Love Me Again

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Love Me Again Page 5

by Danyelle Scroggins

  “Don’t even say it. If the Lord takes us home, then it was our time. It had nothing to do with you, Jade. I feel like Job when he said, ‘The Lord gives and He takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.’ We never know when He is going to call His people home, but one thing we do know is He is in control and knows what’s best.”

  “How could I be so selfish, Jas? How could I just leave him like that? He was the best thing that ever happened to me, but yet I left him.”

  “In reality, you thought you were protecting him. But Jade, do you really think for one day you left Jasper? Your yard in Mayport was done every two weeks, right? Did you ever pay a yardman? Your car always had new tires, right? Did you ever pay for tires?”

  “Jasmine, I asked the neighbors who the yardman was and if I could pay them and they wouldn’t take a dime. They knew the yardman personally, but I never got a chance to meet him. Then, every time I took my car to get the oil changed, they would say it’s already been changed. I almost lost my mind trying to figure it out. Then my neighbor, an older lady named Mrs. Clark, told me stop worrying about how and start praising God. It was either obey her or lose my mind or job trying to figure it out.”

  “Well, I didn’t tell you, but my brother promised to take care of you for the rest of his life, and he’s been making good on his promise.”

  “Jasper! All along it’s been him, Jasmine. Tell me. Tell me.”

  “No, you need to talk to him. But as your sister, I’m just going to do this…” And Jasmine nodded her head.

  “Oh my God.”

  “Yes, our God is good.”

  “Jas, will he ever love me again like he used to?”

  “I can’t answer that. What I can say is, he’s never stopped. At least, I don’t think he has.”

  “Come on, let’s eat before I start crying all over again. I have to start this day making amends for yesterday. I love you, little sister, and I’m so glad you are in my life.”

  “And if you even think of running again, I’m cutting your legs off.”

  “No need, gangster. I’m here to stay.” They both laughed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jasper walked into the office feeling hungover. He took two aspirin and ate a breakfast sandwich, but the night had proven to be more hectic than he ever thought it would be.

  “Morning, Mrs. Harris. Are there any calls for me?”

  “Good Morning, Mr. Booth. You have one call from your sister. She said to tell you she’ll call you by noon.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be in my office, so please forward all my calls in.”

  “Will do.”

  “Is Kane here already?”

  “Yes, he’s in his office.”

  “Retract. Take messages and I will let you know when I make it to my office. I need to speak to him.”

  “Your wish is my duty.”


  Knock. Knock.

  “Come in,” Kane answered.

  “Good morning, brother. So, what’s on your agenda for today?”

  “Man, I have to go to the courthouse for one today. That case against Public Works is on the agenda today.”

  “I see. Well, do you have time to talk this morning?”

  “If I didn’t, I’d make time. You look like you had a rough night.”

  “You will never know. I go to see Jade. We get into a heated argument and she darn near slams me in the door. Kane, I just don’t know what to do.”

  “Have you prayed about it?”

  “Dude, I didn’t even pray for myself this morning. Then, I make a decision to go in another direction and the Lord shoots that down.”

  “I hope this other direction wasn’t towards Veronica.”

  Jasper paused seeing the look on his brother’s face. “Okay, is there something you need to tell me about Veronica?”


  “Come on, Kane, spill it.”

  “We had dinner last night and watched movies until she fell asleep with her head in my lap.”


  “I don’t even know where to start. Man, I hope you didn’t have her in mind.”

  “Dude, I can’t get Jade off my mind, so even if I did, it wouldn’t have mattered one bit. She’s single, you’re single, and all I can say is go for it.” Jasper decided not to even tell Kane about his conversation with God concerning Veronica.

  “I went home early yesterday and started dinner. Pepper steak, rice, gravy, broccoli, and she smells the aroma, knocks on my door, and the rest is history.”

  “Heck no, I want to know details.”

  “I invited her to come to eat with me, so she went home to change and I went to freshen up. When I made it back to the kitchen, she had just finished washing up and was fixing our plates. I promise I instantly fell in love.”

  “Dude, who are you kidding? You’ve been watching her for weeks.”

  “Okay, I have, but since she seemingly enjoyed your company more, I decided to sit back because I’m never a blocker.”

  “I keep telling you to talk to people. You too busy watching instead of talking.”

  “You right, but I didn’t know if you were feeling her.”

  “How can I feel anybody with Jade on my mind twenty-four-seven? Bro, I can’t deal with this girl.”

  “Maybe you need to stop trying to deal with her and allow God to deal with her. Things go crazy and the first thing you did was stop your morning prayer. See, that’s how folks do God. As soon as things start going crazy, we forget what we vowed to do. Now come on, let’s pray.”

  “Always the big brother, right?”

  “Yes, now bow your head. “Father, first we ask You to forgive us of our sins so that our prayers be not hindered. Then, we ask You to be in the midst even now. You know all, see all, can do all and will do for us upon our request. So we petition You, Great God that You are, to fix this situation between Jasper and Jade. You have known them and know exactly what is best for them both. Meet them at their point of need, and I ask You to send a spirit of calm to rest on them both, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


  “Now about Veronica. I’m thinking about asking her to go to the Christmas In The Field event.”

