Secrets of the Mazza: A Paranormal Romance (Mazza Series Book 3)

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Secrets of the Mazza: A Paranormal Romance (Mazza Series Book 3) Page 21

by Blake Blessing

  “When do you want to follow?” Nato fell into a paisley patterned chair.

  “Soon. Give her a ten-minute start. I am certain she won’t linger.”

  Letting the quiet soothe our souls, we piled onto the couch and rested in what essentially amounted to a puppy pile. Nato even joined up, leaving his paisley chair behind.

  One battle down. Who knew how many more to go. But whatever came, we’d be ready for it.

  Our arrival back to the castle was met with an even rowdier greeting than we had when Yunez introduced us at dinner. They had received word of our successful mission by a carried message via wolf, now the Mannos and even the staff were all on the grounds with huge smiles and a sea of fist pumps.

  Their excitement was infectious, melting away the ice that had permeated my soul and riling me up. At any minute, I expected someone to throw me into the masses to crowd surf. It didn’t happen, but it seemed like something that could.

  “Yunez!” Someone shouted, “Will you be dining with us?”

  “Not tonight, I have other plans.” He curled warm long fingers around the back of my neck, then I found myself molded into his side. A cheesy grin adorned my face. I tried to wipe it off, but it was going nowhere.

  The guys around us groaned. “You had her last night! It’s our turn.” Sage nearly whined. Actually, that was a real whiney whine.

  Suddenly, Yunez swung me onto his back, and he was running through the crowd. Jeers and cheers were hurled our way. Hands appeared out of nowhere as his people wanted to touch his arm, hair, or chest on his way by. I’d never before felt like I was with a rockstar, but I was pretty sure this was what it felt like.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see every single Lusty Legion member following close behind. Some with grins, others with scowls, but even those seemed good-natured.

  Inside, the crowd was nonexistent. You know, because everyone was outside. Yunez made record time to his suite, turning to face the others before he opened his door.

  “This is my time, no one else’s. Sorry if that upsets you, but I have not had any real time alone with Iss. And, I am claiming what is mine. If you do not like it…save it for later when you can take your fill of Iss during your own time.”

  All of their mouths popped open, even Rand’s. I giggled hysterically as he dipped into his suite, shutting and locking the door.

  “Finally! I never thought this time would come.” He turned, his head swinging between the bedroom, to the living room and kitchen.

  “What are you doing?” I smoothed a finger over his chest at the edge of his shirt.

  “Trying to figure out the best place for bonding sex. The bed seems too tame, although that is where the toys are. The kitchen could be fun, but your ass might hurt. The couch!”

  He galloped to the couch, setting me down while we both laughed. I was so good at playing ostrich, and this was the perfect opportunity. Yunez had my sole focus, and nothing bad could crack the shields around me. I’d learned there would be plenty of time for that later.

  “These have to go.” He said as he stripped me down. The next thing I knew, I was naked with him leering over me. The shock was so sharp, I didn’t have the urge to cover myself. But I’d never been shy with my lovers.

  “How the hell did you do that?” I sputtered. “And you better do that neat trick to yourself.”

  He did. Oh. My. God.

  I couldn’t take it. My eyes were going to melt from the gloriousness of his naked, aroused body. His huge cock bobbed hello, and his light happy trail begged for my tongue to trace it.

  “Nope, my turn first. You can have your turn later. Like, next sex time later.” He shoved his hands under my thighs, then I was lying flat on my back with my head pillowed on the back couch cushion. I wanted to laugh, but Yunez went right for it.

  Right. For. It.

  His devil tongue circled my clit, then dipped into my entrance, not so much tongue fucking me, but tasting me. A groan escaped me as his fingers kneaded the plump flesh of my thighs as if he was a big cat. A big, super happy, and satisfied cat that got its cream. I thrashed my head in ecstasy as he sucked on my nub, building the pleasure inside me at an incredible speed; he wasn’t playing.

  I threaded my fingers through my hair and tugged, the sensation adding to the pleasure, then I was gone, drenched in the abyss of a blindingly intense orgasm.

