Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business)

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Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business) Page 9

by Trisha Grace

  She licked her lips. “Julian never told you why?”

  “I don’t think he knows.”

  “Does he know how his mother died?”

  Colin nodded. “You think that’s the reason for the falling out?”

  “His mother and my mother were best friends. I think my parents blame Julian’s father for her death.”

  “Then why did they still want you to marry Julian?”

  “My mother wanted to honor her promise to Julian’s mother, and I guess his father just saw it as a chance to gain control of the company.”

  “Are you okay?”

  She arched a brow, and Colin jerked his chin toward her neck. “I’m fine,” she said and dropped her hand. “Other than the politics, I hope everything is running smoothly at the office.” She’d wanted to drop by a couple of times to assure the staff that all was well, but she dreaded the thought of seeing Charlene.

  “It is.”

  “Thanks for taking care of everything.”

  “It’d be great if you show up with me. I think it’d help lay to rest the rumor of Julian getting kicked out as CEO.”

  “No, thanks.”

  “I’ve dismissed Charlene.”

  Hayley arched a brow.

  “The weekend after you guys got back from the hospital.”


  “I want you to know you won’t run into her at the company.”

  She gazed back at Colin for a moment before continuing, “Thank you.”

  “So,” he drummed his fingers against the dining table, “why didn’t you want to tell Julian about the truck driver? I’m sure he’d want to know someone’s harassing his wife.”

  That would be true if she was a wife he actually cared about. “Colin, you and Julian are best friends, right?”

  Colin nodded slowly, as if it was a trick question.

  “Then you should know that I’m nothing more than a secretary to him.”

  Colin started shaking his head, and he opened his mouth to say something.

  But Hayley interjected before Colin could say a word. “He wanted a second opinion, I arranged it. He needed someone to help him adjust to life, I arranged for that. I keep the household running and make sure everything is convenient for him.” She laughed once. “I’m not even as intimate with him as his secretary—ex-secretary—was.”

  “Hayley, nothing happened between Charlene and him.”

  She wanted to roll her eyes. Were all men like this? A code among men to lie for their friends? She settled for a small smile.

  “I’m serious. Yes, he’d had flings with his other secretaries, but none of them meant anything. Once he grew tired of them, he moved them to other departments. And it was all before his marriage to you.”

  “So his secretaries got paid and continued with life in the company with good pay and benefits.” She shook her head. “If you’re trying to make me feel better, it isn't working. I haven't been paid a single cent. In fact, I’ve paid and continue to pay for everything around here.” Since she knew nothing about Julian’s finances, she’d decided to use her own money.

  “Why isn’t Julian—”

  “I didn’t ask. He has enough things on his mind.” Julian had told her that she wasn’t to question him, and he hated her enough without her asking questions about simple things.

  “Is money tight? If you need money, I can help.”

  The money Leanne had set aside for her would run out soon, and Hayley was seriously considering selling her engagement ring. It was either that or tell Julian and face his disgust with her inability to handle simple finances.

  No. She’d find a way. “It isn't about the money. I was just making a point.”

  Except a normal job wouldn’t pay enough to keep the team of professionals she’d hired for Julian’s recovery.


  She waved it off. “Let’s talk about something else.” Despite her decision to leave, anything regarding Julian still made her heart ache. Her heart couldn’t seem to understand that she’d set her mind on getting an annulment. Soon, she would have nothing to do with Julian.

  “Do you want to stay for dinner tonight?” She always asked Colin to stay for dinner, but he’d always turned her down.

  “Yeah, why not,” he said after a moment.

  “I’ll inform Anita.”

  “What are we having?”

  “I have no idea. Something healthy, I’m sure. I won’t be here for dinner.”

  “You asked me to stay for dinner, and you won’t be here?”

  She laughed softly. “It was just the polite thing to ask.”

  “So you never meant for me to have dinner here.”

  “I don’t mind if you choose to have dinner here.” She tipped her head to the side and studied Colin for a moment. “Actually, I think I’d enjoy your company.”

  Dinners with Julian were quieter than ever, mainly because Hayley had given up trying to get him to talk to her. What was the point? She’d given up on the marriage. There was no reason for her to try and make things work with him.

  It was probably a relief to Julian that she’d finally decided to shut her mouth.

  Besides, meals at the penthouse were no longer to her taste. It wasn’t their in-house chef’s fault. Anita was merely following the nutritionist’s meal plans that were supposed to aid in Julian’s recovery. Nowadays, she just ate as quickly as she could so she didn’t have to remain at the dining table a second longer than required.

  “Then stay,” Colin said.

  “I can’t.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Cell group meeting.”


  “Gathering with my church friends.”

  “Is that like a once-in-ten-years reunion?”

  She grinned. “No.”

  “Then cancel it. I’m actually staying for dinner.” He smirked. “Colin Wells. CFO of Espel and Nicholson Holdings.”

  Hayley couldn’t help laughing. Yes, she would enjoy having dinner with Colin. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or don’t want to?”

