The Cupcake Capers Box Set

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The Cupcake Capers Box Set Page 29

by Polly Holmes

  Cassidy grabbed a Nespresso pod from the cupboard. Halfway across the kitchen, her eye caught movement in the backyard through the kitchen window. Holy cow. Her breath caught in the back of her throat and a sizzling blush worked its way up her neck to her cheeks.

  She knew Finn worked out, but she’d never seen it in person. He was leaning against one of the garden chairs, his body in plank position and hard as rock while he did push-ups…shirtless and sweaty. Her jaw dropped and she couldn’t take her eyes off his toned upper body. How have I not known what a sexy body he hid under his clothes?

  A thunderous knocking on the front door startled her and she jumped about two feet in the air as if the floor were burning hot coals. She gasped and her hand flew to her chest. “Seriously? Way to give a woman a heart attack.” She glanced one last time at the yummy view out the window, then trudged toward the front door, the image of Finn’s half-naked body still at the forefront of her mind. Opening the door, her thoughts of Finn vanished as she looked into the worrying eyes of her friend Beth.

  “Beth. Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Cassidy said, ushering her inside.

  “Cassidy, thank goodness you’re home,” Beth said in a frantic tone. Her hands twisted into knots at her waist. “I didn’t know if you’d be here, I just knew I had to find you.”

  “What on earth is going on?” Cassidy asked as she showed her into the kitchen. Both women stopped in their tracks, their eyes glued to Finn’s shirtless body as he gulped down mouthfuls of water. Cassidy’s pulse began to race and a smirk turned up the corner of her mouth. The view was definitely better close up. Focus.

  She shook her head. “Finn.” His head turned at the sound of her voice. “Good to see you’ve finished your workout, but we have company. Do you think you might put a shirt on?” His gaze turned downward to his half-naked body and his cheeks turned the cutest shade of crimson red.

  “Please excuse me,” he said, reaching for the shirt tucked into the back pocket of his shorts. “I didn’t realise we had company.”

  “Finn, this is Beth, one of our dearest friends and newlyweds. Charlotte designed and created the most amazing cake for her wedding.” Cassidy’s stomach dropped when her focus returned to Beth. She was as agitated as a poor animal locked in a cage. “Let’s sit and then you can tell me what’s got you so jumpy.”

  Beth took the seat next to Cassidy and paused a moment before speaking in the softest voice. “Is it okay to talk in front of him?”

  Finn sidled up beside Cassidy and her back stiffened. His musky, sweaty scent played havoc with her senses.

  “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Beth. That was not my intention,” he said, finally joining them on the opposite side of the table. “Cassidy and I became friends when she was in New York. Her parents live in the same apartment building as I was staying. You could say I’ve grown pretty fond of her in the past few months and I will do anything to protect her. I know about Christina and how Detective Anderson is convinced Cassidy murdered her, but if you have information that can clear her name, please tell us.”

  Man, you’re smooth. Cassidy all but melted at his heartfelt words and she sensed the ease that worked its way across the room. “Finn is on our side. Now, what is going on?”

  Beth took a deep breath and began. “I’m not sure if you know, but Lincoln and I are starting our own landscaping business and we have been really working hard on saving money.”

  “Wait, is that the Lincoln that Liam is working for?” Finn asked. Beth nodded and Cassidy shushed him.

  “I was over at our accountant’s and I overheard Emmerson talking to someone. She was furious that Christina hadn’t returned what she’d stolen from her. And then she said, ‘Over my dead body will I let Christina destroy my future.’”

  Finn and Cassidy looked at each other for a split second.

  Beth continued, her voice an octave higher. “She said Christina got exactly what she had coming to her. It freaked me out and made me wonder what Christina had done to Emmerson to make her say such a thing. Just before I was about to go into Mr Bancroft’s office, she said death was not going to stop her from taking back what’s hers.”

  Cassidy couldn’t believe her luck and excitement danced in her veins. “Did Emmerson know you were there?”

