Stolen Warriors

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Stolen Warriors Page 2

by S. Dalambakis

  All of us go back to watching this female. Her song ends and she stands in the middle of the bar, chest heaving, with this wicked smile on her face. She glances around the room, places her violin back on her shoulder and starts to play another song. I wait until I can feel the magic in the air again before letting my guard drop. I want to see if I can get a read on what type of spell she’s casting.

  I feel the rush of her magic licking at my body, like a soft caress, waiting for it to take hold, but surprisingly it doesn’t. That can only mean one thing. She’s mine as well. You can’t use your magic against your mate. If Obsidian was pissed before, I’m about to make it worse.


  I was drawn to this female from the moment I walked into this bar. I didn’t even want to come tonight, but something kept nagging at me to come here, and it goes by the name of Stolas. When I walked in my eyes immediately sought her out. I didn’t know why, until she came over to the table. The second I scented her, I knew. She’s mine. It takes everything I have not to go over to her and claim her. I don’t want her dancing for anyone else’s eyes but my own. Well, apparently Stolas’ too. I growl internally.

  I could feel the magic from the moment she started playing. I was waiting for it to take a hold of me, but it doesn’t. It made me curious at first, but when she walked over by our table I knew. I knew why it wasn’t working against me. Magic doesn’t work against mates. Now, I sit here wondering what the hell she is up to. Why does she need to spell everyone in here? What is she after? Verkor shifting in his seat beside me, draws my attention.

  “I drew back my magic, trying to get a feel for hers, and it doesn’t affect me. That can only mean one thing,” he trails off.

  “She’s your mate too,” Stolas finishes.

  Great another one. I cross my arms over my chest. I don’t like this. I don’t want to share.

  “Funny, how it’s us three fated to have the same mate. We already work together, we’re friends, and spend most of our time around each other. This just makes this part of our lives simplified,” Stolas states. He has a point, but I don’t have to like it.

  “Now, we have to decide what we’re going to do.”

  “What do you mean, Verkor? We take what’s ours,” I growl.

  “Oh, on that I agree. What I mean is that she is clearly doing this for a reason. The question is, do we play along, help her, or thwart her plans?”

  “I say we wait and see what she plans to do before we make any decisions. I mean we can be her muscle, because I for one, am not letting anything happen to her,” Stolas expresses.

  “That’s a given.”

  I don’t care what we do as long as I can get her beneath me. I want to claim her in the worst way. It should be a crime the way she moves her body, but I want to feel that body move against mine, naked, sweating, panting, and begging me for more. I shift in my seat as I see a demon walk up to her.

  “Guys,” I warn. She shakes her head at the demon, refusing whatever he is asking. He steps toward her, and she stops playing.

  “I said no. Now, be a good little demon and go sit the fuck back down,” she growls. The demon cocks his head to the side.

  “But... I want you.”

  I make a move to get out of my seat, but her sigh and her quick reflexes stop me. Before I can blink, she pulls a dagger from a sheath that is strapped to her thigh and has the blade pressed into the demons neck.

  “Take one more step, make one more move toward me, and this dagger will end up wedged in your black heart. Now, leave this fucking bar before I kill you.” The demon nods and rushes out the door. The female places the dagger back in its holder, the violin back on her shoulder, and continues to play, like nothing happened.

  “I didn’t see that knife when she was over here dancing,” Verkor says.

  “I think I’m in love,” Stolas states, just a little too breathlessly. Though, I can’t blame him, because I have to adjust the erection in my pants from watching her handle that demon.

  “One thing is for sure, don’t underestimate our mate.”

  I see them nod their heads out of the corner of my eyes. We wait and watch as she finishes the song. She glances around the bar, seemingly happy with what she sees. Her eyes lock on ours. She smiles and makes her way over to our table. She pulls out a chair across from us, moving her dress slightly, flashing us more of her creamy thighs, before she takes a seat, placing her bow and violin on the table but off to the side.

  “Good evening, gentlemen.”

  Shit, do we say something, or act like mindless zombies? I don’t get a chance to dwell on it for too long because Stolas answers her.

  “Good evening.” She gives him this huge smile.

  “I’ve been waiting for you boys for weeks now.” Oh baby, we are most definitely not boys. “You guys may have, or at the very least, know where I can find something. I’ve been searching for it recently, and my last lead, leads to you. I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me where I might be able to find a piece of a map.” She unsnaps a pocket on the front breast pocket of the navy blue corset she is wearing and pulls out a piece of a tan torn paper, placing it on the table in front of her. “It will look like this. I’m searching for the missing pieces, and I heard from a little birdy that you three might just know where a piece of it is.”

  “There’s nothin on there,” Stolas states.

  “How can you or we be sure it’s a map piece when it’s blank?” I question. The pink haired female cants her head to the side. Her eyebrows furrow while she regards me.

  “I don’t know what to tell you. For a few seconds after retrieving the piece, markings flared across the paper. But they were gone just as quickly. From the glimpse it looked like a map.”