  “I don’t want to. They are my friends, my mentors, my support. It’s where I go to recharge.”

  The smirk melted off Colin. “Then you should go.”

  “I hate missing dinner with Mr. Colin Wells, though. How about we do this tomorrow? Would you grace me with your presence then, Mr. Wells?”

  “For you, of course.”

  Were they flirting? It felt like it.

  But what did she know about flirting? Besides, there was no way Colin would flirt with her. Colin and Julian were best friends.

  Hayley looked away, and her gaze landed on the white envelope.

  “Aren’t you going to open that?”

  She opened the envelope and pulled out another I-miss-you card. This time, the message within was ‘I’ll see you soon.’ She frowned.

  “I’d ask if you’re having an affair, but from the way you’re frowning …”

  “Affair? Oh, this?” She looked at the front of the card. “I have no idea who’s missing me, and the messages are baffling.”

  “Are? This isn’t the only card you’ve received?”

  She nodded. “This is the second. The first one says ‘I’m back.’ This says ‘I’ll see you soon.’” She turned the card so he could read it.

  “‘I’m back’? Sounds like an ex-boyfriend.”

  “I don’t have an ex-boyfriend.” Who could be sending these cards to her?

  “You don’t have an ex-boyfriend? As in Julian is your first boyfriend?”

  “Julian was never my boyfriend.” She didn’t want to elaborate further. Her friends had encouraged her to date, to see more guys before marrying Julian. She didn’t see the point. She was meant to be with Julian. What was the point of dating?

  She’d always been convinced she was doing the right thing. Now she just felt foolish—utterly foolish.

  Colin seemed to get that she didn’t want to continu
e on that subject as well. “Is there someone from your past who left?”

  “I have a lot of classmates who went abroad, who are still traveling. But none of them would send me something so cryptic. They would at least sign their name. What’s the point of sending the cards without a name?”

  “To give you a surprise.” Colin brought the coffee to his lips. “Whoever it is probably wants you to be thinking about nothing but this.”

  A sudden chill took her.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  Thinking about nothing but this. Those hadn’t been the exact words spoken to her, but it was similar enough to jolt her memory—a memory she’d buried so deep she thought she’d forgotten. “I have to go.”

  She snatched the envelope off the table. “Doreen, get my bag.”

  “Hayley, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said. “I’m sure it’s nothing.” Of course it was nothing. She was just reacting out of fear from the unwelcome memory that had popped into her mind. “But I have to go.” She took her bag from Doreen and headed over to the elevator.

  Julian watched Hayley dash toward the elevator, leaving behind a seemingly concerned Colin. “What did you do to her?” He wheeled himself over to his best friend.

  Colin continued staring at the closed elevator doors. “I don't know.” His brows drew together. “It must’ve been something I said, but I don’t think I said anything wrong.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “We were talking about the cards she received, then she suddenly looked as if she’d seen a ghost.”

  “What cards? What ghost?”

  “The I-miss-you cards.”

  “I-miss-you cards?”

  “The cards she … You don't know, do you?”

  “Who’s been sending her I-miss-you cards? Doesn’t that guy know she’s married?”

  Colin stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black pants and strode back to the dining table. “Of course you didn't know.”


  His best friend nodded and sat. “I’ll tell you everything. For now, call your driver and tell him to keep an eye on her.”

  “He’s her driver.” Julian hadn’t taken her car, not even once. If he needed someone to drive them, he hired a limousine, so he didn’t have her driver’s number. He didn’t even know his name.

  Even if Julian had the number, he wouldn’t want to call him. Did he really want to know where she was going and who she was meeting every Friday night?

  She always seemed excited to leave and was always in a great mood whenever she got home.

  At first, he’d found himself in a lighter mood as if her joy was infectious. But now, he couldn't help but worry. Though she’d assured everyone that he would be up and walking around soon, the doctors had all said otherwise. He hadn't been the best husband to her either. Who was to—

  “Julian.” Colin shook his shoulder. “Did you hear what I said? I don't think she’s going to meet her church friends, not after running out like that.”

  “Church friends?”

  “Some cell group meeting. I thought it was some kind of voluntary prison work.” Colin shrugged it off. “Forget it. I’m sure it’s nothing much. I’ll call and check in on her later.”

  That was when Julian realized he didn't even have Hayley’s number. “Why do you have her number?”

  “I have to keep her updated with what’s going on at work. When your father tries something with the directors, Hayley makes sure she puts a stop to it.”

  He frowned. “How come you never said anything about that?”

  “She wanted you to focus on your recovery instead of worrying about work.” Colin sipped on his coffee. “Do you think she just sits out here and wait while you’re with your specialists?” He took his phone out and tapped into his call schedules before sliding the phone across the table to Julian. “She takes the time to get updates on the company. And do you know why she does that?”

  Julian didn’t.

  “So she won’t look like a bimbo and embarrass you when she meets with the board of directors to assure them that you’re perfectly healthy and well on your way to walking and being back in the office again. And did you even go through half the research papers she prepared for you? I bet it was just a waste of my ink and paper and a waste of my time bringing them here.”

