.

  Luther let go of her hair as she started to suck on Luke’s cock.

  Ryan was at her anus, and instead, he spread her ass wide, watching her. Noah drove his cock home, filling her.

  Her cream coated his length with every single thrust inside her.

  Ryan had found some lubricant, and he was coating it on his own cock, stroking the length as he did.

  “Gently,” Luther said.

  “I won’t hurt her.”

  Ryan pressed the tip of his cock against her anus and slowly started to fill her ass. Lucia tensed up, and Luther reached to her clit and started to stroke her, wanting her to get off. One day, he would have her ass, and he didn’t want her to hate it. He wanted her to relish every single touch, every sensation, and beg for more.

  It’s what he craved, and he’d do everything in his power to make her love all five of them.

  They were not easy men. Some of them were easier to love, like Noah, but he wasn’t about to let a little work get in the way.

  Why does it matter so much if she loves you?

  She’s our mate.

  It wasn’t just because she was their mate, the one female destined to belong to all of them.

  It was so much more than that, and they all knew it.

  This past week, she’d spent time with each of them. Since their parents’ passing, laughter had been hard to come by. They rarely messed around or took time to enjoy life. Between keeping their land safe and jobs that needed to be done, they had no other time.

  In one week alone, she’d filled their darkness with laughter and light. After everything she’d been through, he still couldn’t believe how she did it.

  She was sheer fucking perfection, and watching her ass spread open over Ryan’s cock, he was so turned on. He wanted to be buried balls deep inside her, and before the night was over, he was going to be.

  Luke groaned and flooded her mouth with cum. Both men had stepped back as Noah and Ryan found a steady pace.

  Luther stroked her pussy, bringing her to another orgasm, but he didn’t let go of her clit. With Ryan and Noah deep inside her, he kept on stroking her clit, teasing her, watching her as she started to ride Noah and push back against Ryan.

  Luther couldn’t take it anymore, so he leaned forward taking one of her beaded nipples into his mouth, sucking on the large bud.

  She cried out his name, and Noah cursed.

  “Fuck! I’m not going to last.”

  Lucia leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Noah’s neck as she kissed him. Her tongue danced inside Noah’s mouth as he gripped her hips, slamming her down one final time. She swallowed down his grunt as he filled her.

  Ryan wasn’t far behind, and Luther watched as he pulled out of her ass and covered her back with his cum, which spilled out of the tip.

  Now it was Luther’s turn.

  Each of the men collapsed around the bed, and he’d wash the sheets himself and he moved her beneath him.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them above her head to the bed. Her eyes were filled with lust.

  “I’ve missed you,” she said, taking him by surprise.

  “Good, because I’ve missed you.”

  “You shouldn’t have waited so long.”

  “A week is not that long, and besides, you know who you belong to.” He held both of her hands in one of his as he reached down between them. She was so wet, and with Noah’s cum it made it easy for his cock to slide inside her.

  He was the largest of all of them, and as he thrust into her, she wrapped her legs around his waist, crying out.

  Taking both of her hands in his, he locked their fingers together, staring down into her eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  He didn’t give a fuck if that had to do with the mating. He just knew that when it came to this woman, he’d move heaven and earth to keep her safe.

  Today with the men, he’d been afraid for her. He wanted to be able to keep her safe. He knew what monsters and darkness were like, and he didn’t want that for her, for any of them.

  Taking possession of her lips, he drove his cock inside her, feeling that connection open up. The bond that made them all pack.

  Ryan, Luke, Billy, and Noah each felt it too, and he sensed their pleasure and their need as he drove inside her. He rocked against her, each thrust inside her pressing against her clit, and she cried out his name, begging for more.

  She pushed up to meet his cock as he took her, fucking her harder with every passing second.

  Lucia was theirs.

  So fucking theirs.

  He would never let her go.




  Never letting you go.

  His orgasm began to build, and he kissed her as she felt her own release consume her. When she finally came, Luther allowed himself the pleasure of his orgasm, pushing inside her, filling her body with every single part of him.

  He was telling her with his actions what he couldn’t bring himself to say. Maybe one day he’d be able to, but not today.

  Chapter Nine

  One week later

  Having five men completely devoted to you was a lot of work, but Lucia was more than happy to oblige. The room they’d asked her to stay in had now become their room. All five of her men slept in her bed, and each night and throughout most of the day, they all struggled to keep their hands off her.

  Not that she had a problem with that.

