Love Me Again

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Love Me Again Page 9

by Danyelle Scroggins

  “So, is that a yes to dating and going to the benefit event?”

  “Yes, to both of them, Kane.”

  “Okay, let me get you to your house tonight. No more sleeping with me until we are married.”

  “I agree,” Veronica said and they both laughed.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  An entire week had passed since dinner at the Booth’s home, and Jade still had not spoken to Jasper. Although it hurt, she convinced herself that long nights working would take the pain away. And it did. Jade stayed busy, and most nights she didn’t make it home until dark, and all she wanted was a bath and a bed.

  Jade put the key in the door and turned the knob. She still hadn’t quite gotten over the eeriness of being in the home alone, but she vowed to make it her home again. Regardless of how she felt when she’d first arrived. Her mind was set on taking care of business and getting back to Florida. Now, she realized Louisiana was exactly where she needed to be. To thrive. To live. To love.

  Jade washed her hands, got her favorite pink Yeti cup, filled it with ice and poured herself some ginger ale. It was her go-to drink whenever her stomach felt nauseated or filled with anxiety. She wished she would have told Jasmine to come stay again, but tonight she needed to think.

  Like really?

  Especially about what she wanted out of life.

  She’d earned a degree in biology, but she wasn’t doing anything with it. And the whole time she was in Florida, she worked as a florist in a local florist shop. It sort of didn’t matter that she’d made just enough from her floral paycheck to pay her rent, buy food, put gas in her car, and go to a movie. All she really cared about was having a roof and food.

  Her royalty checks were like missing money she’d never see until times were really rough. They went straight to her savings account whenever they did hit, and she never checked it until tax time.

  Now, she realized how meager her life had been.

  She also realized how wonderful it was to own a home, not have to pay rent, and being around family.

  She pulled a throw blanket from the top shelf of the washroom, put on some fuzzy socks, grabbed her drink and a bag of chips from the kitchen and sat on the sofa. Tonight, she would watch what Jasper called a chick-flick and even if she fell asleep halfway through the movie, that would be fine.

  After the movie reduced her to tears, she turned off the television and went to her room.

  “MiMi, I sure wish I could hear your voice right now.”

  Jade grabbed her nightgown and other items and went to shower. Today had been a long day, and tomorrow was expected to be even longer. She thought about all they had accomplished as a team of decorators and smiled. When they left the enchanting venue to go home, the men from Azura’s Linens were putting the last finishes on the drapery. After tomorrow, everything would be completed and ready for the event.

  Jade slid down on her knees to pray.

  “Father, I thank You for this day and all that we accomplished. I pray that You give us finishing power and completion glory. And also that You make the benefit a huge success. Before I finish, I would also like to ask You to watch over Jasper and his entire family, my family, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Jade set her alarm, got under the covers, and awaited a peaceful night and a glorious tomorrow.

  Jade and all the other ladies arrived at the venue at nine in the morning as promised. By four o’clock in the afternoon, the vision on paper had become reality. The women had transformed an entire football field and stadium into a winter wonderland.

  She was happy her hands helped to make it happen. Not because she volunteered, but because Jessica appointed her as a member of the decorations committee. Jasmine and Veronica were there as well.

  Veronica had skillfully designed the perfect covering that flowed from one side of the field to the other. It was brilliant. Everyone did what they did best.

  The team was full of dynamic women who all had a knack for decorating and a zeal to finish. The best part for Jade was that most of them were friendly. Jessica made sure to introduce her to them, not as her friend, but as her daughter-in-love. This surely provoked the side-eyes she received. Especially from the ladies who were around her age and single.

  Jade was sure the stares and whispers were about Jasper. She didn’t mind. It used to happen all the time. Although she wasn’t sure whether or not she’d fit in, by the end of the night, she was laughing and able to implement some key considerations. And everyone, including Jessica, loved her ideas.

  There were white Christmas trees in each corner of the field. Jade suggested that these trees be decorated in the school's colors of burgundy and gold. After she and Jasmine finished the trees, everyone was blown away. It was their thing, and they’d done it together for nine years.

  Underneath each tree, was a collection of toys of all kinds. Jade wondered why they were asked to place the toys, but Jessica assured her that the staff was hired to watch the place around the clock until the event was over. Jessica understood why Jade would be concerned. However, it was a teachable moment for Jessica.

  She wanted her girls to know that black communities were not as bad as the news and others made it. Everyone knew about the benefit—rich and poor—and they were all trying to help in any way they could. Jessica was convinced that the neighbors would watch out for the event better than the security.

  The girls appreciated the higher learning from Jessica, and all vowed to become an active part of making the community better. Jessica couldn’t have been happier.

  The four women stood back in awe of the bleachers that were covered with white cotton cushions, giving the appearance from the field of white clouds. There were sections in the left stands displaying all the things for auction. They made sure that people could walk through the bleachers and stop at the section of the items they wanted.

  It was all brilliant.

  Whoever’s idea it was to host the benefit on the field, transforming it in this manner, was more than creative. And Jade soon found out the entire idea had been Jasper’s. It was well thought out and perfectly instituted.