  “Your ink and paper.”

  “Yes, because you’ve made it clear to her that you didn’t want her in your study, so she asked if she could use my printer instead. Then, since she isn’t allowed in your study, she asked me to put the printed materials in there.”

  “She could’ve just emailed them to me.”

  “She didn’t have your email, and she doubted you would open the email once you saw who it was from. And I somehow just scared the hell out of her.” Colin’s eyes slid to the side. “But she was already rather pale when I got here.”

  Julian’s eyes narrowed. “You notice a lot of things about my wife.”

  Colin laughed. “So you do know she’s your wife.” He looked over at Doreen when she came back with Julian’s coffee. “Is Mrs. Nicholson feeling all right? Is she sick?”

  “Miss Hayley?” Doreen shook her head, but she did it so hurriedly Julian suspected she was lying.

  And why had the staff switched to calling Hayley ‘Miss Hayley’ instead of ‘Mrs. Nicholson’? “Did Mrs. Nicholson say she wasn’t feeling well?” Julian noticed she was still in pain, but she seemed to be getting better. While she’d left him alone for most of his sessions, she was always there with him during his physiotherapy now that he was starting to work on his legs.

  “She was looking a little pale,” Colin added.

  Julian thought about it. Actually, she did. “Is Mrs. Nicholson ill?” he asked Doreen.

  “No, Mr. Nicholson.” Doreen excused herself and almost ran out of the room.

  “Why wouldn’t she say something if she wasn’t feeling well?”

  Colin laughed once. “Because Mrs. Nicholson thinks you don’t care.”

  “You two seem to get along very well these days.”

  Colin rubbed a hand over his mouth. “Have you ever asked her how she was doing? If she’s having trouble with anything?”

  “She’s here all the time.” Except on Friday nights. “What’s there to ask?”

  Colin shook his head. “You’re really a selfish jerk, you know that? I didn’t want to say anything after your accident since you were moping.”


  “Yeah. That was what you did. But seriously, there’s only so long you are entitled to be self-obsessed.”

  “I’m not self-obsessed. I know she’s still hurting over her injuries from the accident, but she seemed a lot better. And I’ve been busy.”

  “So has she.” Colin sighed and leaned back in the chair. “She didn't want me to tell you this, but I think you should know. The truck driver who drove into you guys ambushed her outside the building.”

  “What was she doing outside the building?”

  “Julian, have you actually tried talking to your wife?” Colin shook his head. “When is the appropriate amount of time before I can ask a divorced woman out?”

  Julian frowned at the sudden change of topic.

  “When you guys are divorced, I’m asking her out.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? We’re not getting a divorce. Stop having stupid thoughts about my wife.”

  “Wife? She’s worse off than your secretaries.”

  “Colin, stop jumping all over the place. What has Hayley got to do with being my secretary?”

  “Your secretary gets paid. She doesn’t. No benefits, and she’s the one paying for everything around here.”

  “What are you …” The staff’s wages and utility bills were due, and the specialists she’d hired probably cost quite a bit. Julian hadn’t thought about that. Money wasn’t an issue. She should’ve just said something. “So she complained to you inste
ad of telling me.”

  “She wasn’t complaining. I was trying to convince her that nothing happened between you and Charlene and I digressed. It was my fault.” Colin rubbed a hand down his black pants. “Point is, you need to start stepping up unless you really want the divorce she offered.”

  “Why do you keep talking about divorce? Did she say something to you?”

  Colin’s shot him an are-you-kidding glare. “Have you forgotten what she said to you in the hospital?”

  “She never said anything in the hospital.”

  “Her present for you, something to motivate you to get back on your feet. She’ll give you an annulment when you’re up on your feet.” Colin snapped his fingers. “Right, annulment. Not divorce. My bad.”

  Julian cursed. Hayley did say that.

  “I see you’re no longer insistent about proving to your parents that the marriage was a mistake.”

  “She just said it in a fit of anger. She didn’t mean it.” She wouldn’t have done so much for him if she did. “She just told her father that she’ll stand by me no matter what.” And that happened only yesterday.

  He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. He had wheeled himself out of the room to get a glass of water when he overheard her conversation with her father.

  “Well, she certainly doesn’t see herself as your wife.”

  “Did she tell you that specifically? Because she told her father specifically that she’ll stand by me no matter what.”

  “And she told me that she’s nothing more than a secretary to you.”

  Secretary? Well, she had been more efficient than any of his secretaries. Hayley had gone on ahead to set up everything for him while he was still … while he was still moping.

  Colin pulled out his phone from his suit jacket and started tapping on the screen.

  “Are you texting her?”

  Colin pushed the black file over to him. “Awaiting your final decision on whether we’re going ahead with the acquisition.”

  Julian didn't bother to look at the file. “You haven't told me about the cards she’s received.”

  “One came with the words ‘I’m back’ while the one she just got had the words ‘I’ll see you soon.’”


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