  Up until two weeks ago, she’d been a virgin curious about sex in a pack with a lot of females. Most of the mated men had refused to talk to her about it. Of course, there had been exceptions, and a couple of men were willing to tell her what to expect.

  It had only made her all the more curious to know what all the fuss was about.

  Actually doing it though, feeling a cock in her mouth, pussy, or ass, was so much better than when it was described to her.

  Sipping at her cocoa, she stared out of the library window, waiting for Luther and Ryan to return.

  “They’ll make it back, I promise,�
� Noah said. “Luther’s the best hunter in all of the land.”

  “I worry about them.” She worried about all of them, and whenever it got past five and they still hadn’t returned she’d sit by the window, waiting.

  Luther and Ryan were five minutes late, and the worrying had already set in.

  “We all do. Luther, he’s very protective. He won’t let anything happen to them.”

  “It sounds like he’s had a lot of time with the humans. When he talks, I see … I don’t know. It’s like he knows stuff.”

  “Because he does,” Luke said, joining her in the library.

  Billy followed seconds later. His cheeks were bright red.

  “You chop all the wood?” she asked.

  A tree had fallen close to the house, and before Luther left, he gave Billy the instruction to have it all chopped by the time he got home.

  They all knew that any job they gave Billy, he’d do it before anything else. She found it rather sweet and cruel at the same time.

  She adored each of them for so many different reasons.

  Billy for his need to always have a job completed.

  Luke for his seriousness, and he loved to read. They both could spend a lot of time together, just sitting in each other’s company reading.

  Noah was sweet and gentle. He didn’t mind sitting with her drinking tea.

  Ryan loved watching action movies, and they would spend a couple of hours watching films she’d never seen before and that Ryan would talk throughout about how they couldn’t do that. Humans were not super or had any special ability.

  Luther, he was … intense. When she was around him, she wanted to hug him. To make the pain go away, and out of all of the men, he made her feel the safest. His strength was an aura around him. He didn’t allow himself to have any fun until he knew the pack was safe and his men were protected.

  At night, he was the last one to fall asleep. She knew this as she stayed awake with him most nights, wanting him to relax. Of course, she was never the last to go. They’d talk, and Luther would tell her old stories and memories he had of being part of the Knight pack.

  “Yes,” Billy said, bringing her out of her thoughts.

  “It’s a shame they never put you on cleaning duty,” Noah said.

  “That’s because I do my job, and you find every excuse there is to not play your part.”

  “There’s no need to argue.” She reached out, touching each of their hands in turn.

  “You were talking about Luther and his knowledge of the human hunters,” Billy said.

  “I don’t think we should be talking about this,” Noah said.

  “Talking about Luther and the time he was taken. We don’t really know a whole lot ourselves,” Luke said.

  “So Luther was taken. He was held captive by human hunters?” Lucia asked.

  “Yes, for a long time. Nearly a full year.” Billy shook his head. “I remember my mom and dad, they were all so worried.”

  “All of our parents were. We’d never heard of humans even attempting to approach wolves, and yet a select group trapped and started to hurt one,” Luke said.

  “What happened to all of your parents?” she asked. All of the men each had parents. That was originally ten members plus their five children, making it fifteen.

  “My parents caught a sickness,” Billy said. “They were the oldest in the pack, and they passed first.”

  “Then mine,” Noah said. “They … they fell off a cliff. There was no one to save them, and no animal can make such a fall and walk away from it.”

  “Mine were shot,” Luke said. “They’d gone into a human town, to a bar. They did this every single year for their anniversary, and they got caught in the crossfire. They were shot, and if they’d been near the forest, they could have turned back to their wolf to heal. They didn’t make it back. They died at the side of the road.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Ryan’s parents went out one day and never returned,” Noah said. “Luther’s parents, they went hunting for them, but they lost the scent. No bodies were ever found.”

  “Luther’s parents … were the first and last time until a week ago that humans hunted on our land. They tried to capture his parents but ended up shooting them. Luther was near them at the time, and he lost control. He killed the humans and buried the bodies. Since that day, Luther has vowed to keep us all safe. No one is allowed on our territory,” Billy said.

  Lucia wished she hadn’t asked.

  They had all shared this with her.

  “I watched … it was night,” she said. “We’d been partying because one of the pack females had found her mate. It was a huge celebration, as it always was when someone found their mate. It was dark, so very dark when I woke from the screams. Men, so many men. Human men. They had the most disgusting stench I’d ever smelled. I watched as they killed my dad and then slit my mother’s throat. Before they did, my mom had told me to run.”