  I stare at the blank, tan paper. That can’t really be it, can it? I’ve heard stories of a map that was torn into pieces and scattered across the realms, but there has never been any proof that it was really there. My mate can’t really have a piece of it in her hands? Verkor tenses next to me. He knows something.

  Chapter 2


  You gotta be fucking kidding me. Of all the things that my mate could want, it’s got to be a piece of that God, or hell, forsaken map. I’ve seen a glimpse of a tan paper that looks like the one she has. I couldn’t see what was on it. It’s been years. I have no idea if it’s still there, because the last time I saw it was back home, in the Winter Court of the faerie realm. I haven’t been there in years, so the chances that it’s still there are slim.

  “Why do you think we know where it is?” I question.

  “Because of the second part of the stupid ass poem. I didn’t know where to start looking, so I asked around. I was pointed in your direction. They said if anyone could help it would be you,” she answers back.

  “Tell me the poem, and I’ll let you know if I can help you or not.” She cocks her head to the side, a frown marring her face. I don’t think we’re acting like we’re supposed to. She sighs.

  “In the human realm is the first piece of the puzzle that you seek, in a house white, hidden in plain sight. Adventure and treasure await those brave enough to look, but be careful, for danger lurks. For one to succeed, all she would need is help and love in the form of her mates, which are three. Together they will change the realms for all to see.” She points to the first piece of the map. “From the human realm you must go, to a place covered in ice and snow. Dance with the king and you will see, not all appears as it seems. To get the treasure that you seek, you must show that you are not weak. For you may take a life, but do it with strife, and save more than just your pride.”

  All the muscles in my body tighten, as she finishes reciting the poem. The blood in my veins feel like ice. There is no mistaking that the place she’s talking about is the Winter Court of the faerie realm. I told myself that I wouldn’t go back, and I haven’t for years. The Winter Court holds horrible memories for me. Memories I don’t want to relive, things I’m not ready to

  “Why did you look for us? Why do you think we can help?” She doesn’t look happy with Obsidian questioning her. Her eyes widen in shock. She must have figured it out.

  “It didn’t work. You know what, never mind.” She grabs the piece of the map, shoving it back in her breast pocket, quickly picking up her violin as well. “I have to go.” She’s up, out of her seat in a blink, turning away from us.

  “Wait,” Stolas calls out. “Please, stay,” he begs her. “Let us explain.” She stops in her tracks, looking back over her shoulder. Something in the way Stolas looks at her, has her turning back toward us.

  “Fine, but you have two minutes to explain.”

  “We’re your mates, and your magic doesn’t affect us. Just like ours won’t affect you.”

  “Say what now?” A myriad of emotion crosses her face. “Holy shit. It can’t be. In the form of her mates, which are three,” she whispers. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, before opening them again, fixing us with her gaze. “I was just lucky when I got the first piece.”

  “What do you mean, and what is your name?” I ask.

  “Oh, yeah. I should probably introduce myself. I’m Finley. Finley Sullivan.”

  “Stolas Asmoday.”

  “Obsidian Variel.”

  “Verkor Eirwen.”

  “I know who you all are. I’ve heard a lot about your reputation, and I know what you are. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it’s because of all of that, they told me to come to you.”

  “Okay. What happened when you got the first piece? What do you mean you got lucky?”

  “Look, I didn’t buy too much stock into the last half of the first part of the poem. You know about the whole mates thing. I just wanted to know where the location of the pieces of the map are. But now, I think I was lucky getting out of there with my life.”

  “Explain,” Obsidian growls.

  “Is there somewhere else we can go and do this? The patrons of this bar will be coming around soon, and I would prefer not to be here.”

  I nod my head. “Your place or ours?”


  Like I would go to their place moments after they tell me that I’m their mate. Ha! They may think that I’m their mate, but they’re still gonna have to work for it. I’m not going to give in that easily. Who the hell am I kidding? I probably will. They are hot.

  “We’ll go to mine.”

  I check to make sure I have the first piece of the map, as well as my violin and bow. They follow me out of the bar and into the crowded cobblestone streets of the magic realm. The realm itself is a massive piece of land surrounded by water. Forest are still line the majority of the northern part of the land. The further south you go, the trees are non-existent. And the further south you go the worse the living conditions.

  We aren’t in the nicest part of the realm. If you go around seven blocks north of here, you’ll run into the better parts. The further out you go the better the area. It’s loosely populated, because those dwellings are built in the forest with miles separating them from their neighbors. Only the wealthiest of realm can afford those houses. Everything they have is bigger and better, their shops, buildings, bars, restaurants, dwellings. Everything is neat and clean. They have a protection ward around the wealthiest places. I only know because I was hired to retrieve an item for a wealthy warlock. Once I had the item and went to deliver it, I realized I couldn’t go past a certain point. I had to call the warlock so he could let me through the ward. They don’t want the poorest of the realm to infiltrate their areas.

  Here, most of the dwellings and buildings in this area have seen better days. They lay in tatters and ruins. The dwellings in this area are packed close together. Allies are overflowing with trash and vermin. Things are less than sanitary, but its home. It’s all I can afford. This street isn’t too bad. They’ve kept up most of the buildings. There are magic and herb shops. Places to get a psychic reading done. Plenty of restaurants and bars. Everywhere you turn there is a witch or warlock, putting on a magic show.