  “I don’t see any other prospects.”

  “Oh, so you have jokes now.”

  “All I’m saying is Veronica will be a perfect choice. I hope you made plans to see her again.”

  “As a matter of fact, she’s cooking tonight. We made a pact. I’ll cook three days, she’ll cook three days, and on the seventh day we will go out.”

  “That sounds like some couple stuff.”

  “Sort of felt like it to. I’m like blown away how she’s so thoughtful.”

  “I’ve talked to her a lot and family is everything to her. She talks about her little brother a lot too. Maybe you can invite him and her mom down and we get some tickets for them to attend the event,” Jasper offered.

  “Man, what a good idea. She’d be so happy to see them because I can tell she’s homesick. Why don’t you find out how we can surprise her with her mom and brother?”

  “Now that would be an awesome Christmas present for her. But you do know you need to buy the woman a gift too?”

  “Boy, who’s the oldest? I might not talk a lot but I’m still a gentleman. And I was raised by the same people who raised you.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. I almost forgot since you play the hornet, lurking around trying to see who to sting.”

  “You silly. What you need to be doing is thinking how you gonna win Jade’s affection.”

  “Man, if I had a good leather belt, I’d put Jade Bishop over my knee and spank all the selfishness and spoiled out of her.”

  “Too late, and know this, I will not be bailing you and her out of jail because if you hit that crazy girl, she’ll put an extension cord on you.”

  “I don’t know how you know it, Kane, but I surely will,” Jade said.

  Jasper and Kane acted like th
ey saw a ghost.

  “Jasper, can I speak with you in your office, please?”

  “Okay, brother, I’ll get with you later.” Jasper gave his brother dap and a hug and turned back towards the door where Jade was standing. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Don’t start, Jasper.”

  “Follow me, Jade,” And she moved in sync with him. Following him to the place he called his office.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jasmine pulled her car into her parents’ driveway. She didn’t know exactly where to start, but she was going to address the fact that her father knew all along where Jade was. She got out of her car, scurrying to the front door as quickly as possible. Before she could even put her key in the door, it swung open.

  Jasper Sr. pushed Jasmine back outside.

  “Jasmine, I know Jade told you that I knew, but you have to allow me to tell your mother and Jasper. I promised her that I would keep the information a secret. Or at least, until she was ready to tell someone. But of course, your brother found out and I’m still wondering how.”

  “Dad, you were wrong. You should have at least told me.”

  “So you could go straight to Kane and then Kane to Jasper. You three have never been able to keep a secret, and I knew that you wouldn’t start then. And your mother. Let’s just say, ‘Jade hurt the wrong baby boy.’”

  “Yeah, we all know she favors J.J., but, Dad, do you think it was right to keep it from us?”

  “At the time I did. Listen, Jade didn’t have anyone and she trusted me as a father. I can’t imagine you needing to get away and I tell what you’ve confided in me.”

  “Now that you’ve put it that way.”

  “See, sometimes it’s hard to understand a thing until we put ourselves in the shoes of the person who is going through it. Jade had just lost her grandmother and I know she was afraid that God would take Jasper. Just because she loved him. I tried talking some sense into her, but when I saw her mind was made up, I just needed to know where she was going. So, I called one of my buddies in Mayport Beach who I served in the Navy with and asked him to put her in one of his rental houses.”

  “Dad, you are so one of a kind.”

  “I just try to do the best I can, Jas, in hopes that if you’re ever in a situation, someone might extend the same type of olive branch to you.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Jasper Booth, Sr.”

  “I pray you don’t have to find out anytime soon, but just in case, you will live and not die and be the woman I’ve raised you to be.”

  “I love you, Dad, and the secret is safe with me.”

  “Thanks, baby girl. I’m going to tell your mother, but I just want to do it after Jasper and Jade have mended.”

  “So, you think those two are going to get things together?”

  “Eventually. God put them on this earth for one another. And no one could tell me any different. When that boy found out where Jade was, he was right there doing what any man would do for the woman he loves. I think God will help them to heal.”

  “Me too. As a matter of fact, I think she’s going to his office this morning to have a talk. But hey, did J.J. tell you how he found her?”

  “That boy had a tracker on Jade’s car. He said he put it on there when they were in college and she worked that nighttime job. Told me he had just never taken it off and as you see, God had a reason for that.”

  “Man, life is crazy. She was running from the one who could find her as no one else could.”

  “Yep, and the crazy thing is, I didn’t have to betray her trust. All I did was teach J.J. how to care for her without her even knowing it. I just knew if she felt like I had told him, she would have run and wouldn’t have told even me where she was.”

  “Wouldn’t have done her any good unless she switched cars.”

  “I know, right,” And they both started laughing.

  “Dad, why does love have to be so complicated?”