  The football field was covered with beautiful flooring that had B T W in the middle in huge beautiful letters. Just as Shriners Hospital for Children on the wall was strategically placed behind where the stage and band were located. The lighting was elaborate, and the room screamed romance, Christmas, and wealth.

  Each table had dazzling glass vases filled with huge bouquets of white roses. There were gold chafers surrounded by exquisite glassware trimmed in gold. The maroon table runners, chair bows, and glass boxes that held white roses gave the place the perfect ambiance. The recherché event would definitely be one that would be hard to forget.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Only three more days until the event and ten til’ Christmas was enough to have the town buzzing. Every lady was talking about her ball gown and every man the memorabilia donated by Brees and Prescott. The local news stations were reporting and reminding the public to buy tickets to attend, and the local stores were blazing.

  Christmas was in the air, but so was the spirit of giving.

  Jade and Jasmine sat on her mother’s floor individually wrapping Jessica’s gifts for the children. She’d ordered ten cases of Playtime Therapy Bed Sheets, from an online company called Playtime EDventures. Jessica said she knew the children at the hospital would not only enjoy the sheets, but would absolutely adore them. And she felt the same way.

  The sets had an array of colors and each had more than one game on them. Jade couldn’t help but think that the person who created the sheets must’ve loved children. Everything about them screamed the love of a child.

  She didn’t have much money, but she went on her phone and ordered four sets for the neighbor's children and one for the daybed in the room that was hers as a child. It wasn’t like she was preparing for her own baby. Jade loved children, but having her own was the last thing on her mind right now.

However, the only thing on Jade’s mind was Jasper.

  Sure, the family had accepted her apology. Jasper still had yet to come around. She knew that he’d decided not to come to dinner that night because of her, thanks to Jasmine. But she understood. He needed time and so did she.

  She still had to sort through all of her feelings and the newfound frustrations weighing heavily on her heart because of him. Jade only wanted Jasper back in her life if he could truly put her leaving behind him. If he could love her again with a pure and willing heart.

  She also needed to ensure that all things buried in her heart and his were exposed. Nothing could interfere with them again. And, they both had to be completely honest with all of their feelings for things to work in their favor.

  As she and Jessica picked up the last straggling pieces of icicles sprawled on the floor, she noticed one thing missing from their tree.

  “Mom, Jessica, where’s the star Jasper made when we were in the fifth grade?”

  “You remember that, Jade?” Jessica asked.

  “I most definitely do. That boy made me guard that star with my life, walking home from school holding that paper-machè silver star like it was glass.”

  Jessica rolled her eyes, “And you did just as he asked.”

  “I was like a little wife already.” And they laughed.

  “What are you two laughing about?” Jade interrupted.

  “I asked about the silver paper-machè star we made in the fifth grade.”

  “Oh, the one J.J. made you carry like it was a diamond.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately that’s the one.”

  Jasmine put her hands on her hips, “You must have not looked at the top of your tree at home.”

  “I…aw… I thought I did.” Jade closed her eyes as she tried to envision her tree, but came up with nothing.

  Jasmine sure that hadn’t helped replied, “Well, when you get home, take a look at your tree.”

  Jade smiled, “Okay, I will.”

  “Girls, I told Jasper to bring us some food home and he’s finally here. No more talk about trees or stars. Let’s eat.”

  “We are right behind you, Mom,” Jasmine said, pulling Jade by the arm. By the time the girls got drinks and sat at the table, Jessica was bowed and waiting on Jasper Sr. to pray.

  “Father, we thank you for our girls and the food we are about to eat. I thank you for a wife who sends for good food. Bless it and allow it to be nourishment to our bodies. Amen.”

  “Amen,” the three women said in unison.

  Jade finished her food and decided that it was time for her to go home. They had another long day tomorrow, as she and Jasmine made plans over dinner to drive to Dallas, Texas to a popular formal dress shop.

  They both needed a dress that would ignite a snowstorm. Jade, so Jasper could almost lose his mind, and Jasmine so that some single man could hand over his digits.

  “Girls, Dad and I want to buy your dresses.”

  “No, Mom, we have it. I have Jade’s and mine.”

  “I will not take no for an answer. Here is a card for you and a card for you. I have already put a pre-set amount that should take care of your dresses, shoes, accessories, and hair, nails, and any other items you may need that I don’t know about,” Jasper stated.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Thanks, Dad Jasper. I really appreciate this.”

  “I want my three girls to be the belles of the ball.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jasper went to the airport as planned and picked up Veronica’s mother, Valerie, and her brother Vance. Just as they promised, they were standing outside of the Shreveport Airport, close to the end.

  Jasper was just happy Southwestern had a flight from Dallas to Shreveport that didn’t cost an arm and a leg. It used to be next to impossible to get a cheap or reasonably priced flight into Shreveport. Since the new mayor was in charge, things were changing and businessmen like Jasper couldn’t be happier.

  He could really see in person where Veronica’s looks came from and her mother didn’t look a day over twenty-five. The woman was beauteous.

  Jasper introduced himself, hugged her mother, and gave her brother dap. Vance put their luggage in the trunk and opened the front passenger door so his mother could get in. Then he closed it like the perfect gentleman.