  I live here, so this is nothing new for me, but I’m not a witch. I have no special abilities or powers. It’s kind of depressing. I see all these magical things from actual magic, to people who shift into other animals. But I have none of that. I start to navigate my way through the throng of people when I feel a hand capture mine. I look behind me and see that Stolas has grabbed my hand.

  “Didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.” He gives me this megawatt smile.

  “Uh-huh,” I say, but I don’t pull my hand away.

  To be completely honest, I like the way his hand fits mine. I won’t be telling him that though. I tug him along behind me, assuming that Verkor and Obsidian are following him. I turn the corner, continuing our path. A few turns and a couple of streets later, we arrive at my place.

  “This is where you live?” Obsidian growls.

  “Yeah. What’s wrong with it?”

  “Do you really have to ask that?” he growls again.

  I look around, taking in my surroundings. I guess I can see where he is coming from. The concrete steps are broken, siding is falling off, and there are shingles missing from the roof. There’s a wooden board covering one window that the owner has yet to replace. The paint is chipped or gone from the window panes, handrails, and posts. Most of the wood is rotting, and you have to watch where you step on the porch because you’ll probably fall through. All the housing on my street looks like this. Half of the street lights are burned out or broken.

  The sound of glass clinking across the cobblestone alleyway is followed by a curse as a guy stumbles out, clearly drunk. I know I don’t exactly live in the best part of the magic realm, but beggars can’t be choosers. My dwelling is dilapidated, but I have a reputation and no one would dare cross or steal from me here. I mean, there was this one instance where someone thought because I was new to the area that they could steal from me. They learned real quick that isn’t the case. Let’s just say their body got up close and personal with my dagger.

  I look at Obsidian and shrug my shoulders. It’s not much, but it’s my place. It’s the best I can do right now, but I hope to change that soon. “Everyone knows better than try to steal from me.” I give him an evil smile. “I promise, you’ll be safe here. I’ll protect the big, bad hamrammr from harm,” I coo at him.

  Stolas burst out laughing, Verkor is smiling from ear to ear, and Obsidian has his arms crossed over his chest with a scowl on his face, which I’m sure is always there.

  “Oh, I would pay to see that,” Stolas says between laughing.

  “Hey.” I poke him in the ribs. “I would protect you guys too. Just because I’m short and a female doesn’t mean I can’t kick ass when I want to. I just hate trying to get blood out of everything when I’m done.” All of them fall silent. I stare in the eyes of each of them, registering the shock on their faces.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Verkor questions.

  “As a heart attack. Come on, we’re drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves.”

  They follow me into my dwelling. I give them a minute to have their look. The inside is far better than the outside. Though, the belongings on the inside were obtained by less than legal standards. I place my violin in the case that I left open on the table in the living room. I hear one of them inhale deeply.


  I turn to see Stolas and Obsidian walking through my dwelling, heading toward the back, where my bedroom is. I quickly walk in front of them, halting their progress.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?” I stretch my arms out, placing my hands on the doorframe of the hallway, blocking them.

  “Checking out the rest of your home,” Stolas says.

  “Why? The only other person that would be here is Izzy. Actually, she should be here.”

  “The only scents I’m picking up in here are from you and another female, which from what you said, I take to be Izzy. But, I want to ch
eck the rest of your place, just to be on the safe side,” Stolas replies.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Uh- huh, and that is the only reason?”

  “Of course not. I want to check the scents in your bedroom,” Obsidian says boldly.

  “Why, Obsidian? Want to see how recently I’ve had someone in my bed? Are you jealous at the thought of someone else’s hands running all over my naked body?” I watch as he clenches his fist as his sides, baring his teeth to me, and growling. Ooo, someone is not happy. I like it.

  “No one else will touch you but me,” he growls. Verkor and Stolas clear their throats. I smile. “No one else will touch you but us.”

  “He’s got that right,” Stolas says.

  “Indeed,” Verkor agrees.

  “Fine.” I step to the side. “Go ahead and sniff.” I walk over to the kitchen and busy myself with mixing a drink. When I finally venture up enough courage to turn around, I see Obsidian coming back from my bedroom. I knew that he wouldn’t find another scent in there other than mine, but he could have simply asked if I was seeing someone. Now, I wish I had been. It would serve him right, the nosey twit. “So, what did you find? Anything interesting?”

  “No. There was no other scent in your room beside yours.”

  I take a healthy drink from my cup before I speak again. “You could have just asked me, but since that was too hard for you, don’t expect me to show you any kind of respect when it’s your turn.” I chug the rest of my drink. “Now, let’s get this conversation over with so you all can leave, because quite frankly I’m over this and you.”


  I glare at Obsidian for continuing to go through with sniffing out the rest of her house, but at the same time, I’m no better than he is. I was going to go and sniff out her room with him, but I sensed a change in her when she headed us off. It made me change my mind, but Obsidian just couldn’t let it go and it may have just cost us everything.


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