Dirty Little Secrets: A Dark Bully Romance (Kings of Bolten Book 1)

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Dirty Little Secrets: A Dark Bully Romance (Kings of Bolten Book 1) Page 4

by K. G. Reuss

  “So they’re the elite douchebags. Cool,” I muttered as the elevator dinged.

  We both got off on my floor. I glanced at her, and she offered me a quick smile.

  “My dorm is at the end of the hall.”

  “What a coincidence.” I sighed. “So is mine.”

  “Awesome!” She lit up, her grin widening.

  We strolled quietly for a moment before I spoke, “So there are elite douchebags. How about elite bitches? Do those exist as a group here or does the term apply to pretty much all the females?”

  Aubrey chuckled and shook her head. “Not everyone is that bad, but to answer your question, yeah, there are elite bitches. Stella Monroe is one. She and Hail have had this thing going on for ages, but word has it Hail got engaged to someone else over break. Everyone is dying to know who.”

  I swallowed, irritated that news spread so fast.

  “I’m surprised they haven’t introduced themselves to you yet. It seems to be their thing—sizing up fresh meat. I’m sure you’ll hear from them soon. They have a tendency to run newbies through the mill.”

  “Like bullying them?” I asked dryly.

  “I suppose you could call it that. More like initiation They were super quiet today about it though, which was strange. Usually, the kings and lords single out people to mess with. There was nothing today.”

  “Hazing?” I frowned as I noted someone leaning against my door.

  “Yeah. The sad part is the faculty doesn’t do shit about it. Stella and Vanessa St. Claire are the head bitches. Vanessa’s dad owns FXR, the software firm, and is worth millions, maybe more. Stella’s dad is into some shady business with the Ivanovs. Ivy Mathis and Blair Holden are their two snapping dogs. If they don’t approach you, don’t approach them.” She gave a shiver. “If evil bitch had a face, it’d be modeled after those girls. They’re awful.”

  “Noted. And Lyssa?” I sighed as I recognized Hail.

  His eyes locked on mine, and he straightened up.

  “Not as cool as she thinks.” Aubrey leaned in and whispered. “Scholarship kid. She just forgets that since she does come from a bit of money.” Aubrey winked and then stuttered as she finally noticed Hail.

  “Where have you been?” Hail demanded, sauntering toward me.

  Aubrey stared wide-eyed as he pulled me to him and placed a kiss on my cheek.

  “I’ve been waiting for you for over an hour.”

  “I’ve been in class,” I answered, rolling my eyes.

  “Wouldn’t know being as we don’t seem to have any classes together. I’ll make sure that gets changed.” He kissed my cheek again, his fingers digging into my side painfully as I tried to untangle myself from him.

  “Easy, rat,” he murmured, his lips brushing against my ear.

  I swallowed hard and forced myself to remain calm.

  He pulled away enough to look over my head at Aubrey.

  “Aubrey McIntire.” He said her name in a deep growl.

  “Um, yeah. Yeah, hi, Hail,” her voice shook.

  “I’m glad you’re keeping my girl company, but you’ll have to excuse us now. There’s somewhere I need to be.”

  “Where?” I asked, glancing at him hopefully. Getting rid of him would be a godsend.

  A wicked smirk turned his lips up. “Inside you, my little sewer rat.”

  My blood ran cold as Aubrey cleared her throat and moved to the door across the hall.

  “We’re neighbors,” I managed to say, pulling my gaze away from Hail.

  “Yeah,” she answered, her voice still shaking. She gave me a tight smile and glanced at Hail who glared back with narrowed eyes. “We’re going to be good friends, Bianca.”

  I offered her a tight smile in return and nodded before opening my door and stepping inside, Hail on my heels.

  He closed the door softly behind us, the sound like the final nail in my coffin. I tossed my book bag on the floor and turned to him.

  “What do you want?” I demanded, scowling.

  “That pussy,” he returned, coming at me.

  I shoved at him, but he fisted my hair and threw me on the bed. I scrambled to get away, but he was on me in a moment.

  “Hail, please,” I choked out, my eyes burning. “Don’t.”

  He loomed over me, his eyes dark. “Don’t what?”