  Beth shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. She was in the next room. I was a last-minute squeeze in. I wasn’t supposed to be there. I know she’s trying to get some money together to start her fashion business and sometimes helps out at her dad’s office.”

  “Do you know who she was talking to?” Finn asked, a frown creased his brow.

  “No, I couldn’t really hear anyone. Maybe she was on the phone, I’m not sure.” Her voice was as shaky as her hands. “The only thing I could think of was to get to you as soon as possible. I know you didn’t do this, but what if Emmerson did?”

  “Although it sounds suspicious, we can’t be certain that she had anything to do with Christina’s murder. For now, I think we should keep it between us, at least until we get some concrete evidence to prove her innocence or her guilt.”

  Beth thought on Cassidy’s words for a moment. “I suppose you’re right. I know we don’t have to report it, but don’t you think we should tell the police?”

  Frustration bubbled in Cassidy’s belly. “Tell them what? All we have is a conversation that has Emmerson saying death won’t stop her getting back what’s hers. She said Christina got what she had coming to her, but I can name a few other residents of Ashton Point who feel exactly the same.”

  Beth nodded. “I suppose you’re right.”

  Cassidy wrapped Beth’s cold, trembling hands in hers and smiled. “Trust me, Beth. Finn and I will look into it. This isn’t your fight but thank you. You’ve given us a new lead to follow.”


  Cassidy nodded. “Yes, really.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “You can’t be serious,” Finn said as he paced the kitchen, frustration eating away at his insides.

  Cassidy stood with her spine ram-rod straight and her hands on her hips. “It’s the perfect plan, don’t you see? We go over, under the pretence of showing interest in her fashion business and maybe offering her some work. Beth said she’s trying to get some money together to start a business. She’d probably be happy to have the chance at another source of income.”

  Finn ran his hand through his damp hair. “Wouldn’t a better option be to tell Detective Anderson?”

  Cassidy pursed her lips together. “No, we can’t. There isn’t enough to go on yet. What can we say except that Beth overheard a conversation and then told me? He’d probably laugh me out of the station or worse, arrest me for interfering in a police investigation.”

  Finn shook his head. “I don’t like it, and neither would your sisters.”

  Cassidy rolled her cute blue eyes to the roof and Finn’s chest tightened. “Pfft, my sisters would want me to do what’s necessary to clear my name, goodness knows they did when they were in the same predicament. Are you with me?” she asked, her eyes widening as if seeking his approval.

  Cassidy’s determination was one of the qualities that made her stand out from the rest of the women he’d met. “Do I have a choice?” he said with a sigh.

  She shook her head and grinned from ear to ear. “No, not really. Let’s go.”

  Finn balked at her rushed command. “What…now?”

  “Yes, now. The sooner, the better,” she said, grabbing her bag from the hall stand.

  I stink, I can’t go out like this. I even offend myself after a workout. “Give me ten minutes to have a shower. Surely, you can hold off that long. Why don’t you ring your sisters and fill them in on what we’ve learned from Beth and I promise I’ll be done before you’re finished.”

  Cassidy folded her arms across her chest and squinted at him. “Done before I’m finished, hey?”

  “Promise,” he said and headed double-time toward the ba

  Finn moved at lightning speed and was in and out of the shower in record time. He shouldn’t have bothered, as he was just as hot and sweaty from rushing as he had been before the shower. The mugginess of the late summer afternoon hadn’t helped. At least he was in clean clothes. He finished buttoning the top button of his shirt as he entered the kitchen.

  Cassidy’s sweet voice still hummed away on the phone. He paused by the doorway, soaking in the sight of the red-headed beauty sitting with her back to him. He loved everything about her, the way she moved and the way she sat, talked, giggled. He wanted her in his life, and not just as a friend. A groan escaped his throat. Oh gosh, I sound like one of those men in a soppy romance movie.

  Finn opened his mouth to speak and his heart did a double take at the mention of his name. “Yes, Clair, Finn is coming with me,” she said, sarcasm seeping through her tone. “No, Clair, I won’t… Yes, Clair… Yes… He’s in the shower …Clair! Stop that right now.”

