The Throne of Broken Bones (Weapon of Fire and Ash Book 3)

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The Throne of Broken Bones (Weapon of Fire and Ash Book 3) Page 33

by Brittany Matsen

  The scents of warmth and summer drifted in, mixing with the aroma of her mother’s superior cooking, and her heart expanded in her chest. Humming to the beat of an old eighties rock song, Laura Duvall plated a fresh tray of steaming biscuits.

  “Morning,” Emma greeted, pecking a kiss to her mother’s cheek. She snagged a mug from the cabinet and proceeded to fill it with the half-empty pot of coffee—still hot, which meant her mother had already had several cups.

  She smiled warmly at Emma, not a trace of worry or fear lining her young and beautiful face.“Morning, sweets! Load up your plate and I’ll get you some gravy.”

  Emma was grabbing the first hot biscuit when she felt the punch of ice to her chest, signaling a Shediem. But not just any Shediem. His ancient, dark, and fearsome power radiated through the house, and she turned slowly.

  Curling wisps of inky black shadowed the king of Sheol. His silver eyes were a stark contrast to the darkness shrouding him.

  As the living shadows danced across his face, she caught sight of the faintest trace of a smile. It didn’t appear to be cruel or malicious. If anything, she thought it looked…remorseful.

  “I am truly sorry to interrupt what I’m sure is the best dream you’ve conjured for yourself in many weeks. However, I’ve come to tell you that your little game of eliminating my brothers has come to an end.”

  Emma glanced over her shoulder toward her mother. But she was no longer there.

  The pain of recalling that her mother was dead hit her anew. The dreamscape darkened, her subconscious receding. But the King of Damnation held her firm, determined to deliver his message.

  She swallowed hard, feeling the floor tremble. Her lips felt glued shut when she tried to speak, so instead she glared at the demon that broke her one moment of happiness—even if it was just an illusion.

  “Time is up, little Shediem-Slayer.” His hands were in his pockets, and from the small flashes she saw of his lean, muscular body—or rather, the form he chose to don—he almost looked like a normal man. Long, black hair, sharp jaw, and haunted eyes. He was handsome yet ethereal.


  The house shook, the dream fracturing.

  “We’ll continue this little chat face to face, shall we?”

  With a smirk, he vanished, and Emma jerked awake.

  Snapping up in her seat, she saw they were in one of the black SUVs. It rocked and bounced along the snowy, mountainous terrain. The vehicle drove through a carved-out path in the thick blanket of white that reached the side windows.

  Outside it was grey, so Emma had no concept of what time it was. But if she had to guess, she’d say she’d been unconscious for at least twelve hours.

  Beside her, Sergei’s head rested against the seat, his eyes closed, and face more lined than she’d seen it in the short time she’d known him. His rigid posture along with the creases between his brows made her suspect he wasn’t actually asleep.

  Next to him was Derrik, who did appear to be asleep, if the violent swaying of his body with each bump they hit was any indication. In the front, silent and exhausted, were Blaze and Taryn. The Spellcaster stared out the side window, her body tense.

  Sensing that Emma was now awake, Blaze gazed at the rearview mirror, inspecting her. She smiled slightly, letting him know she was okay. Though she desperately wanted to tell him what had just happened, she knew it needed to wait until they were alone.

  When their vehicle crested the mountain, the ground leveling out before the compound gates, Emma felt a flicker of warmth spread through her chest. They were home.

  Several Giborim dressed in their usual black fatigues and armed to the teeth approached their vehicles, and after a brief exchange, the gates swung open.

  The push and pull of the wards made her skin feel tight, but once they were through, a gasp escaped her.

  All through the grounds, tall tents were erected. Hundreds of people milled around. Some were obviously soldiers; others were shooting jets of light at each other, forcing their opponent to sharply throw a shield up or counter with their own blast of magic.

  Spellcasters. Lots of them.

  “What is this?” she asked, eyes wide.

  Taryn smirked at Emma over her shoulder. “A few of my sister covens.”