  “I like that, Vance.”

  “Been doing it for her and my sister since I could walk. My dad told me the day before he died that I was the second man in charge, and I had the responsibility of taking care of my mother and sister.”

  “Your dad sounds like he was a wise man.”

  “He was.”

  “So, my daughter still doesn’t know we are coming?”

  “She doesn’t. My brother is going to meet you both at my other loft apartment where you will be staying. He’s so excited to see Veronica’s face. She misses you both so much.”

  “And I miss my baby too. You all are so kind for doing this for her and I can’t thank you enough. Muchas gracias.”

  “De nada.”

  “So Jasper, what is this big event for?” Valerie asked.

  “It’s a charity event and everyone who’s anyone will be there.”

  “Man, this is the type of event that you have a date for. I don’t have a date, so I may have to sit this one out.”

  “Well, Vance, I don’t either. Maybe we can go stag and leave with the baddest chicks at the event.”

  “Oh, you are just hyping the monster. He’s arrogant and spoiled.”

  “Folks tend to say the same thing about me so I guess we will get along well.”

  “I know Kane already bought food, so I hope you are hungry.”

  “Man, I’m six-feet-two, I weigh one hundred and eighty-five pounds. Heck, yeah I’m hungry.” They all laughed.

  “Did you play ball, Vance?”

  “I’m actually in my senior year of college, and I play safety for UC.”

  “Man, that’s awesome. I know you’ll need an agent and Kane, my brother, that’s what he does. He loves sports law and he dummies as a sports agent with paper to get that paper.”

  “Bet. They have been coming at me for a long time but Mom’s been fasting and praying for the right agents.”

  “Won’t God answer prayer?” Valerie said, clapping her hands. “My God will cause what you need to send for you.”

  “Yes, He is good and He can do anything. I’m slowly learning that every day.”

  “Well, you better get it in your skull, baby, and keep it.”

  “Yes, ma’am. We’re here,” Jasper said as he pulled into the parking garage right exactly by the elevator.

  “I see you have your own space.”

  “Yeah man, I can’t stand walking a mile. Especially, when I’m in a hurry.”

  “I feel you. That’s why I stayed until my senior year to get that paper. Balling is good and I love it, but it’s political and I can’t have anyone playing with my family's future. Either I’m going to get on the roster or I’m not. But one thing is for sure, if I don’t, I’m going to put that good ole engineer degree to work.”

  “Man, you are so wise to be your age, and just because of your wisdom and who you know, I believe God will give you a spot.”

  “It’s truly all up to Him. And in the case that He doesn’t, I understand it’s still truly all up to Him.”

  “Amen,” Jasper said, patting Vance on the back. Jasper wasn’t six-two, but he was six feet, so Vance wasn’t like a giant to him. Even Kane was six-feet, so actually he fit right in with The Trees. The nickname Jasper’s mother called them.

  They followed Jasper off the elevator and into his home where a nervous Kane awaited.

  “Hola bienvenidos a casa de mis hermanos,” Kane spoke as he stood and raced towards his guests.

  “Estamos muy contentos de estar aquí,” Valerie responded.

  “We really are happy to be here and so grateful for your generosity,” Vance said as he gave Kane dap and a man-hug.
  “My Spanish isn’t all that good. May I speak in English?” Kane asked.

  “Man, Mom is fluent in both,” Vance answered as he and Jasper both were laughing at the look on Kane’s face.

  “Mrs. Kimbrel and Vance, I asked you both here because Veronica is so special to me. I know that she’s never dated and I don’t want to date her, I want to marry her.”

  “Aw,” Valerie said and burst into tears.

  Vance rushed to his mother and held her in his arms.

  “Did I say the wrong thing, Vance?”

  “Man, Mom is just happy. She’s been praying for Veronica to be found and for me to find. See, by the time our parents were our age, they were already married. Mom seems to think we are the hold-up.”

  “I’m so happy Veronica waited for me.”

  “So sweet of you to ask us first,” Valerie said, pointing to herself and Vance.

  “Vance, what do you say?”

  “Any man that would fly us to his home to ask to marry my sister is alright with me,” Vance answered.

  “But, does she feel the same way about you?” Valerie asked.

  “We’ve only been on a couple of dates, but I knew from the moment she walked into our office that she was the one for me. Of course, she didn’t know it, but I’m praying by the time I propose, she will.”

  “Bold man,” Vance said and Jasper agreed.

  “Well, Mom, what do you say?”

  “ Puedes casarte con mi hija,” Valeria smiled and replied in English when Kane’s eyebrows furrowed, “You can marry my daughter.”

  “Thank you both so very much. I promise I will take care of Veronica for the rest of our lives.”

  “Everything in me believes you will.”

  “Your room is to the left and Vance yours is to the right. I took the liberty of ordering five dresses for you, Mrs. Kimbrel, and please chose anyone you like. Vance, there are three different styles of tux in your room. I also had shoes sent over for you man. Mrs. Kimbrel, my mother sent over some jewels in hopes that something would suit your taste.”


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