  Stop what? And what did it have to do with my shower? He could stand and watch her all day. It was like watching the Energizer Bunny in action, but much easier on the eye. He took a step forward and cleared his throat. Her head spun.

  She gasped and shot from her chair. “Clair, I have to go. Will you pass the information on to Charlotte for me? …Yes, we’ll be careful. Thanks, bye.” She hung up and glared in his direction. “How long have you been standing there?” she asked.

  The wrong answer here could land him in hot water. Play it safe. “Not long, but I was right. I did make it out before you finished your phone calls, and by the sounds of it, you only made one.”

  Cassidy picked up her bag and headed for the door. Finn moved close behind. “By the time I told Clair what Beth had said, she morphed into the worrying ‘big sister’ mode again, giving me the warning speech.”

  “I’m sure she just worries about you. I know I do,” he said before he could call the words back.

  She threw her arms up in the air in an exasperated sigh. “Great, now you sound like my big brother.”

  He balked. Big brother! That’s the last person he wanted to be. “Believe me, my feelings for you are far from brotherly,” he said to himself. Finn wasn’t sure if she’d heard him, but her head lowered and he could have sworn he saw her cheeks turn a shade that matched her hair colour.

  Finn drove and they made comfortable small talk, neither addressing the comment he’d made as they left the house.

  “That’s Emmerson,” Cassidy said pointing to the car exiting a driveway ahead.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, slowing the car.

  “Trust me. I’d know that black VW Beetle anywhere. It’s not like there are many in town.”

  Good enough for me. He gripped the steering wheel. “I’m assuming we’re following her?”

  Cassidy giggled. “Follow that car,” she said, pointing out the windscreen. “I’ve always wanted to say that. Although now that I have, I feel kinda silly.”

  Finn’s brain was screaming to stay focused on the task ahead. His heart swelled at the sight of Cassidy’s cheeky grin, which made her blue eyes seem even bigger than usual. Finn reeled his thoughts in before they led him in a direction he dared not tread. “Where do you think she’s going?”

  She shrugged, her eyes focused on Emmerson’s vehicle ahead. “Beats me, but she appears to be heading toward the river.”

  Finn drove a safe distance away, his eyes glued to the dainty black car. It veered toward what appeared to be an expensive area and he eased his foot off the gas pedal when he heard Cassidy gasp. “What is it?”

  “She’s heading toward Christina Jacobs’ house.”

  “Really?” Why would she be going there? He watched Emmerson pull up out front of what he assumed was the Jacobs house. “Is that Christina’s house?”

  Cassidy kind of nodded and pointed in Emmerson’s direction. “Look, she’s not heading into the parent’s retreat. She’s walking toward Christina’s house.”

  “I don’t think it matters that much, why would you openly park in front of a murder scene, unless you wanted people to think you were trying to hide something? Or worse, retrieve something.” He pulled over to the side of the road behind a caravan, his Jeep Wrangler perfectly hidden by the over-sized luxury vehicle.

  “Good point,” Cassidy said rummaging around in her handbag. “Bingo.” The clanging of keys nabbed his focus. She was dangling a set of house keys in front of his face. “I totally forgot I had these. Christina demanded I give them back, but it slipped my mind and then she was…you know.”

  “Murdered,” he said.

  “Yes. I have a plan.” Her eyes glowed with anticipation. “We follow her into Christina’s house. We have to find out what Emmerson is doing in there. It could be the link to proving my innocence.”

  “Technically…you don’t have permission to enter,” he said sarcastically. “The police won’t look kindly on us snooping around in Christina’s house, even if it isn’t officially a crime scene.”

  She sighed and rolled her eyes once more. “Only if we get caught and we won’t.”

  Finn rubbed his chin in thought. “I don’t like it. Breaking the law isn’t on my bucket list.”

  She sighed. “I know, mine neither, but I’d do just about anything to prove my innocence. And, you never know we might find the answers the police need to solve the murder. What do you say?”