  They were all silent as they stared at each other.

  “Telling yourselves these kinds of stories is morbid,” Luther said, drawing their attention to the doorway.

  Both Ryan and Luther stood there.

  They all stood up, and she didn’t even care that he looked pissed at them. Putting her cocoa cup down, she ran toward him, giving him no choice but to hold her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, breathing in his scent, the intoxicating smell that made her ache.

  After a few seconds, Luther stopped being stubborn and wrapped his arms around her. She could breathe easier with his hands on her, and she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch, basking in it.

  “I was so worried.”

  “You shouldn’t be talking about that time in our life,” Luther said. “It brings about bad memories.”

  She pulled away and cupped his face. “They are necessary in getting to know you. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be doing?”

  “I don’t need to get to know you to be mated to you.” Luther pulled away, and before she could say anything more, he stormed off.

  She watched him going, her heart breaking as he didn’t even look back.

  “Was it bad?” she asked.

  “There’s signs of someone being on our land. They’re spraying something down. It stinks real bad, which hides their scent,” Ryan said. “Luther’s been a little spooked since we stumbled upon it.”

  He stepped into the room. He cupped her cheek, and she kissed him back as he took her lips.

  “He doesn’t mean to be an ass.”

  Noah snorted.

  “I’m going to go and talk to him,” she said. Luther wouldn’t say something like that without good reason. She refused to believe he’d become cruel.

  “Be careful,” Ryan said. “He’s in a bad place, and I worry about you.”

  “Luther would never hurt me. I trust him.”

  She saw the doubt on all of their faces, but she wasn’t about to let him push her away.

  They were all pack, which meant Luther’s pain was shared with her and vice versa. She wasn’t going to give up on him because he was hurting and he’d said a few mean things. She’d stand by his side and take care of him. It’s what he needed.


  Luther didn’t like it when they talked about his past. He wasn’t ready for anyone to know what happened. Hearing the pain in Lucia’s voice, he knew deep down into his soul that she’d pity him.

  He didn’t want pity.

  I want her love.

  Gritting his teeth, he hated the need that filled every single part of him. He’d never wanted love or needed to feel a woman’s embrace.

  When it came to Lucia, he craved it.

  He craved her.

  Every time she touched him, he felt he finally had a reason for existing, and it was all about her.

  With hands on his hips, he took several deep breaths and stared up at the dark sky. They’d found some tracks, and the humans were getting closer. However, they were not sticki
ng around.

  Dogs were with them, and now they all had to be careful.

  He didn’t like this. The thought of someone being near them, prepared to strike, he had to be ready, and thinking about his love for Lucia wasn’t going to help him.

  “Hey,” she said, opening the door.

  He glanced behind him, and sure enough, there was his woman, their woman. She looked absolutely stunning, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as she approached. She nibbled her lip, which he realized was a nervous habit.

  “You should go back inside. It’s getting cold.”

  “I’m a wolf, Luther. You don’t need to treat me with kid gloves.”

  “I need to take care of you though, and I don’t want you catching anything.”

  “They told me how your parents died. How all their parents died.”

  He nodded. “Yep, one by one they fell.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss. It must have been horrible seeing what the hunters did to your parents.”

  “It’s not my first run-in with hunters. It won’t be my last.” Any hunter he found on his land always paid.

  Apart from the other day when he had to think of Lucia’s safety. Even as he wanted to tear them limb from fucking limb, he hadn’t. He’d stayed still, taking care of his mate, their mate, so nothing would happen to her, and looked what happened. They now had hunters on their lands, and he could have taken care of it with tearing their throats out.

  She placed a hand on his back as she stood beside him.

  Hold her.

  Stop being a dick.

  You’re acting like a huge one.

  “I’m sorry for you losing your parents,” he said. “For you having to see that. Is that why you stay awake late at night?”

  She shook her head. “No, I stay awake so you have someone to talk to. To be with. It’s not about anything else but taking care of you.” She cupped his face and forced him to look at her.

  It wasn’t a hardship looking at her.

  Beautiful blue eyes that sparkled and looked so sexy when she was coming apart. Thick lips that were perfect wrapped around his cock, and like his pack, he’d felt them around his dick. This woman, she blew his mind.

  It didn’t feel like they’d been together three weeks, but in fact longer.


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