  “And all the compounds on the West Coast have been moved up here,” Blaze added.

  “That’s incredible,” she breathed.“But why?”

  “The war will come to you when it starts. You’re the number one target. We need to be ready when it happens.”

  Ice dropped into her gut at his words. Nakosh had warned her that he was coming, and soon. She half expected him to burst out of the ground any second.

  She had fully understood what was coming, but seeing those people gathered, preparing, made her pulse spike. Was she prepared for this? Were any of them truly ready to face the reality that they could die soon?

  Yet their faces looked light—if perhaps determined. Especially the Giborim. Many cleaned and sharpened weapons.

  When they stepped out, Emma felt the warm air wrap around her like a blanket. Magic, she thought with a pang of sadness. Gertie had been the one to enchant the compound’s grounds to keep the rose bushes and garden crops at the back of the property in season. Now, the heat inside their protected space rivaled a Californian summer.

  As they wound through the tents on the outskirts of the compound, sounds fell to a hush, and all eyes were on them.

  On her.

  She couldn’t decipher many of their expressions, but she offered them what she hoped was a grateful smile as she passed.

  Blaze wound his fingers through hers, and his show of affection bolstered her courage. Taryn and Derrik broke off before the doors to speak with a group of Spellcasters that rallied toward them.

  The rest of them filed into the compound, weariness clear in their slumped shoulders. Dominic, however, clapped Blaze on the shoulder and sent Emma a warm smile. “Glad you are safe, draga. Now this one will not act like a snarling animal.” He smirked at Blaze, who scoffed, and Dominic headed for the first door just out of the foyer.

  Breanna’s room.

  Emma couldn’t help the smile that curved her lips.

  Blaze glanced down at her, and his own smile spread over his face.“Disaster usually creates the most daring of love stories.”

  She nodded, then sobered, looking at the others who set off to their separate chambers.

  Leading Blaze up the wide marble staircase, she said,“I need to tell you something.”

  Without preamble Emma closed the door to her room, shut them both inside, and launched into her visit from Nakosh.

  Blaze’s gaze hardened, his jaw ticking when she finished. “There’s no time to waste”—he started past her—“if the king of Sheol has made it clear he’s ready to make his appearance. We need to be prepared.”

  Emma grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop. “You and everyone that came on the rescue mission are exhausted. Take a few hours to get some sleep before you go charging in without even knowing when or where it’s going to take place.”

  Blaze shook his head.“We felt the tremors of all the princes surfacing and it nearly destroyed the compound. Imagine how much stronger the shock will be when the king of Sheol surfaces. Everyone needs to be on guard and alert.” He ran a hand through his dirty hair and grimaced.“Besides, I need to check on Haddie and Axel.”

  Emma sighed.“I appreciate that. But without rest you won’t be at a hundred percent.”

  Blaze gave a low chuckle before pressing a kiss to her temple. “I’ve fought in more wars than is good for a man. I know what true exhaustion feels like, and this is nowhere near it.”

  “What do you need help with?” she asked.“I’ll help any way I can so you can get cleaned up and sleep. I’ve just slept half a day, so I’m more than ready to go.”

  The amusement in his eyes dimmed. “Are you truly okay? I’ve never seen…” He cleared his throat. “You’ve never needed to f
eed off a Shediem’s energy like that before. It was like you needed it to function.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded.“I’m okay. It was just from having so much and then expending it all so quickly.”

  Which is exactly what will happen on the battlefield. The thought remained unspoken, but she saw it reflected in his eyes.

  She reached out, squeezing his hand lightly.“It’s going to be okay. Now go see your sister.”

  He kissed her again, this time lingering for a moment, then breezed out of the room.




  n darkness the king was made. So shall I serve the darkness and my king. The girl’s face flashed in his mind for the millionth time as the sharp slice of pain shot through his brain.

  Find her.

  In darkness the king was made. So shall I serve the darkness

  and my king .

  Kill her.

  In darkness the king was made. So shall I serve the darkness

  and my king .