  “Do this. Please. I-I want it to be special,” I managed to say, my body trembling beneath his. I’d never had sex before, and losing my virginity to him wasn’t on my list of things to do. “Just, if we’re going to do this, give me time. Please, Hail.”

  His gaze swept over me then he gave me a Cheshire smile. “Let’s make a deal, rat.”

  “What?” I breathed out, wincing as he rubbed his erection against my center.

  “You do as I say for as long as I say, and I’ll give you some time. Consider it a wedding gift. That means, if I tell you to get on your knees and suck my cock, you do it without question. If I tell you to suck my friends’ cocks, you fall to your knees. Whatever I tell you to do, you do it.”

  “You’re insane,” I whispered as he pinned my arms over my head.

  He ran his nose along my neck, breathing me in before he let out a soft chuckle. “You’re the hottest girl on this campus and my fiancée. Do you know what I’m willing to do to keep you, Bianca?” He loomed over me again, his eyes locked on mine.

  “No,” I rasped.

  “I’d kill you just to keep you mine. That’s love, my little rat.”

  “That’s nuts,” I hissed. A tear managed to snake its way down my cheek.

  He leaned down and licked it. “Maybe, but you belong to me. Do we have a deal? If not, I’m just going to fuck you now. Maybe in your ass so you remember to not defy me.”

  I quivered beneath him, so many emotions raging through my body. I loathed him. I detested David and my mother for doing this to me. I despised Sergio and Marian for birthing such a disgusting piece of shit. I hated my father for leaving.

  I flinched as Hail shifted, capturing my wrists in one hand and moving his other hand beneath my skirt. He brushed his fingers against my panty line, his breathing heavy.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you say.” The words came tumbling out of my mouth. “Just give me time, Hail. Please.”

  He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips, releasing my wrists. When I didn’t kiss him back, his hand wrapped around my throat where he squeezed. I clawed at it as he cut off my air supply.

  “Understand this, Bianca. If I want to eat your pussy, I will. If I want my cock sucked, you’ll suck it. If I kiss you, you fucking kiss me back. If you don’t do what I want, I’ll fuck that tiny ass of yours so hard you’ll bleed, then I’ll let my friends fuck it too. Do you understand?”

  I wheezed out, clawing at his arms as his hand tightened on my neck.

  “You’d have a beautiful death,” he murmured as I struggled beneath him.

  He was nuts. Insane.

  “Answer me. Do you understand?”

  “Y-yes,” I rasped.

  He released me, and I coughed, gasping for air.

  “Good girl. I knew you’d fall in line.” He moved off me.

  I quickly slid across the bed and curled into a ball, my eyes burning as I struggled to fight off the tears of anger.

  “My poor, beautiful girl,” he murmured, caressing my hair.

  I didn’t dare flinch away.

  “I’ll be back later..” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my temple before getting to his feet and going to the door.

  I squeezed my eyes closed as the click of his departure echoed around me.

  Bolten was just as bad as home was. Maybe even worse.



  Thankfully, Hail didn’t come back that night. I managed to get my homework done before falling asleep. I didn’t bother with dinner, so when my stomach gave a growl while I strolled through the courtyard this morning, I winced. I hadn’t eaten in nearly twenty-four hours. Hunger pangs s
hot through me.

  I knew the cafeteria served some elaborate breakfast, but I opted for a vending machine. Quickly, I chose a breakfast bar and bent to retrieve it when I felt a hand on my ass. I snapped up, ready to punch someone, until I saw it was Hail. He smirked at me, an eyebrow raised.

  “Hello, rat,” he greeted me.

  I grunted a response.

  He snatched my breakfast bar out of my hand. “What’s this?”

  “Breakfast?” I made to reach for it, but he dangled it over my head. “Hail, please? I haven’t eaten. I’m shaking.”

  “Aww,” he teased, nothing joyful in the gesture. Only cruelty oozed from him. “Kiss me, and I’ll give it to you.”

  Frustrated, I leaned into him, but he pulled away a fraction.

  “Make it good,” his voice held a darkness to it, and something told me he’d put me to the ground in front of a hundred students while smiling.

