Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business)

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Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business) Page 3

by Trisha Grace

  Hayley blinked and turned away from the mirror as tears fell. She grabbed a tissue from the vanity counter and dabbed at the tears. Don’t ruin your makeup.

  Hayley threw the tissue into the bin under the counter and pressed her palms against the edge of the vanity. “Lord,” she said while staring at the white porcelain sink. She couldn’t stand looking at herself in the mirror. “I need you to show me that you love me today.” She closed her eyes, refusing to let another tear escape. “Please.”

  After several deep breaths, she looked into the mirror and forced a smile. “I’m beautiful.” She sighed and another tear fell. She pulled another tissue and wiped it away, then forced another smile.

  “I’m a child of God. I’m the apple of God’s eye. I’m His beloved. He loves me just the way I am. He loves me so much He sent His Son to die for me.” She closed her eyes again and focused on the scenes of The Passion. “That’s how much He loves me.”

  With a deep breath, she smiled in the mirror. “Let the show begin.” She strode out into her room and pulled on her dress. I’m Hayley Espel Nicholson. Supportive wife to her husband—albeit the worst husband anyone could have—Julian Nicholson. She pushed away the thoughts of Julian with Charlene, of Julian’s disgust at seeing her in her lingerie, and of Julian’s blatant disdain of her as a human being.

  She took out her phone and texted Leanne. I want to learn how to drive. Frank had offered to teach her, but Hayley never saw the need. She’d been chauffeured about her whole life. What was Desmond going to do if she started driving on her own?

  She’d figure that out when the time came.

  For now, she’d learn to drive. Her first step toward leaving. The first step toward living a life on her own terms, a life of her own choosing. Feeling more optimistic, Hayley strode out of the bedroom and into the hall.

  Julian sighed at the sight of her, then strode toward the door.

  I look amazing, Hayley said in her mind. No matter what others think.

  “The dress looks good on you, Mrs. Nicholson.”

  Hayley turned at Doreen’s words, then threw her arms around the maid and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, Doreen.”

  Doreen gasped, then laughed softly. “You’re welcome, Mrs. Nicholson.”

  Thank you, Lord. With a brighter smile, she headed out after Julian before he came back in to bite her head off again.

  She spent the ride in the car glued to the door on one side while Julian remained on the opposite end of the seat. She texted Leanne the whole time as they made plans about when they could start the driving lessons.

  In between texting, Hayley tried to come up with a plan on where to go from here.

  She would need a place to stay. The Casas’? Or she could always stay with Leanne. Hayley had shared an apartment with Leanne in college. It would be like old times.

  When the rented limousine pulled up in front of the company building, Hayley dropped her phone into her purse and took a deep breath. Just play your role. She’d done this her whole life. Smile and be sweet.

  Everything else would have to wait until after the party.

  Julian stepped out of the car, and she got out when the driver opened the door on her side. She wasn’t sure why Julian didn’t just use her driver. Maybe this was another way of telling her that he wanted nothing to do with her.

  Tuning out those thoughts, she glanced up at the metal skyscraper. Images of what she’d seen here on the previous afternoon flashed like bright neon lights in her mind, and she recoiled when Julian held out his arm.

  One month. One month was all it took for him to tear down her naive thoughts on love.

  A startling realization hit her.

  The Julian she’d thought she was marrying was only a figment of her imagination. Between her mother’s words and what Hayley had read and seen on interviews, she’d come up with an idealistic Prince Charming in her head. She’d convinced herself over the years that marrying Julian was meant to be, that they would be like characters in the movies she’d seen and books she’d read.

  She was right where she was because she’d been stupid and naive. Oh, help me, Lord.

  Julian cleared his throat and frowned at her.

  Hayley put her hand in the crook of his elbow and smiled up at him despite the thoughts swirling in her mind.

  They entered the building in silence and took the elevator up to the eighth floor.

  Hayley had never been to this level before. She hadn’t been in much of the office area. Judging from the pool table, the various game consoles, and the three massage chairs, she supposed it was a recreation room of sorts. Whoever was in charge had decorated the place with disco balls and set up long tables of food and drinks.

  She and Julian were all smiles as they entered the party. Julian led her around, greeting the staff and introducing her to a few. To the rest of the world, they would look like a blissful couple.

  Julian’s hand was on her back, and sometimes he would hook his hand around her waist. Hayley would laugh at everyone’s jokes, and she turned to Julian and put a hand on his chest every now and then.

  They posed for photos with everyone who asked.

  Through it all, every touch from Julian felt like a cut to her heart. His hand burned, and she had to fight the impulse to slap his hand away from her or to pull away and run in the opposite direction. All of that came to a crescendo when she came face to face with Charlene.

  “You look beautiful, Mrs. Nicholson.”

  So many people had told her that tonight, which wasn’t unusual. It was just something polite to say, and she’d never paid much attention to them.

  But tonight, she’d carefully wrapped up the compliments and put them into a box in her heart because she needed them. She didn’t care if they were only being polite. It still warmed her heart to hear the compliments.