  Drain her.

  In darkness the king was made. So shall I serve the darkness

  and my king .

  “Who is your target?” his prince’s voice boomed over the

  chanting in his mind.

  In darkness the king was made. So shall I serve the darkness

  and my king.

  “Emma Duvall,” Levaroth gritted out.

  This time the pain was an icy blow to his side, and he roared. In darkness the king was made. So shall I serve— “Who is your target?” Asmodeus repeated.

  —the darkness and my king.

  “Emma Duvall!” His mouth foamed with the taste of his

  own blood.

  “What will you do when you find her?”

  The beast he’d kept chained deep inside snapped free. “Kill. Her.”

  The prince smiled, satisfied.“You’re ready.”

  Levaroth rattled his chains.

  In darkness the king was made. So shall I serve the darkness

  and my king.

  Find Emma.

  Kill Emma.

  Tear her apart.

  Find Emma.

  Kill Emma.

  Drink her blood.

  The madness gripped him, and the beast reveled in it. He’d find Emma Duvall and kill her for making him suffer.



  T hough night fell on the compound, everyone inside its grounds was bustling. Preparing. Emma had showered off the horror of the past few days, before heading

  downstairs to see Breanna and Isaac. She knocked on her friend’s door softly, so as not to wake the baby if he was asleep. Breanna cracked it open, observing her with red-rimmed eyes.

  Emma’s brows slammed together.“What’s wrong?” The door opened further. Breanna sighed, then stepped out of the way and gestured inside.

  When the door shut behind them, Emma spun to face her. “What happened?”

  The girl swallowed hard. “Dominic told me what you are. What they all are.” She gestured with her chin toward the entrance of the house, where hundreds of Giborim soldiers and Spellcasters mingled. “He told me where you guys have really been going and what’s happening.”

  Emma bit her lip. They’d all been careful around her, but since the covens arrived, Emma guessed it hadn’t been long before she’d seen them using magic.“I’m sorry we couldn’t tell you.”

  Breanna nodded, hugging her arms around herself. “But it means that Dominic will go on living for hundreds of years after both me and my son are gone. There is no future for us. Not anymore.” Her lip trembled, and Emma rushed to hug her.

  “Look, right now”—Emma swallowed hard—“things are uncertain enough. Don’t dwell on the reasons you can’t let your heart feel love. Dominic cares about you and Isaac. I don’t know Dominic very well, but everyone can see that you’ve made him smitten.”

  Breanna made a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh.

  “Do you care for him too?”

  Breanna nodded.“More than I ever thought I could.”

  Emma smiled to herself.“For now, let that be enough.”

  A knock sounded at the door, making them release each other. Emma went to answer it, finding Blaze on the other side.

  “Meeting in five minutes,” he said.

  “Okay.” She closed the door and turned back to Breanna, who sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her son with a pained expression.“I have to go.”

  They embraced once more before Emma turned to leave. “Stay here and stay safe.”

  Breanna nodded, swiping away a single tear that rolled down her porcelain cheek.

  Emma entered the conference room, which was already packed with Giborim and Spellcasters, including Taryn, her brother, and Sergei. When Emma came to a stop beside him he draped an arm over her shoulders, squeezing her to his side for a moment before letting go.

  Blaze met her gaze with a nod before all chatter died down and he began.

  “As you can see, our mission in Asia was a success. Emma eliminated the prince Amon. As of now, only Mammon, Levian, and Asmodeus remain.”

  A dagger of rage sliced her heart at the mention of her father. Eyes cut nervous and excited glances in her direction.

  “On our journey back to the compound, the king of Sheol made contact.” The room nearly burst with gasps and murmurs, but Blaze pressed on, raising his hands to calm the group.“He has made it abundantly clear that he intends to make an appearance soon. Any minute, really.” The collective held their breaths.“We need a strategy. Emma will need to focus on the princes and Nakosh. The rest of you should be able to hold your own against the Shediem ranks.”