  He continued to suck and lick until all of the aftershocks were gone. As I came back down, he slowly stopped massaging my thighs. I let my grip on my hair loosen, then found a new home for my hands in his luscious locks. His eyes were smoldering jewels as he watched me; I felt sated and hunted all at once.

  Yunez pressed a kiss to my thigh and sat back. Leftover moisture from his ministrations glistened around his mouth and down his chin. To see him in such an intimate setting was surreal, especially to be on the receiving end in such a setting. How many people had seen him this way? Content, sexy, and relaxed? I didn’t want to know. The only thing of importance was that I was the only one who would see him like this from this point on. Well, me and the guys depending on what shenanigans we got up to.

  “Why so quick? Not that I’m complaining, I’m all about instant gratification.”

  “I am afraid one of those fuckers is going to cock block me again for giggles.” He scowled at the wall dividing our suite from Rand’s.

  A giggle burst free before I stopped it, but Yunez grinned when he turned back.

  “Okay, I can see how you’d think that. Especially with prankster Jari and dickface Sage in our Lusty Legion.”

  He ran his hands over my thighs and up my stomach as goosebumps erupted over my skin. “I will go slower this time, even if the estate is crumbling around our ears; I will not stop until we are bonded. You have no idea how only the excitement and anticipation bubbling through my body carried me to this moment. I think I would have died long ago if I did not have you as a beacon to guide me.” He bent forward and caught my lip between his teeth, laving his tongue over the sensitive skin.

  I sucked in a breath, twining my arms around his body. As if they had minds of their own, one hand speared through his hair while the other clutched a handful of muscled flank. With all my strength, I pulled him to me. He didn’t even try to resist.

  Rubbing his engorged cockhead through my wetness then around my clit, he repeated this action over and over. “I might just make you come like this,” he purred.

  “No, I want you, and we need to bond before you get cockblocked, remember?” I locked my legs around his lean hips to stop him from pulling away.

  “Fuck it; you’re right. We can always play later when we have the ropes out. I am sure your men would very much like to see you beg for completion, providing just the right amount of pleasure to keep from teetering on the edge of oblivion.” He lowered his chest to mine as he found the sweet spot, but no slow going for Yunez. He plowed into me with the strength of freight train. He was power incarnate and I couldn’t have stopped him if I tried. But, I hadn’t wanted to. No, what I wanted—needed—was this man bringing us to a hard and fast orgasm.

  His gaze stayed locked with mine as his lips parted on a long, loud moan. “I cannot do it like this.” He mumbled, gathering me up in strong arms and sitting back on his haunches. The feverish touch of his skin to mine did crazy things to my libido.

  Moving my hands to cup the back of his head, I used my feet as leverage on the floor to ride him at a furious pace as he thrust inside me. Minutes, hours, I had no idea how long we chased our pleasure together, only that his enthusiastic vocalizations spurred me on just as much as the delicious friction of him driving so hard inside me.

  Suddenly he stood, walking us over until my back hit the wall and his palm slapped the cold plaster next to my head. “I needed better leverage,” He moaned against my mouth as he devoured me. His tongue tangled with mine, mimicking every deep thrust of his hips.

  I tore my lips away, “I’m close.”

  “Good,” he grunted
and pounded into me. He bit the tip of his finger before slipping it between my lips. Then his head dipped to pierce through the skin of my neck. The slow pull from his mouth hastened my race to one of the strongest orgasms of my life. Only with the guys had I experienced anything as strong. The pictures on the wall shook, and the last thought before stars appeared in my vision was how his sweat drenched hair curled into such beautiful ringlets.

  Our mutual screams rang around the room.

  Eventually, the fog cleared from my mind, and I was left with such sweet satisfaction, I let my head rest in the crook of his neck, breathing in a scent all his own. At some point, Yunez had let his head drop against the wall. He must have needed the extra support because damn, that was explosive. Eventually, he took us back to the couch where he carefully sat, keeping our connection, and making sure my legs were comfortable around him.

  I mewed softly as he kneaded my ass. My muscles were sore, and it was an incredible feeling while still holding him inside me.

  “When did you first see me?” I blew a wavy strand of hair out of my face, there wasn’t enough energy left in my body to twitch even a pinky finger.