  I shifted toward him again and pressed my lips to his. He lowered my breakfast bar and wrapped his arms around me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth. It may have even been a nice kiss if I didn’t think he was a disgusting pig. He deepened it to an embarrassing level, holding me close, before he bit my bottom lip, making me yelp softly, the tang of blood in my mouth.

  “So you remember,” he murmured, stepping back.


  “How could I forget?” I answered back, the taste of copper still in my mouth.

  “Where’s your ring?” The question came out of nowhere.

  I stared at him, openmouthed, before answering, “My room.”

  “Why the fuck isn’t it on your finger, Bianca?” He gripped my arm tightly, making me cry out.

  A few students glanced at us, but not long enough to offer me any help. Of course. Hail was a lord. And from what I’d gathered, they did what they wanted.

  He shook me hard. “Go get it. If I see it off your hand again, I’ll break your fucking fingers.”

  “Hey, there, Ivanov,” a deep voice called out.

  That accent. Hail stopped shaking me and looked to the newcomer.

  Dominic De Santis.

  His navy blazer hung open. His red tie was barely tied. He looked like a beautiful disaster standing in front of us in his uniform and messy, dark hair.

  “What the fuck do you want, De Santis?” Hail growled, his hold still tight on my arm.

  “Looked like you were about to break the new girl.” Dominic’s gaze swept over me, no sign of giving a shit in them.

  Maybe he hadn’t come to help.

  “What I do with my fiancée is none of your fucking business.” Hail yanked me to him.

  I grunted and stared at the ground.

  “Ah, so this is the beauty who’s blowing up our world,” Dominic said. “Heard the Lord of the Dance was marrying.”

  “Fuck you, De Santis,” Hail snapped.

  I bit my bottom lip to keep my laughter from escaping. Lord of the Dance. I cast a quick look at Dominic to see a smirk on his lips, a dark eyebrow lifted as he stared back at me.

  “What happened to Stella? She on the market again?”

  “You know she isn’t,” Hail spat.

  “Well, if you’re marrying a D’Angelou, I figured Stella would be up for grabs. I heard the lords’ ladies were trashy, but I’m willing to test the theory. Unless you want me to break in your future wife for you.”

  Hail released me and shoved Dominic in the chest. Dominic barely budged. I took a step back, not wanting to be involved in their fight.

  “Careful, Ivanov,” Dominic growled. “You know I don’t fuck around. If you want to go to war with me, then do it, pussy. But don’t push me by defending a piece of ass from the gutters who anyone here could fuck for twenty bucks. Do it over something worth it.”

  I glared at Dominic. He was just as much a prick as Hail. Any redeeming thoughts I may have had about him went out the window as those words fell from his lips. Dominic winked at me, making me grind my teeth.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Two others joined Dominic. Vincent Valentino and Levin Seeley. The rest of the kings.

  “Nothing.” Hail sneered.

  “Aw, what’s the matter?” the one I assumed was Levin asked, his blue eyes narrowed at Hail. “Your pansy ass bitches not here to fight with you?”

  “Fuck you, Seeley. We can go to war just as easily without them. They just clean up my messes.”

  Vincent snorted. “Because you’re sloppy like your father.”

  Hail’s nostrils flared.

  Vincent’s dark eyes moved to me, sending a flurry of butterflies through my stomach. “Who’s this? I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.”

  Hail glanced over at me. “Someone else you don’t fuck with, Valentino.”

  The kings laughed.

  “I say, I fuck with whoever I want.” Vincent chuckled, his eyes locked on me. “Even if it is your whore. We all know I’ve tasted Stella’s dank pussy.”

  Hail flew at Vincent, his right hook grazing off Vincent’s cheek. In a whirlwind of movement, Vincent advanced on Hail.

  “Chill! Fucking chill!” A guy grabbed Hail and dragged him back while another got between him and Vincent. The third guy stood in front of me, like he was shielding me.

  “Looks like your boys saved the day.” Levin chuckled softly.

  “They didn’t save shit,” Vincent growled. “You want to go to war, Ivanov? We can fucking do it.”

  I glanced fearfully among the guys. Hail’s cheeks were red, his chest heaving, as one of his friends held him back.