  Taryn stepped forward, placed her hands on the table, and looked around.“Without their beloved king, slaying them should trap them in Sheol. It’s my belief they are able to return to Earth only when Nakosh is there to keep the door open, so to speak.” Murmurs of ascent went around.“I think it’s safe to say none of you should have a problem holding your own; just remember to avoid their venom.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Emma saw Emerelda—who had stood in the back, by the door—slip out.

  Blaze watched her go before looking around the room. A solemn air wrapped around them all.“No matter what happens, it has been a pleasure to serve and protect with you.”

  Dominic beat his fist to his chest at the opposite end of the table, drawing Emma’s attention to him. “By angels’ blood we were made!” His accent was thick, his voice booming. The other Giborim followed suit, their fists slamming against their chests.

  “To serve and protect as it was decreed!” The answering shouts resembled a thunderclap.

  Only the Spellcasters remained silent.

  When Blaze spoke again, his eyes were filled with storm clouds. “May the angels protect us.” His voice was low, with an edge of violence that Emma knew all too well. The Giborim were warriors—meant for war and bloodshed.

  Her heart thundered.

  Without another word, Blaze hurried from the room. Emma made to follow, but Silas stepped in front of her, a smug smile curving his thin lips.

  “So, I’ve been dying to ask: what does it feel like to defeat three impossibly powerful Shediem princes? It’s truly a miracle what you’re able to do considering the angels themselves created us to keep the filthy creatures in check.”

  Emma would have laughed at the man’s backhanded insults, but instead she smiled sweetly.“I guess they just needed something more powerful to get the job done.”

  Lip curled, he was raising a hand to strike when Sergei gripped his arm from behind and twisted it sharply. A crack sounded and Silas screamed.

  The room fell silent. Suddenly Taryn and Derrik stood to Emma’s left behind Sergei, hands raised, and the Giborim stood to her right.

  In a low, growly voice, Sergei said, “If you try to strike her again, I’ll chop off your head, you self-righteous prick.”

  Silas’s red face purpled, his mout
h gaping as Dominic gripped his shoulder.“Whatever your judgments are, Silas, let them go. The girl is the key to surviving this war and you know it.”

  With a sneer, Silas jerked from Dominic’s grasp before spinning on his heel. The other Giborim parted to let him pass. He threw the double doors open with a bang and stalked out.

  The others followed suit, except for Sergei and Emma.

  When the last person was gone, he looked her over. “You okay?”

  She nodded with a sigh.“I get why he hates me. I hate myself sometimes.”

  Sergei’s thick dark brows furrowed. “Why do you hate yourself, draga?”

  Emma’s fists unclenched. “I’m the daughter of a Shediem prince. I don’t just kill the Shediem, I absorb their power. And I love it. When I’m feeding on their energy, I crave it, and…” Her voice cracked. With a deep, shuddering breath, she tried again. “I feel like a monster too.”

  Sergei smiled, a gentle, understanding smile. “I see your mother’s goodness in you, Emma. No matter what, I’ll never believe you’re a monster.You couldn’t be.” He rubbed her biceps, warming the goose bumps that erupted over her skin. “Where does your power to kill Shediem come from?”

  Her brow furrowed.“What?”

  “Where does it come from?”

  Emma thought for a moment.“Uhh…”

  “It’s angelic, Emma. You have both light and dark power in you, as we all do.” A ball of pale blue light filled his palm, and he held it out for her to see.“Spellcasters are said to be a balance. A perfect neutral, born of the elements to keep both light and dark in check. Why would there need to be a balance, do you think? Why not just wipe out all the darkness?”

  Confused by where he was going with this, she answered, “I’m not sure.”

  “Humans are not wholly good nor bad, correct?”

  Emma nodded slowly.

  “The secret is, we all have a bit of both in us. There is no way to erase the darkness completely. If the Giborim were to wipe out all of humanity and the Shediem so only they remained, there would still be darkness. Though they serve a noble cause, not even the Giborim are entirely righteous.”


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