  “Are you sure you want to know?” He grabbed a blanket draped over the back of the couch, and spread it over us, right as our skin started to cool. Bless him, I hated being cold.

  “Yes, I know you the least of all my guys.” And that needed to change and quick.

  I didn’t know what would happen with the Shadow Society now aware of us, but this uncontrollable urge to know all of them nipped at my heels. I would say it was part of my newfound powers, but it felt too human for that. This was just a girl desperate to learn about the ones she loved.

  “Two hundred and nineteen years old,” his head pulled back, amethyst eyes intense on my face.

  “I think my brain short circuited,” I sat up, catching the blanket around my shoulders before it fell to the floor. “Didn’t you say that you didn’t have sex? That’s way too much loneliness.” Sadness crept into my voice. I absolutely did not want to think about the guys with other women, but at the same time, that was way too many years to go without intimacy. Before I met the guys, the loneliness would grow too strong, and I would seek out a sex partner. I couldn’t begrudge them the same.

  “I have impeccable control,” he pulled the tie out of my hair until it fell in waves around my face. “And, I never said I never had sex. I did have the occasional lover, but mortals only. Mortals I knew would never live in your lifetime, or in our world. Knowing what I did of our futures, I would spare you what hurts I could. And, that was an easy one.”

  I grabbed his face with both hands and planted the wettest, deepest kiss on his beautiful lips. When I sat back, his eyes crinkled, and his thumbs caressed my hips.

  “Yes, I could get used to this.”

  “I could too. How old were you when you lost your parents?” I let my hands drop to cradle his neck.

  “Just shy of two hundred.”

  “What year did you create the Three Suns?”

  “The year after I saw you, which was coincidentally the first year a Manno was born in Fennina.” He put a finger to my lips to stop my rapid-fire questions. “We have an eternity to get to know each other, and I want to savor it. But now, as much as it pains me, we should invite the cockblockers here. After the fight today, even though we were the victors, their nightmares will be strong. It would be cruel not to let them sleep close to you. Even if this is the eve of our bonding.”

  I sighed. “You’re pretty perfect, I knew you were distantly perfect in a leader or untouchable celebrity kind of way, but now I know you’re pretty perfect in a boyfriend kind of way.”

  His nose crinkled up, “Can I not be called a boyfriend? I embrace the modern age, but I never liked that word. I am happy to be in your Lusty Legion, your mate, bond mate, or even sex slave.” The edges of his lips curled in a sinful smile. “But please do not call me a boyfriend.”

  “All right, sex slave, let’s go grab the others,” I pulled one leg back, using his shoulders to brace myself. I lost him when I lifted to bring the other leg to the ground. It was awkward as fuck, and we laughed as I stumbled a step to the left.

  After getting cleaned up and dressed, we went first to my suite with the guys. Yunez knocked, but no one answered. Odd. I was sure they would want to be in their own rooms.

  “They must be with Rand.” I pulled him behind me by our clasped hands. It was surprising the guys would have chosen to spend their time in Rand’s home, but only in the best way. It meant they were accepting him as one of them already. Rand opened the door after two raps.

  “I didn’t expect to see you until morning.” His smile was soft and he pulled me into a hug. “I’m so happy right now, we’re all bonded, the family I’ve dreamed of for ages.”

  Tears hit the back of my eyes, and I blinked rapidly to erase the evidence of my soft side. I needed to be a hard bitch if only to maintain my badass status. “The others here?”

  “Yes,” he stepped back as we passed by him. The guys were lounging around the couches, playing cards of all things.

  “Man, could you be any louder? Do you know how weird it was to hear you having sex?” Sage stood up and started walking toward us. Even though his words were tart, his expression was calm and content.

  Yunez slipped an arm around my waist as he shrugged. “What can I say? I am a screamer.”

  I snorted, no way could I not have laughed after that. The guys paused, then as one yelled and laughed. While we all lost it, Yunez grinned and flicked his head to get his ringlets out of his face. That had to be habit at this point because with the curls, his hair wasn’t even close to being in his eyes.

  Yunez continued after our amusement fizzled out. “Okay, okay, we came over here to tell you it is time for bed; mine’s bigger.” When none of the guys made a move, Yunez walked to the door with exaggerated steps, his hand waving toward the exit. “Come on, I am exhausted and I need my beauty sleep.”