  Getting it from Charlene, however, was insulting. “So do you.”

  “Charlene.” Julian’s one word sounded like a warning.

  So he does have some sense after all. Or maybe he was just worried Hayley would make a scene by being inappropriate. Hayley beamed at Charlene. “Thanks for taking care of Julian while he’s at work.”

  Just a few days ago, Hayley had held on to the thought that she’d married the man of her dreams. They just needed time to find out how good they were together. Now, she’d come to the conclusion that she’d made the worst mistake of her life.

  This gives you a choice. You can leave, Leanne’s voice sounded in her head.

  “Of course.” Charlene had the audacity to wink at Julian, and Hayley thanked God for the strength to smile through it.

  Hayley remained where she was, smiling but not saying a word or moving away. Julian put a hand on her back as he tried to lead her away, but she stood rooted. If someone had to move, it would be Charlene.

  Hayley might not be attractive in Julian’s eyes. She might not be able to handle getting her own dress, but she’d been brought up as an heiress. She knew how to play her role well, knew how to exert pressure and pull rank when needed.

  Charlene began to fidget, then waved at someone and excused herself after a while.


  “Excuse me.” She moved away from Julian without a glance at him, sighing the moment his burning hand ceased to be in contact with her back. She wasn’t going to stick around to hear how inappropriate she was being.

  She headed toward the bathroom. The greater the distance she put between Julian and herself, the easier it was for Hayley to breathe.

  Turning the corner, she knocked right into someone’s chest.

  She gasped, then her eyes widened in recognition at the familiar face.

  “Hayley!” Nigel Timms, her college friend, opened his arms, and Hayley jumped forward.

  Gosh, it felt so good to be held. I’m pathetic. Hayley pulled back and grinned at Nigel. She was so relieved to see a friendly face. “How are you doing?”

  “Living the good life, boss.”
  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not your boss.”

  “Yeah, your husband is.” Nigel looked around. “Maybe I shouldn’t be caught alone with you.” He took a step back. “I don’t want to be fired because my boss got jealous.”

  Jealous. She wondered what it would be like to have someone jealous over her. Hayley inhaled through her nose and laughed through the ache in her heart. “It’s so nice to see you.” For the first time since stepping into the party, she’d said something she truly meant.

  “It’s my handsome face, isn’t it?” Nigel looked over his shoulder again and lowered his volume. “I’ve always thought I was better looking than Mr. Nicholson.”

  She laughed again. “Oh, Nigel. Thank you.” Nigel had always been the life of the party, and he’d always been able to make her laugh. Hayley hugged him again before turning to head back to the party.

  “Weren’t you heading to the bathroom?”

  “I needed to get some fresh air—”

  “And you thought you’d find that in the bathroom?”

  She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed this much. “You’ve made me feel much better.”

  Nigel trailed her. “Hayley, is everything okay?”

  She turned back to him. “Introduce some of your friends to me. I don’t want to be talking to the boring management all day.”

  “Boss, I am in management. Middle management, but still management.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Then introduce people who are as funny as you are. Your friends, not just colleagues.”

  “I can do that.” He draped his arm around her shoulders. “Come on. Let me show you around.”

  Julian’s eyes narrowed as he watched Hayley stroll back to the party with the arm of Blondie draped over her shoulders. She’d walked away without a glance back at him, and now she was flirting with one of his employees.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Colin slapped a hand against Julian’s chest.

  Julian looked down at Colin’s hand, then glared at his best friend because he wasn’t sure how else he should react. He didn’t even know he was making his way over to Hayley.

  For what? He wasn’t sure and he didn’t care.

  There was only one thing he wanted an answer to right now. “Who’s that?”

  Colin dropped his hand. “Nigel Timms.”

  “And why does Nigel think it’s okay for him to behave that way with Hayley?”

  Colin laughed. “What? For friends to be casual around each other?” He grinned when Julian frowned. “They were friends in college.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I saw them talking at the wedding and I asked.” Colin’s eyes roamed his face. “What’s wrong with you? You’re not jealous, are you?”

  He snorted, something he never did. “Hayley doesn’t seem to understand what is appropriate and what isn’t.”

  “She handled herself very well with Charlene.”

  Julian shot another glare at Colin. Though he’d decided he would charm Hayley into falling for him so he could turn the tables on her, he decided he wasn't going to start until enough time had passed after the Charlene-incident. He didn't want to start out on the losing end by letting Hayley think he was apologetic.

  He wasn’t, and he needed to hold all the power in this marriage.

  He frowned when her lighthearted laughter drifted back to him. “She was getting all giddy because people told her she looked beautiful in her dress.”

  “She looks great. The dress really—” Colin gave Hayley a scan, his eyes drifting lower until he seemed to finally notice Julian’s death glare.

  Colin raised his hands in peace.

  Hayley did look amazing, and Julian couldn't help but let his gaze linger on her.

  He shifted uncomfortably as images of Hayley in her incredibly sexy lingerie once again plagued his mind. “They were just being polite. I can’t believe she’s so naive.”

  “Are you annoyed that people are telling her she’s beautiful or that you’re not the one telling her that?”