  “Fuck with what’s mine, and I’ll tear you apart one by one,” Hail threatened, jerking out of the hold he was under. “Don’t fucking force my hand. You know what you’d be up against.”

  Dominic smiled like they were having an easy conversation. “Is that a fact, Ivanov?”

  “It’s my fucking promise,” Hail spat, storming over to me and grabbing my arm.

  The kings stared at me. Something crossed Dominic’s face as our gazes locked.

  “Come at me again and see what the fuck happens.”

  “Guard what’s important to you, Ivanov.” Dominic’s eyes were still focused on mine. “Because I’m coming for all of it.”

  With a sharp jerk, Hail pulled me away, but not before Vincent called out, “Enjoy her while you can, Ivanov.”

  Fear iced over my blood. I cast a final peek over my shoulder to see the kings staring at me. Not Hail. Not the other three brutes. Me.

  And it did nothing to calm me.



  “Hail came to my room last night.”

  I glanced over at Stella sitting primly in a desk near mine as she flipped her long, brown hair behind her shoulder and smiled smugly at Ivy and Vanessa, two bitches I couldn’t stand. If I were counting bitches I couldn’t stand, Stella would be at the top of the list. All that bitch did was go on and on about Hail Ivanov and his family.

  The fact the asshole was engaged to Bianca and still fucking Stella only made me hate the lot of them more.

  Not that I gave a shit about Bianca D’Angelou. Quite the opposite, in fact. I’d gladly set her on fire just to piss on her ashes.

  I fucking hated the Ivanovs and D’Angelous. We always knew they were in bed together, but when my brother Stefan was murdered and dumped behind a De Santis club, we knew it had to be them. The autopsy said Stefan had a drug problem, specifically, heroine, and hadn’t cared where he got it or how he got it. That’s why he’d been murdered. The cops didn’t care. He was just one less future pain in the ass to deal with since our father was in thick with the De Santis family. The fact my Ivy League big brother would have gotten addicted to the shit still baffled me and pissed me off. He was a good person. One of the best. Stefan wasn’t like the rest of us. He had plans. He wanted to do good in his life. I loved him more than anything I’d ever loved in my life, and he was taken from me. He’d not once showed signs of an addiction. I refused to believe m
y brother was an addict. I firmly believed it was a setup and staged. That shit ate at my soul every single day of my fucked-up life.

  We didn’t have the proof the Ivanov clan was involved in Stefan’s death, but Sergio Ivanov was one of the biggest heroine pushers out there, and D’Angelou was in bed with him. So fuck them both straight to hell. Once I got hard evidence, I’d take them down, even if I did it alone.

  “Did you guys fuck?” Ivy giggled.

  “Of course we did. Hail says I’m the best he’s ever had.”

  “Everyone is talking about Bianca, though,” Vanessa said. “Have you heard the guys around here talking about her? You best be careful, Stel. She’s already got your man. She might just take the crown.”

  Stella glared at Vanessa who lifted her brows back at her.

  “What? It’s true. She’s all anyone wants. Even Dom has his eyes on her.”

  “Dominic isn’t so hard up for pussy that he’d fuck the trailer trash,” Stella said bitterly.

  “But Hail is?” Vanessa shook her head. Vanessa was a grade-A bitch, but I had to admire the way she talked shit to Stella.

  “Hail is only doing what his father is making him do. He doesn’t care about her. In fact, they don’t even have sex. She’s a prude who won’t put out. Hail said she wants to wait until marriage. Hail said their relationship is all for show, and I’m the one he wants. So we’re just going to keep seeing each other.”

  “Honey, she’s got the rock. All you’re ever going to be is his side chick.”

  “What’s your problem?” Stella demanded.

  “It’s not my problem. It’s yours,” Vanessa volleyed. “Hail is no prince charming, and if you think he is, you’re delusional.”

  “Whatever. You’re just jealous he wants me and not you.”

  Vanessa scoffed as Ivy glanced nervously between them. Blair frowned down at her nails as she picked at them.

  I rolled my eyes at their drama. That was one of the reasons why I only fucked chicks and never kept them around. They were all trouble, and I had enough of that in my life.


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