  “It doesn’t but we make it like that. It’s like everyone is looking to see if you’ll betray them, and when you anticipate anything, it happens. So, dealing with the betrayal is like committing murder and trying to get away with it. You forget about it, but it keeps finding ways to come back into your mind.”

  “Wow. So how’s Mom going to take the fact that you knew all along where Jade was?”

  “I’m sure she’s going to feel betrayed because she loved Jade too. But, J.J. has a special place in her heart and watching him hurt was like murder to her. She would have done anything to drag Jade right back just to make J.J. feel better, but not thinking about how Jade felt. I prayed about it. Long and hard. But I know my wife. And I also know when it comes to her babies, J.J, you, or Kane, that woman will rob Peter to pay Paul.”

  “I know that much about her. And it took about two years before she’d say anything nice about Jade,” Jasmine agreed.

  “All along, I was trying to make her feel the compassion for Jade she should have felt all along. I think she knew how much pain Jade was in, but I also think it hurt her that Jade didn’t come to her. You know, it’s like she was the next mother in line. But Jade didn’t need a mother, she needed a counselor.”

  “Was it you who talked her into getting counseling?”

  “My buddy’s wife is a certified counselor and I simply told her what happened. I think they came up with a way to get close to Jade, and I can’t thank them enough for what they did for her.”

  “She’s free, Dad. Like, for real. But she still loves J.J. so much she can hardly breathe. It’s like he’s the love of her life and she’s questioning if he’ll ever love her again.”

  “Well, he’s doing the same thing. I’ve been praying for them both that they will finally find the happiness they need. God, has allowed them to endure something most people will never endure, but He does all things well. I think a part of their ministry will be for young couples experiencing life-changing events.”

  “One thing for sure, the same thing you ran from has a way of waiting for you to come back.”

  “That’s the truth right there, baby girl. And get this, you can run all you want, but until you stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, running is just a time-waster.”

  “You right, Dad, because I can see where they’ve wasted so much time.”

  “But we also have to remember that God never makes mistakes. This time apart gave both of them time to grow. They both must’ve really been in love because time surely didn’t make the love go away. Did it?”

  “Dad! I was like how could you be apart for four years and neither one of you not as much as date another person?”

  “And look at what they’ve accomplished. Jackson & Booth is the most successful law firm in Shreveport. Jade’s written for five artists and all five songs become number one on the charts. All that pain she put in her pen, and that girl is a musical genius.”

  “Well, all that’s left to be said is God does all things well and all things work together for our good.”


  “Now, pay me so I won’t tell Mom what you did.”

  “Oh, so you blackmailing your own daddy. You little chipmunk.”

  “I’m yours.” They hugged as they went inside.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jasper opened the door to his office and pointed towards the leather sofa under the window for Jade to sit. He picked up his phone, dialed 1, and asked Mrs. Harris to hold all of his calls.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No thank you.”

  “Jade, what’s going on?”

  “Jasper, I just wanted to first apologize. I apologize for just leaving you. Walking out on us. I just…”

  “You needed to protect me…by hurting me?”

  “Jasper I didn’t mean to hurt you. I hurt myself too.”

  “So, that’s supposed to be a consolation.”

  “No, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “How did you mean it?�

  “I did not come here to be interrogated by Jasper Booth the attorney. All I needed to do was apologize,” Jade said, standing and grabbing her purse.

  “So, you’re going to do what you do best. Run, huh?”

  “You don’t have to be so mean, Jasper.”

  “You didn’t have to be so heartless, but you did.”

  “Okay, I see how this is going, and I refuse to make a scene in your place of employment. I’ve done what I came to do and I’m leaving.”

  “Have a good day, Jade. I hope your conscious is satisfied now.”

  “You arrogant. Uhh. Bye, Jasper.”

  “Bye, Jade.”

  She stormed out of the office and past Mrs. Harris so fast it made Mrs. Harris look towards the door, then back towards Jasper’s office.

  The nerve of her to think she could come and apologize and things go right back to normal. I don’t even know what normal is between us anymore.

  Jasper sat down in his chair putting both hands behind his head.

  Knock. Knock.

  “What, Kane?”

  “Hey, don’t shout at me because you blew it.”

  “I didn’t blow anything. How did I blow it?”

  “If you didn’t blow it, you’d be holding the woman you love in your arms kissing her long and hard for all the times you’ve missed. But no, you had to act like a hard butt—for lack of a better word.”

  “So, I’m supposed to just accept her apology and act like she didn’t run away from my love and then have the nerves to stay four whole years. And remember, had you not threatened her in that letter, she’d still be there now.”

  “Jasper, you’ve been miserable without that girl. And you’d continue to make your own self suffer because you are too upset to forgive. That makes all the sense in the world, little brother.”

  “Kane, get out. As a matter of fact, mind your own business. Get a woman and then you can tell me how to treat the one I had.”

  “You said that right. Had. So in my book, we both need to get a woman, but as of today, I’m closer than you are. Now stew on that.” Kane turned and slammed Jasper’s door closed.


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