  Julian forced himself to release his locked jaws. “Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you?”

  “Right back at you. Second thoughts on proving how wrong your parents were?”

  “Don’t be stupid. She isn’t my type. She’s so meek and submissive.” Except when she wasn’t. Julian had been stunned when she talked back to him. His brain was already all jumbled up from seeing her in lingerie, and it had taken everything in him to remain rooted in the doorway.

  His mind had screamed at him to take her. She was already his wife anyway. He was still battling those asinine thoughts when she’d tried to storm past him and show herself to the rest of the staff in the penthouse.

  He couldn’t allow that. He didn’t want anyone else seeing her in her lingerie.

  He stretched his neck as his body once again reacted to the image of Hayley in her lingerie. Lust. That was the problem with him. He hadn’t had sex since getting married. After Hayley had walked in on him and Charlene, he just couldn’t bring himself to continue where they left off.

  Julian turned his attention back toward Hayley when he heard her laughing again. He clenched his teeth as he spotted Nigel—still with his arm around Hayley.

  Had she forgotten she was married? Why was she letting someone touch her like that? And what was she laughing about? He never heard her laugh like that.

  Julian took a step forward.

  “Don’t do anything you’d regret,” Colin said.

  Julian had forgotten Colin was standing beside him. “This party is boring. I’m leaving.” He’d never bothered to stay too long at such informal company gatherings anyway.

  The party was being thrown to reward the staff for having completed a major acquisition that Julian had been vying for with several other firms. The best way for the staff to enjoy the party was for him to leave.

  He’d never stayed for such a short amount of time either. But it definitely has nothing to do with Blondie’s arm around Hayley.

  “Right,” Colin said.

  Julian ignored Colin and strode over to Hayley. Everyone turned toward him when he came up next to her, and he eyed the arm around her shoulder.

  Nigel calmly removed his arm from Hayley’s shoulders as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Julian, this is Nigel. He’s a good friend from college.”

  “We’re leaving.”

  “Already?” She looked back at the guys around her. “They said there would be games, and Nigel’s the game master. He’s always good at coming up with games.”

  And how did she know that? Julian swallowed that question. “We’re leaving.”


  Why? He almost yelled at her in front of everyone. One night out and she thought she had the right to demand explanations from him? Julian would have to set her straight. But for now, he didn’t want to cause a scene. “I have an early meeting.”

  “Oh.” She turned to Nigel and pouted.

  You’ve got to be kidding. Why the hell was she pretending to be all adorable to Nigel? Was she trying to make him jealous?

  Julian looked away. Of course that was what she was doing, and he’d played right into her game. Women. This was payback for Charlene. “You know what? Why don’t you stay and have fun?”

  “Don’t be silly. How inappropriate it would be for me to be out having fun on my own.” She waved at the guys around her and gave Nigel a hug. “Don’t be a stranger.” Then she put her hand on Julian’s arm, and they headed out together.

  Once the elevator door closed, Julian pulled his arm away from Hayley. “You do not question me—especially not in front of my staff. Do you understand?”

  She smiled at him, but otherwise said nothing.

  “Answer my question.”

  “Or what? You’ll hit me?” She arched a brow as if she was daring him to do so.

  Who was the person standing in front of him? “I would never do that.”

  She turned away from him and stared at her reflection in the silver door.

  “Admiring yourself?”

  “I do look amazing in this dress. I’m taking this with me.”

  Julian shook his head. “You’re incoherent. Are you drunk?” She’d held on to her glass of wine the whole time, but he hadn’t noticed her taking a single sip.

  Her lips curled into a wide smile—one so genuine that it made him realize how forced all her other smiles were. “Actually, I think I’ve never been this clearheaded in my life.”

  Julian frowned and lifted his hand to her forehead. She flinched from his touch. “What’s wrong with you?” Why did he feel as if the floor was about to be snatched from under him?

  “Everything. For you, at least.”


  She beamed when the elevator door opened, and headed out with almost a bounce in her step.

  What was wrong with this woman?

  Neither said a word to the other as they got into the car. Julian glanced over at Hayley several times, but she was determined to study the passing scenery. The street lights caught her face just right at certain moments, and he noticed her relaxed smile in the reflection.

  That smile worried him, and Julian couldn’t help but feel everything was about to change.

  A bright light in the corner of his eye made him turn back to the window on his side of the car. Then all he heard was a loud honk before his world plunged into darkness.

  Chapter Four


  “Leanne.” Hayley would recognize her best friend’s voice anywhere. She opened her eyes, then cringed as she tried to push herself off the bed. “Where am I?” Why was Leanne in her room?

  No. Hayley wasn’t in her room. Everything was wrong. The white lights. The smell. The feel of the sheets under her. The smell … A shiver reverberated through her. Why is it so cold?

  “You’re in the hospital,” Leanne said. “You don’t remember what happened?”

  Hayley forced her eyes open and scanned the room filled with flowers and balloons. “Whoa.” Her head spun at the colors. The bright red, orange, and yellow made her head throb.


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