  “What if she is the murderer? We have no idea what she might do when she sees us.”

  “That’s why I have you, you big lug,” she said, punching his upper arm. “Between you and me I’m sure we’d be able to defend ourselves against the likes of Emmerson Bancroft. Besides, you’re the big one, I can always hide behind you. We can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

  She batted her eyelids at him and he was a goner. She was right about one thing, he would protect her. With his life if he had to. “Okay, you win, but let’s not go in guns blazing. Quiet and with caution, agreed?”

  She nodded. “Agreed.”


  Cassidy’s pulse raced as they stood at Christina’s door, ready to enter. “Wait,” she whispered, her hand on his shoulder paused his step.

  “What?” he mouthed.

  She continued, her voice barely audible. “We should turn our phones on silent. The last thing we need is a phone call alerting her to our presence.” He nodded in agreement. She held her breath as he eased the front door open. The lock had been picked. How does Emmerson know how to pick a lock? She leaned forward, squinting to see around his big frame. “Go,” she whispered. Adrenaline buzzed inside her belly.

  He nodded. Cassidy felt like a lioness stalking her pray as she crept inside the house. Her senses were on high alert and picked up a rustling sound coming from Christina’s lounge room. Finn made a shushing gesture with his finger and then pointed toward the source of the noise. They both nodded in unison. She felt an icy chill crawl up her spine at the knowledge that less than a week ago, a murder happened in the retreat next door.

  As she stepped into the lounge room, her sightline was immediately drawn to the activity by the back wall. She watched Emmerson rummage through the sideboard cupboard, her size eight backside sticking up in the air, oblivious to their presence.

  What are you looking for? She saw the confused expression on Finn’s face. Cassidy had the element of surprise on her side. She looked at Finn and mouthed, one, two, three. “Looking for something?” she asked, shattering the semi-quiet room.

  Emmerson sprang upright like a Jack-in-the-box at a child’s birthday party. Her eyes widened as she took in the tall, commanding Finn standing to Cassidy’s left. “Cassidy, what are you doing here?”

  “I think a more appropriate question is, what are you doing here?” she said her confidence growing by the second.

  Emmerson paled and her eyes began to moisten. “I-I-I lent Christina a pair of shoes and I just came to get them back.”

  “Really? From the sideboard in
her lounge room? I would have thought you would find shoes in the bedroom. What do you think, Finn?”

  “That’s where I keep mine,” he said, his gaze drilling Emmerson to the spot.

  “Maybe you were looking for something else, something that might incriminate you in Christina’s murder. I mean that’s the only reason I can think of that you would break into a dead woman’s house less than a week after she was murdered.” Within seconds, Emmerson crumbled and fell into the nearby armchair, her watering eyes now harbouring floods of tears that rolled down her cheeks.

  “No, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong,” she said between hiccups. “I know this looks bad, but I didn’t kill Christina. Yes, I admit I broke in, but it’s not what you think.”

  Cassidy frowned. “What are you looking for?” Her heart softened a fraction as she took in Emmerson’s mascara running down her reddened cheeks. Honest distress brimmed in her eyes.

  Emmerson sighed realising defeat. “Photographs.”

  “Photographs.” Finn and Cassidy said in unison.

  Emmerson nodded. “Yes, photographs of me when I was about seventeen. I was visiting my cousin in Melbourne. We got a little drunk one night and took some rather revealing pictures. We were silly teenagers just mucking around. I had no idea that she’d uploaded them to her computer.”

  Confusion muddled Cassidy’s mind. “What do these pictures have to do with Christina’s death?”

  “She found them. I don’t know how, but she found them.” Emmerson’s tears began to flow like a torrent once more. “She was going to blackmail me. She called me the night before she was murdered and she threatened me with running the pictures on the front page of The Chronicle if I didn’t do something for her. I asked what, but she wouldn’t tell me over the phone.”

  Blackmail? Just like Mayor Windsor. Cassidy didn’t like to think the worst of the dead, but her chest tightened as her loathing for Christina grew.


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