  Egan scratched the top of his head. “Are you sure? We all thought this was your time with Iss.”

  Jari tugged at the neck of his shirt with a finger. “Yeah, and not to mention, I don’t want to lay down in a bed of fresh fluids; I mean, that aren’t my own.”

  Yunez waggled a finger in front of his face. “Ah, but I thought of that, do not worry. The bed is clean.” He paused, “Today was the first of many hard days to come. I can share Isolde to give you all a much needed slice of comfort.”

  Relief not only on Jari’s face but Sage’s too. Then they rushed us, and just when I thought they would slam into me, they passed Yunez and me in a blur.

  Laughing, we ran after them. Inside his bedroom, multiple flickering candles circled the room. The soft scent of lavender and roses wafted off of a fresh vase of flowers that hadn’t been there the night before, drifting around us. Someone was in a romantic mood, and I had no idea which one of the guys it was. The smell hadn’t been here when we left, and they had nothing in their hands when they raced to this room. Maybe conjuring was a power.

  Exhaustion was finally setting in, my eyelids barely able to stay open, and a heavy lethargy filling my bones. In bed, the guys placed me in the center, and they had graciously offered Yunez and Rand the spots right next to me. Nato and Egan flanked Yunez, while Jari and Sage made themselves comfortable on the other side. My heart sighed as I took in the men who had become closer to me than any family could be. This was where we were meant to be, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

  Bright, incandescent light peeked through the curtains. Warm and trapped, not under one muscled limb, but several, I did my best to stretch out the soreness before attempting the impossible job of extracting myself from their clutches. This was definitely becoming a thing with us.

  Sage moaned as I accidentally elbowed him in the stomach. “Iss, go back to sleep. The sky might be awake, but it’s not time to play.”

  A delighted grin slashed across my face. None of
us had any kids. As far as I knew, none of us had even been around kids to hardly any extent, except for Yunez being a super hero and saving Mannos all over Fennina, so why did we always quote kids’ shows?

  “Shh, I’m hot, and I have to get out of this lava pit of half-naked studs before I do something I shouldn’t.”

  He patted me on the ass, then rolled onto his side, “Kay.”

  In the living room, the curtains were pushed back as far as they would go. I walked over to study the courtyard; lush grass, delicate vines crawling on various sections of the high stonewalls. It was so beautiful, and after our win yesterday, the world seemed impossibly brighter and more vivid. The fight had been hard, but it had also been easy. How many Mannos had we taken down with just the seven of us? And, with Yunez’s warriors in the Three Suns, how quickly could we defeat them? We only had to find them.

  Soft hands cradled my hips, and a stubbly cheek nuzzled my neck as I looked back. The soft morning sunlight reflected off the midnight locks of my newest Lusty Legion member.

  “Good morning.” I murmured.

  “Mmm, morning,” he purred. “The others are getting up; it seems we cannot sleep when our mistress is not in the bed with us.”

  I chuckled and turned in his arms. “What’s the plan for today? Are we organizing hunts to find the pockets of the Shadow Society?”

  His gaze burned into mine. “Maybe later, first, we need to let the people on this estate see us, spend time with us. They were exuberant in their joy when we came back yesterday, but we need to check the pulse of our people. It is normal that they were celebrating our success, but yesterday marked the first of many battles to come. My fear is that knowledge has sunk in and in war, fear can run rampant, making even the most steady of warriors make costly mistakes.”

  The thread of confidence that had slowly been weaving its way through my body was severed as the reality of what Yunez said hit me. “But we beat so many yesterday with just us. Aren’t we the stronger side?”

  With a quick shake of his head, he threaded his fingers through the blond hair, pushing it off of my face. He cupped the back of my head as he brought his lips down to mine for a quick kiss. “Even before I lost the sight, the war was hard and many lives were lost on both sides. It seems that our future is rewriting itself, but I have a feeling it doesn’t mean we will get an easy victory. On the contrary, if they’ve crippled my sight, it might be much more bloody than even I am prepared for.” The end of his words came out in a rasp.


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